Fire Season & Being Prepared!

Fire Season & Being Prepared!

June 29, 2015 Planning The Other Side...A Preppers Path Wild Fire 0

Fire Season & Being Prepared!
Lynna “A Preppers Path

Fire SeasonWarning! Warning! Will Robinson Danger! This warning isn’t just for Will Robinson of the famed Lost in Space but for All. The 2015 fire season is already upon us. Record temperatures of as much as 25 above normal run rampant throughout the U.S., snow pack on the mountains of the West which normally just begin to melt in June and July are already gone!

If you haven’t taken note yet NOW is the time. Fire is a credible threat to all of us no matter where we live, urban or rural. How many times have you seen a rural fire sweep into a city or vice versa? It happens and fire is devastating and deadly.

Fire Season boise-wildfire_91_600x450What can you do? Actually there is Plenty you can do be become prepared and protect your loved ones and property. This isn’t a repeat show but much of the information comes directly from previous shows over the years BECAUSE quite frankly it works. Being prepared in case of wild fire is key and something to consider even during wet years. BUT remember this isn’t a wet year for much of the NATION in fact it’s down right scary. Tune in for an update on the Fire Scene around the country and what you can do. Remember Smokey the Bear? Well he’s in the know so join me Monday June 22nd as we stamp out unpreparedness and the wild fire!

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