Lets Talk- Talk Time

Lets Talk- Talk Time

February 16, 2019 Shows 2

So with so much going on in the Smith household, I honestly let everything get away from me. So it will be an open show on any subject that comes to mind. So come into the chat and help drive our conversation. Its an open show for the listeners to really discuss whatever they want that is prepper and family related. I can say I see some discussion of seeds and basic preps. Our Progress on our Kombucha, and the serious subject that us as parents or even adults hate, that’s right finances. Little tips and ways to save money or even get the most bang for your buck.


I want my listeners to see that they are what really drives the show. That you are informing me as much as I am informing you. So hang out with me as we just Talk. Bring your questions, concerns or just topics. Lets get your prepping and family questions answered.


I will also be giving some great news of some awesome guest to come. I hope that everyone of you are just as excited for the great things to come especially to A Family Affair.



So as a recap from the show, we will be doing a monthly Talk Time. Were you my listeners get to choose the topic.


We definitely had a great show with a discussion on Kombucha, were I was in my process and I even opened my finished 2nd fermentation on air.  With this show the chatters really set the stage. There was plenty talk of bone broth.  Tips and advice were given from the chatters as well we ended  with some discussion of what motivated and set the stage for me being a prepper and how that motivation continues for me today.  Join us in the free form discussion where anything can be the topic. Email me, message me on any platform and lets grow as a community. Take the opportunity to join the chat.  and for those who are unable to but want to see what they missed. Then check out the show page after each Talk time show and check out, links and book referrals that were mentioned during the show.


Links from chat for Kombucha Information:

Links from chat for homesteaders conventions:


2019 Conference



2 Responses

  1. Jim Grilz says:

    Where the hell have you guys been.

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