The Faraday Cage!

The Faraday Cage!

September 24, 2014 Communication E.M.P. Electricity Power Prepping With Goat Hollow The Surreal News 0

The Faraday Cage on The Surreal News
Host Doug Carlston “The Surreal News

Faraday CageIs an EMP coming?  What if an EMP, or solar storm happened?  Would your electronic equipment be safe?  These events can destroy electronic equipment, or even wipe out the electrical grid for an extended time.  Preppers have long known that the only way to protect your critical electronic preps is to use what’s called a “Faraday cage” or box.

Invented in 1836 by Michael Faraday, these devices can protect your equipment from harmful electromagnetic fields, but how are they constructed?  How do they work?

My guest this week on Prepping with GoatHollow will be Mike Ellan of  He’s invented the only faraday device for preppers that’s guaranteed to protect your critical preps from an EMP.

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Faraday CageNews, the real facts whether stranger than fiction, surreal in fact, that hits the headlines. You can find the real deal, what really is going on in this world with high caliber noteworthy stories you need to know about. Most will agree today’s mainstream news is less about news and facts reported with integrity and more about entertainment, shock value and misrepresentation aimed at getting the viewer and/or promoting personal agendas.

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