Tools Talk!

Tools Talk!

March 13, 2016 Makers on Acres Tools 1

Tools Talk!
Brett Bauma “Makers on acres

Tools TalkOk here it is, my absolute favorite topic, The TOOL!  I love them for many reasons. They provide me with what I need to make a living as an electrician, and they also provide me the ability to fix things around the homestead.

3-12-16 images (1)On the show we are going to be discussing why we need a good assortment for our everyday lives. They play a pivotal role in keeping things maintained, repaired and help you to build new. There are so many different kinds available today and so many different brands, which ones do we need? What ones truly perform as they should?

I will be taking you on a journey through the world of tools, starting with hand tools and working up to power tools, the tools that we all need around the home.

3-12-16 images (1)1My past and present experience as a professional tradesman have given me years of trying out different tools and different brands as well. Being a person who depends on these gems to put food on the table, I understand the importance of a quality well designed and well-built tool. They are an investment, making sure you spend the money wisely to get years of use out of each one is an important move. Using the correct tool for a job will save you stress and frustration as well as being a safer way to work. Nothing is more frustrating than having a project go south due to a bad tool or having a tool break in the middle of a project. I will give you my tips for which ones to stock and which brands to seek out.
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One Response

  1. colleen says:

    I have not read ALL of your Prep bits on tools, but I find that antique tools suit me better than current tools. May take a bit 2 get used 2 them but…no need 4 electricity, do your own fixits wo/multiple support tools, etc.
    Case in point, yrs ago I started collecting, when I could find them, antique tools. My fave is my blade sharpener, a huge wheel that bladed items can be sharpened against.
    And multiple other items that don’t need electricity – in a pinch.

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