JAMES WALTON: Author & PBN Radio Host

JAMES WALTON: Author & PBN Radio Host

April 22, 2016 Books Interview News Prepping for Tomorrow 0

JAMES WALTON: Author & Fellow PBN Radio Host
Bobby Akart “Prepping For Tomorrow

JAMES WALTON: Author & PBN Radio HostOn this week’s episode of the Prepping for Tomorrow program with Author Bobby Akart, APN Radio host and Author James Walton will be my special guest.

For years, James has entertained and informed his listeners on the I Am Liberty program heard Friday evenings on PrepperBroadcasting. He focuses on the importance of self-reliance, but he especially focuses on what happens after a collapse event.

We’ll discuss preparedness concepts like prepping on a community scale—food production, bartering, and security. I’ve come to learn that being a lone wolf prepper is not ideal. James will have some great insight and suggestions for us. James has a wealth of prepper and survivalist knowledge to share!

1 Tom Locke JAMES WALTON: Author & PBN Radio HostAlso, we’ll talk with James about his latest book titled TOM LOCKE: Surviving America.

Tom Locke is the name of the protagonist who finds himself held captive by one of many terrorist cells around the country. The attacks will be brutal, and Tom’s survival instincts are put to the test. He must escape his captors, and then survive their hunting him down. James incorporates a lot of his survival experience into this book and it’s an excellent tutorial for all who are preparing for a worst-case scenario.
Visit Bobby Akart website HERE! 
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