Winterization Part 2

Winterization Part 2

November 10, 2013 The Other Side...A Preppers Path Weather Winter Winterization 0

Winterization Part 2
Host: Lynna “The Other Side A Preppers Path”

WinterizationNo matter where you reside North, South, East or West as the world turns so does our local climate and being prepared for these changes large or small saves time and money. Locally the first real snow of the season blanketed the landscape revealing a ghostly elegance and accentuating the timing of the paths of winterizing our cars and ourselves, learning and/or reminding ourselves of those things we can and should do to insulate ourselves from the change of seasons. Just because you may not face snow or freezing temperatures doesn’t mean you don’t need to winterize and be aware. Understanding the importance of developing knowledge and the ability to implement it is an ongoing skill. The change of season turns on the light, flips our switch, so to speak reminding us that being prepared creates a life full of peace and power.

WinterizationPreparing for winter is just as important as preparing for a natural disaster. The basic steps in becoming prepared are universal. Preparation is all about mind set, once developed the habit of preparedness becomes second nature in all we do. Learning to implement the basic protocols of how to prepare is skill. A skill you will use every day. Let the lessons of winterizing increase your personal tool box of preparedness join in Sunday as we talk about more than just a check list. We’ll be shedding light on ways to protect yourself and property from weather change as well as preparing for the changing needs of our pets. Remember it’s just not about freezing pipes or slick sidewalks, winterizing touches nearly all areas of our lives in some way. Tune in for a bonus and see how our inexpensive tips on alternative heating and lighting just might turn into the perfect “Gift” this holiday season. Join us on “The Other Side… A Preppers Path” for this wrap up on winterizing for the prepper.

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