Describing Dystopia…

Describing Dystopia…

November 26, 2015 Books Survival Surviving Dystopia 0

Describing Dystopia…
D.J. Cooper “Surviving Dystopia

DystopiaOften times we plan for things yet we don’t know what it is we plan for…Why do we do the things we do to prepare.

In 1516 Sir Thomas Moore coined the word Utopia… in his book with the same name, he is describing a society possessing near perfect qualities…. Dystopia on the other hand is described as the opposite of that, often characterized by dehumanization, totalitarian governments, disasters or some other cataclysmic decline in society…

11-24-15 1984-cover-2-250x272George Orwell’s Dystopian novel 1984 was a classic example of such a society. But also looking to other media showing such, some form of change comes and with it society changes. The needs of the populace often times change from what we live in now to say a society that values water or food or other things. This may seem like dystopia to many when it is just life to those living it.

Many things happen in our lives and in the world we can’t always control…it could be anything from a minor setback, personal loss or even major catastrophes. Walking around thinking it won’t happen to me or the government will take care of me is a naive outlook at best.

7-14-15 419cQUmab-L._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_One of my favorite quotes I use on the show all the time is by Alfred Henry Lewis who said, “There are only 9 meals between mankind and anarchy.” This is a fact….3 days is all that represents… It is funny to me that people worry more about protecting their money than they do their families…they buy insurance, invest for retirement…yet don’t keep a candle in the house in case the power goes out.

So in discussing Dystopia, I thought it might be nice to take a few moments to delve into a few of these moments. In my book Dystopia: The Beginning of the End I speak of dystopia for our group, as well as some other media I would like to use as examples to discuss the things we might want to think about in preparing.
I’m also giving away signed copies of my book to the first three callers to call in and discuss with me to help others gain perspective a dystopia they prepare for.
Up Next week: Off the Grid!
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