Franklin Horton with A Family Affair

Franklin Horton with A Family Affair

March 9, 2019 Shows 0

I have had the great pleasure of being able to speak with a well known Author Mr. Franklin Horton. I can say my immediate impression was of a laid back and down to earth man.

Mr. Horton lives in the lovely mountains of Southwestern Virginia. His first published novel was in may of 2015, The Borrowed World. Which quickly became an Amazon best seller. He has since continued to write and publish some amazing books.



The Locker Nine series, The Mad Mick series, and the stand-alone thriller Random Acts. Have been added to his list of published novels. He has been interviewed extensively in many radio shows and podcast and has spoken on preparedness. His books have been reviewed in magazines such as Guns Magazine, Ammoland, and Paratus Business News. He enjoys the adventures of the great outdoors with his life partner and wonderful wife and their two children. He also enjoys the sports and activities that the great outdoors can offer including but not limited to just camping, kayaking, backpacking, mountain biking, and shooting. Mr. Horton is a well rounded individuals who goes as far to include a part of himself into his literary works. He wants his reader to be able to immerse themselves into his writings and even question themselves if such instances were to occur.

Mr. Horton is a strong advocate of the prepper lifestyle. He wants people to be Prepared on every level and wants individuals to know their physical abilities, to see where you limits are. He is all for people familiarizing themselves with the outdoors, especially children. Those are skills that can benefit everyone and give each person a sense of purpose.

Mr. Horton has also decided to giveaway one of his books. All you have to do is email me as state that your “in”. A winner will be drawn at random. Don’t miss out on this wonderful interview.

If interested in any of Franklin Horton’s books check em out. click the image to go straight to the link for amazon.


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