Bugout pt 2
Bugout pt 2
James Walton “I Am Liberty”
On this second installment of the I AM Liberty bugout discussion we are talking all about movement. Our first show was about the factors leading up to the bugout and in this episode i want to talk more about being on the road and safe movement. Again this show will not be about bags or contents. There are plenty of podcasts showing these types of topics in great detail.
These times we are living in give much pause. Its frightening to imagine what could be. We are dealing with racial division and religious extremism on nearly a daily basis. If this ratchets up in a neighborhood near you what is your plan of escape? The bugout may be a cliche topic that evokes ugly depictions of preppers but its a good idea to hammer some basics out in case.
The tools we are looking to add to your arsenal in this second iteration of the bugout process will be some very powerful ones.
- Caches
These small or not so small, weather proof storage containers are great options for resupply on your way to the bugout location. Find unique locations to hide them on your path to the BOL and you will be rewarded.
- Night Travel
Your ability to travel safely and quietly at night will greatly reduce your risk of running into a bad situation or running into any situation. Though its not ideal your eyes and instincts will adjust pretty quickly to night travel.
- Panic Phrases
Like an indiscreet panic button under a counter a panic phrase that is only recognizable to you and your party can be used to communicate a bad situation when engaging with others outside your group. Talk about this before hand think of something non discreet that wont set others off.
- Becoming the burden
Chances are along your route you will come in contact with others. A quick way to avoid lengthy engagements is to approach every situation as the burden. Appear weak when you are strong. Before the approaching party can say a word begin asking for aid, water, food, medicine. Appear as though you are ill equipped to deal with the situation. This will put you in control of the situation.
I hope these concepts make it into your bugout process. I also hope you never have to rely on any of them. The fact of the matter is if you are bugging out things have gone terribly wrong. Of course that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be prepared to survive and thrive.
In honor of our one and only I AM Liberty Survive the BUGOUT Challenge we are talking about just that. Its a unique topic you wont here often on the I AM Liberty Show so dont miss this sequel to the bugout.
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Bugout pt 2 burden Caches Escape movement Night Travel Panic Phrases