Gardening without the worry for water.

Gardening without the worry for water.

August 28, 2013 Prepping With Goat Hollow The Surreal News water collection and storage 0

8-28rain gutter 1The inventor of the innovative “Self Watering Rain Gutter Grow System” will joins Doug on Goat Hollow and the Surreal News. It’s an exciting new way to garden without the hassle of watering. Imagine container gardening with very little weeding, complete control of your soil, and massive yields. Since Larry invented this system it’s been used by hundreds, if not thousands of people from all over the world, and it’s growing by leaps and bounds!

Larry has a very successful Youtube channel where nearly an astounding two million people have watched his videos! He hosts a Facebook group centered on his fantastic gardening 8-28Rain gutter 3method with over sixteen hundred members! What’s most astounding is that he shares his knowledge for free! He’ll be live on my show… Right here on American Preppers Radio to answer all of your questions about how even you can be a successful gardener with his system. He’ll tell you just how to get started, and best of all He’ll show you how you can do it on a shoe string budget! We’re very excited to have Larry as a guest on GoatHollow and the Surreal News, because this gardening technique is sure to become a household name in the months and years ahead. So be sure not to miss this great show, bring your gardening questions with you, and learn how to use the fantastic Self Watering Rain Gutter Grow System right away!!!

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