Irrational rants and the NRA!

Irrational rants and the NRA!

April 21, 2013 guns Media News The Other Side...A Preppers Path Weapons 0

Lynna 100550px-Make-Gunpowder-Step-6What a convenient show title “The Last Word”… I just have to say, HARDLY, and where does this man arrive at his last word.  Recently Lawrence O’Donnell of the show hosted by NBC spouts off in an irrational rant about the NRA. In an attempt to insight knee jerk emotional reaction to achieve his ends, O’Donnell and others recklessly made statements about the tracing of gun powder thourght taggants and how the NRA has thwarted the current investigation through lobby. Really, like if I wanted gun powder I couldn’t make it? Again we see the use of irrational, emotional grandstanding at the expense of the victims of another horrendous act of violence. The media’s ravenous frenzy to shock and horrify us into mass hysteria is in full force.  Why must we compare apples and oranges and use the emotional toll of our own citizens to get our agenda. Join Lynna for a frank discussion about reckless decision making and what those who desire a safe and prepared life can do to sift through the BS and make meaningful contribution. On The Other Side…A Preppers Path Sunday  8pm central. Make plans to join and voice your thoughts and solutions in the current glut of violence and rhetoric.

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