Lets Talk- Talk Time with A Family Affair

Lets Talk- Talk Time
Another show of talk time. I am enjoying this monthly open platform. where you the listeners get to decide where out discussion goes too. Join us in the chat for these once a month shows.
Our discussion takes the direction of the chatters. This is my one show once of month where I have no designated topic.
The giveaway for a book from Franklin Horton is still going on through next weekend. Everyone including Canadians are welcome to get in on this. Email me at A.family_affair@yahoo.com just state “I’m In” and if you are not in the US let me know if you are from Canada.
The winner of the book will get to pick between Locker 9 or The Borrowed World.
Mr. Horton is a strong advocate of the prepper lifestyle. He wants people to be Prepared on every level and wants individuals to know their physical abilities, to see where you limits are. He is all for people familiarizing themselves with the outdoors, especially children. Those are skills that can benefit everyone and give each person a sense of purpose.
If interested in any of Franklin Horton’s books check em out. click the image to go straight to the link for amazon.
#prepperbroadcasting network A Family Affair podcast Preppers