RedHorse_Ronin = Prepper Poitin

RedHorse_Ronin = Prepper Poitin

March 23, 2012 Prepper Poitin Hour 0

Many of you know RedHorse_Ronin from American Preppers Network for the many informative articles he has posted and more still from this network and the shows he has been a guest on. His education, formally, and in real life experience is obvious. I believe it fair to say you can not read a post from Chris or listen to him without coming away with a better understanding or a fresh, maybe brighter light on topic discussed.

I could write for an hour and not cover all the positives that RedHorse_Ronin has to offer and I don’t have to. Why? Because RedHorse_Ronin has agreed to do a live broadcast every Monday to share his thoughts, and experiences with those that listen in.

“The Prepper’s Poitin Hour”, join your host Chris as he talks about all things prepping, politics, disaster management, and maybe some humor. Controversial? Maybe. Intrigueing? Potentially. Thought provoking? Hopefully. Useful? Always. Chris will bring his decades of eclectic military and civilian experience to the table as he sips the poitin with you and waxes poetic on prepping. Slainte!

We hope you will join us and give Chris your support. I have no doubts you will be glad you did.
Monday 3/26/2012 7:00pm/Est. 6:00pm/Ct. 5:00pm/Mt. 4:00pm/Pt., right here on American Preppers Radio!


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