Near Drowning, Spanish Flu and Next Waves on the Survival Medicine Podcast

Near Drowning, Spanish Flu and Next Waves on the Survival Medicine Podcast

July 13, 2020 Doom and Bloom Shows 0

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0 (0s):
, this is the hour of doom bloom. That’s right. Friends and neighbors. Welcome to the doom and gloom survival medicine podcast. An era of equanimity in an agregious world, Joe Alden, and D that old dr.

0 (30s):
Bones, cofounder of the survival medicine website, doom and, where you’ll find 1200 wow articles, podcasts, and videos of medical preparedness.

1 (40s):
And I’m Amy Alton also known as nurse Amy and I am also the cofounder of all of that stuff. You just said, that’s right. I’m an advanced, registered nurse practitioner and a certified nurse

0 (51s):
And purveyor of some of the highest quality medical kits on the planet. It’s stored out doom and I do. And not to mention the goddess, that’s the hottest, you know what? We’re going to tell you the basics here. We’re going to tell you the conventional wisdom here. We’re going to tell you the unconventional wisdom here is whatever it takes for your family to be medically self-reliant in times of trouble. But before we start, you better listen to this.

1 (1m 18s):
Absolutely all information and opinions voiced on the survival medicine podcast are for entertainment purposes only, and do not represent medical advice for anything other than a post-apocalyptic settings, which we were almost in got close. Didn’t we, but not quite. We strongly urge our audience to seek modern and standard medical care, whatever. And wherever it is available, please,

0 (1m 43s):
That’s right. Don’t listen to us. But there might come a time when you are the highest medical resource left to your family. And our job is to make you effective in that role. So maybe you shouldn’t listen to us, right? Hey, you know, many people are concerned about what appears to be a second wave of COVID-19 the pandemic disease caused by the SARS Coby to virus. And indeed some States that were relatively unaffected by the virus are now reporting pretty high numbers of cases. And people are beginning to get concerned about hospital’s abilities to deal with the more severe cases right now in previous podcasts, we stated that second waves we thought were pretty much.

0 (2m 20s):

1 (2m 21s):
Totally. As soon as the host for the viruses emerged from our homes and we started intermingling, of course, there are going to be an uptick. And that’s just the way it is one that we cannot live inside our houses forever.

0 (2m 36s):
Or one thing you should know about these pandemic ways is that they’re going to have peaks and they’re going to have troughs, I guess that’s why we call them waves and you can do things to delay them. And you may be able to make the peak a little bit lower, but you just can’t stop them anymore than you can stop the waves in the ocean. In the case of a very contagious disease, like COVID-19, you can only hope to flatten the curve, right? Things that we’ve talked about so much and not overwhelm the medical infrastructure’s ability to handle the caseload.

0 (3m 6s):
That’s what makes a pandemic go from being bad stuff to being apocalyptic stuff. Right? And so that’s the thing, or you may have heard, you know, CNN or someplace call this apocalyptic. It is not apocalyptic. It is something that is a bad thing, but we are indeed doing the right stuff that we need to do to get over it over the course of time.

1 (3m 29s):
Apocalyptic would have been the grocery stores, not refilling once the shelves were empty, not being delivered. That’s right. The hospitals being so overwhelmed that you couldn’t go there for any reason whatsoever, even COVID, there’s totally overwhelmed. Electricity shut off water, not working people, not showing up to fix anything anymore that we’re talking that’s apocalyptic.

0 (3m 56s):
So that’s what we need to do, right. Is we need to realize and count our blessings that it never has gotten to that point. As a matter of fact, we seem to be doing okay. In terms of cases, even, even though you read about deaths and things like that, only about 1% of active cases in the U S right now are in serious or critical condition in the hospital. That is, that is pretty good news because it was higher earlier in, maybe it’s a new strain or statistics or better statistics.

1 (4m 23s):
It does mean it does mutate. Absolutely. But we’d have to look into how much research they’re doing in the new cases, genome versus the older cases and see if there’s been any kind of change that they can point to,

0 (4m 40s):
Or at least several different strains, maybe more maybe twenties strains. That’s right. It’s very, very true now, but pandemic disease does not begin everywhere in a country as large as ours all at once. Some places that are experiencing a rise in cases are in actually their first wave, their first wave, we are in the first wave. So we’ve been ramping up testing and that’s been picking up a lot of well cases that may not have been picked up before.

0 (5m 11s):
We’ve done over 36 million tests in the United States. And in some areas a quarter or more folks are testing positive. And indeed they’ve been exposed may have, may have actually some immunity. We don’t really know how well the immunity does develop after getting COVID we’re testing a lot. And well, it wasn’t long after this. After New York that we started having cases down here in Florida, where we are, most of them are very mild.

0 (5m 41s):
Some even asymptomatic when alarms went off in places like New York and California hospitals elsewhere should have already had plans of action for when to really contagious COVID-19 hits their area. Why should they have been ready? The invasion of a new one, contagious infectious disease. S usually people are pretty surprised when there is one, a new one that is, but really we have had over a lot of epidemics just in the last 20 years, the swine flu SARS, MERS, Ebola, Zika, Chikungunya, and more gosh, all sorts of different viruses that have come through and caused epidemics, but not maybe pandemics besides swine flu.

0 (6m 27s):
That is, and the current COVID-19. Now we’ve known for a long time, how fast infectious disease can spread. And we’ve had years to prepare for something like this happening, but like we’ve said many times the most, most pernicious way that an infection spreads is not due to airborne or contact means, but because of complacency, that’s right. Not being prepared, being overconfident, bad news all the way around now, the Spanish flu of a hundred years ago, that’s a good example of second waves.

0 (7m 2s):
And yes, third waves after it slowed down the Spanish flu in the spring of 1918, that was its first wave. It came back at least twice within the next year. And the second way was deadlier than the first, the virus infected 500 million people worldwide. That’s about a third of the people that were alive at the time killed about 50 million victims. And of course, you know, that that is a lot worse than what we have been dealing with with COVID-19. And I don’t think we’re going, I don’t think we’re going to reach those kinds of numbers in our, in today’s world.

0 (7m 38s):
Second waves now of course may affect different segments of populations differently in 1918, for example, the first wave of the Spanish flu sick and the poorer folks, while the second effective, more affluent people that may not have had as much contact with lower socioeconomic groups, money, their money didn’t help though. The second wave actually turned out to be deadlier than the first. I think that we’re going to be experiencing second waves, third waves, maybe more of COVID-19 over the next year or so.

0 (8m 9s):
And that they’re are going to appear at different times in different parts of the nation. They may even be entirely new music, tailored versions of the virus, new strains that we haven’t even experienced just yet. And we have actually identified quite a number so far, the strain currently causing a rise in new cases. It seems to be affecting young adults some more, but appears somewhat less lethal than previous strains. Infectious disease outbreaks can last a very long time.

0 (8m 40s):
How long the plague decimated the population of Europe between 1347 and 1351 that’s several years, but, and it didn’t go away completely for about a century returned just as deadly a hundred years later in the 15 hundreds, the 16 hundreds, even to this day, we record a few cases in the American West reported every year. Yet people are suffering from COVID fatigue, they’re itching to get out and about, and I’m sure you are too. If you haven’t been, they, I, all I can say is that people hope that the hot winter weather of summer is going to slow the spread of COVID or not only COVID, but any other infectious or influenza type disease, it does just like it does in many influences, influenza epidemics now, flu viruses, and coronaviruses aren’t identical.

0 (9m 34s):
And the break that we hope to get in the summer of this year, just as not yet materializing, that is something that’s well, not too good. That means we still have to wear masks, especially in situations where we can’t socially distance. We have to keep away from crowds, wash, hands, use hand sanitizer. Now you don’t, it doesn’t mean you have to wear masks everywhere. If you, if your beaches are open, you do not have to wear a mask at the beach, unless you’re in some kind of each aware, there is not six feet difference the space between you and the next person on their beach towel, as far as far as I’m concerned.

0 (10m 12s):
And as far as the CDC recommendations go basically mass or for situations where there is the possibility that you’re not going to be able to social distance. If you have to pass somebody in the aisle, in the supermarket, for example, things like that. So you don’t have to wear a mask for everything. You don’t have to wear a mask as you attempt to hike the entire length of the Appalachian trail, for example. And it’s just something that a lot of people don’t realize.

0 (10m 42s):
We see a lot of people driving their car, they’re alone in their car, but they’re driving their car with a mask on. We see them at the beach sometimes with the math, with masks on, we see them walking along boardwalks and stuff like that. I mean, this is just in the last few weeks that we’ve seen,

1 (11m 1s):
Or even just in the past drive 15 minutes. Okay.

0 (11m 4s):
Yes, that’s right. Well,

1 (11m 6s):
I will say if were County or your state has rules and regulations about being indoors that could determine whether you have to wear a mask, even if the grocery store is empty. I know all of our grocery stores require us to wear a mask, whether there’s anyone inside, other than the clerks or not, we have to wear a mask. So that’s just the way it is in our County. So you just have to follow the rules. And also the common sense, even if it’s not required, if you or the people you may be in contact with, when you come home are vulnerable, you definitely want to be taking care of yourself, washing your hands, using hand sanitizer, socially distancing, and using a mask when you be far away from somebody.

1 (11m 56s):
So just follow common sense.

0 (11m 59s):
That’s right. And by the way, if anybody needs mass, I think Amy even has some mass that are on your store. Right? I have K in 95 and 90 bucks, I think is the Chinese version.

1 (12m 10s):
We’ll tell you what, I cut those open. I’ve got one open. This is my second batch. The first batch, I had a two layers of melt, blown material inside, which is great. It was a five layer mask, but it had a different interior filter, but this one has three layers of the melt blown material, which really gets the smaller particles. So it’s actually even better than the last group. So they’re, they’re nice.

1 (12m 41s):
Yeah. I mean, I don’t have FDA approval cause they’re from China, but they are a nice mask and I feel comfortable wearing them if you had COVID and that’s all I had. That’s what I would wear. I would choose that over a surgical mask or a cloth covering or a cloth covering any day. Absolutely.

0 (13m 1s):
Well, there you go. You know, we spent, I think we probably haven’t gone through a show in the last few months without discussing COVID-19, but we should take a look back down the line at the last major pandemic and maybe a little bit more. I mentioned the Spanish flu and you know, you can learn a lot of history’s lessons here. And if you can understand the history of what happened before you might not repeat the mistakes that were made back then, and that’s a problem, we’re canceling out a lot of our history these days and it’s called cancel culture.

0 (13m 35s):
And the problem is, is that that means people are going to forget about history and we’re going to wind up, ending up doing the same silly things or stupid things that we’ve done to get ourselves in trouble last time. But anyhow, if you’re willing to listen, definitely listen to history. So let me tell you a little bit about maybe a brief history of the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918, 19, 19 Spanish flu pandemic. I told you was responsible for infecting huge quantities of people, a significant percentage of the world population and killed unlike COVID has killed 15 million people.

0 (14m 12s):
I don’t think we’re going to get to the point that COVID is going to kill 50 million people. First, the thing about Spanish flu is that I think in general, people think that it came from Spain, but Nope. Well, we owe the Spaniards in apology during world war one nations that were involved in the struggle, including the United States, didn’t allow the publication of bad news that can harm the war effort. Things that might’ve helped us out, maybe in a subsequent conflicts, things like say a highly contagious epidemic in the middle of a war, probably wasn’t conducive to helping out the war effort.

0 (14m 51s):
And sure enough, you, if you belong to Germany or if you were in France or you were England or United States, you did not hear about this epidemic. The country of Spain Harbor was neutral during for one, and it didn’t censor its press. And so whatever news you got about the new virus was usually from Spanish journalists. The pandemic became known as the Spanish flu because whatever news there was about, it seemed to come out of Spain. So whenever the Spanish flu first appeared, they think it was around March, 1918.

0 (15m 26s):
It had all the landmarks of a seasonal flu, I assume, became recognized as much more contagious. And in some cases it was deadly. Some believed the flu started in China, but one of the first cases reported was actually not in Asia or Europe, but the United States, this was a guy named Albert Gatchell and he was a U S army cook in Haskell County, Kansas, who was hospitalized with a very high fever. Yes, it is possible. The flu started right here in the USA, at least the strain, this strain of the Spanish flu.

0 (15m 58s):
It’s still a point of contention though. A hundred years later, a lot of people still think it came from China. Some people think came from the U S it makes sense that a cook bite become infected because a lot of Flint influenza viruses mutate from swine and birds, swine flu, avian, flu vert, flu, and, and these animals use this food producing livestock, obviously to get into the hands of cooks. Anyway, the virus spent a spread quickly throughout army installations at this.

0 (16m 29s):
And the one in Kansas was humped about 54,000 troops. And by the end of the month, 1100 of them have been hospitalized about 38 of them died after developing pneumonia. So a lot, a lot of troops got infected and not so many died as us troops deployed for the war in Europe. In 1917, they sort of carried the Spanish flu with them and throughout April and may the first wave of the virus spread like wildfire throughout a bunch of different countries, Spain, Italy, France, England, England, some sources estimate that three quarters of the French soldiers were infected.

0 (17m 4s):
Man, probably about half of the British troops. Yet the first wave of the virus just was not particularly deadly. And I mean, it was just similar to seasonal flu. People had maybe fever lasting a few days and then just were sort of got better by August. People were hopeful that the worst was over, but it was really just the end of the first wave. Apparently a mutated version of the flu emerges later that could kill healthy young adults. And this became the second wave and it was deadlier than the first it spread to the four corners of the earth.

0 (17m 37s):
As all these soldiers headed home as world war one came to a close, it ended around November. I think November 11th, as a matter of fact, 1918, I think is a armistice day or the day that they actually ended world war II. So not to downplay today’s risks from COVID-19, but from September to November of 1918, this second more lethal wave of the Spanish flu went crazy, crazy, crazy out of control in the United States, 195,000 Americans died from the Spanish flu just in the month of October of that year.

0 (18m 20s):
So it was pretty darn lethal. And when he got there,

2 (18m 27s):
Stop sending us messages in the middle of our, someone has something to say, baby, that’s so funny. So anyhow, let’s talk about

0 (18m 35s):
Seasonal flu seasonal flu, usually claims victims among infants and toddlers. Also the elderly and the people that are in front of have a lot of medical problems. And if you looked at a graph, it would look like a, you would have a, you went, if you went from age used age and the number of people that got it, you would see a graph to look like a year. You see a lot of people, very young, and a lot of people, very old that habit. And the two ends of the graph would be high and there’d be a trough in the bottom.

0 (19m 6s):
However, the second wave of the Spanish flu made a graph that looked more like a w because it not only killed those. You have very young people, very old people, but it killed a lot of people that were in the 25 to 35 year age group. And today COVID-19 is affecting more people in this age group right now, as our country is attempting to reopen. Now, the good news is that except for some hotspots like Houston, maybe most of these younger cases so far are mild or asymptomatic and have a percentage that wind up needing ventilators are, are very small, but the high numbers of Spanish flu deaths in these healthy young adults, mystified doctors at the time, they didn’t know why people that were young were dying from it.

0 (19m 49s):
But we believe now that the deaths were caused by something known as cytokine storm. When the human bodies attacked by a virus, the immune system sends messenger proteins called cytokines to promote helpful inflammation. Now in the Spanish flu, however, like COVID-19 can do this system. Part of the immune system of, of human beings had a tendency to go haywire. And if you got a massive overload of these cytokines, you wind up having so much inflammation causes a fatal inflammation in the lungs.

0 (20m 24s):
And as a matter of fact, when autopsies were done on soldiers that died from uncertain causes from the Spanish flu, that they, they, the doctors in world war one, likened the appearance on autopsy to the effects of gas warfare. Now at the time most public health officials were indeed aware of these outbreaks, but they were unwilling impose quarantines on teens, unlike what we’re doing now. And we’re every health officials seems to want to quarantine the country for the next five years.

3 (20m 59s):
Keep it in your house. It’s a little long there, but yes, the opposite Bagley

0 (21m 4s):
We’ll sit back then, but they had the same concerns. Their concerns were that it would cripple the economy to lock down permanently or semi-permanently. It would cripple the economy. And certainly it would have harmed the war effort. Well, you know, we are actually sort of at war now or at war in Afghanistan or war in Iraq in a sense, no were not really, but we are in cold Wars with North Korea and all sorts of people and anything that cripples the economy or like the semi-permanent lockdowns honestly, would affect any kind of war effort.

0 (21m 41s):
And we just don’t really realize it, but the people in world war one, they did realize it. And so indeed they didn’t impose a lot of quarantines. They just had people go through it. There were also, there were also physician and nursing shortages due to all these military enlistments back then, when a war was declared, people actually lined up at the recruitment office. They, you don’t see that anymore, but that’s what used to happen back in those days. And that included doctors, nurses, the American red cross actually caused some problems because they, at the time they refuse to use African American nurses until very late in the pandemic.

0 (22m 20s):
Although they really needed many more.

3 (22m 22s):
We need all the help, everyone equally,

0 (22m 25s):
Right? Many more medical personnel than that than were available. And the technician, the technology that wasn’t sufficient to quell the crisis, you could just couldn’t see viruses back then. You know that you couldn’t actually see a virus until the 1930s. Indeed. That’s when the viruses were really first there, there were people that hypothesized that there were such things as viruses, but they served there. And I talk about it in our book.

0 (22m 56s):
Alton’s pandemic preparedness guide, but they didn’t actually see them. So most health officials back in world war II were convinced as a vac virus was bacterial in nature, some bacteria, they just couldn’t see just yet. It turned out to be a virus by December, 1918, the deadly second wave of the Spanish flu that finally passed. But indeed there was a third way. Now that one seemed to emerge in Australia. And that was in January of 19, 19, and traveled back to Europe and to the United States.

0 (23m 29s):
And it’s thought that even president Woodrow Wilson might have been infected, he was the president of during world war one, the mortality rate of the third rate at third wave, actually as bad as the second way. But the good news is the end of the war in November, 1918, remove the conditions that allowed the disease to spread quite as rapidly,

2 (23m 49s):
Right? Because the hosts were also not huddled up together in trenches or in ships or in barracks. They were all jammed up together. They could spread out a little bit more when they went home to their families.

0 (24m 3s):
Exactly. Still millions more died. And by the end of, or by the middle, towards the end of 19, 19, the Spanish who finally petered out and are there lessons to be learned from the Spanish flu now that you know a little bit more about it, I I’ll tell you that’s up to you. It depends on how much you’re willing to listen. But I say to ignore history’s lessons, it is basically to repeat its mistakes. Let’s talk about something purely off that topic, but let’s talk about something that is indeed.

0 (24m 35s):
Some are related now, regardless of a lot of these municipalities closing public beaches and pools in warm weather, a lot of people head out to the waterfront for recreation and some people wind up getting in trouble. And so our friend, Jim COVID purpose of re survival guide asked us to write about risk. When people go into the water, I’m not talking about jaws, I’m talking about something just as scary though. And that’s drowning humans can’t survive under water for very long. So significant risks do exist for people who aren’t careful and drowning has gotta be one of the most harrowing, maybe heartbreaking water related injury, especially when it happens to kids about 90% of drownings take place in freshwater venues like rivers lakes, since just swimming pools and the rest occur obviously, and seawater, it was a 2004 reports from the world health organization.

0 (25m 28s):
They actually counted drowning is the third leading cause of death from unintentional injury. And from the year 2005 to the year 2009, there were an average of close to 4,000 drownings every year in the United States. And, but there were also a lot of non-fatal water, submersion injuries, many involving brain damage. Those were actually many times greater than just the 4,000. So who is it? That drowns are a number of factors that increase the risk of drowning. They include a poor swimming ability.

0 (25m 59s):
If they said, if you can’t swim your chances of drowning, increase failure to recognize your own limb, physical limitations can exhaust you on the trail, getting exhausted you in the water as well, and cause your device for supervision, that’s a big one. Drowning happens relatively quickly and oftentimes without a lot of noise, right? Because you have water, you’re breathing in water. So you obviously are not being able to scream very much people that are screaming when they are drowning are not yet drowning.

0 (26m 33s):
They are in need of help, but their diet drowning, even when lifeguards are present, sometimes even they may not notice when you were actually in distress. So unsupervised small children, if they could die, even in a bathtub now drowning second leading cause of death in children, one to 14 years of age, especially in the summer as surpassed only by maybe motor vehicle accidents, people or kids that are under five, tend to drown in swimming, pools, teenagers, young adults, mostly in natural water cell settings.

0 (27m 7s):
Most drowning deaths occur in males, I guess 80 about 80%. And I guess that just shows that males are a little less wise or judicious in their decision making than, than females. I think a little smarter and other females are a little smarter too. And so that probably goes into it. Location, your home swimming pool, most likely placed at young children, drown and most adult drowning events occur in wilderness, natural settings.

0 (27m 40s):
Of course, if there’s a lack of a barrier, if you have a very young kids, you might consider a pool fence pool fences to separate the pool from a yard, reduce a child’s risk of drowning by get this 83%. So that’s a lot. Now, if you’re out on, on the open water, 80% of drowning deaths, 88%, as a matter of fact, a drowning deaths involve people that were not wearing life vests. So you should be wearing a life S if you are on the water alcohol, half of deaths by drowning in adolescents and adults involved, some impaired judgment coordination oftentimes caused by drinking.

0 (28m 17s):
And there are people who have certain medical, underlying medical conditions. People like epileptics people with seizure disorders. So could drown even in the bathtub. That’s one of the most common deaths by injury for those who have a seizure disorder. So take showers, probably a good idea. So how do you drown, let’s talk about the physical, what physically happens. The primary urge to breathe is triggered by a rising carbon dioxide level.

0 (28m 48s):
Okay. What do you do? Your human body exchanges. Oxygen brings oxygen in and exhales carbon dioxide, right? That’s called gas exchange oxygen in carbon dioxide out drowning begins at the point where a person is unable to keep their head above or their nose, mouth above water at the actual inhalation of water into the lungs actually happens later on. It’s not the first thing that happens when you, when you drown once a person’s unable to keep their mouth above water.

0 (29m 19s):
There’s a cascade of events that occurs that leads to a fatality. You may be surprised to know that the concern that symptoms, since they’re to be so classic for drowning, like flailing around and screaming, oftentimes you don’t see them or hear them at all. There are involuntary movements of arms and legs that may occur underwater and not splash. I mean, cause you’re underwater and lack of air, no screaming for help. Certainly not loud enough to be heard. And from a distance, it may not even be obvious to people that we were in Sanibel Island, just a short time ago with our friends.

0 (29m 56s):
The spirit goes from the survival podcast and there were people swimming way, the hell out there. And if they were drowning, we probably would not have really been able to tell

1 (30m 7s):
You also saw shadowy things, swimming by them. Also, it looked like sharks. And if there was a shark attack, I mean, we know we would have bolted after these people to try and save them, but it would have taken us a while.

0 (30m 21s):
I was like 15 minutes to get out there. I mean, it amazes me how far out people do do swim in, in the summer. Well, anyhow, all these involuntary movements of arms and legs and stuff like that, you know, may not cause splashing. And once you are not enough air to scream for help. Well, you know, you’re just not going to be able to be rescued by other folks. It’s important, therefore, to look into the following, look for the following behaviors.

0 (30m 53s):
If, if you’re responsible for your family at the beach or at the local municipal pool, anybody who has their mouth and those below the level of the water, keep an eye on them. Anybody who’s obviously freaking out eyes wide with fear had tilted back mouth open, trying to Gasper air, attempting to swim to shore. For example, without making any progress or just flailing about these folks are obviously in trouble.

0 (31m 23s):
There are supposed to be four stages of drowning and the first and the first stage of drowning, the victim holds her breath voluntarily underwater as long as they possibly can. And this can last only until carbon dioxide in the body reaches too high a level. And once that happens, the second stage occurs and that’s when water begins to enter the airways. As the urge to breathe, becomes impossible to suppress. Although the trachea goes into spasm to prevent aspirating more water that causes a panic and the panic consumes more oxygen actually speeds the loss of consciousness.

0 (31m 58s):
And having, having said that an unconscious person rescued with a sealed airway due to spasm actually still chance stands a pretty good chance of recovery. Once that person is unconscious though, the open trachea, the trachea opens allowing for free movement of water into the lungs. That’s bad fluid in the lungs prevents oxygenation that leads to cardiac arrest and deterioration of brain cells in the forest stage injury to brain becomes irreversible after several minutes without oxygen and near drownings.

0 (32m 28s):
Luckily usually found within two minutes, but the fatal events are usually found after 10 minutes or more. The interesting thing is the younger person to better their chances. At one instance, a child submerged in cold water water, just above freezing mash to survive after this 66 minutes, apparently underwater without apparent neurological damage. That to me is like a miracle beyond a miracle that is just crazy. It’s thought that hypothermia and these kinds of events may slow the metabolism.

0 (32m 60s):
It might allow for a longer period of time before it was development of severe brain damage, but still 66 minutes. Wow. When a death occurs in water, it’s usually evaluated by autopsy. At that point, they’ll see water in the lungs indicates that the victim was at still alive at the point of submersion, by the way, and that if somebody was killed elsewhere and thrown into water, the interestingly enough, you don’t see a lot of water in the lungs, which has sort of strange absence of water and lung sometimes can be seen also when airway spasm persists until the heart fails or goes into cardiac arrest, that’s known as a dry drowning, but more often that seeing someone who died before the being immersed in water.

0 (33m 48s):
So staying safe in the water in summer weather being heat often means the dunk and the pool. We were like, we know that and that’s great. Here’s some things you should know though, to keep your family and yourself safe, take swimming lessons, make sure everybody knows how to swim early in their life. You know, teach your kids to swim early. Exotic people do it with baby

4 (34m 8s):
Babies, which is

0 (34m 10s):
Awesome thing. I don’t, don’t go into swimming, swimming, depth, water. If you don’t know how to swim, very simple, common sense. And by the way, swimming lessons are provided by a lot of municipalities throughout the country. So that’s the thing. And, and they say that the best time to teach children to swim is between the ages of one and four. Be sure to take CPR classes, understanding resuscitation very important when it comes to aiding drowning victims, strictly supervise any youngsters in the water, whatever kids are allowed are involved.

0 (34m 42s):
Strict attention has to be given by a responsible and sober S O B E R adult for preschool children. The adults should be close enough to touch the child and not involved in any other activity while supervising the buddy system was important. Everyone, even adults should always swim with another person or persons on the beach. Be aware of rip currents, knowing the meaning of flags on supervise. The beaches is important. High waves, discolored water, debris, channels of water, moving away from shore that those are signs of dangerous conditions.

0 (35m 16s):
If caught in a rip current swim parallel to shore until free, then diagonally back towards the beach foam or inflatable toys. Don’t take the place of life jackets, noodles, and water wings, things like that. Aren’t acceptable as substitutes for life vests, especially on boating trips, be firm about using the right equipment, even for adults, full fencing, of course, foresight offensing four feet high with a high latch safest way to prevent small kids from jumping or falling into the pool.

0 (35m 50s):
Getting in trouble. Don’t leave toys near the pool. After swimming be aware of the water. Thunder showers oftentimes whip up the water with strong winds and that increases the risk of drowning. You should always be physically fit enough to swim swimming involves exertion. So make sure that you’re up to the challenge. Don’t drink alcohol. Any water activity becomes more dangerous both to you and children. You supervise. If you’re drinking, don’t hyperventilate either. You’d some professional, deep divers, often hyperventilate to decrease carbon dioxide and depress the urge to breathe.

0 (36m 21s):
That’s great for them, but taking rapid deep breath to see who can stay underwater longest in the pool sometimes causes people to black out. I mean it could lead to drowning. And of course, if you suffer from seizure disorder uses a shower, not the bathtub. Anyone with a history of convulsions should undertake swimming activities only with one-on-one supervision in the wilderness, by the way, be wary of river crossings because fast moving water can knock you right off your feet. Even if the water’s just a foot deep at the beach or in the wilderness, you might encounter a distressed person in water.

0 (36m 55s):
Your first response is going to be jump in to jump in and help. But remember the hazards that are causing the problems are still right there. And also the person in question will likely be panicked and flailing around you should. It was call other people to help if possible. The goal is to help the person in distress while avoiding injury and reducing the risks that you’re going to be, become the next victim to accomplish this. Remember four words, reach, throw row, and go. So reach out to the person with a stick or an, or throw the person a lifeline, a life preserver or other floating object row out to the person in a canoe or other boat, if available and go into the water.

0 (37m 37s):
Only when there is no other option. If you must go into the water recovery should be done in such a way that doesn’t wind up submerging the rescuer due to the victim’s desperate attempts to stay above water. A blunt object, always helpful, but approaching from behind or offering one hand can work as well. Once a person’s that’s drowning or near drowning is in hand. Well, anyway, objects weighing them down should be removed towing. The patient from behind with the face wall up above water can be accomplished, especially if you have some trading once out of the water, put the individual in a supine position, check for breathing if unconscious, but breathing place in the standard recovery position, CPR could be required if certainly if the victim is breathing, unlike in a typical cardiac arrest, five initial rescue breaths are recommended and then chest compressions instead of just the 30 chest compressions right away.

0 (38m 36s):
So that that’s important. So unlike it’s, unlike on a typical cardiac arrest, you’re going to give five initial rescue breaths in a near drowning case. This is because of the basic law problem is the lack of oxygen rather than cardiac so much. It’s not that you have really clogged coronary artery disease. It’s just that you haven’t gotten any oxygen in your system. Some believe in attempting to expel water with these hind look like maneuvers. This honestly should be avoided. There is no such solid object. That’s obstructing the airways and these motions could delay the start of actual Venta Latori actions.

0 (39m 12s):
Also abdominal thrusts to raise the chance of vomiting, stomach contents into open airways that can increase the risk of dying victims, who arrive at a medical facility with a regular heartbeat. And it’s spontaneous breathing usually recover with pretty darn well, those requiring resuscitation are we’re going to need for intensive care, may end up with longterm handicaps because of the lack of oxygen. So that’s important in circumstances where new encounter I want you to just remember with when you encounter a swimmer in distress, consider the red cross. His chain of drowning survival S shot for help are remove the person from the water in a safe matter.

0 (39m 49s):
And in normal times, have somebody call emergency medical services. If alone begin resuscitation efforts for two minutes before calling emergency medical services begin CPR using both chest compressions and rescue breathing should have some persons alone are insufficient for drowning victims. And that’s different from the normal routine instructions. These days, CPR mask good for emergency situations to supply oxygen to the lungs without exposing the resuscitator to microbes, blood and other bodily fluids.

0 (40m 23s):
Not a bad idea. We have CPR mass in most of our kits, maybe all of our kids, I think so be certain to find some latex free versions, like what we have that prevent allergic reactions, CPR mass should OSB in the section of your medical kit that is most easily accessed. And if available, if you haven’t used an automated external defibrillator, an AED assistant can transport to a modern medical facility. If there is one outcomes worsened significantly in an austere or wilderness environment where you can’t get people to help in time.

0 (41m 1s):
Well that’s all the time we have for this week. We hope that you will continue to follow us on the survival medicine podcast. I’m Joe Alden for Amy Austin wishing you the best of health and good times are bad. Thanks for listening.

5 (41m 19s):
You’ve been listening to the doom and bloom hour with medical preparedness experts, doctor bones and nurse Amy, check out our for hundreds of informative articles about survival medicine, gardening, natural remedies, medical supplies, and lots of other good stuff. Contact us. Send your email to dr. Bones or use the contact form on the main page of the website. See you next week.

6 (42m 0s):
Are you worried about how dangerous the world has become? And these days of terrorist attacks, natural disasters, or even a future collapse, you need to be medically prepared to keep your family safe. I’m Amy out in air and P of store dot Doman, where you’ll find an entire line of uniquely designed medical kits and supplies for when help is not on the way for everything from individual first aid kits to the ultimate family bag, go to store dot doom and today. You’ll be glad you did.


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