Spring Cleaning!

Spring Cleaning!

March 14, 2015 The Other Side...A Preppers Path Water water collection and storage 0

Spring Cleaning!
Host Lynna “A Preppers Path”

Spring Cleaning Just Ahead Green Road Sign and CloudsSpring and the inevitable Spring Cleaning saga begins. It’s the same story every spring, not that your home is particularly dirty or messy but we all feel that urge to sweep out the winter and bring in the new, the natural cycle of the seasons.

Walking down the grocery aisles the shelves are full of this cleaner and that cleaner all boasting to be better and new improved easier to use, BUT at what cost, not just the dollars and cents but health. Have you noticed the odor when walking down that aisle, it’s called off gassing due to the chemicals packaged and can and do cause health issues for many. Some suggest the huge influx in those with asthma and other related respiratory issues is in part due to this off gassing.

Spring CleaningNot only are there health issues and financial issues to deal with but lets look at it from an easy, safety and availability stand point. Will those cleaners be available in the event of who know what? Storing them in bulk can present it’s own hazards. The answer, natural cleansers! Come join Lynna as she moves out of the grocery aisle and more into nature to find the alternatives.

Get ready for the prepper in you to celebrate life and peace of mind with host Lynna! The Other Side ….of A Preppers Path is the other side of prepping and life as a whole will be focused on YOU, by prepping the prepper with tips and trends relating to life and spirit, delving into topics addressing your spirit, emotional, physical and mental life. Be sure to find a comfortable chair and tune in.

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