Is a HOBO a Prepper? – The Next Generation Show

Is a HOBO a Prepper? – The Next Generation Show

December 16, 2020 Shows The Next Generation 0

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0 (13s):
Prepper Broadcasting Network we have to hit the reset button to create a true culture prepared. This starting at a very young age and so a tree and all the way up

1 (1m 11s):
Everyone. And welcome to The. Next Generation Show where we delve deeper into the little things in life. Here, we explore the lost art of fatherhood Parenthood, and fundamental preparedness for the world today. I’m your host, Ryan Buford, along with my cohost young master Collin, and today we’re broadcasting from the heart of the Pacific Northwest. We thank you for joining us, and there’s not a moment to lose. So let’s dig right in first off, a couple of quick announcements for those of you out there, listening to the podcast, we do thank you for that support. If you’re interested in joining us during these live streams, go ahead and go on over to Prepper and we can get you tied into the element dot I O a a chat room.

1 (1m 56s):
In fact, there are several chat rooms tied into Prepper broadcasting, but to get tied into The a live broadcast chat, we have to have to go through a specific process. It’s pretty easy to just create an account. And then, you know, we gave you the link to the chat room and you’re good to go. I’m in there along with a couple of like-minded listeners, it was like we got Volcana joining us tonight. Welcome volcanic, glad to have you as always. And I’m also a special thanks to the folks out in Balwyn Missouri as the top listeners in one location this week, also a special thanks to the listeners across the pond and around the world.

1 (2m 36s):
Several folks reaching out to me from the social media sphere. So wherever you are, keep it up. We, we are all in this together and I want to give a Butch, a shout out a Butch in Bosnia, got in touch with me on social media and just kind of chatted it up a little bit. So he was kind of curious what was happening here in the United States and how things were going here with regard to, you know, preparedness and survival and that sorta stuff. And kind of reminded me of, we have some things that were a lot, probably what 20, 25 years ago, The the conflict in Bosnia was a pretty big deal.

1 (3m 18s):
And a lot of folks have forgotten it since then. And you know, they’re rebuilding at this point, but you know, there’s still a need to be prepared, especially, especially in some of the countries that have been ravaged by war. So thanks for finding me and hopefully Butch in Bosnia, you can check out our website and podcasts and all that good stuff and join us one of these days on the live chat. Hey, while you’re over there, don’t forget to check out our new member portal over at Prepper broadcasting, the ability for us to continue doing what we do relies heavily on the direct support of you, the listener. So we appreciate the supports from those who have already become members through our member portal.

1 (4m 4s):
And if you’re interested, you can find added content. You can join a different chat rooms and see different content and kind of get tied into some of the other stuff that we’ve got going on behind the scenes. So check it out. A it’s a, it’s a good way for us to make sure that we are not under the thumb of big tech and we can continue to do what we do the way we do it and keep the information coming to you without any sort of restrictions that might be tied in having a voice these days is going to be probably one of the biggest assets that people in our community you can have. So really, really glad to have the folks who have supported us.

1 (4m 47s):
And if you’re interested in supporting us as well, check it out, remember a portal at PBN site, it looks like the Intrepid commander himself, James Walton showed up in the chat room tonight. Welcome James, glad to have you should be a good one tonight. So, and we got Jen, it looks like Jenna mama have a it’s coming in to, so again, that chat room, it’s a hottest place. Get your kids yourself over there while you can. It’s a good time. Especially during these live shows, you can see a lot more of what’s going on a tactical torture update. We actually have somewhat of an update. We’ve got a couple of new things happening. The I mentioned last week that there was a product that was sent my way.

1 (5m 28s):
It’s called an easy clip is what it was. I didn’t have the information on hand, but it’s actually easy clip. K a L I a P from easy This is a company out of the Northeast. I want to say

2 (5m 44s):
Maryland or Maine. If I can remember, remember, right,

1 (5m 48s):
We are going to be doing it a little bit of a product review on these easy clips. These are essentially the clips that I, that could be used just to, Hmm. Make a tarp effective when you lose all your grandma holes. Basically when it tears out, you can, you know, use it to tie back a tarp and a they’ve got a significant holding power. So we’re going to get some more details from the manufacturer. I’m just a guy who developed and created them and sells them right. Their out of the Northeast. So a great little company check out. We we’re going to be doing a little bit more with them here in the future. So today the topic for today is kind of an odd one, but I think for the most of the listeners, you can relate in certain ways.

1 (6m 43s):
All right, HOBO, Is preppers. You know, this is one of our, you know, Is, so-and-so a Prepper series that we kind of speckle in throughout the year. We’ve done a couple of other, a famous faces, like, you know, Oh, Chuck Norris. I think we did him and Mary Poppins and a couple of other folks. But today I really wanted to hone in on some of the nameless, faceless folks out there who in many ways, you know, may or may not be preppers and why or why even do any of this? Well, here we are in the holiday season and there was a time when I was about Colin’s age and I had a little bit of money, maybe 15 or $20 that I had saved up to be able to buy gifts for a family and stuff.

1 (7m 32s):
And I’ve usually been pretty good about being resourceful with the money that that I have to do. And so I could make a couple bucks stretch and be a little creative, make a few gifts and make things go a little bit farther. And I remember I was, I lived in an area of Washington that is known as the Tri-Cities area, and this particular area gets a very cold in the winter time, extremely high winds. It doesn’t snow very often, but the cold and the wind has a tendency to be a real dangerous combination, especially for people who are living on the streets. Well, this one particular day I was actually doing some Christmas shopping.

1 (8m 13s):
I went, like I said, I had about 20 bucks on me, maybe another five or so you can’t change. And I, a N I was walking into a, a video store is a store called Hastings zone. I don’t even know if they’re, there’s a couple of them still around, but it’s basically a video store they sell or sold video games, you know, books and miscellaneous stuff like that. And if they’re usually set up in mini malls, right? So I’m walking up to this mini mall in, and it was the type of a mini mall that had like an overhang. So when you walk up to it, there’s an overhang and the stores are actually inside.

1 (8m 54s):
And there’s kind of little like an area where, you know, you can, there’s like a small park bench kind of thing to whether or not they’re not like a big box store, but it’s more of kind of like a minimal type of setup. Anyhow, the only reason that’s important is because as I was walking up to this Hasting store, there was a woman sitting there at one of these benches. And she looked like a homeless person. You know, every, everything about her said homeless person, you know, her, her face was weathered, you know, dark and discolored, not because of her ethnicity, but just because, you know, she probably haven’t had a bath in a while or a hair is just, you know, what I could see if her hair was kind of disheveled and, and unnerving, you know, she had a big park on if I remember right.

1 (9m 48s):
And kind of some tattered gloves, not, not much else to her, but she didn’t have a shopping cart. And, you know, we were just kind of sitting there on this park bench and she didn’t have a sign out. And I, I had heard of this woman before, because it’s not a very big area, you know, This, Tri-Cities area you live in. And they The. I remember hearing about this woman from my music teacher in school. So I was like, okay, you know, it’s probably a legitimate, you know, what I, and I, I had to walk pastor, you know, to get into the store, but it wasn’t a, it wasn’t, you know, as I wasn’t that weird panhandling, you know, God, I don’t even want to make eye contact kind of thing with this person.

1 (10m 40s):
So, you know, I, I walked past, I walked up to her and she asked if I had any change or if I could spare any change, you know, for a cup of coffee. And I was like, yeah, sure. So I had pulled out five bucks or whatever I had on me and I give it to her and, and, you know, I could see the light in her eyes because she was just like, she was so thankful for just that $5 that I had. And I re I remember that moment because, you know, she just kind of held it close and just kind of nodded, you know, like, thank you. I really appreciate this. But there was a little bit of shame in her eyes.

1 (11m 21s):
There was that little had that, you know, if she didn’t have to ask for that money, she wouldn’t have. So I, I left it at that and told her Merry Christmas and just kind of continue to walk into the store. And, but before I could get to the door, I noticed that my peripheral vision, there was a woman who got out of her car, closed the door and started walking in fairly quickly walking toward the door. But I noticed that she wasn’t walking, she’s walking very briskly and I really walking right to the door. She was more walking toward me. And so I kind of a hurried up my pace a little bit to try and get inside the door, or at least opened the door for her.

1 (12m 7s):
But she stopped me before I could get to the door. And she was like, Hey, Hey, Hey, you know, okay, this is going to get interesting. And she was like, did you just give that lady money? And I was like, yeah, she said, why did you give her that money? I said, well, because she asked for it for one and she obviously needs it more than I do. And, you know, I, I’m sorry if that bothers you, but you know what, I have to kind of like trying to ignore the situation, walk away from this lady. And she was like, well, wait, wait, wait, wait.

1 (12m 48s):
And, you know, by this time at the front of the door, and she says, if you had more money, what would you just give it to weigh to other people? I don’t know. I was like, well, if they needed it probably. And so she reached into her coat pocket as she pulls out and I’m thinking, Oh great, here we go. And I’m kind of backing up, like, who is this stranger? What is she doing? She pulls out an envelope. And she’s like, I don’t remember exactly what she said, but it had something to do at the idea that I trust that you do you’ll do with This what needs to be done. And I was like, Oh, okay. And so I walked inside the store and I’m just kind of ignoring this lady.

1 (13m 33s):
And she walks into the store kind of next to me. And then I see her walking around the cash register. So I’m going right back out. So I’m kind of freaking out a little bit because this total stranger just gave me a letter or an envelope, and I don’t know what’s in it. And I accepted it and not thinking anything about it. And I’m like, Holy cow, what is, this? Is this some kind of weird, you know, anthrax type of thing. And this lady is going to be, you know, some is going to jump out of this envelope and I opened it up. There’s a, a a hundred dollars bill inside and I hear I’m about Colin’s age. And I’m thinking to myself, Holy cow, Whoa, what in the world just happen?

1 (14m 14s):
And the only thing that separated this event from some sort of weird thing, like did this even happen was the fact that I was holding the a hundred dollar bill in my hand. And I’ve never forgotten that moment. At the later on that year, I wound up donating that money to a shelter that was designed to help people in that region. And I think I might have spent some of it or, or gave some of it to a food bank type of thing and donation of some kind. And it really kind of made me think at that young age that, you know, at what point, you know, where, where did the homeless really fall into our world?

1 (15m 1s):
And that’s something that never really left me as a Christmas story. It’s one of the, one of the few that I can recall back and say, wow, that was, that was a moment. You know, that was a moment that could go down in history in my life because it’s never happened again. And it would probably never happen again since, but it’s probably something that I wouldn’t mind doing for someone else. What does that you have, This have to do with prepping? Well, as preppers, we often hone our abilities to go it alone, right? A brave, the elements with that $200 a tent and the fancy camp stove or the RV or their generator, the solar gadgets that we use to power all of our other gadgets. Right. But in many aspects, we test our gear by going out and living the same way that hundreds of thousands of people live every day, the homeless, the vagabonds, the hobos, right.

1 (15m 53s):
So where do they fall in with preparedness? That’s what we’re going to find out. But first, before we get on with today’s show, Colin would, you would like to share your fun fact of the week,

3 (16m 4s):
What to do everybody? My name is Colin. I’m the co-host here at The Next Generation, Show on the Prepper Broadcasting Network you haven’t heard from me. It’s been 10 minutes, but I’m here now. And I’m here to share this Kraft to call on a fun fact the week. So we have to scrap to go on from the fact of the week. It is the town Britt, Iowa I’m also is also known as the HOBO capital of the world. Not because there are a ton of hobos out there, but because in fact, there’s only, there’s only 2000 people in his town, but it’s been hosting the national HOBO convention for 112 years occurring every second weekend of August.

1 (16m 45s):
All right. So Holy cow,

3 (16m 49s):
I didn’t really look into it, but I guess, I guess it’s a, it’s a big convention where like, they kind of celebrate the history of HOBO actually, I’m not sure why it’s yeah. I don’t know why it’s here, but apparently there is a railroad on the road runs right through the middle of the town and railroads were big, big, big in the HOBO HOBO life.

1 (17m 18s):
Well, that’s cool. That’s an awesome fact, buddy. I had never seen or heard of anything like that. We might have to check that out one of these days to go take a little road trip and go to the HOBO convention, a couple of preppers, that’d be great. So what are hobos? You know, most people know what a HOBO are, or at least have an idea, an inkling of what hobos are the actual definition of hobos has to do with migrant workers. You know, the idea of a homeless Vagrant usually tied to homeless boy or a Homeward bound. That’s where that HOBO comes from. However, its not to be confused with the term bombs or traps.

1 (17m 59s):
So hobos are very different and there are a couple of the key things that make them different from basically the, the people in who were homeless or whatever who do not want any of that. So th there or that lifestyle basically, they’re like, well, I’m here because I’m, you know, like I can’t hold a job, I can’t do this. I can’t do that. HOBO are a little bit different so that I just dropped the link in the chat, just a Wiki link on what hobos are and a little bit of history about them. So, you know, they came about the night, 1890s and for the most part I had to do with a traveling, worker’s a big part of this was because especially during a harvest season, farmers needed people to harvest crops.

1 (18m 55s):
You know, industry needed people to do certain tasks. There wasn’t this, what’s the name of it. The production on demand that we have today, where you build a unit to meet the demand of the time, you know, basically, you know, you, you would harvest what you could when you could. And if you needed a 20 meal team, you generally rallied support either from neighbors and friends, but there was also this kind of This entity out there of people who would travel for work. And part of that traveling was actually traveling of along, you know, known routes.

1 (19m 39s):
So for example, if you, if you live in an area where farming and a lot of times I’m, I’m doing farming because agriculture is easy to track, you know, as far as how this would have worked. So if you would have followed the corn harvest in Kansas in mid summer, then you might had northward toward, you know, gosh, I don’t know, Iowa or Montana Washington area to harvest. As other things came up like different forms of wheat, lagoons, things like that. And then apples towards the end of the season.

1 (20m 20s):
And then by then you’d head down South and go, you know, harvest and other areas Is as they came to, to come, you know what, at Rose as a, as a harvest came to be, because it’s easy, it’s easy to do. You mean you just go from one area of the country to another, you go by whatever means you had necessary, whether it was on foot or if you were hopping on a train or whatever, you know, and most cases what this established was a complete, like a, a secret code, if you would, or, or a method for survival that was entirely based on your skillset. This is where it got interesting to me because when it comes to hobos, many people think of hoboes as more of a, you know, just people that sit around and don’t do anything, you know, and they just, you know, sit in the back alleyway and shoot up drugs and drink all the time or whatever might be.

1 (21m 18s):
But that’s different to compare to a HOBO who was actually traveling for work and relying on their skills and their ability to navigate as one of their, what are their biggest tools for survival. So I just dropped the link into the chat room, which is a kind of another Wiki link, but it’s actually pretty cool. It’s it’s called it’s a wikiHow on how to become a HOBO. I thought it was kind of funny at first, you know, like, Oh great. This is going to be interesting, right. To see what, what it means to become a HOBO. But as you read through this, you start realizing that they’re actually there’s, there are several things specifically tied to preparedness when it comes to being a HOBO like, how are you going to survive with nothing, but the clothes on your back, where are you going to stay in between jobs?

1 (22m 18s):
How are you going to travel? You know, how much is in your wallet? And do you have cash to get you from point point a to point B or to get food from, you know, from this period to this period, do you have a job lined up after the current job expires? And where is it, how are we going to be able to go from one job to the next, do you have a network of places where you can stay a network of shelters? Is it a matter of writing on a box car or going that route? So a This article is actually a pretty impressive again, it’s just a wikiHow on how to become a HOBO, but there’s some pretty cool things in here that, that do ring true when it comes to preppers Colin, before I get on to any of these specific things, what are some of the things that a way that you came up with, or at least some of the things that you think, you know, might tie HOBO specifically to the preparedness or survival?

3 (23m 20s):
Well, I was kind of like, like a, like I said, a little bit before the show, I read the message about what the show was going to be about. And I associated HOBO with homeless person because that’s just a list. I had no idea what was an actual thing. And so over the course of, you know, yesterday and all throughout today, I was thinking of how homeless people could be, you know, and I, and I guess in a way to HOBO is, are technically homeless because they’re always migrating in and staying in a cheap hotels and motels and stuff like that.

3 (24m 0s):
But you know, always thinking about the self-reliant side of homeless people and not necessarily hobos themselves. So I couldn’t necessarily speak to the lifestyle of hobos cause I haven’t really done a whole lot of research, but I mean, from, from what I, what I can tell right off the top of my head is obviously if they’re always moving around and they’re always working, you know, they’re, they see, I’m pretty resilient to, just to just live and work as a migrant, just do just, just, just to do work essentially. That’s, that’s all they live for.

3 (24m 41s):
They don’t really have a whole lot going for them. I guess you could say,

1 (24m 47s):
As far as the property or things to tie him down. Right. Yeah. Family that, okay.

3 (24m 54s):
So, I mean, there could be a kind of always moving and yeah.

1 (24m 57s):
Yeah. And that’s actually kind of one of the things that cued me into this particular topic and why I thought it was kind of irrelevant in a lot of ways. It’s the ability to be mobile, you know, like I mentioned earlier in the show, you know, a lot of preppers kind of test this kind of idea. Can I be mobile? Can I be lightweight? Can I, can I go it alone? Can I handle myself four a day or two out in the woods? Yeah, probably for the most part. Can you do that? If you got to get from Florida to Oregon and what kind of connections do you have, how do you have connections?

1 (25m 37s):
What kind of savings do you have? Could you do it if you had to a half out on foot or would you be relying on transportation? Do you think you could be smart about your money and handle things differently? What are the key factors that I noticed on a, on some of this is a smart use of the money that you have basically, you know, and some cases you can get by without a doubt taking showers or umm, you know, other, or like I dunno, even dining out really a four days on end. In many cases you might even have to be able or be prepared to go dumpster diving. And this is actually something that was in one of the first, the early chapters of one of Ron Foster’s books where they actually go dumpster diving soon after a solar, a solar flare, an EMP.

1 (26m 32s):
And then they wind up getting food from a restaurant that, you know, someone else had thrown out because they realized that within a couple of days, there’s a good chance that there won’t be much more of that happening in the near future. So, you know, they were able to, you know, have one meal at least to get them buy to the next meal until they could figure out what to do or that level of resourcefulness. And that level of connection kind of rang true when it came to preppers, you know, for your ability to get something where other people aren’t considering, you know how to get it or where to get it from, you know, you might be scrambling or fighting each other for it.

1 (27m 12s):
When, if you look at it in a different perspective, you might be able to find something that can still be useful, like food as weird as it is, as it is to think on those terms. For many of us it’s, it’s unheard of it’s it’s not possible. But the reality is is that it happens every day and there’s enough food to go around. And if you think about that to, to get you by at least on the short term, let’s see, gosh, we’re moving quick through today’s show let’s let’s take a quick break. And then when we come back, I’m going to share a couple of research articles from a couple of different peer reviewed articles from Canada and from the U S national library of medicine and national Institute of health.

1 (28m 5s):
And from the West coast where they’ve actually done some studies on panhandling specifically to determine how much money can be made doing this type of thing. And if it’s enough to get by on. So hold on a second, folks will take you a quick break. And when we come back, we’ll dig into some of the darker side.

4 (28m 27s):
Are you prepared to be the family doctor in a disaster or emergency? This is the Intrepid commander and I’m a holding the preppers medical handbook by William w 4g MD in this great book. You’ll learn how to prepare for medical care off the grid. You’ll learn about assessment and stabilization you’ll even deal with things like bioterrorism response, radiation, and how to build the off-grid medical kit at home. The 2020 taught it’s a lot about the limitations of our medical infrastructure in America. Get the preppers medical handbook

4 (29m 7s):
Again, that’s the preppers medical handbook by William w 40. This is a special announcement from the Prepper Broadcasting Network contact us now for preparedness consultation. We use a network of professionals to build your base of essential preparedness. Let us put you in touch with those professionals in emergency response planning, first aid and medicine, security tactics and training, gunsmithing, food, safety and community. Organizing our experts. Cover homesteading to bushcraft everything in between build a real emergency response plan for your family or business.

4 (29m 47s):
Create a written contingency plan complete with drills guides and annual goals. Customize your strategy to threats you face today. PBN experts can write your plan to address the six categories of base level preparedness. We will discuss how to meet each need within your budget. Create an effective bug out plan. There is a lot to the bug out. If you are truly going to evacuate in an emergency, let’s talk about it. Go deep and build out your prepping dreams. Have you tackled the basics? Take it to the next level with tactical ended investment advice from our subject matter experts, let’s set up that initial consult and get your preparedness goals met, go to Prepper forward slash preparedness dash consultation.

4 (30m 37s):
Affordable preparedness consulting starts with a $50 initial consult. This is the Prepper Broadcasting Network building self reliance and Independence across the nation.

1 (31m 16s):
We’re back ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, friends and family from around the globe. Appreciate your staying tuned. Great Shows great audience and a great sponsors. So be sure to check out some of the sponsors that we have on your path toward preparedness. Shows you’re going to continue this week with James Walden at the IRM Liberty show on Wednesdays Dane D the gunmetal armory on Thursday nights. Of course, we got Dave, the NBC guy on Friday nights in Jordan with the family, a fair on Saturdays, Sundays. We we’ve got the reliance broadcast with Steven men King and on occasion we’ll either drop medical Mondays or The preparedness roundtables, which by the way, if you, if you didn’t catch, yesterday’s definitely worth popping back to Monday night and downloading and listening to that, that excellent episode.

1 (32m 8s):
What the author I’m drawing a blank on his name at the moment, but it’s, it was a excellent show. And then of course, Tuesday’s come around full circle to kick off double-barrel Tuesday with a Patriot power hour. And then of course, back to the next generation. Show those two guys. You love to listen to Colin and Ryan here in The Next Generation Show, we’ve teamed up with the power of film Soler to bring you a special partner deal. Also, if you’re interested and you want a stucks stuff, some stockings over the next couple of a days or weeks, a check-out the port powerful solar light saver products. You can get an extra 10% off using our promo code PBN 10, head on over to power from, check it out, also available a tactical and a let’s see, I think that’s going to be it for announcements after break Colin before a break, we were talking about hobos and kind of the, the lifestyle and things like that.

1 (33m 7s):
I want to mention this before we get too much farther on it, but James and Debbie commander mentioned that as far as he knows his great grandpa on his dad’s side was a train HOBO a train hobos are basically known for their ability to, you know, jump on the back of a train and go to the next town from one town to the next. And that’s probably why that particular town and where’s it Iowa that you mentioned.

5 (33m 37s):
All right, Brett, Brett, Iowa, Iowa. Yeah,

1 (33m 41s):
Because in many cases and Iowa is one of the big farm countries and the farm areas in the nation. So they kind of kind of go hand in hand that whole rail system thing and, and being able to have to hop from one location to the next, as a source of income as the source of staying alive survival. Right? So there were a couple of things that I wanted to touch on briefly. We, we talked a little bit about, you know, your, your ability to be mobile and make money on the road and go and get food on the road. Panhandling is one form of survival when it comes to getting by day to day, and I’m going to drop some links into the chat.

1 (34m 26s):
But before I go off on that tangent, I did want to mention this one interesting portion that was in that wikiHow article, which was number seven, learn the HOBO code. This was kind of cool to me. So historically HOBO is relied on a shared system of symbols left that let fellow travelers know more about the current environment. So for example, they would write these symbols on a road sign or on a fence or on some sort of indicator. And that code would translate to specific environmental concerns. So for example, a circle with two parallel arrows going through it means get out fast, hobos are not welcome.

1 (35m 9s):
A wavy line, signifying water above an X means that there’s a fresh water and a campsite nearby three diagonal lines mean it’s not a, not a safe place and across means angel food or food served to hobos after a party. So basically that means like if you have a wedding or something like that, and there’s leftover food, like we were talking about, you know, hitting up a restaurant dumpster or something like that, instead of doing, you might be able to, you know, use that as a resource to find out where these are the communications and the connections, the trailblazing, that sort of thing is really intriguing to me because while there are, you know, people out there who survived on this, a form of, of living essentially for a couple of decades, it’s still commonplace today.

1 (36m 1s):
It’s harder to identify, but it’s still common. Oh, wow. Yeah. So are you feeling lucky? Drop this into the chat? And this is a key difference, and this is one thing that I do want to highlight in this because we’re talking specifically about hobos and not necessarily, you know, homeless degenerates or what were they traps and bombs. So there’s, there is a difference between a HOBO and, and the other side of that, he says, my grandfather talked about hobos knocking on her door during the depression. She said, they wouldn’t take a handout. They wanted to trade work for a sandwich, the truth.

1 (36m 42s):
And the phrase is beyond comparison where I live now, there’s actually a bunk house. And for those of you who aren’t familiar with bunk houses and this region, they actually were used to house workers, migrant workers who would live and in exchange for a place to stay and maybe a meal here and there. They would trade work until work came up from somewhere else where I live is a transitioned chicken farm. So it’s likely that if someone came up this way from the South and fell on hard times, or weren’t able to find work, or maybe the harvest ended from Apple season or whatever, they would find solace in a place like this, where they could harvest chicken, eggs and help with that market.

1 (37m 36s):
Through winter, even though the chicken egg production will be lower, they would still be able to have a job. They would still be able to help the farmer who raised the chickens by doing all the dirt work and all that kinda stuff and improving the property. As soon as the snow melted and they could get on their road to the next place or the starting point, they would be on their way. And then that bunkhouse will be empty on till the next HOBO stop by. And that work was valuable because many times the farmers who are doing the work couldn’t afford to pay someone, but they could provide food and they could provide shelter and that’s enough to survive. So the exchange, there is a part of a barter system as well.

1 (38m 16s):
And it goes both ways. The key point of that is that the hobos knocking on the door, like, are you feeling lucky, says, wouldn’t take a handout. They would trade their work. They would trade their skills for survival, for food and shelter. And that’s it. Yeah. Colin, did you want to add anything to that before I jump into some of the other stuff?

3 (38m 41s):
No, I think, I just think that’s really cool because it really feels the difference between like the conception, the, the, the association that I made between the cobalt is the homeless people and how the sort of get it twisted because they’re, they’re completely different. I mean, you know, hobos look for work in exchange for the food or a place to live versus a homeless person that essentially is just homeless. And they kind of just, I mean, they don’t find a word because we live in a society where the edits really.

3 (39m 24s):
Yeah. I mean, you could work, I guess you could work for someone. Right. But you can’t really work in the workforce. Right, right, right, right. That’s kind of where the difference lies.

1 (39m 34s):
And that’s a key point. I mean, because one of the things about living a HOBO lifestyle is being able to maintain a certain skillset and survive on that skill set. So if you’re able to be a farm hand and there’s a need for farmhands, you can at least find a place to stay and you can at least get a good meal, right. If there’s a need for another lawyer and you fall on hard times to lose your job, lose your house, lose your family. You might have to learn to be a farm hand or take your hat and your hand and ask for help elsewhere.

1 (40m 15s):
And at that point, you know, you kind of, you ride this fine line between asking for a handout and earning basically a living, you know, not necessarily earning money in some cases and some cases, it is a learning money, but in some cases it’s actually hurting, you know, a meal in a, a, a little bit of shelter because what you have as the clothes on your back, and maybe a small bundle of something, you know, some trinkets or whatever from, from where we weren’t. So let’s, I want to share a little bit of information with the chat room. There’s a couple of information articles that I’ve found that I wanted to share. One of them was actually a, you know, what do you call This?

1 (40m 57s):
It’s a, it’s an article, but I wanna say, cause there’s a difference there between the article that someone just decided to write and an article that’s been defended, this is an article that was defended. It was say information specifically tailored to the homeless panhandling in the Toronto area of Canada. I had essentially what they were able to identify was a, for those who are willing to take part in this article, they identified age ranges, mostly males averaging 37 to 38 years old, and what their, you know, what their general status was mentally, physically, financially, all of it.

1 (41m 51s):
And then it breaks down different types of things like drug use, you know, different things like that. Because the theory of this particular article or this particular paper was that, you know, they didn’t have a, you know, they were, they were making boatloads of money and they were just blowing it all on weed and Coke and booze. Right. But what they actually, what was interesting about this particular article is they identified the specific income hourly, daily, monthly, et cetera, based on what they could panhandle a pan panhandling is a difference than, you know, being a homeowner panhandling, you would be, you would consider more along the lines of sitting on a street corner, holding a sign.

1 (42m 33s):
And, and, you know, I I’m, I’m absolutely against providing money to people who just holed up a sign. And part of that is because anybody can hold up a sign. And at that point, you know, if you’re getting pulled on the heartstrings, because some are holding up a sign, you know, you donate at your own risk essentially because there or not, there’s actually a sign where I live that says, you know, keep the change. Essentially don’t support you. Panhandling contribute to local groups, basically local nonprofits, local agencies, local food banks, that kind of thing.

1 (43m 20s):
Because, because of that, very reason, there are some people who are able to make significant amounts of money simply by holding a sign. Whereas there are people who are in the community who have a significant need, but may not be able to, you know, do a work for whatever reason or may have issues or Mae, you know, might need a different kind of help that you would be able to contribute to locally rather than just sending money out and encouraging panhandling. So some of the, the figures that this particular article on this particular paper comes out with was that, you know, the majority of them are coming out with extreme poverty, monthly income ranging between a, a, a $150 and $600 a month, a month, a week.

1 (44m 8s):
Median is right about $300, a food housing, tobacco, drugs, et cetera like that as all spelled out as well. So in many cases, the housing has down to zero. Food is up to a hundred dollars a month or so, which over a 30 day period, you know, looking at 20 bucks a day, essentially, you’re panhandling for enough to feed yourself for the day overtime, right? Alcohol or tobacco, other sort of elicit drugs. Then you start to see some problems because, you know, if you’re averaging 300, you’re pulling into a hundred, but you also have some sort of vice that’s where you get caught up in a challenge. That’s where your money, your donation essentially tends to be going.

1 (44m 52s):
So on the, you know, nine at the state side of things, there was another article that was a drop this one in the chat as well. Oh, sorry. Previously, the other, the one that I was just talking about is called income and spending patterns among panhandlers. And that’s a, a journal from the M a U S national library of medicine and the national institutes of health NIH. The other one is a, the headline is from George Fox journal, which I believe is a, maybe a Christian George Fox university.

1 (45m 34s):
I believe there there’s some forum of religious university. I believe the headline itself has recent grad makes headlines with panhandling experiment. This particular project was the one where a gentleman from Oregon. I’m not sure what part of Oregon. I don’t have that right in front of me, set out with the idea of making income as the study to determine how much income could be made. And he actually came up with a book called exit ramp, a short case study of the profitability of panhandling. Basically what he found was that he was able to make $11 and 10 cents an hour, which was more than the Oregon’s a minimum wage at eight 95 an hour.

1 (46m 23s):
The whole premise of the idea is that, you know, why work for someone else when I could make more than the minimum wage, assuming that you, based on your skill set, you could the minimum wage and not have to pay taxes. Now I have to pay rent and I have to pay the insurance. You know, basically cash for you. You can clear out the door and still make a one or two, a little over two bucks an hour more by sitting on the street and panhandling holding a sign, write on his best day he made, what did you, what was this one $24 an hour, $25 an hour.

1 (47m 4s):
And on his worst day, you know, $5 an hour. And I don’t, I don’t know if they gave any specifics on the highs or lows. This particular one was actually a college educated student who was a, an erotic that, and he was demonstrating how much could be made in that scenario. The previous study was on people who were actually living a lifestyle panhandling. And, and The the demographics of that are different because of that, because some people refused to be interviewed. In some cases, it might’ve been because I, you know, they didn’t want to be known. They didn’t want to be part of it.

1 (47m 44s):
They wanted to keep to themselves. And other cases, they probably didn’t want to let people know how much they were making by panhandling. So panhandling is a totally different side of this scheme, but again, it is a method of income that could be useful in times of dire need. So I guess some of the things that I wanted to, to really highlight, and as this was more the HOBO side of things, the thing where your, your driving, a skill’s centric form of survival, that is mobile, you know, they can move from one region to the next where you could be clearly identified as someone who’s willing to work and separated from someone who’s not.

1 (48m 32s):
And the difference in the value in that as being something that is a more of a survival skill than just panhandling, because if you’re panhandling on the side of the street, you’re barely making enough to eat a meal for the, you know, or read a series of meals through that throughout the day. Whereas if you are HOBO and you have a plan, you have a strategy, you have a path, you have connections along your path. You have a mode of travel, you have the ability to move freely, you know, your, your able to think, well on your feet and survive from one point to the next, that’s almost kind of, This not a dream state, but kind of this weird a utopia, I guess you could say of where preppers see themselves, should they ever lose everything that they have?

1 (49m 25s):
So it’s kind of a, it’s kind of a weird thing. I think, you know, based on the information that I found, I think a HOBO would be considered a Prepper. What do you think, buddy?

3 (49m 41s):
Yeah, I mean, everything’s saying it, I don’t think it’s a, I don’t think it’s a right to say that they’re necessarily, even if that’s not the lifestyle that they necessarily thought that they were living, if that’s not the way they were thinking, I think one way or another, we could consider them to be preppers. For sure. I mean, there’s, there’s a lot of characteristics, resourcefulness, mobility, communication, all of that resilience. Yeah, definitely. And keep in mind, this is when we come to the conclusion then

1 (50m 17s):
Yeah. There’s a lot of unspoken communication things that are happening, you know, behind the scenes trails that are left behind from other hobos from before, that is like a secret language, kind of like we have as preppers, you know, the, the different muse, different code words, you used a certain things, you see a certain things that you see someone with pear record and you start picking up on the cues. Right. So it’s kind of neat to see the, like you say, the communication side of it, because what happens when the communication goes, are you able to reach out to other people, you know, are you able to go out and, and meet up with friends and knock on someone’s door and have a place to stay?

1 (50m 57s):
So there’s one, one interesting comment that got dropped in the chat. This is actually a, a pretty cool, and it says my uncle did something similar. When he got out of the Navy after Korea, he rode horseback from ranch to ranch in the West, working as a cook or a ranch hand for enough money to move on to the next place and apparent apparently his letters home were pretty interesting. That’s pretty cool. I mean, the idea that you can be mobile survive, live and tell stories that no one else could tell, because they’re tied down. It’s a, it’s, it’s, it’s really an interesting form of life that, you know, doesn’t get quite the recognition that it probably should.

1 (51m 44s):
We’re getting toward the top of the hour. So I think we probably have to switch gears a little bit and talk a little bit about the pint-sized Prepper project or the weak, the fanciest Prepper project this week is brought to you by a power film, solar. And in general, it is how to build a HOBO stove. So a call-in, why don’t you go ahead and share this one with the, with the listening audience,

3 (52m 10s):
For sure. So this project is something that’s very similar to other projects that we’ve done in the past, and it had simplest form. It’s a rocket ship, but it’s the way it’s done in the materials are used or something that you can, you can Google it and, or you can get on, you can look up and you open a Wikipedia page a it, because it’s unique to HOBO specifically. And it’s a HOBO stove, but essentially just a can of coffee. Can a paint, can a pop, can metal on metal?

3 (52m 52s):
Yeah, yeah, yeah. You’d want it. Yeah. You don’t just say it’s just essentially just a metal. Can you make it into a rocket stove? And I mean, if it makes sense that this style of rocket stove was done by HOBO, This because as they’re a mobile and as they go about their life and living resourcefully and living in a way that doesn’t necessarily a lot of, you know, like solidity, like its not like a, it’s like a, a wood stove that you cook with in a cabin or a, a regular gas stove that we use in our houses today.

3 (53m 44s):
It’s, it’s something really that is ideal for a camping. So yeah, it’s a, it’s a, it’s a rocket stove in and how it’s done is you take either a, a paint can, you can want to clean it out real well or an old coffee can and metal co-op. You can do, you can find one and you just, you start stabbing it pretty much, but you want, if you want to make one whole on the front and then obviously leave at the top open so that it sort of acts as a smokestack, all of these, a rocket stove, fire stove kind of have this, have a similar design where it draws the air up through the top or on K through the front and then up at the top.

3 (54m 30s):
So you want a whole on the front, I would say probably the size of two, two horizontal playing cards on top of each other, maybe maybe one and a half. And you know, you want that width. And I like this design better than any steel one that you can buy or a cat, a star and one that you can buy, because I feel like you’re able to be a little bit more flexible with it because you can sort of make it how you want. You can, you can decide on what size you want to make the opening in the front. We can choose how like big or small you want your airways to be around the side.

3 (55m 14s):
And that’s the next part? How do you cut this hole in the front? You can either cut it out, completely cut out of a rectangle on the front of the camp, or you can cut off a rectangle the only on three sides. So a one side at the top and the other side or one side of the bottom end, the other side, however you want to do it. And essentially that’ll just leave one side hanging off so you can either close it or use it as sort of a, a catchment system or any Coles and that might fall off. And then you want to go around the sides of the bottom of it to create sort of a w w what would you call that? Like a vent, just the airflow.

6 (55m 55s):
Yeah, the intake and exhaust. Yep.

3 (56m 2s):
And then you can, you can just, you can, you can either put a pan directly on top or you can make holes in the top and then bring wire through those holes, like, like wire from like a wire hanger and use it as sort of like a griddle or not a griddle, but a like a grid. What do you call a great, all right. Yeah. And then, yeah. I mean, it’s, and there’s just not a lot that goes into it. Yeah.

1 (56m 33s):
If you’re able to catch a fish on a twig and throw it on their, or if you have a, another can, you know, some kind of canned food, you can eat that up, you know? So when you have the means to cook food, basically with a piece of garbage or with The even a used can from the day before or something like that, you know, you’re good to go. And the thing is these stoves work with just wood Twix, and STIGs sorry to fix the steaks sticks and twigs that can be used to kinda, you know, fuel the fire, at least get it to where you can have a hot meal. Even if it’s miserable outside. If you find a little bit of shelter, you can make it happen.

1 (57m 16s):
So these, those are kind of cool. We’re probably going to have to a test out a couple of different configurations when we go out camping and we might have to do a HOBO camp out the summer and see how we do. Maybe we’ll go knock on some doors, see if anybody wants to put us up. Maybe not. So we’ll see. But anyway, some of the skills that are learned or encouraged through a project like this is just a basic resourcefulness understanding tool use. And thanks for Canada, by the way, for sending that image and chat she’s contributed significantly to the chatroom on this particular project, on some of her own experiences with building a HOBO stove. So be sure to check out the chat room in and see some of her comments, some of the other things that are learned or encourage to do this project is the importance of being able to survive on your own wit and a, and be able to be resourceful with what you do have available to you.

1 (58m 12s):
It’s like a, it’s like a Ninja move for a Prepper essentially, you know, when you have nothing else, if you’ve got a, an empty tin, can, you know, a, a knife or an opener and a, some sort of food fire source, you’re good to go. So, Hey, we hope to keep these projects coming. And if you’d like to see more of these and support our work here directly at the next Generation, Show go on over to Amazon type in my name or Colin’s name, or just a pint size Prepper project. And our books will pop right up. You can click on the link on the show page as well. If you’d like to download a copy today, there’s 28 more projects, just like this one, though, you can do with your family. A hard copy additions are available through Barnes and noble and Amazon.

1 (58m 54s):
If you’re interested a great little stocking stuffers for you and yours and a, you know, those proceeds kind of go to college or Colin’s college fund. So I guess it’ll depend on whether or not you go to Yale or the community college, depending on what we do at these projects. But we do thank you for your support. Everyone who’s bought books. And if you’re interested, check them out where maybe over the Christmas break calling out on and I can knock out or another one for everybody, a special edition for 2020 for the final takeaway today, you know, I, I listened to an audio book back in the day where the author took you through a worst case scenario.

1 (59m 35s):
If you were to lose everything, the whole point of his tirade was that if something bad happens, it’s very easy for some people to just dwell on that a bad thing and never be able to lose that point. I never be able to leave that moment, but the thing is the point that he was trying to make was that it’s never as bad as it seems. The more you’re able to survive on less, the easier tough transitions will be. If you lose a job, find another one. If you lose your home, head to a friend’s house, find a connection, learn that code of life and realize that sometimes when you have of what you have, excuse me, when you have what you need, then things just kind of click.

1 (1h 0m 34s):
And when you realize that what you have and what you need are two very different things. You learn really fast, how to be thankful, especially for the things that are handed out or not handed out the things that are, but also be aware that you are the ability to survive. Doesn’t hinge on your job. It doesn’t hinge on the home. You live in it, doesn’t hinge on the car you drive, and it doesn’t hinge on the preps in your pantry. It relies on your desire to survive and pull through a reliance on your skillset and your ability to have enough respect for yourself to where you will earn the next meal.

1 (1h 1m 17s):
No matter what, none of us have more than a few paychecks away from poverty, really, or a, a few bad decisions from, you know, a life on the street, regardless of the state of things in your life. It’s good to keep your life in check and be thankful for what you have today, but be ready for what you might not have tomorrow. Lastly, in case you missed it last week, Show we had an excellent conversation on it, the role of hope in survival. So if you’re interested in checking that one out, and we have a great conversation with our special guest who shall remain unnamed, but if you missed out on, you can always check out our previous episodes on the show page or on your favorite streaming service.

1 (1h 2m 6s):
And while you’re there, be sure to leave us a five star review, it does help to boost our presence and share this message with others next week. I think we’re going to dig in deeper for another fun project and prop on a and what a topic. There we go. That’s the word I was looking for. So stay tuned and we look forward to seeing you guys on a Tuesday night and next week. I think that’s going to be it for today. Everyone. Thanks for joining us on the next Generation show. And don’t forget to tune in next time where we explore another aspect of the little things in life to make all the difference in the world. This is your host, Ryan Buford, and your co-host

0 (1h 2m 46s):
Calling you from

1 (1h 2m 47s):
Reminding you to stay informed, get involved. It would be prepared to have a great night to everybody and make it a great week.

0 (1h 3m 1s):
thank you for listening to the Prepper Broadcasting. Network where we promote self reliance and Independence tune in tomorrow for another great show and visit

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