Patriot Power Hour (Episode 107)

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You are now listening to the Patriot power hour. The newest show of the prepper broadcasting network. This live episode features the situational awareness. You need to practice self reliance and independence. Introducing your host, Ben, the breaker of bankster
1 (1m 17s):
And future Dan, the editor of future Hey folks. Welcome to Patriot power hour, August 4th, 2020 episode one Oh seven, Ben, the breaker of banksters with my cohost featured day in a feature How you doing there, sir?
0 (1m 35s):
All right. What what’s going on this summer evening? What’s what’s what’s jumping right into our face that we missed we’ll kind of preview last week.
1 (1m 45s):
Oh no. Wow. There’s so this is a loaded question, but I know that gold is at an all time high and it is cracked 2000. Let’s say
0 (1m 53s):
IDP dropped 33%, the largest single quarterly drop ever by 3.3 times larger than ever before.
1 (2m 1s):
That’s a great point too. It had all happened since we last aired. Yup. That was somewhat expected, but it’s still like, just to see it is rough. Of course the Dow Jones is pretty much flat since that’s been released. Somehow it’s actually up 164 points today. But as I said, gold, up to 2040 $5. It wasn’t even at 2000 this time, last week, 2038 tonight, as we go on air, it fluctuates it really. Unlike other markets gold actually does pretty much trade 24 seven.
1 (2m 33s):
So just because New York has closed doesn’t mean gold. Doesn’t keep moving silver up to $26 and 41 cents. I think it was near $23 this time, last week. So that’s more than 12 to 15%. You bought silver one week ago. You’d be up 10 to 15%. Now I’m not saying sell it right now. And I’m not guaranteeing that these games are going to be around in the short term, but in the long it’s only going up. And we’re seeing an explosion in precious metals and Bitcoin as well.
1 (3m 4s):
But Hey, everything’s winning these days. I mean, Tesla’s kicking ass, the Netflix, Microsoft of the world, everything except GDP. And why is that? It’s that debt spending and sort of stimulus bills. And we’re seeing the dollar continuing to fall because they’re expecting this next coronavirus stimulus and bill and, and all of that. So this is not real productivity, everything’s winning, but that’s not going to last forever
2 (3m 28s):
30 million people on jobless aid in this country right now. And Gold’s at all time high. It kind of says when, when dire economic conditions prevail, precious metals, still gaining value.
1 (3m 42s):
The way I put it, I’ve been putting it over the last four plus months. Can you believe it’s been more than four months since COVID really started as a crazy first episode of August today, August 4th, 2020 for the last several months, I’ve been saying the stimulus, the debt spending the emergency action that’s been taken all across the board is pretty much valid until the end of July. And if COVID continues to shut things down, which it looks like it will, whether that’s professional sports or otherwise, and whether there’s political implications, which we’ll get into, of course, but leaving that a little bit to the side, it looks like this fall and headed into the winter is not going to be COVID free.
1 (4m 25s):
So they’re going to need to pull out a lot more stops. And that just means more debt. And that’s just positive for golden real assets as well. I mean, if you have a hell of a lot of land, that’s really useful right now, you know, if you’re not a gold bug, but you got a nice 50 acre homestead, I’m actually jealous of you. So
2 (4m 44s):
You say owning property, borrowing for property right now, isn’t, you know, we’re not set up in a position where you could see real estate markets crash. What does it take to pull the carpet out of under the rug of that out from under the feet of, you know, the housing market, like in 2007,
1 (5m 4s):
I think where wow, to be honest, the interest rates are so low that it’s almost hard to say don’t borrow money unless you have a philosophical reason for avoiding debt. It’s so low, the money is so cheap, the mortgages. So, you know, do think of that as you will for myself, but in terms of the real estate market, it’s absolutely at a top, could it keep going up potentially in certain localities? You know, but I, if I was purchasing real estate right now, I would only do so out of necessity, not out of speculation, you know, are you going to actually use it?
1 (5m 39s):
Are you buying a third home? Hoping you can flip it? Like that is definitely would not suggest that right now. And in certain areas, you know, in, we still, actually, in fact, we’ve seen New York city prices go down because of COVID people who are escaping, but there’s certain areas in the country that’ll maybe, or have less damage like we saw in 2002.
2 (6m 0s):
Is that market functioning reasonably well right now? Or is it propped up and ready to fall?
1 (6m 7s):
It is totally propped up with is gassed so much. I mean, it’s the only reason that it hasn’t totally collapsed is because interest rates were dropped at another, you know, a couple of weeks.
2 (6m 16s):
No, they, the real concern is whether, you know, federal interest rates go negative. We’re not, no one can, no one can raise rates. Right?
1 (6m 24s):
Well, and really mortgage rates can never go negative. You know that, I mean, that’s, we know the banks would never do that to live on the property, right? So I consider like 3%, almost the bottom. You can get maybe slightly get less or whatever, but you’re not getting less than 3% on a mortgage ever. So it’s kind of at that bare bones, you know, maybe two and a half percent. And it depends, but I’m not giving advice where to purchase or not purchase, et cetera. But you got to imagine this is at the top. And if you purchased now and you plan to live in that place for 10 plus years, then maybe go for it.
1 (6m 59s):
But if you’re trying to buy something to flip it or expected to double in value in the next 10 years, like so many other properties have done lately, I totally disagree.
2 (7m 9s):
Yeah. Well, we sound like a real estate show and not a show that typically be on prepper, a prepper broadcasting network, but it all comes around to what’s the health of the economy. And what’s the long range effect for calamity, right? Like the real, without rule of law scenarios that, you know, most of the community has in the back of their mind and looks towards being
1 (7m 33s):
Protected. Again, we got to remember the pretty much the only asset the American people have right now is their home. And even though a lot of that’s in debt and maybe even underwater or just above water, guess what, that’s really the only lifeline in life jacket and asset that’s been appreciating for kind of that middle class or upper middle class, right? The last 10 or 20 years besides the stock market, which we talk about all the time. So that goes belly up and we see a 30, 40, 50% crash in prices to bring them to maybe to more reasonable levels, maybe levels.
1 (8m 5s):
They just were seven years ago. But right now that would be beyond insulin to injury with all the other problems we’ve got going on. And all these people, even wealthy people that have had to take forbearance on their mortgages and have lost their job or, you know, businesses, et cetera. I’m sure lower-class has been hit hard, but a lot of people with really big mortgages have also been
2 (8m 27s):
It’s a matter of time before we see some terrible reporting on commercial mortgage delinquencies
1 (8m 33s):
Commercials, actually, maybe even worse, in my opinion, it’s gotta be because
2 (8m 38s):
No, of all the classes of businesses that still can’t function and, and, and you know, the property that they’re renting to have that service, they still owed the rent. And, you know, there’s certain amount of zero hedge articles about, you know, the pending rent crisis, you know, evictions nationwide. I don’t know what reality is on that one, because it never seems to come of, of, of
1 (9m 5s):
No fruit they’ll come to fruition. I mean, do we,
2 (9m 8s):
We have a lot like millions of millions of squatters in this country right now, though. That’s certainly dead weight on an asset class, which is renting property. Can’t, can’t be good in the long term for, for the structure of it.
1 (9m 21s):
No, and the best they’ll do is kick the can down the road, kind of put things in stasis, but when you put things in stasis, they slowly degenerate and fall apart. So it’s, it’s all, every day, every minute the situation is getting worse. It’s never staying the same or getting better at this rate by any means.
2 (9m 38s):
Yeah. I think one of the dynamics though, make that situation prop up is if, if state governments are, are forcing these shutdowns so that people can’t work so they can’t pay their rent. Now do the businesses that own, or, you know, the landlords that own the property had to be property taxes. If you can’t, if you can’t forgive the taxes that are owed on property, that was only paid for because you own storefronts that you rented out, you know, at some point somebody has to feel the economic pain or the government gives forbearance.
1 (10m 14s):
Yep. Oh, I think he hit home. I want to just focus on this last. It’s been so easy to just rack up two or three or four or $5 trillion of debt last few months, and everyone could sit at home and there weren’t those financial repercussions, but I’ve been seeing hashtag cancel rent and in a local town near me into a wealthy town, the County seat actually hashtag Ken’s cancel rent. And it was guess what kind of a excuse for local Democrats and essentially race politics, because it turned into a Hispanic kind of, Hey, you know, kind of the BLM of Spanish was it was there at this rally.
1 (10m 57s):
And they were saying, look, cancel rent. Our community is being taken advantage of and for what it’s worth, that’s how they’re going to try to latch onto the financial collapse. They’re going to turn into race politics, identity politics, and they’ll take it any way they can divide you. And we’ll try to leverage that from their political gain, for sure.
2 (11m 18s):
Yeah. I hadn’t seen that news, but if it leads to political violence, obviously,
1 (11m 23s):
And it wasn’t the violent protest, the good news, it wasn’t a violent protest and people will have the right here in America to go out and protest great. But you know how the political machine can operate. You know, they’ll take a people that are getting kind of taken advantage of, of screwed over, take that heartwarming story and hijack it. And I felt like that was an example of what was going on
2 (11m 45s):
To be tens of thousands. And after this summer, it’s almost tens of thousand marching, peacefully might be paid more attention to, but tens
1 (11m 54s):
Of thousands marching probably would be doing it violently again. So
2 (11m 59s):
Yeah. All that’s bubbling under the surface is summer.
1 (12m 3s):
Exactly. So we talked about economics talking about money and all this stuff, so kind of had to wrap it up. Yeah. That’s kind of sounds like a nerdy, CNBC, Bloomberg, you know, type of, type of show. Right. But what happens when the economics starts to fall apart? Are you prepared? Have you done the research to see the signs when things are hitting the fan and how to maybe help your preps sustain a little longer under those situations? That’s kind of where we come from and getting deep into this.
1 (12m 33s):
2 (12m 34s):
Yeah. And the amazing part to me doing this show for 107 episodes is to think about what we saw in March and all the black indicators, all the, you know, full tilt happening now, crisis triggers. And now we’ve backed off some of them, but tonight gold, all time high is black on red and economic news. Negative 33% of GDP is black on red. So they don’t stop. But how bad does that to be next time?
2 (13m 4s):
And can we see it coming? We’re going to get into that more in the second half of this,
1 (13m 9s):
Absolutely looking forward to that. We’re going to break, do stick with us. We’ll be back with the news blitz on this August 4th, Patriot power hour. We’ll be right back
2 (13m 28s):
1 (13m 40s):
Here at the prepper broadcasting network. Our mission has expanded and we have decided to use our influence to aid in disaster recovery PBN is offering up our airwaves to nonprofits and boots on the ground organizations that are affecting disaster recovery. The real people out there rebuilding lives from organizations that reestablish the supply chain to those who deliver aid and even organizations that rebuild shattered homes and lives.
1 (14m 10s):
The future of disaster response does not lay in the hands of some government organizations. No it’s up to us disaster coffee. It only makes sense that PBN would partner with disaster coffee, disaster coffee is selling outstanding coffee that is roasted to order and shipped right to your door. A portion of their profits will be directly donated to disaster recovery organizations like grindstone, ministries, healthcare ready, and citizens assisting citizens, disaster, coffee sources, top quality beans that are roasted to order you get coffee at its very best, but you also make a difference with every purchase disaster.
1 (14m 52s):
Coffee offers every customer, the ability to join the national disaster relief effort, get
0 (15m 3s):
0 (15m 36s):
They won’t to understand why we do it. They won’t understand it’s about the men. Next solid answer, achieved situational awareness of multiple threat indicators, future danger that we’re back.
1 (16m 27s):
I have the news blitz August 4th, 2020. Turn your attention to future the leader in information, liquidity information at your fingertips, both archive and real time. We’ll start in the second column just to kind of mix it up. NSA Warren’s military and Intel, their cell phone location, data poses, national security threat trending president threatens to mobilize national guard for Portland, right?
1 (16m 58s):
If they don’t solve that problem locally, very soon, Operation legend, federal agents deployed to Detroit, Cleveland, and Milwaukee. So these low level indicators right now, but we’re seeing those forces moving and continuing to operate after the George Floyd protests. And as of course, Portland continues have a lot of conflict. Let’s just hit that right here.
1 (17m 29s):
It’s the most ex most serious and extreme of the articles in the second column today, tear gas in the air. Officers hit the streets on day 63 of Portland riots. 63 days is crazy. It has been that long since has gone off in the first place. And yeah, exactly. It’s even more now closing on seven near, near, and day 70 journalists stabbed in the back during one of those Portland protests, Oregon state police, no longer withheld for protecting with the PR with no longer withheld from protecting the federal courthouse in Portland were initially withheld from protecting the federal courthouse, but no longer and Russian jet buzzes to us, reconnaissance planes over the black sea,
3 (18m 23s):
Not extreme,
1 (18m 25s):
But there’s some patterns that might be found in there. I don’t know. Let’s move on to the next column. The first column COVID fears pushing world’s mega rich to set up in Singapore, latest trend among wealthy American travelers question Mark. But I had another country. Citizenship sent a lot of folks going out of New Zealand as well, but yeah, by, you know, becoming a dual citizenship or even giving up American citizenship and getting another country is definitely, yeah, it wasn’t a trend.
1 (18m 56s):
It certainly is. Now how government uses geolocation geolocation data to identify everyone. Okay. Key West couple arrested for violating quarantine. And as we’re headed towards the election, I think we have like 95 days left less than a hundred days selection. We’re hearing a lot of murmurs about how the vote is going to be done.
1 (19m 26s):
Well, ransomware attack could paralyze voting operations. I won’t go on too much of a diatribe, but let me tell you cyber attacks are up. I have this for multiple sources, include them on including my own employment. How easy would it be for massive cyber attacks to stall and disruptive? I don’t know, election where we’re supposed to do it electronically according to buy it. And I don’t know. We’ll see. Anyway, let’s move on to the fourth column all the way to the right on feature.
1 (19m 60s): daily coronavirus, death toll tops, 1004. What is that? Almost a week straight, six days, six days in a row. Proto virus death every minute in the U S S told tops 150,000. I recall from going from 50,000 to 90,000 was super quick, kind of stalled out, but going from about 120 to 150 is accelerating.
1 (20m 30s):
So we’re really starting to see this pick back up and it’s August. What, what could October, December, February look like temperature, sores, and sores to record breaking 125 degrees in Baghdad. Paris tops, a hundred London breaks all time record high. Wow. Researchers figure out how to genetically alter squid. That’s all I like about feature dangers. Just so many different topics here.
1 (21m 3s):
Long lines for COVID-19 tests in Miami, the indicator here, natural family falls, Americans just aren’t making babies. Go check out that article under the natural family falls indicator, depopulation agenda, bounds fire scorches 15,000 acres East of Los Angeles. We’ll see if we get a big fire wildfire year this year, certainly don’t need that vaccine distribution joint venture between CDC and the Pentagon.
1 (21m 41s):
Right? Again, let me read that for you. Vaccine distribution will be a joint venture between the CDC and the Pentagon. This is not a test. Miami Dade ICU is at 146% capacity with coronavirus patients and last but not least my favorite column, the third column, the economic column, gold price at this time, 2045, us dollars per ounce.
1 (22m 15s):
It’s up since the first segment it’s up. It’s still rising since the last segment and unbelievable silver. So silver is not at its all time record. In fact, silver is all time records is like still another 40% go. So does that mean is going to ramp up and double in price in the next six months or as there’s something fundamentally changed to good question. I ponder that often. We’ll talk about that maybe, but a gold is still ripping and roaring, but my point is though silver up 7% today, I, when gold was up 2%.
1 (22m 51s):
So at this rate, silver could be at it’s all time high, shortly, who knows in the meanwhile, the U S dollar index 10 years to stagnate and fall slightly not did hot. A little bit of it’s collapsed from a week or two ago, but still kind of in that middle range, it’s been lower. The dollar has been a lot lower value than now though. So there’s still a long way to go. And if that happens, Katy bar, the door for inflation, that’s what we gotta look about.
1 (23m 21s):
Yeah. Gold price going up. That’s one good thing of bread goes up and all this other stuff goes in a price, not good. Unemployment explodes. 1.4, three, 4 million new jobless claims. So another week of 1.4 million plus Java’s claims almost half of jobs lost in a pandemic, maybe permanently. Let’s just say what that, so I would extrapolate by saying we lost 30% of GDP.
1 (23m 54s):
Let’s just round it. 30% of GDP, half that’s not returning. That’s a 15% permanent loss of GDP minimum. I don’t know. We’ll find out.
2 (24m 4s):
So always dynamic economies will grow again. But if you remember the growth rate under the previous administration,
1 (24m 13s):
Like two or 3%,
2 (24m 15s):
The vice president of the previous administration returns to the same economic outlook, it’s going to grow it 1% for eight years.
1 (24m 24s):
Yeah. Without the, that be nominal GDP, when you throw in inflation will be minus 8%. Yeah. And as we noted it, actually good timing kind of to finish this up. But April that June quarter sees worse ever contraction and GDP punched the 33%. Don’t forget. They often revise this number. And with such a large number has a lot of room for error. Would you be surprised at this number is actually 38 or 40% instead of 33?
2 (24m 51s):
How high before, who cares anymore? I mean, percent under one quarter of Eisenhower in 58 was the other was the high next highest. He had a one-quarter dropped GDP at 10%, which if you do that a couple in a row was the depression. I don’t remember hearing about depression under Eisenhower, right? That was his recession. I don’t, I don’t even hear the word recession or depression being used right now, but that’s a depression number. Cause they had a,
1 (25m 22s):
Not even close to the Mount of stimulus in Jerry rigging. They got now. So calling it a depression, we are, as people aren’t starving, we have Patriot power as well. I mean, people would be if they were bread lines instead of EBT cards. Yeah. I mean, people would, might have a little different look at it. I would say that
2 (25m 38s):
The reports here and there of people going hungry and poll surveys of households that report not having enough to eat. I mean, it’s out there.
1 (25m 47s):
It all comes down to this. The rest of the world is subsidized in America, hardcore. And as long as they do it, won’t be that bad here. But once they decide to turn their back on us, we are in deep trouble. And a lot of us have no idea how to survive. And that’s what getting prepped is all about. Whether it’s financially or just to freaking have some food on your table, once the rest of the world stop subsidizing us stuff was gonna hit the fan. That’s how it works. I think.
2 (26m 15s):
Yeah. Well Trump’s gambling that no, none of the world can do any better. So they can’t really force our hand, but another, another administration could play along with the, with the logic and, and we could have bad outcomes lasting from this March episode economically. And in terms of the pandemic for, for 10 years, the impacts of this, I’d surprised if they weren’t
1 (26m 44s):
Still being felt, Oh yeah. Minimal, maybe like 40, 40 years. I mean, by the people live today that are listening tonight, I’m 35 years old. I mean, I expect it’s not going to be the same because of this. Yeah. Question is how do we, and the problem is, and we’ve talked a little bit about this. Won’t go down the whole route. Cause we’ve got to get out of here in a second for a break, but it’s accelerationism if we could bring everything to a head in the next couple of years, and that was shortened, the pain by eight or 10 years down the road, it’d be worth it.
1 (27m 16s):
Maybe. I don’t know. But then what does that mean? It’s better to have Hillary Clinton in office instead of Trump, just so everything would hit the fan and we would have revolution quicker. Probably not. So there might be limits to this. Well until 1973, four and five, we’ve never lost a war. That would be our first bankruptcy first bankruptcy. All right, folks, we’ll be right back stick with us. Patriot power hour. We’ll hit the second half
1 (27m 55s):
The six principles for disaster preparedness. Use them to build a base of preparedness that will keep your family safe in the face of the next disaster. Find them and It was right after the revolution, right after peace had been concluded. And Ethan Allen went to London to help our new country conducted his business with the King, the English sneered at how rough we are rude and simple minded.
1 (28m 31s):
Unlike that everywhere he went to one day, he was invited to the townhouse of a great English. Lord dinner was served. Beverages imbibed time passed has happened. And mr. Allen found he needed the privy. He was grateful to be directed. Then relieved. You might say mr.
1 (29m 2s):
Allen discovered on entering the water closet, that the only decoration they’re in was a portrait of George Washington, even Alan Dunn, what he came to do and returned to the drawing room and his host and the others were disappointed when he didn’t mention Washington’s portrait. And finally, his Lordship couldn’t resist and asked mr. Allen had he noticed it, the picture of Washington he had, what did he think of its placement?
1 (29m 32s):
Did it seem appropriately located to mr. Allen drown and said it did Joseph was astounded appropriate. George Washington lived like
0 (29m 42s):
This in a water closet. Yes, sir. Mr. Allen, where it’ll do good service. The whole world knows nothing to make an Englishman shit quicker than the side of George Washington.
1 (29m 53s):
0 (29m 57s):
Achieve situational awareness of multiple threat indicators
1 (30m 26s):
And we’re back Patriot power hour. Thanks for sticking with us. Bend the breaker of banksters with future Dan, a future danger. Hey, I want to say big shout out to one of our listeners out there. He hit me up on Twitter. I didn’t ask him if he could use his name or not. So keep them anonymous for now, but he’s from Sweden. He’s from Sweden. He listens to the show. I think you track your geolocation data, which they can sorry, buddy, that just get it. It was, it was really cool. He is also a male.
1 (30m 56s):
So that cuts it down. So shit NSA is all over this or whatever they got in Sweden, the equivalent that’s on Twitter. They already know it doesn’t matter. So he reached out, said he loves PBN. First off. I think he found our show because of PBN. So you must be a long time listener PBN, which is really cool. And he had some inside info that I kind of knew about, but didn’t focus on. Of course the United States has this COVID stimulus bill and all this funding, right? Guess what? So does pretty much the rest of the world and the European union.
1 (31m 31s):
They, their stimulus bill is equal to their entire entire federal budget. So they doubled their spending for the year for the sentence, which is more than the United States. So even though we spent more money than them as a percentage of our budget, they definitely overcame us. And, and you know, a lot of our budgets for military cut that out and it’s even a bigger expenditure. So I guess the whole point is all around the world, especially the Western world, massive amount of debt, mass amount of spending the ECB already has a lower rates than the fed Germany and many other countries already have negative interest rates.
1 (32m 11s):
Today. We saw the 10 year us treasury dropped to essentially an all time low 0.5%, just, you know, still above zero, but damn close, half a percent, half a percent so low, but the German Bund 10 year below 0% and equivalent throughout Europe, essentially. So if they’re spending at even a greater proportional rate, they’re not the world’s reserve currency and they’re just going straight into debt, just like us.
1 (32m 42s):
Could they cause a global financial collapse even before the fed or America does
2 (32m 49s):
Contagion of an economic financial type.
1 (32m 52s):
Exactly. And we’ve talked about the dollar weakening. This is almost a race to the bottom, even though the banksters collaborate, they also kind of compare and compete against one another. When one of them gives a stimulus or tries to devalue their currency. The other will at times as well.
2 (33m 12s):
Well that builder Berg Davos type elite consensus on how to do things is somewhat out the window during COVID-19 nationalism is alive and well in ladders.
1 (33m 22s):
Yeah. They, so they’re kind of turning on each other in a way, which
2 (33m 25s):
The power of individual sovereignty of individual States is it’s a hard thing to overcome. So if you’re out there saying the new world order is a foregone conclusion, some of this stands in Testament to the opposite.
1 (33m 39s):
Okay. I definitely, there’s definitely not a clean cut story. So that’s a good point. Yeah.
2 (33m 43s):
They’re all like different ships trying to sync them together at, you know, at varying rates near each other. If that’s the best it could do. If there’s some nefarious cartel running the entire planet’s finances, I’m not so sure that’s true.
1 (34m 1s):
And then it’s so it’s really hard for me to explain, but I feel like if let’s say there’s two, two banks in the world, two central banks, one reduces its currency by 10% and the other then in turn reduces by 10%. You think that would be a net zero, right? It would be a zero sum game. No, there would be negative consequences and side effects of that. So even though each of these central banks are kind of relative to each other, it’s like, who’s worse.
1 (34m 31s):
Let’s play this little game chicken. As they all devalue together, it actually is causing real damage to the system. That’ll manifest it
2 (34m 39s):
Long term, but to the listener in Sweden, thank you for listening, bringing that up. And I wanted to share that on future danger, the indicators that we look at, there’s only two that involve the current economic financial situation of anybody outside the United States. And one of them is no longer appropriate. Right now. We did design this five years ago. And at the time the idea that China could be come very assertive and boldly advertise its strength, which would lead to things like them abandoning the dollar and starting war.
2 (35m 17s):
Possibly. That’s not a scenario unfolding right now, but the other one is what was brought up to us via Twitter. The Europeans potentially defaulting it. Now what you said earlier about how your PN powers that be did, did the stimulus different raises a question in my mind. I want to ask you about, you said the GDP or I’m sorry. The total government expenditure in Europe is equal to the mass stimulus that came from their central bank and the United States.
2 (35m 55s):
We shifted most of it to the stimulus by the central bank.
1 (35m 58s):
Yes. Most of it. Yeah.
2 (36m 1s):
Off of Congress’s books, right? Congress isn’t held responsible for their story.
1 (36m 6s):
I don’t have a lot of it, but you’re right now the majority more than half. So my opinions
2 (36m 10s):
Kids are doing it with a little bit more accountability. Like the government spent the money, not, not a central bank made up the money. Although at the end of the day, neither sets of money existed before government said it did. So it’s yeah. Money. Exactly. And the ECBs
1 (36m 29s):
Finger, if you can believe this, their fingers are actually even more in the pie as compared to the fed because those negative rates. So it’s I get where you’re coming from, but it’s kind of a wash.
2 (36m 39s):
The Europeans chose to do it in some supposedly advantages from modern monetary theorists. I’m not interested in not interested in hearing the excuses, why they did it that way, but it is an outrageous statistic brought to us by listeners.
1 (36m 54s):
Thanks a lot. Absolutely interesting, good stuff. Look forward to communicating with him in the future. I think that’s the, we’ve had several folks reach out to us. I think all here in America, a couple of Canadians actually about this, our first international. So that’s really cool. International. non-Canadian sorry, Canada. We love you. We don’t consider you international. You’re our cousins. Eh. All right. So they’d share the content, whatever we end up doing. So right there, part of product is pretty much. Yeah.
1 (37m 24s):
Anyway, so, okay. Very interesting. Very interesting. I wanted to say actually a real quick plug, go to prepper, First off, just go there, bookmark it and go there. Heck go there every day. But at least a couple of times a week, all the archives of the shows are there. There’s some articles, really cool graphics and adding more and more. So definitely prepper, We got rid of Patrion and we still use some other social media and stuff, but it’s just like you with future danger, one, everything on your own server that you owned and controlled as much as possible per broadcast is doing that same.
1 (38m 1s):
So we can’t be, you know, banned from the discord chat or from Patrion or from Twitter, or if they do ban us from those, it’s not the end of the world. So anyway, pepper, pepper,
2 (38m 13s): We talked about last week. There’s a technology now that transcribes everything we’re talking about tonight into a show transcription, it’s voice to text. And it’s pretty good. Pretty good. Unless we start mumbling a little bit. It gets almost all of it. And if you check out future danger, column three, there’s a, a bundle down third column. Three tells you how to get to this radio show archive on future danger and a link to the show on a prepper broadcasting every week.
2 (38m 45s):
Right now we’ve got episode one Oh six last week up because of that transcription capability, we’re able to scrape off keywords that we talked about last week. And they’re right. There
1 (38m 56s):
Are, there’s like the top, like 15,
2 (38m 59s):
The most interesting things we talked about last week, right? And a lot of them are not being repeated, but ballots are, and China is, and COVID-19 is the dollar, the down the DXY GDP. You know, w we gold, you can, you know, you want to know what we talked about that show. At least we touched, we touched it, easy navigation. And it’s all coming from that membership exclusive ability to see the transcriptions of shows.
2 (39m 30s):
So if you’re a reader, how you want to use that control F and find exactly what somebody was talking about and get right to the heart of the matter has timestamps to yeah, it does. You can go and get it right there and then you can move this from the show.
1 (39m 44s):
That’s pretty awesome. I wish we had that for all of our shows and everything I’ve done, but go forward. We have that. Let’s just quickly read it. I mean, you read most of them, but agro terrorism, Antifa ballots, bankruptcies, bioweapons, Bitcoin, BLM, censorship, China. Co-morbidities I remember when I said that word COVID-19 it goes on and on that’s I knew it kind of did that. I didn’t know. You’re putting that on a future danger. I must’ve missed that. That’s fricking awesome.
2 (40m 11s):
Now this week’s transcription, I’m gonna have to make sure to not
1 (40m 13s):
Include all those words, five times
2 (40m 17s):
Talking about him, but anyways,
1 (40m 19s):
Garbage in garbage out that’s data. That’s hilarious. That is really cool. So we’re trying to do big things here for just some average Patriots, right? You know, we’re not financed by anyone except ourselves and the listeners like you so much appreciate it really, really, really liked that
2 (40m 37s):
James Walden essentially did by getting that is make all of the networks shows completely searchable search engine optimized, and can bring you on target for the information you need. Because you know, let’s be honest. We’ve got, you know, a wide range of many hours of live programming on the network. You can’t necessarily listen to it all every week. So find what you need to know and come get it and listen to that.
1 (41m 3s):
It’s freaking awesome. That’s awesome. How about this for prep? My prep advice for the night, get yourself a little hard drive. You can get waterproof or shockproof, military grade hard drives, put all the shows on there with some transcripts, maybe get some books and manuals PDFs. Some of that. I mean, if you’re a member of the continuity, you get access to all types of great stuff. Go look that up on paper, broadcast dot here’s.
1 (41m 34s):
Why Delta all types of stuff like that, put it on a hard drive. It may be invaluable.
2 (41m 38s):
Here’s what I don’t know. You know, prepper broadcasting network has a long history and when James acquired it and, and renewed the entire brand, he also acquired all the historical archives. If those dump out onto text files, there’s a wealth of knowledge there. And we’ve gotta talk to him. I don’t know. I’m not sure if he can rectal or actively do it, but if it’s possible, it’d be a heck of a library.
1 (42m 4s):
Exactly. And so go forward. Obviously there’s a going back. I know I’m actually thinking, I don’t think it’s free. That’s the thing it’s going back and doing hundreds episodes may come to hundreds of dollars. I don’t know, but I’ve kind of tempted to go back and do the first, you know, a hundred shows or so of ours in beta, what it costs. That would be pretty awesome. I don’t know. We’re going to talk to, I got to talk to James, James listening. We’ll explore this with you. I’ve been really busy these days, but I’m gonna reach out to you soon, so.
1 (42m 37s):
Awesome. Good stuff. Good stuff. All right. Well, we got, we’ve got a special topic actually towards the final segment of the night, which we’re headed to here in a second on this August 4th, 2020, but reach out to us just like our friend in Sweden did re reach out to me on Twitter at bankster breaker at bankster breaker and feature. Dan, where can they find you on Twitter
2 (43m 4s):
At future danger, numeral six and always a future danger. Come on many social media platforms, although some are attended to less regularly than others. Some cooperate less with the websites so they don’t get updated, but got, gotta fix some Facebook feed and that sort of thing. But yeah, Twitter prime that
1 (43m 38s):
It’s principles for disaster preparedness. Use them to build a base of preparedness that will keep your family safe in the face of the next disaster. Find them and
0 (43m 56s):
These things you say we will have, we already have. That’s true. I ain’t promising that next month. I’m just giving you life. And you’re giving me life. And I’m saying
2 (44m 9s):
Men can live together without butchering
0 (44m 11s):
One. Another sad that governments are shaped by the double tongues. And there is iron in your words of death, for all commands you to see. And so Alara is RN and your words of life, no sign, paper, and hold they are. It must come
2 (44m 32s):
From men. The words of tendon bearers carry the same iron of life and death. It is good that warriors such as we meet in the struggle of life or death, the Shelby life situational awareness of multiple threat indicators in one view, be prepared. Future
1 (45m 16s):
Hey, we’re back for that final segment of this August 4th, 2020 episode. Let’s hit it hard feature. Dan, I know you had a specific, was it an article or a topic you wanted to cover? Oh, well I guess first we’re going to give out our number to give out the number first
2 (45m 38s):
Call us, even from Sweden, live eight to 9:00 PM. Tuesday nights.
1 (45m 44s):
Yeah. I don’t know if it’ll cost you money. If you call from Sweden, but in America, it’s going to be free. You can call, you can call on Skype. If you let him last night, actually, if you want to, well, we’re going to set up a lot more guests and get them set up on Skype. But I do agree, but we do have a live numbers. So,
2 (45m 59s):
So yeah, our live number. Go ahead, Ben. It’s going to be in the transcript. We can make sure everybody sees it.
1 (46m 5s):
Three (037) 313-6091 more time. (303) 731-3609. And we only got a few minutes left in the show, but if you’re listening live right now, might as well give us a call. And if you’re not, guess what next week we’re going to make it open phone lines, the entire show. So next Tuesday, we’re going to be live 8:00 PM Eastern. It’s pretty much
2 (46m 34s):
Procedure unless we have a guest and we just need to pitch it a lot more. Cause we’d love to have people call in and tell us what they think of what we’re talking about.
1 (46m 43s):
Definitely. We got this number. Weren’t able to use it for a little while for a couple of reasons, actually, but now we are. So we got to get in the habit of opening it back up. So we’ll make the habit (303) 731-3609. Start getting that rolling again. So one hit said
2 (47m 6s):
One of those articles you mentioned in segment two, we’re at the end of the show. Yeah. This a national security agency warning that cell phone geolocation data on is a national security threat to be precise. This is guidance from a military agency, the national security agency, as part of the, you know, it seems independent of the DOD, but it’s it’s it’s military run agency. And secretary of defense ultimately is responsible and issue guidance for military intelligence, community personnel that include armed service members, civilian employees of all the departments in the military, as well as all the contractors, I’m sure, which is a large amount of all the resources of the military industrial complex that keeps our security apparatus in place.
2 (48m 4s):
All of these people have been warned that Silicon Valley’s practice of collecting and selling cell phone location, data information for advertising or marketing purposes poses a serious national security risk to many inside the government. So what is, what can you infer from that? Between the lines? Why would the wall street journal through sources is, is making this a headline tonight? What is really going on behind the scenes to that?
2 (48m 34s):
Those Americans, almost all of them who are Patriots.
1 (48m 38s):
That’s a good question. I mean, they had to actually come out and announce it, you know, it’s well, this is sort of known for quite some time.
2 (48m 46s):
This isn’t an announcement. This is sources, right? Okay. Yeah.
1 (48m 52s):
So this is, this is kind of like breaking the first time. I mean, people know this, huh?
2 (48m 55s):
Well, we also don’t pull pop culture that Trump’s going after tick tock, tick tock and apps like that, that are run out of China, obviously pose a there, you know, somehow they’re, they’re putting a picture together where they’re locating where all of the key people in our security state are, are right. If you what’s going to happen is all these people will be told to, to have this job. You may not own a private phone that has those apps.
2 (49m 26s):
It’s probably really hard for the government to stop people from going home and having another phone where they have some of these apps and don’t forget that the,
1 (49m 36s):
Or their kids and they’re on vacation with their kids or something.
2 (49m 39s):
And the office of management budget. A number of years ago under the previous administration loss, the entire set of records for of a government forum called the SF. It’s either 86 or 88. Someone out there might know, but it’s close, but essentially the entire application for security clearance that people make, whether you’re in government or a contractor, and you have to disclose everything about who, you know, people you knew everywhere, you lived, every address you lived, every time you left the country, everything you would expect to be asked if you were going to be given access to sensitive information logically cause yes, there are, you know, adversary clandestine forces from other governments trying to acquire this, that entire database, those applications years worth.
2 (50m 32s):
So was lost to China, put two and two together.
1 (50m 35s):
That’s I mean, I believe it, and I’ve actually seen that, but it’s almost unbelievable. Can you imagine if the entire national security apparatus of America was taken by the Japanese in 1937?
2 (50m 48s):
Well, just, just known where they are.
1 (50m 52s):
I guess my point is it could not have happened because technology, what are they trying to learn from now that they can,
2 (50m 56s):
We’re only going to have a fraction of all the people. There’s plenty of members of our internal, you know, that, that part of the American society who have classified information and work for the government are going to be a Bain, this new guidance, which obviously is being issued on the download throughout, you know, a government don’t use these apps, they track you, but what would, you know, super computing capability overseas, excuse me, you know, be able to track like what kind of picture could they run in real time of where our decision makers and leaders and, and experts in these fields are
1 (51m 36s):
Right. I mean, guess as good as mine, I have some theories and stuff
2 (51m 41s):
Like Dave Jones talks about his employment. He is he not part of the day, probably not. Cause I doubt he’s running any apps that that would be suspect, but you know, our armed forces, all the military members, all the young kids coming in and doing junior enlistments, you know, very large amount of people. How do you stop them from using these apps? Like how much of a deployable infantry brigade needs to be using these apps before when opponent can pretty have a pretty good idea when all their phones shut off at the same time, because they just went into isolation.
1 (52m 17s):
No, that’s a great way to put it, I think. And so we have to make a distinguishment distinguishment between that versus the average citizen and the first amendment. We can’t just have a totalitarian state have our own great firewall of America, right? But on the flip side, like you just said, a active military brigade or maybe an active CIA officer or someone high in the government, or, you know, et cetera, et cetera. So many examples, it’s part of national security. You want the job, you have to follow this eye for that.
1 (52m 49s):
That’s part of the job.
2 (52m 51s):
I’m sure being at CA CIA means you don’t get anywhere near being tracked by this stuff. But we’re talking about just United States, department of agriculture officials, key officials that live across the country who are responsible for the safety of the food supply and knowing where they are. And, you know, there’s, you know, suddenly sounds like, you know, dark speculation on what could happen, but gon clandestine operations are well, well thought out across the world all the way through the 20th century into today, how you render States and capable of action and asymmetric warfare is a topic we talked about last week.
2 (53m 32s):
This is just another piece to that puzzle. And it’s, it’s foreboding. What it all amounts to is, you know, kind of death sign acts against this. This country are, are underway widely all the time in the background that we don’t get to know about. And a lot of it is not, you know, you’re gonna point your finger and say, it’s, you know, this deep state that can’t be trusted and it’s always working against the American people at deep state, only Rose from the pressure of a lot of other countries trying to disrupt us for a long time
1 (54m 6s):
Potentially. I mean, that’s part of it for sure.
2 (54m 8s):
So communists did it for 70 plus years.
1 (54m 10s):
Well, a deep state goes way beyond, you know, the 1940s and fifties, but I certainly understand where you’re coming from, especially after world war.
2 (54m 18s):
I’m not sure really existed prior to world war II. Not, not in any form, like
1 (54m 24s):
No, not in the same form, so, well, yeah, no, I agree. It’s not the same form by any way. It was totally transformed once it became the military power of the world
2 (54m 33s):
Claim desktop warfare is, you know, all those actors.
1 (54m 36s):
Well, what I wanted to say was the, as someone who’s studied a lot of statistics and just big data in general, when you gather and analyze huge swaths of data, you get, sometimes you, your discovery is something you totally didn’t even plan for. Yeah. So they could just be gathering this and running these and they’ll find the find stuff that they didn’t even know they were looking for. That could be useful weaknesses. Exactly. So I, how are we going to guess? I mean, we can make guesses, but it’s almost like think of how America broke the enigma machine, right.
1 (55m 11s):
Or these other things, how we were able to just kind of come up with these like Britain did that well, okay. How about the allies give let’s give them crap, whatever. Oh, well they’re all of a Navajo or language or whatever. Right? The code talkers or like there’s like ways that we kind of tricked or we came out on top with encryption or technology just enough over the Germans, just over the Japanese code. We may be on the wrong side of that. If they’re on the big, they got the big data, they got that pipeline right into us. And we don’t have that equivalent because of the great Chinese firewall or our ignorance, or we’re fighting the last war, not the new one who knows what the repercussions could be, I guess is where I’m coming from.
2 (55m 50s):
Yeah. Another headline we didn’t touch much on, but Russia has some kind of space vehicle up. It’s letting loose another smaller vehicle. And it’s widely seen from the reports that have been made public. This is a potential test of an animal and a satellite weapon. So in space, you don’t get to know what’s going on. And behind the scenes in the cyber world, targeting our government officials,
1 (56m 14s):
Even more open
2 (56m 16s):
Seeing glimmers of what’s really going on is probably raging fire in both domains. And we’re only getting to know some of it. That’s crazy.
1 (56m 24s):
That’s totally possible. I mean, historians and even people learning history in 50 years might be like 2020. Like the war was odd. As long as that
0 (56m 34s):
Conflict stays in those domains at this low intensity, things remained safe, but you know, huge expenditure is going on and, and, and the, and the States that are engaging in it, taking it very seriously.
1 (56m 48s):
Yeah, absolutely. So that does it for the night we’re out of here. Another great episode, episode one Oh seven, a Patriot power hour. The next generation’s coming up next to do stick with a feature. Dan, another good one. We’ll be back next week, right, sir.
0 (57m 4s):
Yeah. I keep this going. I might have a break in August, but we’re hitting most weeks. So listen in tune in, quit the podcast.
1 (57m 11s):
Absolutely. Absolutely. As countdown to election and beat and beyond continues, we’ll make way for the next generation show right now. Prepper, Check it out. See you guys next week.
0 (57m 44s):
Are you