To bug in, or not to bug in: that is the question!

To bug in, or not to bug in: that is the question!

October 7, 2017 Bugging Out Disaster Reality Check 0

To bug, or not to bug: that is the question.
Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below

To bug in, or not to bug in: that is the question!In this show, we discuss the hardest question many of us contend with. Whether to bug out and flee to the woods or bug in and defend our home.

We look at some of the pros and cons of both, things to think about, and questions you should ask yourself. Things to think about include getting rained on or mosquito bit is not fun. It’s not always greener down the road and you could put yourself in a worse situation than staying put if your Bug Out Location has already been looted and burned. When you are outside your home you are a target and a stranger. No one is going to be your friend or help you unless you have made pre-arranged contacts along your routes.

Listen to this broadcast or download “To bug in, or not to bug in: that is the question!” in this player!

We will be discussing your situation and how much do you have to lose. Your health and whether you and your family physically able to get up, strap on a backpack, walk out the door, and never come back. We will touch on your dependents and if you have small children or elderly who may not be able to travel. I will remind you the first rule of bugging out is leave early, leave early, leave early. Also, realize that your Bug Out Location should be close by, perhaps less than 50 miles. If you retreat is over 100 miles away that’s going to be a heck of a trip under duress.

Lastly, we will go over your destination, where are you heading, and what’s in between. We will discuss your locations and whether you are located in a major city or a rural area as well as what threats you recognize and what pushes your button that says, “Times Up, Time to go.” As a quick guide to help you I will be reading a simple YES/NO checklist to help you determine to stay or go.

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