Dandelion The Dandy of All

Dandelion The Dandy of All

April 27, 2014 Herbs Plants The Other Side...A Preppers Path 0

Dandelion The Dandy of All Host: Lynna “The Other side… A Preppers Path

Dandelion OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAPerhaps no other plant gets a worse rap than the dandelion, cursed vehemently by landscaper and homeowner alike, the dandy of all weeds. Perhaps it’s time to take a closer look at this golden beauty and her secrets, just what have you been missing.

Spring has sprung, or at least begun too! The field and lawns are turning that lush green and on a sunny day you can fairly see the blades stretch to the sun.  And then what should appear, a bright yellow shaggy dot, no not one dot but hundreds no maybe make that thousands. Ugh the dreaded dandy of all, the infamous, dandelion.  What’s so terrible, truly a field of dandelion is a cheery vision to behold, brilliant yellow dotting the carpet of green a pretty sight to behold yes?
Oh right, so long as it’s not your lawn. 4-27 FriedDandelionsForPostStop! Don’t grab the sprayer or the weeder on your quest to eradicate this dandy! Rather tune in Sunday evening to The Other Side of a Preppers Path and embrace this golden harbinger of late spring and summer for the true gem she is.  Perhaps you’ve had the opportunity to sip that lovely libation dandelion wine, if not you are missing a treat, and a few out there might even have been treated to the dandelion green.  Just these two uses alone should elevate the reputation of this lowly plant from obnoxious weed to the 4-27 dandelion-seeds-letting-go-freedom-blue-e1359438461847very least a useful plant. But alas the dandelion suffers the indignation of being called a weed rather than her true nature, a luscious and beneficial herb. It’s not the dandies fault no one takes her for the lovely adornment she is, a treasure to covet rather than despise. Stop the injustice and rally round this gem of a plant, no not a weed but a mostly, free for the taking, bountiful, nutritious plant.  Come see firsthand the virtues of this dandy of all, the lovely Dandelion!

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