Solar batch water heaters! A show gone bad!

Solar batch water heaters! A show gone bad!

October 3, 2012 Electricity Energy Alternatives Power Prepping With Goat Hollow Solar 0

Up-date: This episode of Prepping with GoatHollow has been rescheduled for next Wednesday 10/10/2012 8:00pm/Central!

When it rains it can pour and tonight was no exception. Tonight’s episode posted below had to be canceled due to issues with Blogtalk radio. There is an old saying “It only happens Live”. Hopefully the guests of tonight’s show with Doug on “Prepping With GoatHollow” will be kind enough to except our apology as we will attempt to reschedule interview. I can only hope that you, the listener will understand as well and remain our loyal listeners.


Glen aka gmanprepper

It’s years into an SHTF scenario.  Life is changed in ways that you could have never understood.  People are yearning for a taste, any small piece of the modern life that you miss so much, yet you’re able to take a hot shower!!!  Join me on “Prepping With GoatHollow” and my two guests “SSparks555″, and Alvin Shephard, for a discussion on “Solar batch water heaters”!!!  Learn how to make sure you can enjoy that shower in the future!  That’s at 8:00 pm Central time, tonight, Wed October 3rd


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