Financial Preparedness! “The Sky is Falling”

Financial Preparedness! “The Sky is Falling”

October 13, 2013 Finance Finance Saving Money The Other Side...A Preppers Path 0

FinancialBlood on the Moon, a sign/omen that danger is coming. Through the eyes of many, an apt description of the times we live in. A glance at any news site is sure to enforce this belief with predictions of financial crisis, continued economic failure, natural disasters in all corners of the world, civil wars, holy wars, pain, suffering and a host of calamities. You name it, its happening or going to happen. What are we to do, the sky must be falling, that’s it the sky is falling, the sky is falling! Feeling like the little red hen and her sky is falling scenario is no longer a nursery rhyme for many but a fact of life. Bad news, scary news abounds it seems to be everywhere around every corner. Living a life prepared suddenly becomes confusing, a little panic stricken even. With the whole sky falling what can we prepare for what should we prepare for, is it even a possibility? This Sunday evening The Other Side of a Preppers Path examines and talks about living prepared in the midst of the current “the sky is falling” life experience. Joining in will be real life prepper, author and lecturer Richard Duarte.

FinancialRichard lives the life he teaches about in his book, Surviving Doomsday – A Guide for Surviving an Urban Disaster. He is an experienced attorney and former international/domestic banker with extensive experience representing individuals in personal injury, consumer protection, negotiations, risk management and small business/corporate matters. In addition Richard writes, lectures and consults in the areas of urban survival planning and preparedness for individuals and small business owners. He is a frequent speaker at major shows around the country and is also a featured writer in many print and online media outlets. He is indeed uniquely qualified to teach and share in the world of preparedness in general as well as financial . Richard routinely uses his thirty-plus years of combined legal and business experience to assist others in achieving preparedness in the many avenues of life.

Lynna and Richard will focus on the sky is falling, what should you be preparing for, the importance of staying focused on the tasks at hand and bringing it altogether with an often over looked aspect to the life of preparedness, financial and personal legal matters. Join in the live discussion and bookmark the show once it’s archived for valuable information you will want available. See you Sunday.
Surviving Doomsday

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