Reality Check Bugging In or Bugging Out Pt 2

Reality Check Bugging In or Bugging Out Pt 2

October 14, 2017 Bugging Out Reality Check Survival Survival Tips 0

Bugging In or Bugging Out Pt 2
Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below!

Bugging In or Bugging Out Pt 2In this show, we continue the discussion, part 2 of the hardest question many of us contend with. On this episode of Reality Check I will be discussing some of the pros and cons of bugging out as well as the pros and cons of sheltering in place.

Listen to this broadcast or download “Bugging In or Bugging Out Pt 2” in this player!

Last week we discussed the first rule of bugging out and why it is important to always be ready. We discussed some ideas that you should think about in your bug out plan and then some very specific questions to ask yourself about your situation, health, dependents, location, applicable threats, and destination.

Some of the cons of leaving are: being outside sucks, it is not always greener, once outside you are a target, a vehicle breaking down or you getting hurt could be a death sentence. Some of the cons of staying put are: friends, family, and neighbors know where you are and will come looking for help, limited opportunity to restock/gather more resources as the situation deteriorates, and once you decide to stay put you are locked in and committed as evasion will become much harder. Some of the pros of sheltering place are: familiarity of your surroundings makes staging a defense easier, you can preemptively work on defensive structures around your home, all of your preps are stored there, and hopefully you know your neighbor’s and they will band together with you.

Lastly I have a quiz for everyone to take to help you decide whether to bug, or not to bug.

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