A Handmade Holiday with the Homestead Honeys!

A Handmade Holiday with the Homestead Honeys!

November 15, 2012 Barte and Trade Budget Purchasing Saving Money The Homestead Honey Hour 0

We are hardly preparing for our Thanksgiving feast, yet we can hear the jingle bells, the soft tones of holiday music and the blatant advertising reminding us of how many days there are until Christmas!

In recent days, national retailers have reported that they are scrambling to get our attention as consumers because even they can see the writing on the wall. These retailers are vying for our dollars because they know this holiday season can either make or break them.  They know that it is most likely the latter. The economy is at an all-time low, unemployment is at an all-time high.  Some people believe that as a nation we are facing bleak and uncertain future.

All of this does not stop the fact that the holidays are coming and will be here soon.  This week on the Homestead Honey Hour Noreen will be your host and the topic will be Handmade Holiday!  Now, more than ever, is a time to reach inside ourselves.  Put our talents to work and give from the heart.

They say it’s the thought that counts and I believe that to be true.  Giving something that you make with your own hands, whether it is a tray of someone’s favorite fudge, a pair of hand knitted socks, scarf or a handmade journal, is the best gift of all.  When I craft a gift I am thinking about the recipient and putting that energy into that gift.  How could someone not like something you have made especially for them?

Also on this episode of “The Homestead Honey Hour” want to talk about changing the way we shop for the holidays.  For some people the act of shopping for the perfect holiday gift is almost as important as the act of the giving.  I would never take that away from someone.  Myself included, but we need to get away from the big box stores and get into the local, mom and pop stores and small businesses that make this country great.  We need to take the dollars out of the corporations and put it back into the hands of the hard working Americans who have so much to offer this holiday season.

Let’s come together and talk about ideas that we can use to make this a Handmade Holiday that our families and friends won’t soon forget.

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