Rabbit Meat & Hostile Hare!

Rabbit Meat & Hostile Hare!

March 16, 2014 Animals Food The Other Side...A Preppers Path 0

Rabbit Meat & Hostile Hare!
Host: Lynna “Other Side… A Preppers Path”

RabbitHere comes Peter Cotton Tail! Well not exactly as that perception could way lay some from taking part in a live food storage project available to nearly everyone. Whether you live in an urban area or the country raising rabbits is doable. Not only doable but a real boon for the pantry and self-sufficiency.

We often hear the term rabbit and we think of Peter Cotton Tail or some other cute furry creature scampering about, but rarely do we think about the incredible food source the rabbit is. What we also don’t think about is the incredible ease in which one can get started raising their own meat source. The cost per animal is minimal in comparison to the yield per pound of meat, food costs again are minimal and you can actually raise your own fodder. (Fodder for those not in the know yet is basically course feed for livestock the whole plant including stems, leaves and stalks).

RabbitIn times of uncertainty knowing you have a constant supply of fresh high protein meat available is not only comforting but invaluable. Rabbit meat is not only nutritious but delicious; many high end restaurants offer gourmet dishes featuring rabbit. You’ve heard the term Hasenpfeffer, maybe only on Bugs Bunny but it is actually a German dish served for centuries. The meat is low fat, high protein and tender, everything you are looking for.

Rabbit meat is highly desired with prices of $10.00 per pound; today several web sites dedicated to selling meats quoted a price of just under $45.00 for one 2 to 3 lb. rabbit. Think of the possibilities for the prepper/homesteader as you can start your own business for not much more. The opportunity for sales and or barter are abundant. Come learn how Peter Cotton Tail could be your golden egg of opportunity for food storage, income and more. Sunday 3/16 as Nick Klein of Hostile Hare joins the Other Side of a Preppers Path to enlighten the masses about the virtues of the rabbit.

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