Stocking Up! The Bully Pulpit!

Stocking Up! The Bully Pulpit!

December 22, 2013 Mind Set Prepper Mentality The Other Side...A Preppers Path 0
Stocking Up! The Bully Pulpit!
Host: Lynna "The Other Side… A Preppers Path"
bully pulpitYes indeed episode 2 of our intended series all about Stocking Up- The Prepared Life veers course this Sunday. Mind you not off course but a slight turn down a trail along the path. Personal agenda in the guise of Free speech and personal religious belief have inundated the media air waves including the social media. Amazing simply amazing and another example of shooting from the hip. What does this week’s news flap have to do with living prepared? In a nutshell everything. This week’s turn of events rallied around Free Speech and religious belief or so they would have you believe. It boggles the mind, the number of entities and individuals jumping on the bully pulpit. Yes I said bully pulpit you know the definition; a position sufficiently conspicuous to provide an opportunity to speak out and be listened to.

12-22 duckdynasty_1280_s800x528bully pulpit coverTheodore Roosevelt coined the term when speaking of the White House, only thing is at that time bully had a decidedly different meaning than commonly accepted today. In Roosevelt’s time bully meant “superb or wonderful” a far stretch from our commonly held definition today of “harasser of the weak”. Talk about perception depending on your personal view or interpretation this week’s media fiasco surrounding the “Duck Dynasty” is either a superb or wonderful event to espouse your view or it is one group harassing the weaker or hoping to make them weaker group. Either way you make the decision. Free Speech, free speech, really if that is so what about poor Justine Sacco, isn’t her free speech being taken away for her personal twitter comments about aids? Join in tonight and let’s talk free speech, marketing and societal standard. A definite aspect of the prepared life tune in and you’ll make a discovery or two you may not have thought of.
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