Tactical Preparedness Gift Giving

Tactical Preparedness Gift Giving

December 22, 2018 Shows 0

Dr. Jordan Peterson believes that we are put on this earth to carry a load and do the most good we can. I have decided that my load and my channel by which I can do the most good is through inspiring others to improve and prioritize disaster preparedness. Of course, getting people to buy in to a preparedness lifestyle is not easy. The biggest hurtle is the fact that it is a lot of work!

This month we have been talking about measuring yourself in 2018. Measuring your preparedness successes and failures. On the doorstep of the holiday its important that we understand the power of a gift. Who can we recruit and who can we inspire with the right gift. You see, most people aren’t that far from what we are. The line is thinning. The more we become aware of the threats and the more we realize how frail and precious our society is, the more people will begin to prepare.
How best can we help them along?

Survival Kits

There are some top notch survival kits out there. I am talking about kits that put most others to shame. These kits work for everyone. I want to talk about a few of them on this weeks show. This could be the perfect way to get the wheels turning on emergency preparedness


Silver is affordable and can be had in decorative coin form. These great little gifts can lead to a bigger question about the economy and how silver fits into preparedness.


The right book has the power to change lives. I would say visit our bookstore if you really want to get a feel for is out there. If you know the person you can probably feed them the right read and they will be off to the preparedness races.

Self Defense

Whether we are talking about a firearm or a can of pepper spray, our loved ones need some form of protection out there. While we aren’t living through the worst of times, terror can strike at any moment. And if you think that buying a firearm is your only answer, you’d be wrong. By purchasing something like an 80% lower for the right kind of rifle, say an A$15 or a 300 Blackout you could customize and build your own way to self defense. While it might be a strange gift to give, it could make all the difference!

Lets get tactical with our gift giving this holiday season. What do you say?


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