Prepping For Camping : 7 Camping Mistakes To Avoid

Prepping For Camping : 7 Camping Mistakes To Avoid

November 8, 2019 Bugging Out 0


Owing to our busy lives, hectic work schedule, and sedentary lifestyle, we face difficulty in coping with the fast pace of this modern era. No wonder the millennials are trying to seek refuge in vacationing, solo travel, and adventure activities. Camping is the perfect way to unwind under the stars, soak in the warmth of the bonfire, spend quiet time with the family, and bond over drinks. Camping brings you so close to nature that you forget your worries, and leave rejuvenated and refreshed. However, if you are someone who is new to camping or even someone who has camped a few times before, here is a list of some common camping mistakes that campers generally end up making

  • Leaving late


It can be very frustrating to reach the campsite post sunset and set up a tent in the dark. And it all begins with leaving late from your home for the campsite. So, make sure you leave on time, and take one or two hours as a buffer, if it includes a hike to the campsite. Sometimes, reaching late is unavoidable, and in that case you can use a Streamlight flashlight or headlamp to navigate.


  • Not checking the weather forecast


One of the biggest mistakes that you can commit is to not check the weather forecast before heading to the campsite. By keeping a check on the weather, you know what to expect, and you carry appropriate clothing and essentials to the campsite.

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  • Not wearing appropriate clothing


Clothing plays a very important role in all kinds of outdoor activities. If you have been keeping a tap on the weather conditions at the campsite, you know what clothes to keep. If you are expecting rain, you need to pack waterproof jackets and footwear. It may even get very cold at the campsite which is why you should always keep warm clothes.


  • Skipping toilet paper


One of the things that you should never forget to pack is toilet paper. You never know when there is a call, and the last thing you would want to end up doing is to look around for toilet paper. Even the campsite has restrooms, you never know when the supplies get over, therefore, you should always carry one of your own. Also, remember to carry a litter bag to dispose of the tissue paper. Also, carry a portable toilet for your own use.


  • Not testing equipment beforehand


It is quite common to see campers fiddling with their camping gear for hours before they can actually use it. Take your gear out a few days before the trip, and see if everything is functioning well. It is advisable to know the functioning of all the gear that you are planning to take on the campsite so that you are not left stranded.


  • Not making tent reservations


One can not just simply assume to find a vacant tent at the campsite. If you are someone who does not carry your own tent, remember to make reservations for a tent much in advance, so that you are not in an uncomfortable situation at the campsite.


  • Poor food preparation


You are probably going camping at a site where there will be no food, and you definitely do not want you and your family members to be grumpy and complaining for food all the time. This is why it is important to pack sufficient food to last for the whole night. Also, do not bring food items that spoil easily.

Keep in mind the reason you wanted o for camping. To escape the daily stress and pressure, and to be away from all the worries right? Why commit these camping mistakes and put yourself in a stressful situation? So, do thorough planning and have a memorable time at the campsite!



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