Go Gray and Stay Out of the Fray

Go Gray and Stay Out of the Fray

March 14, 2017 Preparedness Privacy Survival Survival Tips Tech Preps 1

Go Gray and Stay Out of the Fray
Host: Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps “ Audio in player below!

Go Gray and Stay Out of the FrayThe need to go Gray is something all of us prepper’s want, however you might not have heard of going gray before.  Well let’s break it down to what going gray or what a gray man is. Quite simply he is one that does his best to avoid the spotlight. He loves his tacticool gear, his camo, big guns, big everything but wants to remain invisible! I cannot blame anyone when I started this, I wanted the tacticool stuff too. It is real appealing and they market it as such!

We find ourselves with broader heads on our shoulders and realize that not to be seen is one of the best things you can do for you and yours. I have many qualms with this concept, some good, some bad. This episode I go over some concerns I have with both and hopefully you can make a decision on your own.

The ability to hide in plain sight has a tremendous advantage when being a prepper.  In a government collapse or disaster those that stand out can be an easy target. I will talk about a little of the gear I would recommend, what you should think about in both fields, gray or not.

The term gray man refers back to when a simple gray man would not stand out in the crown. I think implementing something like this can really be beneficial to you and family. However you can do this without changing everything. You can also have more than one way to dress and more than one way to pack and multiple packs. We are prepper’s after all! So hopefully it will be a good show, enjoy it and questions are always welcome!
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One Response

  1. Joe says:

    I just downloaded the MP3 so haven’t heard it yet. IMO going gray becomes more critical as the disaster continues. Don’t look too well fed, wear loose fitting clothes to suggest you are not eating. Pay attention to your human waste, which is also a clue you are eating. In addition, your cooking has smells –some so strong a starving person could smell it a mile away perhaps. So, cook covered or in a well closed room or area. I will have to bug in, so this is a particular concern for me.

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