Conflicted The Game!

Conflicted The Game!

November 11, 2013 Games The Gun Show 2

Conflicted The Game!
Host: Dave Womach “The Gun Show”

conflictedHave you ever really thought through the different scenarios you may have to face if and when the SHTF? I don’t mean simply talking about it, but rather, really truly debating the scenarios? Let me elaborate…

Imagine this scenario: You have your food storage in place, six months worth of food and water for you and your family. One of your friends comes knocking saying that his home has been ransacked, they have nothing but the clothes on their backs and they need a place to stay. Your friend has very few useful skills and taking them in would cut down your food supply timeline in half. At this time there is no way you can replenish your supplies without risking your own life in one way or another. Would you open your home and your supplies to your friend and his family or wouldn’t you? Why?

conflictedThis is a real scenario, and will surely leave you Conflicted; and that’s exactly what it’s suppose to do. This is a scenario right out of the card game, CONFLICTED by JD Dutra and

Join us this Monday on the Gun Show as we have the inventor of the game on air with us, playing live with you. You’ll have an opportunity to WIN the game for yourself or your retreat.

Having just come back from Front Sight Training Institution in Las Vegas, NV, I’m all too familiar with their teaching about this same thing: Realize your scenarios ahead of time, so when the time comes, you know how you’ll react. In their case, it was about firearms, in CONFLICTED it’s about other real life scenarios that may leave you even more conflicted than when you started.

Tune in to hear what your peers would say, coming up Monday night on The Gun Show on Prepper Broadcasting Network!

Listen to this broadcast on Conflicted The Game! in player below!

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