Patriot Power Hour 110

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0 (2s):
What do you want statement of purpose? Should I email you? Should I put this on your action item list? You decide your level of involvement. We are the prepper broadcasting network.
0 (59s):
You are now listening to the Patriot power hour. The newest show of the prepper broadcasting network. This live episode features the situational awareness. You need to practice self reliance and independence. Introducing your hosts, Ben, the breaker of bankster and future Dan, the editor of future
1 (1m 23s):
Patriot power hour. You’re back with us. It’s September unbelievably, September 1st, 2020 Patriot power hour number 110 bend. The breaker of banksters here with my cohost and good friend future. Dan, how you doing there, sir?
0 (1m 41s):
Good. You want to get some housekeeping out of the way, some show scheduling and what are we doing this month?
1 (1m 49s):
Well, this is the last month of the season, the summer season coming to an end. Then we’ll obviously hit into the fall slash election election season. As you know, we do follow the seasons, the kind of a spring summer fall across the Equinox, the solstice, et cetera, et cetera. So got a few more episodes of that coming on. Really, you know, looking forward to the October and beyond that’s going to be craziness, but we got a lot to prepare for and a lot to still cover here in this next month.
0 (2m 21s):
Are we taking next week off?
1 (2m 24s):
Hey man, I’m not gonna be able to make it live on Tuesday and to be honest, but we could try to go a special day, Wednesday or Thursday or pre-record for one of those days. So up to your schedule and what’s going on in the world. I think we’ll put something out next week, but we got to talk to in traffic commander, maybe another night. Yep. That’s definitely true. So I’m going to be hanging out with the family and throughout labor day, which is crazy. I just can’t believe this summer’s fricking over.
0 (2m 48s):
So we will announce that on social media,
1 (2m 51s):
We’re gonna have content out and we also have Patriot correspondence. Number three, we’ll get out pretty shortly as well. It’s pretty much in the hopper. So we’re still going to have four plus episodes in the month of September. And it really, if things pop off, which I expect them to after labor day and, and talk Tobar and beyond, especially we might have some special reports, either live and or prerecorded even throughout the day. If the stock market’s dropping big time, like it was last March, you think that’s happening in this month. I’m not saying this month, but I think it could happen certainly between now and you know, November or during November as well.
2 (3m 28s):
We’re going to flex next week. It won’t be Tuesday at eight. We know that much at future danger, six we’ll put out that information. Where can they also see it on your feeds
1 (3m 39s):
At bankster breakers? Probably the best place to look for at bankster breaker on Twitter, but really I think future and your Twitch or Twitch, Twitter handle feature danger, numeral six is the best place to find, you know, get the best updates, not just for news, but for what’s going on with our show. But, and of course, can’t forget though. Prepper We don’t post ahead of time what episodes in the time.
1 (4m 9s):
But of course, if you find it’s midweek late next week, you haven’t heard from us go there. You’ll find the archive.
2 (4m 17s):
I put it out by daily audio cash, what we’re going to do. Yeah, but it won’t be Tuesday. So this show can be called in lives. Why don’t we give him the number?
1 (4m 27s):
Got the number on hand. Ready? (303) 731-3609.
2 (4m 34s):
Unfortunately we’re limited to one color at a time, but we’d love to talk to you if you exactly catching this live or catch that number and use it in a future episode stays the same.
1 (4m 46s):
Well, yeah. Give me that number again. Where is it? Yeah, come on. We gotta get that number out more than once. And I haven’t memorized quite yet. Three about spot and throw it away. Three Oh three three zero three one. Yup. Three six zero nine (303) 731-3609 1% of time. So if someone’s already on here, unfortunately you won’t build a make it. And as always, we will have, even though it won’t be a live show next Tuesday, almost every Tuesday we are live.
1 (5m 16s):
So even if you can’t make it tonight on the, on the line, that number will be open pretty much every show, especially in the second half, you know, this first half or first half of the show, we’ve had the news blitz, which we’re going to get to here shortly on the second segment. But this first segment, we kind of talk about the big topics of the day, or what’s really been an earthiness. Try not to turn too much into a ramp, but we do have a topic for today. I think, right?
2 (5m 40s):
Well, I wanted to get into first. I don’t know if it’s a topic you’re thinking of. It’s not the topic of the show when you get into the, the speaker playback, cause this is a podcast as well as alive. So when you listen to this and read the metadata that Ben types in right before we start the show, this won’t be mentioned there, but I wanted to raise the point that less than four hours after we talked about violence with armed militias in, during Midwest riding, that happened right Rittenhouse Kyle Rittenhouse 17 in Wisconsin, two fatalities, severely wounded, a third, the video’s all out there.
2 (6m 25s):
And we talked about it for hours before. That’s where it could go next and how that, that is a dangerous escalation. So it’s kind of macabre to, you know, you know, talk about how we are, right. Predicting things. And that’s not what the show is about necessarily, but we are a show that’s talking about. This could be next. And if you anticipate it, you can cope with it on every level that you need to cope with these things on, including your preparedness.
2 (6m 56s):
That’s what this,
1 (6m 57s):
Yeah, this wasn’t rocket science. We were just thinking, Hey, what could be the next level? Well, we’ve seen escalation here. We’ve seen escalation there. Now we’re wondering when winter, one of the counter protestors going to bring violence. That’s what we were talking about. And look what happened within just a few hours. It’s pretty crazy. So we had another death in Portland of a
2 (7m 19s):
Pro president supporter.
1 (7m 22s):
Right? It’s definitely back and forth since we’ve had, we had gunfights in the streets since we were last time. Yeah, absolutely. So that’s not again, not trying to say we were right per se, isn’t it. And again, it’s not rocket science. It’s pretty, pretty apparent this stuff’s going to happen and that it’s going to continue to escalate, to be honest, if you, if you’ve been paying some attention. So the question is, and what private broadcast networks all about is what are you PR what do you do to prepare and what are some of the actionable events or what are some of the signals for you to put in some of your preparedness plan?
1 (8m 1s):
And if you, whether you think locally or regionally, if you live in the part of Wisconsin, maybe you get your little bug out or you head out of town because of this, but kind of from a big picture, you can also think of it from a kind of a generalist with the mistrust of cops and the morale of cops going down and more and more street violence taken up and people being emboldened. How has that affect your prep and plan? So just food for thought. And some of the things we try to shine light on, I guess, but thinking of the people that live in the
2 (8m 33s):
Areas where this violence and arson and mayhem is happening, not typically people who would think about preparedness first, probably the vast preponderance of people in these areas think of state aid, state protection, you know, law enforcement, excessive law enforcement, excessive in every direction and not, not excessive enough and other directions like well redistribution, what I’m hoping is our message tonight is making it somehow to people who are the vast majority in these areas who in 2020, you know, the light bulb has gone off.
2 (9m 14s):
Like, like I should really think about being able to get out of here to protect my life and my property, even though I’m from here, I’d probably have family there probably have a job and have roots and can’t leave. But I have had come convinced this year that some level of preparedness is, is a good, it’s not a cookie idea.
1 (9m 33s):
Absolutely. No. 2020 is the year of the prepper for better or worse. Just thinking of people at my work. I don’t know them personally, meaning I’ve never met them in person, literally, but they live in Chicago. They live in Chicago, pretty much their whole life and their family was there. And guess what they’re doing, they’re moving out of Chicago. Why? Because of the civil unrest and the violence and the crime, they literally say that, and these are very politically correct people. They would definitely not say, you know, they’re not, Oh, I’m moving out of here.
1 (10m 2s):
Cause you know, there’s too many ex race or, you know, there’s too much of this going on. They’re literally all worried about their property value. And they’re worried about being carjacked. They’re not doing it because of their racist. They’re doing it because safety and monetary reasons. Absolutely. These people probably vote Democrat, to be honest. And they’re moving out of the city because how dangerous they are, so to speak. And so that’s, these are like high level professional, white collar, 200 make 200 plus thousand a year type of people.
1 (10m 32s):
So there are obvious on that high end scale. But I think, you know, there’s all types of people, whether it’s cause of the civil, civil unrest, the violence crime, or coronavirus itself, and a lot of other things getting out of core cities, getting out of overpopulated areas and, or just having some basic level of preparedness. I mean, almost everybody now has a great storage of toilet paper. Right? Absolutely. I know that’s kind of a joke in the meme, but even just that basic sense just shows that culture shift.
1 (11m 6s):
It kind of, hasn’t been a small shift in some regards, but in a lot of, for a lot of people that’s been really big and I think either opened the eye, their eyes for the first time or if they were already kind of interested, definitely push them over the edge and they’re going hardcore prepping.
2 (11m 21s):
Yeah. So lobby picking up a podcast or a first time might want to ask the question, why are these guys talking about the election yet? They seem to be talking about politics. That’s, what’s different about what we’re doing really
1 (11m 37s):
Well. We talk about the results, you know, and, or potential results of an election, but we don’t talk as much about the candidate and definitely not like the identity politics or like, you know, what the talking heads do. I guess you explain it much more and precisely than I, but we definitely are into the gossip. We’re not into that day to day stuff. We will talk low. For example, that Trump looked like he’s having some issues walking, is that stroke related or just maybe he had a dead leg from flying all day, you know, could it be blown out of proportion, but we’re not going to spend hour upon hour talking about that by any means.
1 (12m 15s):
And on the flip side, we’re also not going to be talking too much about Joe Biden. In fact, most of the articles review, we talk about, you know, the democratic candidate, right. We don’t really even focus. So I think in that regard, we do try to be more of a news source than just politics, but especially in an election year. I mean, look, we’ve got, it’s a September, it’s a huge event. It’s coming up very quick and we got to talk about it.
3 (12m 41s):
There’s nearly nothing that’s going on on CNN or MSNBC or Fox news that’s being talked about is, is ever talked about us though. We’re trying to cut through it and see where life is going to impede on all of us. If we don’t speak up, this show is also not about just complaining about how bad things are, right? It’s, it’s, it’s more about waking up Patriot so you can get active, whether it be social media or just in your daily discourse with people online writing, however, you can communicate to stab off some rotten tendencies that are, that could be headed this way.
3 (13m 22s):
Which of course we will get into in the second segment as we always do this week’s news blitz, but I can preview that. That it’s the same summer we’ve had all summer been a low simmer, a lot of dangers lurking, but not actually being rude.
1 (13m 42s):
No, I think that’s a good way to put it. And we’re going to get into this news blitz and there’s a lot of very important articles, but all the real issues are just beneath the surface. It seems to kind of show their head and then, you know, spike a little bit and then go back on the undercurrent. We’re going to call them out, but we’re going to call them out. Nothing’s really been resolved since March by any means from coronavirus point of view, let alone all this other debt spending and the civil strife. So we’re going to get into to that news, but also keep that big picture in mind for sure. All right. Yeah, let’s do it.
1 (14m 12s):
Alright. We’ll be right back stick with us. Patriot power hour. Part of the prepper broadcasting network
3 (14m 37s):
1 (14m 45s):
Here at the prepper broadcasting network. Our mission has expanded and we have decided to use our influence to aid in disaster recovery PBN is offering up our airwaves to nonprofits and boots on the ground organizations that are affecting disaster recovery. The real people out there rebuilding lives from organizations that reestablish the supply chain to those who deliver aid and even organizations that rebuild shattered homes and lives.
1 (15m 15s):
The future of disaster response does not lay in the hands of some government organizations. No it’s up to us disaster coffee. It only makes sense that PBN would partner with disaster coffee, disaster coffee is selling outstanding coffee that is roasted to order and shipped right to your door. A portion of their profits will be directly donated to disaster recovery organizations like grindstone, ministries, healthcare ready, and citizens assisting citizens, disaster, coffee sources, top quality beans that are roasted to order you get coffee at its very best, but you also make a difference with every purchase disaster.
1 (15m 57s):
Coffee offers every customer, the ability to join the national disaster relief effort. Get
4 (16m 12s):
Well, I didn’t think you had it in you. I’m your huckleberry Johnny lingo. Somebody just walked over your grave, but it’s not with you holiday. I’ll beg to differ. So we started the game. We never got to finish playful blood. Remember I was just fooling about I wasn’t situational awareness of multiple threat indicators in one view, be prepared, future
1 (17m 12s):
Number first 2020 segment to Patriot power hour news blitz calm one legal document needed to start the FBI’s spine of the president’s 2016 campaign has disappeared. Everybody knows that document should exist. Even get a Pfizer warrant that rules in place since 2001, the document doesn’t exist. Polling from Warren’s of a national poll suppression underway.
1 (17m 43s):
It’s believed that the president’s numbers arising and every mainstream outlet is silent about that simultaneously
2 (17m 50s):
In the United States this summer in Los Angeles County, a church has been threatened with property seizure for challenging the county’s coronavirus restrictions directly targeted by the government. Call them to riding riders cleared from outside the white house story. Another night of violence, March to Portland, mayor’s home declared riot as burning debris thrown into building medical examiner informs prosecutors that the fentanyl overdose killed George Floyd carrying that news under rights erupt because if that cop gets off more riots will erupt in the middle East Iranian bacteria militia killed in another alleged Israeli airstrike, a slow simmering proxy war between Iran and Israel continues in the Pacific China test fires carrier killer missiles last week, U S warship sails near disputed islands in the South Tennessee, then another U S warship again, transits the Taiwan straight report out of the Pentagon today points to China doubling its nuclear warheads, stockpile and expanding global basis.
2 (19m 12s):
It named the number in the Chinese arsenal is 200 warheads. First time the Pentagon’s ever done that. Named a number publicly war with Russia, always in the background. Chinese correction, Russian Navy is conducting major maneuvers near Alaska, simultaneous to these actions in with China in the United States, in the Pacific us Jes intercept, Russian military aircraft off the Alaskan coast, Russian war planes over the black sea intercept, us air force B 50 twos lock going on up in the air and on the seas had to had with China and Russia right now in the United States, the federal government sends nearly a thousand national guard troops and 200 federal officers to Kenosha, Wisconsin balling the rioting.
4 (20m 11s):
2 (20m 11s):
Eastern Mediterranean. We have NATO allies, Turkey and Greece, essentially in a lock standoff with France. Another NATO member back in Greece. Keep an eye on that. If NATO ally has come to actual blows, that could be damaging or fatal to the Alliance. And again, one man shot and killed near downtown Portland riots. After the Kenneth Shaw shooting, police are investigating an antiphons supporter in that Portland shooting.
2 (20m 44s):
A senior CIA official died of suicide June in a bizarre story. And of course, Ram Paul’s life was nearly threatened on the streets of DC elected leaders and their safety. Always something we’re watching on Patriot power hour, call them for got some severe flooding incident. Dan and Bangladesh, dozens are dead. We’ve got larger earthquakes around the ring of fire, including the Indian ocean hurricane.
2 (21m 16s):
Laura did do a little damage, a few fatalities it’s over now. Elon Musk reveals a device that connects your brain to a computer and we will get into that in segment four. I think we got it. We got to get in with what Musk is doing. Series of coronal holes, spark a G one minor geometric storming, asteroid flybys, all happening all low level, topical news, not dangerous. Just keeping, keeping it aware of where we are with these things.
2 (21m 49s):
And finally corner vice coronavirus cases are on the rise across more than half of us States as we enter September and finally in economic news, the dollar index drops. So it’s lowest level since may of 2018. Okay. It’s hitting under 90 to get near the danger zone for the dollar visa VI other currencies dropping. All right, we got a report that markets, this is an opinion piece, but that markets are dangerously underpricing.
2 (22m 21s):
The, the, the what’s going to come when a corporate defaults a wave of them hit and coming months, people lie up record numbers and Alameda County food bank. New unemployment claims remained historically high and that’s it. We have federal government to debt ratio tonight at one 36, the highest on ever on dangers economic gauge. Is that just snapshot? That’s what’s happening. We go into September of 2010, 20 Ben, what do you say?
1 (22m 54s):
Good stuff. Good stuff. Hit it. Hard man. So many different topics. That’s why the future dangers so legit and try to hit on so much on prep. Excuse me, Patriot power hour. I of course wanna focus real quick. On the third column, won’t belabor the point too much, but we’re still seeing more than 1 million initial jobless claims per week. Now, back in March and April, we were seeing three, 4 million. So it’s great. That adds down to 1 million, but that’s still way, way more than can be supported by a growing economy.
1 (23m 28s):
This means the economy is still shrinking. Absolutely. You need to have this number under 300,000 for it to be neutral. So we’re still shedding a lot jobs and nothing you got to remember and I’m using round numbers that are not exactly true, but let’s say we used to have 150 million people employed. Now we have 110 million. Well guess what? 1 million is a much larger percentage of 110 than it is of 140 good point.
1 (24m 1s):
So it, each dig is a little deeper and hurts a little more. So it’s totally out of the red zone, but that red zone, I think it was kind of moved, moved the goalpost. Cause it’s so extreme. First off, it just shows how big the disaster was.
2 (24m 16s):
It’s in reality to listeners tonight, it’s still way read unemployment has.
1 (24m 21s):
Yeah. And it’s continued to explode, right? So this is one where it’s like, Oh no, this is, this is the type of stuff. I’m not absolutely not saying you’re doing this, but someone CNBC or some someone trying to talk about a stock market might be like, we’re at, you know, four month lows of initial jobless claims. It means the recovery is coming. And that’s the total opposite of what I believe is the truth. And definitely when I’m saying here, so somebody to keep an eye on, of course some people are getting back to work or at least partially back to work, but AmWINS has been very bad question is what’s it what’s going to happen in the next three months because if things don’t turn around and we need another trillion to $3 trillion, just like we did in the first, second quarter, 2020, look this a dollar index of 92.59 that’s.
1 (25m 11s):
That’s not a horrible number, but long story short that’s down 8% or more where it used to be. That’ll drop several more points and we’re going to also see the federal government debt to GDP ratio grow precipitously. I mean, it’s already up from, I think 106%, 108% to start the year. If I recall 236%. So imagine your personal finances. He used to be 108% in debt, which is not good. You’re in more debt than you make per year.
1 (25m 42s):
Let’s say, but now you’re 136% just in the last few months. I mean, that’s a huge difference. And if that moves up to 150% by even the end of Q one of next year, that’s just going to be a repairable damage. I think.
2 (25m 59s):
Yeah. It’s a slow motion depression,
1 (26m 3s):
Right. And every day is worse. It’s like, okay, well the common hasn’t collapsed yet. And the stock, market’s still great highs. Okay. But nothing’s been solved. It’s actually gotten worse with compounding interest since yesterday.
2 (26m 14s):
Just massive welfare.
1 (26m 17s):
Wow. Exactly. And that’s the one we’re gonna talk about here on the flip side, second half of the show, but there’s all different types of welfare trying to come out. Everyone’s coming out with a plan, whether that’s mandatory stock ownership for babies or just, or just cash handouts. That was the topic I thought we were going to. Yeah, we’re going to save it. We’re going to get into it more later, but we’re going to preview it. Okay. That’s it.
2 (26m 39s):
Bill Ackerman. Who is he? And what did he say? He, I think is Pershing square.
1 (26m 45s):
I forgot exactly which fund he is, but he’s often shows up on CNBC billionaire hedge fund manager. And he essentially said to cure inequality so that everyone will have a stake in the game and everyone will be a capitalist. And this is kind of how, kind of how he spins it right to, to those folks that want free market or capitalism, try to appeal and trick them. In my opinion, by saying, if we were able to give every child born in America, a essentially a 401k from birth and it compounds at 8% a year forever, they will be millionaires by the time they retire.
1 (27m 27s):
It’s, you know, much better than social security, much better than a government program. Well, it’s still a government program, massive subsidies. It’s just government trying to couch it. Exactly. It’s government force investment. He’s trying to couch it as how to bust inequality and let everyone get into the free market, but it’s destroyed the free market. So it’s the exact opposite. It’d be like social security. You’d have to live long enough to get it. Well, that’s a good point and qualify with your social credit scores and good enough. Yeah. We’re going to get into
0 (27m 58s):
A terrible, terrible idea. Why this sound
1 (28m 0s):
It’s good, right? It really isn’t. Yeah. So it’s almost like there’s a flavor of welfare for every person out there. There’s just direct transfer payments. You know, if you really just want to do that and just straight takeovers reparations, but then there’s this kind of, Hey capitalism, 2.0, let’s make it friendly and work for everybody and cure inequality. Sounds so great. But we will again, get into some specifics why it’s BS and talk about maybe some solutions we come up with and a lot more and we’ll be right back though.
1 (28m 30s):
Stick with us. Patriot power hour
0 (28m 42s):
1 (29m 2s):
0 (29m 9s):
It was right after the revolution, right after peace had been concluded. And Ethan Allen went to London to help our new country conduct his business with the King, the English sneered at how rough we are rude and simple minded. Unlike that everywhere he went to one day, he was invited to the townhouse of a great English. Lord dinner was served. Beverages imbibed time pass has happened.
0 (29m 41s):
And mr. Allen found he needed the privy. He was grateful to be directed. Then relieved. You might say that mr. Allen discovered on entering the water closet, that the only decoration they’re in was a portrait of George Washington, even Alan Dunn, what he came to do and returned to the drawing room is hosted.
0 (30m 16s):
And the others were disappointed when he didn’t mention Washington’s portrait. And finally, his Lordship couldn’t resist and asked mr. Allen had he noticed it, the picture of Washington he had, what did he think of its placement? Did it seem appropriately located to mr. Allen drown and said it did Joseph was astounded appropriate? George Washington is like this and a water closet. Yes, sir. Mr. Allen, where it’ll do good service. The whole world knows nothing to make an Englishman shit quicker than the side of George Washington of multiple threat indicators.
0 (31m 5s):
1 (31m 24s):
We’re the, I, we are bag Pedro power hour. It’s September. It’s the 1st of September and it’s 2020. Unbelievable. All of that. But here we are despite everything. So got a few more episodes again here in September, pulling out the rest of the season, come up to the election relatively soon as well. But if you haven’t figured it out yet, we like to talk about all different types of topics because the world is quite complex and knowing a little about, about a little bit about everything does pay off.
1 (32m 1s):
Sure. You gotta be a specialist to some degree, especially to make money. It seems like these days, but from a knowledge and news and preparedness point of view, being a generalist is actually very beneficial in my opinion. So anyway, recovering some economics, we’re talking about unemployment, talking about inflation. Well, actually we didn’t cover much inflation, but I suppose my answer to the next question or topic you want to cover how that mandatory investment and these other welfare and stimulus and bail out programs, whatever you want to call it.
1 (32m 38s):
Corporate bailouts, the stimulus checks directly to the people, almost everything except for tax cuts is being considered to kind of prop things up and save and, and bail out people. What’s that going to lead to? That’s going to inevitably absolutely mathematically has to lead to inflation of some goods. It’s just, what are those number one? And when is that inflation? So we’ll add inflation having right away or what kind of be bottled up for years and years until there’s a hyperinflation event.
1 (33m 13s):
That’s kind of the debate. I think when will the inflation hit in the magnitude? Not if so, that’s really the end result who, and who’s going to pay for this is going to be paid by debt. We can get directly into that bill Ackman proposal, if you’d like or other, maybe opportunist, let’s call them out there trying to find ways to save the children with more and more debt spending and more and more Ponzi schemes. What say you, and do you sign off on this to the bust inequality?
2 (33m 46s):
No, it doesn’t make sense. It, but I’m not enough of a Austrian school economics economists to voice it, but I’m sure, you know, Ackman said at what today, yesterday within a week, I’ll find someone who’s able to explain why this is, you know, the equivalent of a perpetual motion machine. If everybody has to put the exact same amount of their wages over their lifetimes, into a marketplace, it has to in plate the entire thing in a way that, that can’t be productive in the end.
2 (34m 23s):
This is malinvestment, this isn’t anything based upon the worth of the assets being bought in the market. There’s no retracting these investments. They always accumulate over a lifetime. So it, the, the prices of the things that are being bought the stocks ha can’t be, you know, closer to their real truth. They have to be more further away and I can enunciate it tonight, but I know that can’t be a good thing.
1 (34m 54s):
No, and it’s not. And I think there’s a, so many routes to go, but I want to focus on who would pay for it.
2 (35m 2s):
Well, apparently every baby throughout their lifetime has to put into the, you know, it’s like,
1 (35m 9s):
Is it a replacement for social security or an addiction?
2 (35m 13s):
Well, this is just some billionaire hedge fund guy talk on TV. But if it gains any traction with was, you know, big state Republicans who, and, you know, George W. Bush preview something and attempted this in his second term, which was to put a, you know, an investment component to social security. I remember that. And he got nowhere with that
3 (35m 38s):
Probably cause from both directions, it doesn’t make sense if you’re a socialist, that doesn’t make sense. And if you’re, you know, believing that the interference of the government right now in the markets is too severe for them to function properly anyway. So doing,
1 (35m 52s):
Yeah, it’s worse
3 (35m 54s):
That accelerates the problem
1 (35m 56s):
1 (36m 28s):
We could have that debate. I it’s very questionable. And there’s so many opportunities for the banksters to make money off this yet. I know they say that zero fee, but that’s all, that’s not, how would they explain that piece? Well, there be so many new companies going public, trying to get part of that money and the banksters make massive money off the IPO initial public offerings. So that’s one way the banksters would make so much money off of this. And
3 (36m 56s):
Let me let, wait a minute, go back to the part of companies that wouldn’t otherwise exist as publicly traded companies becoming so right to chase this forced money, this forced invent.
1 (37m 8s):
Yeah. It’s that, that’s the malinvestment that we would be talking about. It’s just the supply of investment funds is artificially high. Therefore more people are going to be coming into the market. They’ll think they’re going to be able to get a piece of the pie. And a lot of them will. It’s just, you know, you could couch that as they needed this opportunity to get money and now they have it and they’re able to prosper, but that’s pretty naive in my opinion. And really it’s in the end, it’ll be wasted money and that’s not even considering all the corruption that could take place and will take place.
3 (37m 44s):
So it grows corruption. It wastes resources, it promotes mal-investment and the targeted population they’re supposedly, supposed to believe in it. The renters, the wage earning folk who have nothing, totally the value of what Americans wealth would have been 30, 40 years ago, they don’t own property. They don’t own assets are supposed to be turned on by the idea of that kind of state, forced capitalism is forcing capitalism on people, the way to convince people that they ought to like it love it and want more of it.
1 (38m 22s):
It sounds like not free market capitalism, maybe crony capitalism or a whole new form of like a mesh. Is that corporatism? Yeah. Corporatism or just authoritarianism more like anything. Yeah. So, no, absolutely. I guess, Oh gosh, I had another couple of good thoughts that, you know, there’s just so much to cover. We could talk, I could talk about this all day
3 (38m 46s):
Tyrants among us, who would love to just be like, yeah, I should force them to put their check into the market. For sure. I can hear that angle of it too. You’ll hear supporters of this idea. You know, you know, Mitt Romney was in favor of forcing people to buy health insurance in Massachusetts. So, so much so that his, his political nemesis in the 2016 election or 12 election, you know, took it national, right.
3 (39m 16s):
Forcing people to buy things is never going to result in what you’re hoping to achieve.
1 (39m 21s):
No, and it’s pretty, I mean, evidence bears bears without that, but I think it’s just common sense that doing this will have tons of unintended consequences and you’re not going to replace something like social security or Medicaid with this. It will be in addition to, so it’s not like we’re taking half the funding away from social security and funneling it here, or, you know, because we could have a debate of, Hey, do we need some sort of safety net?
1 (39m 51s):
Should it be government run or private or some sort of hybrid, I can have that debate. And there’s a lot to talk about, but we know for fact, what we’re looking at here is a defunct, social security, safety net, and Medicaid, Medicare, et cetera, it’s going to be bankrupt. It is bankrupt just going to be in a solvent and it’s not, is it going to be ugly and all the pension systems too, in the long run, but can we inflate this bubble for another 10, 20 years? Can we push it down the road? Could we have another generation literally born and shackled into it?
1 (40m 23s):
And this is one of the points kind of to maybe not end the conversation, but some I really want to focus on this is predicated upon the fact that the stock market will increase by 8% every year compounded for the next 30 or 40 years. There’s times in normal history where the stock market is flat for 10, 20 years, because it’s a market or even goes down. Can you believe that the stock market used to go down for like two years at a time? Yeah, exactly. So you think that might happen in the next 10, 20 years?
1 (40m 56s):
If not, then what we’re going to be looking at is a bunch of people without $1 million retirement accounts, but we’re going to be looking at $50,000 an ounce gold. Okay. Maybe not that high, but pretty damn. I mean, we’re talking a factor of 10 or 15, 20 inflation over the next 10 years, 20 years. If you’re looking at the stock market going up 8% every year, well, real assets are going to go way higher than that. When we lose the reserve currency status, that’s what it all comes down to.
3 (41m 25s):
Well, I think Ackman’s betting on the fact that we won’t have it.
1 (41m 28s):
Well, absolutely. You know that, and that’s just disingenuous at the least. It’s a manipulation and a lie in my opinion.
3 (41m 37s):
1 (41m 41s):
I know I can’t. I get on CNBC and debate them.
3 (41m 43s):
I think on a, on a cultural level though, this will do nothing to promote belief in the system. You can’t completely prop it up by the, you know, the force of the state. Like that’s what it is. You have to have your money deducted from your paycheck, right? And if you don’t choose to do that, you’re in the black market economy or in a barter system and you’re greatly disadvantaged economically and, or they’ll find you and just confiscate cash if you have it.
3 (42m 13s):
So if you’re participating in this forest system, you don’t to be fair. Why would you treat it as something that’s not capitalism? Capitalism is supposed to be about free choices.
1 (42m 23s):
I’d be more fair is if you had the option to not participate at all. So you don’t get any account, but you don’t get texts
3 (42m 30s):
If you choose Texas.
1 (42m 32s):
Well, I wouldn’t choose that for my child as they opt out, if you’re allowed to do that. And then I would have a lot more, okay, we could actually talk about this. Cause you could go the government only route the independent, you know, I E you’re out of the system route and they’re okay with that. And then you can sign off or that hybrid route, you know, Hey, half of it goes to the government, social security, half of it goes to the stock market or, you know, a mutual funds in the end. I think it is all pretty much a bankster scam. But from a big picture, I understand we got to figure out some of these issues, are we going to have a hundred percent, you know, free market individualist or a hundred percent government something in between, we can have that debate.
1 (43m 11s):
But this specific instance, it’s not just a red herring, it’s manipulation and, and bill, Ackman’s not doing this on accident or you’re stupid or something like he’s, he knows what he’s doing. He’s an assassin. A bankster assassin is how I think of him.
3 (43m 28s):
Wow. Yeah. That’s
1 (43m 30s):
Assassinated future generations wealth. There you count. That’s what I mean.
3 (43m 37s):
If anybody’s even paying attention to this with this much violence in the street these days, and Elon Musk putting chips into brains, why would that necessarily be a bad thing? We can get into that next segment, the fourth segment of Patriot power hour,
1 (43m 51s):
For sure. Maybe we can talk a little bit more of the mandatory vaccinations, some of the, some chatter around that. And you know, I’ve had again, bring it up a work example. People talk at work like, Oh, the vaccinations coming up by end of the year. I hope it does. We can get back to life and traveling. And these are like educated people. And I’m wondering what’s wrong with them. I don’t know if we can talk a little bit about that here in the future though, but we are going to break Patriot power hour as always check out prepper
1 (44m 21s):
Stick with us. We’ll be back for this final segment of the a hundred 10th episode of Patriot power hour.
0 (44m 42s):
All the prep broadcasting network,
1 (44m 44s):
The six principles for disaster preparedness. Use them to build a base of preparedness that will keep your family safe in the face of the next disaster. Find them and
0 (45m 3s):
These things you say we will have, we already have. That’s true. I ain’t promising that next week. I’m just giving you life and you’re giving me life. And I’m saying that men can live together without butcher in one, another sad. Then governments are shaped by the double tongues and there is iron in your words of death, for all commands you to see. And so ULAR is Arne. And your words of life, no sign, paper and old, they are good.
0 (45m 39s):
Must come from men. The words of 10 bearers carry the same iron of life and death. It is good that warriors such as we meet in the struggle of life or death, the Shelby life situational awareness of multiple threat indicators in one view, be prepared, future
1 (46m 24s):
Alright, Patriot power hour, final segment, September 1st, 2020 let’s head right into it. Brain chips. Yes. Brain ships off discussed and feared brain shit by the tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist is finally coming to bear here in 2020, we got Alon Musk unveiling. What’s known as the neuro link. And if you’re a fan of the Joe Rogan experience, you may have heard Musk on there a few months ago.
1 (46m 54s):
Talk, talk about this. And this is just kind of the beta test. Maybe even an alpha test for what’s coming next five, 10, 20 plus years. But you and I feature Dan just before coming out of the break, we’re saying really, this is like the cell phone going into your brain, but actually, you know, 10, maybe a hundred times more powerful in terms of it’s what it can do. I mean, just think of like the flip phone from 10 years ago, compared to the smartphone right now, Moore’s law is still in effect.
1 (47m 28s):
Exactly. So now it’s going to brain and will be able, and it won’t seem like, but I mean, being able to interact with your brain, your neurons and kind of interface like that is Moore’s law. Yeah. Maybe the processing speed will won’t seem as high, but it’s a whole new level of processing, right? It’s kind of enough to be interacting with human brain. Absolutely. So it may be very simple, like, Oh, it only do one or two things. It seems kind of mundane or, Oh, that’s kinda cool. Nifty gadget before, you know, it, it’s going to be literally like a tool that will be necessary for you to do any work.
2 (48m 4s):
Well, right now it’s limb function, eyesight hearing diseases like Parkinson’s hopefully diseases like epilepsy, Alzheimer detection of strokes. They’ll put sensors in bodies to detect. So it’s going to expand lifespans. Okay. It’s going to have a risk of being somehow manipulating behavior. Cause if you get to the point where these micro electronics get small enough, that you know, now you’re into the information spear with what used to be in your hand.
2 (48m 42s):
And if people put transmitters, which they’re going to have to, it’s going to have to be a transceiver. It’s going to be radio of some type to be a radio frequency that interacts out of your skull.
1 (48m 53s):
Yeah. Well here, this is kind of creepy, but this is exactly what it is. One of neural links, inventions revealed a surgical robot that inserts electrodes into the brain. The devices are connected by flexible threads, measuring four to six micro meters or about one third of the diameter of a human hair capable of transferring high volumes of data. So they kind of like stick these wires in here, brain through your skull. And I think that might interact with something called the matrix.
1 (49m 23s):
Like, you know, those plug into some maybe radio or at first it will be Jody 7% success rate. I don’t know about the 13%, what happens with that? The animal’s 13%, but
2 (49m 34s):
To be clear this year and for the near term future, these devices are going to be sensors. They’re just going to be taking data passive out of parts of your brain, passive yet to know a state or several States and detect the diseases, detect the ailments. But eventually when does the transmissions reverse and you’re starting to stimulate parts of the brain and then how sophisticated can that get? Can you get into an entire virtual world by closing your eyes and just, you know, we’re talking matrix stuff and it’s being experimented on people right now, the social impacts to this even just 10 years from now, it could be profound.
1 (50m 17s):
I think that’s a good way to think of it. Just imagine in 10 years, they’re able to essentially put a heads up display of your telephone into your brain. Maybe your phone is not literally in your brain, but you’re able have that interface. So you can kind of just close your eyes or maybe with your eyes open and when mean, we’ve all seen the science fiction, right. But you can kind of just like scan through your contacts or just kind of look off into the gaze and see what’s going on, maybe with a contact lens as well, you know, interface. So whatever it is it’s going to come off kind of as a playful, you know, Hey, this is a nifty thing.
1 (50m 50s):
This is kind of cool. You can do it for your health or to help lose weight. Or, you know, if you have epilepsy or something
2 (50m 55s):
Like a miracle,
1 (50m 58s):
I’m not anti technology, but I’ve seen a lot of the negatives. I mean, I was born in 1985. So I’ve seen everything from, I mean, I’m not from way back in the day, you know, I did have television, but we had phones that plugged into the wall. No cell phones, no internet, maybe 30 channels on the television, which was pretty big for back then. And that’s where we started for all the way and that age of 10. And between by the time I was 25 years old, had smartphones had all this and now it’s just continues to grow.
1 (51m 32s):
So I guess what I’m saying though, is I’ve seen all the negatives as well. I’ve seen myself as well as my peers and even the older people get so twisted up on social media, addicted to their phones, always online, staring at screens like zombies. I’m totally guilty of it. Myself. Imagine though, the kids that are born today, that when they’re 10, 15, 20 years old, they’re going to have this stuff plugged into their brain, literally. So that’s a whole new level. And again, not to scare people, this is just what we’ve gotta be ready for. And are you going to accept the chip literally or figuratively is kind of the next step.
2 (52m 5s):
Yeah. And if you don’t, you, you, and, and, and it won’t transmit off your mental States. It won’t transmit off whether you’re being deceptive, it won’t transmit your convictions that can be detected and, and, and look at trends and your, in your views, if you’re not totally surveillance, will, are we going to start seeing in places in this country where you can’t participate, I’m sure that’s coming to town, Alterian regimes, but can we stop it here?
2 (52m 37s):
And will there be, it’s a, it’s a cliche and I hate it too. The like a bill of rights of some type about this. It won’t be a bill of rights because I doubt it’s getting into the constitution, but will there be any kind of laws that say you’re equally protected for not participating with hardware and yet
1 (52m 55s):
Yeah. I think it comes down to your data, owning your data, your privacy, and, you know, being secure in your papers and effects, but it’s all digital. Yeah. So I think a lot of it already applies. I’m not a constitutional scholar. There’s a lot of stuff that already speaks to this just needs to be kind of applied or interpreted for 20, 20, 20, 30, 20, 40. But there might be some new lit I mean, this is totally, they can never thought of this, you know, in the last two, 300 years. So a lot of it is evergreen, but I think there be, need to be some new legislation or know even an amendment or whatnot, not, you know, we’ll see, but what won’t stop
2 (53m 32s):
As corporations from conspiring to like, how many things can you not participate in now, if you don’t choose to use a phone,
1 (53m 42s):
It’s essentially impossible. If you don’t use the internet or a phone, you can get away with without using a telephone by using Skype or using, you know, VIP on the internet. But if you’re not gonna use the internet or the telephone, you’re pretty much, you know, Amish, right.
2 (53m 58s):
You’re, you’re, you’re, you’re not communicating at the same footing.
1 (54m 1s):
You really got no hope. I don’t think even how could he even, let’s say you had a kid that was trying to do boy Scouts or something they don’t even do by us mail to like, be like, here’s our month’s activities, right? It’s all, I’m, you’re on a message board or discord server, or, you know, Slack or Microsoft teams or zoom. Everything is little that was before the pandemic with the pan, then make it like everything’s connected. So, okay. But maybe that’s a pretty good live to go live on the side of the mountain and not have to deal with all of these people.
1 (54m 33s):
I know a lot of our listeners do that. So I’m very jealous. I hope to be like you someday,
2 (54m 37s):
There’ll be more, there’ll be more of them. I predict, because imagine the day when your boy scout true meeting is, is online and you’re only going to access it if you’ve got the hardware in your head.
1 (54m 49s):
Yeah, no, definitely. So I think there’s on one hand, this is a very pressing and immediate issue, but I still think there’s decades before it really gets to that level
2 (54m 59s):
Might be totally unsafe to your body too.
1 (55m 1s):
Well, absolutely. I won’t even buy the latest PlayStation first version, first hardware run because they always find issues and kind of tweak it over the first production run or two,
2 (55m 11s):
I’m talking about the electrical magnetic fields in your
1 (55m 14s):
Well, I was thinking just the, you know, they may have a couple of bugs. I gotta work out, you know, but if you’re talking about the fields and stuff, who knows on accident or on purpose, what kind of Trojan horse and other electromagnetic issues too, there’s so many unknowns.
2 (55m 30s):
There’s going to be a fraction of the population who can’t get this because of the sensitivity to it and, and they’ll get ill from it. And then we have a dividing point in humanity, the people that can withstand it and choose it and adopt it and become, become cyborg. And then the people who don’t, it’s it’s divider for the human race.
1 (55m 49s):
Well, at least they’ll be able to listen to all of our podcasts all within 18 seconds from the fast forward in their head. Yeah. They’ll be able to parse it immediately. So they’ll be able to listen to the entire Patriot power hour and prepper broadcasting archive in seconds. And hopefully our knowledge will transform over that. How about that? Hopefully voluntarily. Yeah, always a force fed to them. Although there could be worse things, be force fed, I suppose. Anyway, folks we do got to get out of here.
1 (56m 21s):
I thought it was a pretty fun night covered a lot of different topics. Lot of stuff could go for another hour or two. I swear we will not be live next Tuesday next Tuesday on the 8th of September. However, we are going to bring some content, whether that’s going live on a different day later in the week, or prerecorded TBD going to discuss with Intrepid commander as well. But I do encourage everybody to stick with us on the pepper broadcast network. Cause the next generation shows coming up.
1 (56m 52s):
And of course we’ve got a long list of shows and daily audio cache files throughout the week. It’s September labor day is coming up. I think it’s a good time to get your preps in gear I’m personally doing so now and stepping up the next week or two getting things squared away before election and winter hits. So that’s my thoughts heading into this labor day. So in November is going to be tumultuous. Absolutely. We need to be ready for it. Absolutely. So all future Dan, we have a good rest of the week, have a good weekend and we’ll be back pretty darn soon.
1 (57m 23s):
All right. Pray that writing dies down and we don’t have more incidences that spark it up and we’ll be talking to probably something about economic mayhem next week on the picture.
4 (57m 37s):
1 (57m 46s):
How the prep hop rule costing network. The six principles for disaster preparedness. Use them to build a base of preparedness that will keep your family safe in the face of the next disaster. Find them and
4 (58m 7s):
These things you say.