Fishing for Survival – Dry Run Edition with The Next Generation Show

Fishing for Survival – Dry Run Edition with The Next Generation Show

September 9, 2020 Fishing Shows The Next Generation 0

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0 (7s):
we have to hit the reset button, create a true culture, starting at a very young age and still train all the way up.

0 (47s):

1 (1m 10s):
Hello everyone. And welcome to the next generation show where we delve deeper into the little things in life. Here, we explore the lost art of fatherhood Parenthood and fundamental preparedness for the world today. I’m your host, Ryan Buford, along with my cohost young master colon. And today we are broadcasting from the heart of the Pacific Northwest where they you for joining us. And there’s not a moment to lose. So let’s dig right in first off, a couple of quick announcements for those of you out there, listening to the podcast, we do thank you for that support coming over and join us during the live show.

1 (1m 44s):
By checking us out in the element chat room. Once you’re there, you can click your know, make your own username account. And anytime we have these live shows, you can chime in and see what’s been happening behind the scenes. What’s cool about these new, this new chat style is that if you miss out on the previous shows, you can always just scroll up and check out what’s happening. So pretty cool. You can actually see the old chats and conversations, or even re listen to the old episodes and see what was said in the background.

1 (2m 15s):
If you need to backtrack and get any links or anything like that, so great way to, to get involved and do more than just listen behind the scenes. If you’re interested in that, let’s see. It’s usually a good time I’m in there. We’ve got a couple of folks in tonight, so welcome to everyone in chat. We’re trying to get calling in there as well. So hopefully we can get him in before too long, without too much distraction. But if not, we’ll probably see what we can do to relay his comments on the live show or just having to respond one way or another.

1 (2m 48s):
Also a special thanks to the folks out in Saint Paul, Minnesota as the top Lehner listeners in one location this week, which is kinda cool because

3 (3m 1s):
Perth Australia is actually a close second for the number one listeners this week. So I know there’s a lot of activity going on in Australia right now, a lot of preppers that are really emerging onto the scene. So we are here as a resource. If you guys have any questions or need any information, or if there’s anything that we can do for you here in the States, please do reach out. You can always reach us by getting ahold of us on our website

3 (3m 32s):
Our contact information is available on the web page for our show page, the next generation show there you’re gonna find any of our social media contact information. And I think what we got, we got like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, me, we a bunch of different ones. So check us out there. And if you’re interested in, in getting in touch with me directly, feel free to send me an So thanks to everyone around the world who’s chipping in and listening to us.

3 (4m 4s):
We’ve got a kind of a fun episode today. We’re going to be talking about, it’s a little bit of a mashup. We’re doing

2 (4m 12s):
A little bit

3 (4m 13s):
Focus on fishing, but we’re also tying it in with a recent dry run episode that we had, or a recent dry run event that we did here. A couple of weeks back. A lot of you are coming off of the Oh labor day holiday, and I’m sure several of you had an opportunity to get some fun in the sun and hang out. Some of you might’ve done some fishing yourselves. Some of you like, you know, some, even some of the folks in chat have been fishing in probably 10 years or more for that matter. And that’s okay.

3 (4m 44s):
Today’s show, we’re talking a little bit about fishing survival and what it takes to get back into certain things like this and, and rebuild that skill level once you’ve walked away. So I thought I’d share with you one of the several fishing stories that I’ve had over the years, and I’ve, I enjoy all different types of fishing. I haven’t had much experience with ocean fishing, but from the pictures that I see on social media, it looks pretty awesome.

3 (5m 17s):
The type of fish you can catch the scenery and, you know, it’s, it seems really fun to be able to do that. But here in the Northwest, we do have other kinds of fishing. That’s, you know, extremely plentiful and it’s challenging in its own, right? And some of the types of fish that we tend to go for here are wild salmon Shanuk or Alaskan salmon, coho, King salmon, that kind of thing.

3 (5m 47s):
Trout, rainbow trout bass. Don’t do a whole lot of catfishing. There are a little bit of catfish up here. I think I mentioned bass already, and you know, a few other varieties, some people go after sturgeon, which is like the dinosaur of fish. That’s a whole nother, that’s a whole nother type of fishing. That’s, that’s a pretty intense, but some of those sturgeon can be several hundred years old, I guess, which is pretty amazing and are freshwater fish. A lot of times you’ll find them in some of the waters up here.

3 (6m 17s):
But when I was younger, I did a lot of fishing down in the Utah area. And some of the, I want to say it’s a Wasatch front there and the horse portions of the Rockies. And we would fish on stocked lakes as a kid. I didn’t really care where the fish came from, as long as they landed on the hook at the end of the line. And I remember, you know, having a lot of fun before we went fishing, because I was, you know, I’d read fishing books on how to catch fish, you know, how to do really good at it and how to set up your lures, how to set up your lines, you know, how to weight them properly when to use floats, what kind of baits to use, what kind of lures to use that kind of thing.

3 (7m 3s):
So I read up on all this stuff and I was really excited from one of our first fishing trips. And we got these fishing poles for our birthday. So we were really excited to go test them out. Maybe it was Christmas. I don’t remember some holiday. We, we had an opportunity to get these fishing poles and we’re like really excited to go. So we go hike up and we get into this at a Lake and we, we start fishing. And of course we’re, we’re on the water before the camp is even set up. Cause we could really care less about the tents we wanted to get out there and see if we could catch these magical fish and mind you, we’ve never caught a fish before this point.

3 (7m 37s):
And we were probably seven or eight years old. And our fishing experience was really next to none. It was, you know, what we saw on TV or cartoons or whatever. So the actual experience of catching a fish was completely new. And yeah, I remember we were, we were on the banks of this little Lake and we had set up our camp and I had, you know, had my line in the water a time or two already. And I was getting caught up on things here and there and getting a little bit frustrated.

3 (8m 9s):
So I moved down a little bit way, a little ways and cast again and reel it back in. And I had my older brother coaching me over the shoulder. No, no, no, no. You gotta know, throw it out there and let it set. Wait a little bit before you reel it back in, of course, as a kid, I was using a spinner and those types of looters for the type of fish we were getting it, it didn’t make sense to do that. Cause I just wanted to throw it out there and reel it back in, throw it out there and reel it back in almost like I was going for a set of just some sort of, Oh gosh, I don’t know, like a dormant catch where the fish would just, you know, latch on, like it was getting onto a ski lift or something like that at the time.

3 (8m 52s):
I didn’t really realize how fish thought or how they reacted to bait and food and stuff like this. So I was just casting, just cashing, throw it in, throw it into it. My brother was, you know, trying to coach me. And after a few minutes he just was like, no, I’m going to go over here. And fish over here did this kind of thing. So he went off down the way, a little ways and started fishing on his own. And we were, we were they’re efficient and I want to get a bite.

3 (9m 22s):
So I, while I reeled in this little fish and it was a little dinky, rainbow trout, and you know, for anyone who’s ever caught a rainbow trout, you know, it’s a hell of a time. It’s a lot of fun. They put up a good fight, especially as a little kid. So it was a neat experience for me. And of course I’m super pumped up and I had my mom or dad and one of the two of them come over to help me get the hook out and demonstrate how it all worked and that kind of stuff. Meanwhile, my brothers, my older brother is over there casting and you know, he’s trying to one up me, you know, trying to try to bring in one or two more fish.

3 (9m 59s):
So he’s throwing it more and throw it in more and he’s kind of fishing his way and I’m fishing my way and I’m, I’ve got this magic lure I’m thinking, right. It’s a good luck lower. So I throw it back in there real back. And a couple of times zing get another hit, right?

2 (10m 13s):
So this happens, Oh gosh, I don’t know.

3 (10m 18s):
I want to say at least three or four more times. And my brother gets so frustrated. He comes over to me. I’ve, I’ve caught all these fish and some of them, we threw back. Some of them, we kept and caught all these fish. And he’s like, what, what are you using? Why are you, how come you’re catching all these fish? I’m not catching any fish. So he gets all frustrated and winds up. I think if the time we might’ve had a little float, like an inner tube or something like that. So he winds up going out into the water with this inner tube and he’s trying to fish and get in farther out in the water to get a bigger fish and do what he can to upstage me even more.

3 (10m 49s):
And meanwhile, I’m over here just slaying them, you know, one right after another, after another. And this is, you know, the way I remember it, which is, you know, 30 plus years ago. So it may not have happened exactly like that, but that’s pretty much how fishing stories go. Right. Anyway. So we’re doing this fishing, we’re having a good time and

2 (11m 11s):

3 (11m 12s):
I’m feeling like, Hey, I can catch a fish anywhere. I can do this and do that. And I’m way better than my brother and I, you know, no big deal. Like this is a magic lure and I can do all sorts of sting and things with this Lord. So the camping trips over and I have no problem rubbing and to my brother, the whole camping trip. And for years and years down the road, if he listened to this podcast, I’m sure he’ll, he’ll remember that event and probably chuckle a little bit to himself. Cause I’m sure he remembers that vividly.

2 (11m 43s):

3 (11m 43s):
Just for the irony of it that he’d been out fishing for. I don’t know, seven years more than I had. And maybe even then some, and for some reason he couldn’t land a single fish and yet here I was slaying them left and right. And that’s one of the things about fishing, how frustrating it can be sometimes when you can be out there all day long and not catch a single fish where someone right next to you is having, you know, the time of their lives, slaying them left and right.

3 (12m 13s):
Well, here I am, you know, decades later, just as cocky as I was. And I was, you know, in, you know, seven and eight years old thinking, yes, all I gotta do is throw this in the water and I’ll be able to reel him in like crazy well I’m in a different region using a different type of bait or actually at the time I was trying to use that same lure to catch a completely different fish. And what I found out hard and fast was that I wasn’t catching anything and it had nothing to do with my ability or my skill as a fishermen, as much as I would have liked for that to be the case.

3 (12m 51s):
And it had everything to do with what the fish were eating and what they were used to getting what they were used to seeing or biting on a, when it came to other fishermen. And I went fishing recently on a boat with my neighbor and we were doing some bass fishing and it’s a completely different style of bait, different style of how do you call it a casting. So when we were on the Lake before you would just throw your line in and reel it right back and the fish would catch it on instinct, right?

4 (13m 28s):

3 (13m 29s):
Here we were, you know, when you’re facing a leg, throwing it out into the Lake, that’s pretty obvious. But what I found here, which was extremely different when it came to bass fishing, where we are is we were fishing on a river. And the way that we had to catch the fish was to throw a heavily weighted line with kind of a squid looking lure on it, which it wasn’t even a spinner and basically bounce it off the cliff. So that would fall into the water and then let that weighted line drop down 50, 60 feet and then reel it back up.

3 (14m 7s):
And just those there’s three different things that happen there. Or we’re on a different body of water, which is a moving body of water, a river, not a, not a Lake or a stream. We’re using a different kind of lure, which is like the squid, you know, weighted squid lore. And we’re using a different casting technique to catch these fish, which means that everything that I knew before I had even approached the style of fishing was a complete waste of time. And I, I tested this out because I was like, wow, maybe I could try it with one of these other lures and just see if I can catch something.

3 (14m 41s):
You know, just like, you know, maybe it was something with the lure. Maybe it wasn’t, it turns out I didn’t get a single bite off of those, you know, that classic blue

1 (14m 52s):
Fox or silver Fox lure. That was my lucky lure. Right. I was pretty bummed out, but it really goes to show the differences between the types of fishing and what fishing really is and what it entails and the skill levels required to go fishing. And some of you might be wondering, what does any of this have to do with prepping? Are we just a fishing show or what, well, as preppers, we often tend to go with what we have or the knowledge that we have, you know, that knowledge base.

1 (15m 23s):
But sometimes that’s just not enough. For example, you know, you need to be able to catch fish and learn how to catch fish, not just cast, you know, when it comes to fly fishing, you can cast all day long and you may never catch a single fish. And it all comes into, you know, what comes into play often is the type of fly that you’re using, what works, what doesn’t, you know, what the water’s like, where you’re aiming, how your casting looks, and that’s a completely different type of fishing that, you know, maybe we’ll get into.

1 (15m 57s):
And one of the other episodes here in the near future, but that’s for another day, you know, the skills that you might have already learned off of YouTube or whatever on how to tie a lure, you know, how to put on bait or maybe any, you know, how to add bobbers or weights or things like that. That’s, that’s the easy stuff, but it’s only part of the skills that are actually required to catch fish. So that old saying, you know, to give a boy a fish and he’ll eat a day, eat for a day versus teaching him to fish so that you can eat for a lifetime.

1 (16m 32s):
That’s where the value of that stain statement really comes into play because there’s a lot that goes into teaching, how to fish, not just, you know, giving fish to someone who has no idea how to do it. So we’re gonna get into that a little bit more in today’s show Colin before we get any farther, further, farther, further, can you share your fun fact of the week?

5 (16m 59s):
What do you do everybody? My name is Colin and I am the cohost here at the next generation show. Today. I’m speaking with my father and the host of the show, Ryan, what today we’re going to be, we’re gonna be sharing, sharing with you guys a little bit about our most recent fishing trip. But before we get too far into that, I’d like to quickly cover the crafted con fun fact of the week. For those of you who have been even a short or even long time listeners, you know, that that’s just a, a short segment that gives you a fun tidbit of information or something that’s typically related to the show topic.

5 (17m 32s):
So let’s get right into it. Today’s crafted call and fun fact of the week is since officials draw is not attached to at school, many fishes can shoot their mouth’s forward, like a spring to catch they’re startled prey. It’s pretty neat. Really? And yeah, I was just overall the fact that the jaw isn’t just isn’t connected to the school was pretty crazy because like what other animal or what other, you know, yeah.

5 (18m 3s):
Animal, I guess, fish mammal, whatever. Doesn’t have their jaw attached to their school. I think that’s like half of,

1 (18m 10s):
Yeah. Snakes are probably the only thing that come to mind with me. I don’t know. They can unhinge their job, but I don’t. I think it might still be.

5 (18m 17s):
Yeah. I mean, for the most part, every, I mean, a large portion of, of animals have their jaws. That’s like half their school. So it’s like, they don’t even have their jobs attached to their face. Right. That’s crazy. And that’s what kind of reminds me of those. Yeah. It’s kinda like, like one of those robot arms you can use, like old people use to pick stuff up. It was like, you squeeze it and then it shoots out and then it claws and then you can bring it back in when you want to do the handle.

5 (18m 51s):
Okay. That’s fine. Yeah. Cool. Yeah. Well, thanks buddy. So,

1 (18m 57s):
Well, this is a little bit about fishing. This is also about our latest dry run. So why don’t, why don’t you give the audience a little bit of a taste of what we put ourselves through the last time we went out together?

5 (19m 10s):
Yeah. So this most recent camping trip we went on was two days. We left early Saturday morning and, but we headed out to the campsite early Saturday morning and then made our way back early Sunday afternoon. But this camping trip that we went on, sort of turned into this longterm fishing trip because you think of fishing trips or you, I mean, unless you have like a boat, a lot of times you think fishing trips, you know, you go out sometime in the evening or you go out sometime in the early, early morning, and then that’s about it.

5 (19m 51s):
You, you go out for a couple hours and you either catch something or you don’t. But this, this little trip that we went on, this little venture, we, we were out all day. We were all out all day, Saturday, and we were out half a day on Sunday. And it’s probably the most I’ve ever fished in one and one weekend. And I personally didn’t catch a lot. I only actually only caught one fish.

5 (20m 21s):
We probably out on the water, like, I don’t know how many hours do you think we were out there?

1 (20m 27s):
Well, that was right before we left on Saturday or Sunday. So it was probably 1130, 12 o’clock. Okay.

5 (20m 34s):
Right. So I mean, yeah, you could figure half a day, Sunday, all day Saturday, one fish at seven that’s, several hours of fishing. But I mean, either way it was, it was fun just to be on the water and to be on the kayak, float, you know, kayaker way upstream and then float downstream and just sort of fish the whole way there. And luckily this weekend in particular, I was very patient.

5 (21m 4s):
Like I wasn’t, I wasn’t irritable or anything like that. And Hey, you know, it wasn’t, it wasn’t like a discouraging. It was just kind of fun being out there. I dunno, it was just, it was, I was just, I was just vibing the whole time, just fishing and stuff. And then so basically the first time we went out, we started upstream and then floated about a mile down the river from where we originally dropped in. And then we kinda just fished along these big rock walls.

5 (21m 40s):
This cliff that dad was talking about, we would throw our lines out, bounce them off the wall and just let them sink. And that first day dad had caught two fish and we stopped a couple of times to clean both of those. One of them I sort of did. And then the first one that showed me how to do, cause I had never cleaned a fish before. And then, I mean, I mean, yeah, it was yeah, yeah, for sure. And then, and then the second day we just went upstream and then floated down to where we dropped in.

5 (22m 14s):
And then it was just kinda like that for half a day. And then right before we were headed back, I caught my first fish that actually caught it on camera, which was really cool. And then after that, I mean, I let it

1 (22m 28s):
Tactical torture video two. We’re going to have that. I’m going to, I want her to wait and tie that in. So we’re going to loop that into the video here, Oakland on YouTube. So you guys have to watch out and see that one here, if you

5 (22m 39s):
Right. Cause I was, we were in the kayaks, the tuck tech kayaks, but yeah, I mean the vision didn’t survive, but hopefully the, the, the birds got through it either way. So first, first, first sketch of the weekend was the last, last catch between either of us that was just catching them the whole time.

1 (23m 2s):
Yeah. I was having pretty good luck and I mean, it seemed like a, I don’t know if it was, we were using a couple of different types of baits and, you know, once we, once I realized what they were biting on, it was really easy and where they were biting. It was really easy to, to keep nailing them. And that’s kind of the secret to a lot of fishing is just, you know, finding out where they are. A lot of times, if you’re out on the river bank, you’re not going to have a fish finder on you. You know, you’re just going to have to have an idea of where the fish usually are kind of, and, you know, cast out a line and a big part of fishing is having that patience and calling you brought that up.

1 (23m 41s):
And it’s in the story earlier that I mentioned there with my older brother, I know he was very frustrated and it was almost like, you know, you get that same level of frustration that you go out when that happens, when you go golfing and you just cannot seem to get one good solid hit, you know, for an entire hole or even not tired back nine or whatever, it might be that level of frustration, it just kind of builds up. And, and it adds to the difficulty of the, the fishing aspect in general.

1 (24m 13s):
I mean, so there’s a couple of things that happened here that Colin mentioned that I wanted to highlight with this event. So we had some food with us and our goal was to see if we could viably survive off of some staples and supplement it with fishing with fish basically. So we’re not surviving entirely off of, you know, basically a fishing kit and whatever we could find on the ground.

1 (24m 44s):
Like, you know, medicinal, not medicinal, but like edible plants and things like that in addition to fish. So, right. Like we’re kind of foraging, right? We didn’t do any foraging. I mean, I, we looked into some of the blackberries, but they were starting to turn and the ones that were really good were out of reach. So, so there’s, we were limited in that regard, but luckily we were able to catch some fish. Now, if you remember on the last time we had a dry run, I think, I don’t even think we caught any fish.

1 (25m 16s):
We might’ve, we might’ve had some bites, but I don’t think we actually caught anything

2 (25m 21s):
If I remember. Right. And

1 (25m 24s):
So that was kind of, I was hoping that we’d be able to at least cook some stuff up in that regard and incorporate it in that. But I think it really kind of woke me up to realizing how difficult it is and can be, to think that you can, I mean, it’s easy to think about it, but to actually be successful at surviving on the fish that you catch or intend to catch. And that’s where this time and patience element comes into play because like Collin mentioned earlier, you know, he was, he was able to be patient and granted, you know, we had excellent weather.

1 (26m 0s):
There was a little bit windy. So some in some occasions it was a bit of a haul to be able to paddle up river against the wind. Cause it was real choppy and it was just difficult to do that. But the patients part of it, I think was aided by pleasant weather. Now, if it was raining like crazy, or if there was a lot of thunder storms on the horizon, or maybe it was really cold or really hot, you know, if it was in the hundreds or something like that, just intolerable then, you know, we made of, we might, might’ve been even worse off than we were.

1 (26m 43s):
So the weather plays a big role in that, on the level of comfort and being comfortable will help you maintain that level of patience. I think that is required to be able to keep casting and not give up and not get frustrated. One of the other things that you mentioned too, was cleaning the fish and we’ll get into that a little bit later. And so let’s see, we got patients cleaning the fish as survival on the food itself.

1 (27m 14s):
But some of the other things that I wanted to at least touch on with today’s episode is our, you know, the, the risks of fishing in water these days. So I know that I know the water that we’re fishing in. I know where it comes from. I know what kind of an industry is happening upstream and downstream. There was a hydroelectric facility, you know, probably seven miles North of where we were.

1 (27m 44s):
And there was a pulp mill, maybe 15 miles South of where we were. So, and in addition to that, there are cattle and things like that, that graze in and around the areas that we were worried that we were in. So we were, we were fishing in an area that was easy for me to feel comfortable eating the fish. But one of the main things that people need to recognize is the potential for you to be able to catch fish all day long and never be able to eat them because of the different toxins that are in the water or that are absorbed in the fish.

1 (28m 32s):
Now, there are certain regions and lakes in Northern Idaho where you cannot eat the fish because the lettuce or excuse me, the water is so contaminated with lead and mercury and high levels of zinc because of mining operations. And when you go fishing, you can’t eat it. So all of the fishing that you do is catch and release and the fish that you might, no matter how beautiful the fish is, no matter how fat it is and how great it might look, it’s not healthy for you to eat it.

1 (29m 13s):
So for those of you out there who may not have been fishing for the last 10, 15, 20 years, this is a consideration that I think you really need to pay attention to because if you want to go hit that old fishing hole, it might be so contaminated with, you know, foreign debris or, you know, toxic chemicals or anything like that because of how much the develop the area might have been developed in those 15, 20, 30 years.

1 (29m 45s):
So keep in mind where you’re fishing and a big part of knowing where you’re fishing and where it’s okay to eat fish. You’ll need to look at the fishing regulations in your area. Now this is, it’s not unique to, to North Idaho or this region, even for that matter, because there are other areas where there are mining operations or, you know, oil operations, or fracking, or, you know, chemical plants, things like that, where, you know, you will want to be aware of what’s happening in the water.

1 (30m 20s):
There’s even a, you know, a lot of places where you can fish back East, use power plants within some of the streams down river to cool nuclear power plants, and as safe as they say that that is, it would only take one small breach for radioactive wastes or wastewater to completely contaminate everything down river of that particular plant.

1 (30m 50s):
And there are areas here in this region that, you know, are basically, you can’t eat fish out of those rivers or you shouldn’t eat fish out of those rivers because that risk is, is there, it is present. So know where you’re fishing and what those waters contain to the best of your ability. And if you don’t know, just go ask, go find a bait shop. Don’t go to Walmart and talk to the guy at the desk, find a bait shop, find, you know, a fly and tackle shop or something like that.

1 (31m 26s):
So, so that you can identify those, you know, fish and game usually will have pretty good information. And you might even be able to get in good with a, a park ranger or something like that. Who can show you some of the areas that are actually contaminated or safe to, to fishing or where you can actually eat the fish. So that’s worth keeping in mind. Let’s, let’s take a quick break. And when we come back, we’ll cover a couple more things like the, well, we’ll cover a couple more things when we get back, hold on everybody.

1 (31m 57s):
And we’ll see on the flip side,

6 (32m 2s):
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6 (32m 36s):
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1 (33m 12s):
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7 (33m 40s):

1 (33m 56s):
And we’re back ladies and gentlemen. Hey listen. Great sponsors, great shows and great audience. Thank you for staying tuned. And don’t forget to keep our sponsors in mind on your path toward preparedness live shows are going to continue this week. We’ve got James Walton over at the I am Liberty show on Wednesday nights, Dane D with the gunmetal armory on Thursday nights, a new rotating hosts, Dave, the NBC guy on Friday nights, along with Michael Klein on occasion. Glad to have them both back here at the network.

1 (34m 27s):
And then we got, so that’s on Friday nights then of course we have Jay Fergie bringing it all home on Saturday with a family affair on Saturday nights. And then Sunday, we’ve got the reliance broadcast with Stephen men King, always a great addition. And then Mondays, we kind of, we’ve been doing an awesome, like floating Monday preparedness round table slash coronavirus slash medical side of things. And it really is, has evolved into something where, you know, we w we can all get together and just have a round table, or just talk about what’s going on with the, with us, where we are in different parts of the world and different parts of the country.

1 (35m 8s):
So Monday has been a kind of a neat listening opportunity for S so for those of you who are interested, those usually are longer podcasts, and they’re, they’re a lot of fun. So hopefully I can get back on one of those in the near future. I’ve had to bail out them the last couple of them for personal reasons, but hopefully we can get in on some of those here pretty soon. And then of course, we come back to a double barrel Tuesdays where we kick off the first round with the Patriot power hour, those guys, great stories and medical, not medical, excuse me, reading along the wrong line here.

1 (35m 45s):
Headline headline information and different news events that are happening all over the country. And sometimes around the world hotspots and things to pay attention to great way to stay prepared and ready. So awesome shows every night. This week, don’t miss out a couple of other announcements. So while I’ve got you guys on the hook for, for this, there is a special labor day deal that we are offering here at the next generate, not excuse me, here at the prepper broadcasting network. So if you are interested in becoming a member or getting your hands on, some of those bunker beans from disaster coffee now is the time to do it.

1 (36m 24s):
So what you need to do is a checkout disaster, I think that’s what it is. Disaster coffee, or go over to the PBM member portal and use the promo code labor day, L a B O R D a Y all caps labor day. And you will get $5 off every bag of bunker beans purchased through disaster coffee, and you can also get $5 off of the one year PBN membership.

1 (36m 54s):
So take advantage of that opportunity. Don’t know how often that’s going to come up again. So special. Thanks to James for hooking us up with that listeners. If you’re interested, now’s the time make it happen, labor day? What is it? Hold on, let me pull that up again so I can repeat it one more time. Labor day.

2 (37m 13s):
I think that’s what it is. Yeah,

1 (37m 15s):
Just labor day, all one word. So in the promo bar, promo code box on either of those sites and we’ll hook you guys up.

2 (37m 21s):
So also I wanted to

1 (37m 26s):
Give Ron foster a shout out. So he’s got a couple of new books out, some kind of neat little spins on what’s been happening around the world, revamped some of his pandemic type work and republished them in a different fictional story. So there’s a cool book that he’s got out just recently called pandemic pontifications and it’s kind of a mask wearing prepper fiction book with, you know, the, the traditional tips and tricks that he throws in there.

1 (37m 57s):
So check that out. He’s gotten a couple of new books out just this year. So if you’re interested, those are the way to go. Excellent advice. And we’re here. We are talking about fishing and learning how to fish and teaching a boy to fish and all that kind of good stuff. And if there’s anyone out there who has the ability to teach someone how to fish as a metaphor, the, the big picture type of thing, whether you’re fishing for survival or fishing for fun, or, you know, just wanting to know more about how to be prepared and how to survive you to check out some of Ron Foster’s books, they are the, the gold standard, so to speak for preparedness.

1 (38m 41s):
So check ’em out and then, yeah, and then also here at the next generation show, we’ve teamed up with powerful solar. So if you’re interested in getting your hands on one of those light saber products, they are 10% off using our promo code PBN 10 that’s PBN, number 10, one zero. So head on over to power from, check it out. Other than that, let’s go back to the fishing story. So Colin mentioned earlier that he had the once in a lifetime first opportunity to clean a fish.

1 (39m 16s):
And one of the things about fishing and fishing for survival is knowing how to effectively clean a fish. And there are ways to do it, you know, whether you want to filet something, or if you want to, you know, do it any other ways, depending on how your, what kind of fish you have or whatever. And there’s a certain level of skill that you need to have certain things you need to watch out for. So I described or explained to Collin how to do this and how to do it effectively so that you can stay clean and the importance of staying clean so that the meat doesn’t get tainted in the process.

1 (39m 57s):
But rather than me trying to tell you what to do, Colin, why don’t you share your experience with us? You know, what, what it was like, and kind of what you, what you saw and what you had to do.

5 (40m 9s):
Yeah. So yeah, I dunno. It was, it was pretty cool basically. I mean, I don’t know what, what are the way to describe, like how I felt about it just kinda kind of felt like I gutted a fish and then ate it when I got home, or I got back to the campsite. But as far as the actual process of cleaning a fish, I’m sure there might be a couple of different ways to do it depending on how you’re actually going to eat the fish, whether or not you’re flying or whatever, the way dad showed me to do it, the way I watched him.

5 (40m 52s):
And then the way I personally did it myself was you start by like making just one long incision along the belly of the fish, all the way up to where the gills are. And then I’m pretty sure you follow it along behind the gills. And then over the head, I think if that’s correct, and then you go through the neck, down the gills and then back to the belly again, and then back where you first made the incision, you kind of have to cut your way around this little pocket that all the eh, guts or all the intestines are in, you have to kind of cut your way around this pocket in order to take all of the, the innards of the fish out without, you know, tainting the fish or without getting blood and guts all over it, to make it, you know, not edible.

5 (42m 3s):
And then once you have all the guts and stuff out, you’re able to finish with the head and the neck and then the gills and that whole section up front. And then you just have this hollowed fish without a head. And I mean, that’s, that’s pretty much it. We took it home or keep staying home. We, we took it back to campsite after we cleaned both of them and we fried one while it was still together and you have all this meat that’s on the sides of the fish.

5 (42m 39s):
And then you have also have a bunch of meat that was on the back of the fish above its spine. And so we, I mean, we were just paying for one up, you know, where the two sides were together and then we pan fried another one where the two sides were separate, but it was still two fishes, two fish. It was still two fish. Yeah, we did two.

1 (43m 4s):
Yeah. And there’s, I mean, I, I did this with, you know, just to Leatherman and I wanted to point this out because there is a method for cleaning a fish where you can do it and stay clean. And I think a big thing that people, I mean, a lot of times when someone goes to gut a fish, they’ll just jab the knife in, you know, an inch or so, and just run it right along runner, you know, from, from the belly to the, to the jawline.

1 (43m 38s):
Well, if you’re gentle about it, what you can do is actually get up underneath the skin and only cut the skin where all the organs are still intact. And if you do that properly, everything comes out clean. And when we were done, you know, we’ve cleaned them all out. There was one step that Collin left out and we saved that until we actually were ready to cook the fish. And that was, it’s a method of separating the meat from the ribs so that you don’t have a bunch of bones.

1 (44m 15s):
Now you can cook them with the bones and if you want, but it’s easier. And, and it’s a lot less annoying to have to pick them out of your mouth if you do it this way. But basically once you have the fish, the hollow fish carcass, I guess you could say I was eight. I was able to basically just take it in one hand and carve around the ribs. And it takes a little bit of practice and it takes a little bit of patience, but if you do it right, you can get the majority of the ribs out and have just clean, fresh meat.

1 (44m 52s):
There’s another layer of ribs that are in there. And once, once you start frying the fish or otherwise cooking the fish, you can see those ribs where they are and pull them out, you know, using the tip of a knife and just kind of get them clean. And out of there, what we wound up doing was basically seasoning the pan and frying the fish with the skin on there’s a lot of different ways to be able to do that, but you can.

1 (45m 22s):
We decided to do it that way because of the pain that we had. And there was actually a fire restriction. So we couldn’t cook them over an open fire. So next time around, we might wind up doing that. But the reason why I wanted to point this out was because of how important it is for people to understand that you need to be clean when you’re handling fish or meat of any kind for that nature for that matter. And there’s a lot of times where if you don’t have the experience or you don’t have the knowledge of how to do that properly, if you’re in a survival scenario, you could very easily take the meat that you’re eating and inadvertently make yourself extremely sick and not eating like eating tainted meat out in the wild is I would argue probably 10 times worse than eating tainted meat, you know, in, within civilization where you can actually get help.

1 (46m 24s):
So you really have to be able to maintain a very high level of sanitation and cleanliness when you’re working with this kind of stuff. And it’s important. It’s important to know, we know how to do this so that when you go out and do it, or you show someone else how to do it, say you catch 20 fish. If you don’t have time to clean all those 20 fish that you can show someone else how to do it properly. So let’s see, what else do we want to try and slam in here today, before we go into the pipe size prepper project, is there anything else you wanted to add buddy, about the, the camping trip or fishing or any of the things that you took away from this last dry run?

5 (47m 7s):
I mean, my sleeping pad went flat and that was unfortunate, but that was about it. I mean, it wasn’t, it was a pretty, pretty good camping trip, all went well, there was a little Creek behind our camping spot, so we had a water and, and, and a filter filtration system. So it was all pretty good. Yeah. We were able to do pretty well and get out quickly and, you know, not, not have a whole lot of issues, so good weather, no complaints this time around finally, one of the, the first successful dry run trips.

5 (47m 44s):
And what’s it taken for four times, five times now. Yeah. Something like that. We’re getting better at it. Folks, believe it or not, but it takes practice and it takes purpose. It takes drive and a little bit of, you know, desire for you to be able to, to pur purposely go out there and do this kind of stuff. One thing I will mention is that when it came to survival and I’ll ask you this calling, when it came to the part about survival, how do you feel about being able to survive if all you had available was a fishing pole or, you know, and some basic camping gear.

5 (48m 28s):
So it’s funny how, it’s funny, how you’re asking me this, because on my way, on our way back upstream, after the second time we went out on Sunday, I was thinking to myself, if there were three things that, you know, I could be granted in like a, like a, like a survival situation, or like a, I dunno, like just put me out in the, in the forest or out in the wild and have to survive.

5 (49m 9s):
It would be some sort of small raft, like a kayak and a, you know, an or if it doesn’t already come with that, and then a fishing pole and bait because it, like, it made me realize that, especially after, cause this was after we had already eaten the fish, if I have the accessibility with the kayak to whatever body of water I want and it’s beyond just what I’m able to reach on land, then my chances are much greater when it comes to fishing.

5 (49m 51s):
So on, you know, regarding your question on the side of, if it comes to survival and actually surviving off what I can find and eat and forage and fishing, I, I don’t, I don’t know. I, I definitely think that it’s reliable. I mean, it isn’t totally reliable, but it is, it is doable. Yeah. Just say some patients, if you’re starving, you know, your patients might be lacking, but you know, I mean, there’s plenty of bait.

5 (50m 27s):
There’s plenty of natural bait, you know, in the wild too. So yeah, I think,

1 (50m 35s):
I think a key component of that is patience. And like we mentioned before, I mean, it’s, it’s all situation dependent. I mean, if Cohen, for example, was by himself all day long for a day and a half and was only able to catch one solid fish that that really adds a bit of challenge because I mean, even, even with the two fish that we did catch, there’s not a whole lot of nutrition there, you know, there’s, there’s enough.

1 (51m 12s):
You could get by. And that’s about where you’re going to get. You’re not going to be having a full on Thanksgiving meal with, you know, 10 pound salmon on your plate. Every time you go fishing and it just ain’t going to happen. That’s, that’s a rare experience. And, you know, the, the idea of this whole trip was at least to demonstrate that fishing has potential and fish themselves can be a viable source of food and survival, but you have to take into consideration a lot of the other things that go along with it, like knowing how to fish for the fish that you’re going for, making sure the water is good, making sure you know, how to clean the fish properly and ultimately knowing what it takes to get a fish on.

1 (52m 5s):
So, you know, it’s really, there’s a lot more to fishing than it just casting casting out of line. And we’ve had other previous shows on this program or on this next generation show where we’ve talked about fishing. We have one with James Walton here about this time last year and a couple of other ones. So you’ll start to notice this theme of fishing pop up here and there, and with good reason, because it is a viable source. And if you have access to a body of water and you know, can at least makeshift some kind of hook and line, in most cases, you’ll be able to at least get by until you can get help, especially if you’re able to keep from tainting your own meat.

1 (52m 50s):
But with that, let’s, let’s go ahead and cue into the pint-sized prepper project of the week. Colin, why don’t, why don’t you talk a little bit about the pint-sized prepper project this week?

5 (53m 5s):
Yeah, so, I mean, we could just, we could just dive right into it this week. You know, obviously we’re talking about fishing and what better way to demonstrate a project related to fishing than making your own hook or even a Lewer. If you’re to make that work, say there’s a way to do it with a soda pop can tab a little tab that you open it with on the top, or it doesn’t even have to be soda Bob, it can be beer just to an aluminum can tab.

5 (53m 43s):
And it just, so this is, this is like 90% of a project is going to be very poorly explained and difficult to visualize, but hear me out. So what you’re going to want for this project is a pop can tab. Or if you want to make a lower, you can use the metal from, or the aluminum from the can, some wire cutters, a pair of pliers and a fishing pole to, to use it.

5 (54m 14s):
So what you’re gonna wanna do is take the tab and there are, there are two holes there’s going to be a wider one that you use that you use to pry up with on the can. You’re going to hold the wider one up top and then the smaller one. Oh, on the bottom. Okay. So you’re holding the top, the tab. And what you wanted to do is make about a 32 degree angle cut downward on either side of the tab on that lower circle.

5 (54m 47s):
So if you can kind of imagine most tabs, sometimes they’re square, but most of them are rounded at the base of where you’re prying the can open. And you basically just either to the left or the right, making a cut sharp enough so that you have this hook that you’ve created this little swoop on this CANTAB with this whatever angle 32, that’s just like a, just like a guess it might be, might be sharper, you know, steeper than that.

5 (55m 24s):
But if you can visualize that, then you have this little loop and that’s just, that’s just one cut in the whole CANTAB. So it’s still going to be together. And then you need to take the, the, the wire cutters again, and then cut. You’re gonna make two cousins here and make one in the middle piece, the middle metal piece of the CANTAB, and then one up top so that it creates more of a hook shape. And it’s less like a C it’s more like a, I don’t know, like a hook, I guess.

5 (55m 55s):
So, I mean, if that wasn’t do poorly explained, hopefully you can sort of picture that. I’ll make sure to do the project and get pictures so that if you’re interested where you can even look it up, if you’re curious, but we, you know, once you’re done, you just take deployers and sort of round off any sharp edges that you don’t want to snag the fish, but mate, you mean, obviously you want the actual hook part to be sure.

5 (56m 25s):
And then you just make a, a puncture of some kind in the upper piece of the hook to kind of create your little islet that you would find on normal hooks so that you could feed line through and then tie it. And yeah, it’s, I mean, it’s, it’s pretty simple. It’s small, it’s easy and it doesn’t take more than five minutes. So if you were really in a pinch or, you know, there’s, there’s enough garbage laying around, sadly that you could, you could round up what you need for this hook pretty, pretty easily, just like from a can on the side of the road or whatever, but yeah, that’s about the gist of it.

1 (57m 16s):
Awesome. So what would you say are some of the skills that are learned or encouraged through a project like this then

5 (57m 24s):
Recycling and let me think here definitely recycling because, you know, obviously you can recycle tin cans, but being able to actually repurpose, or I guess it wouldn’t be, it’s sort of recycling, but more repurposing and knowing how to use basic tools like the pliers and the wire cutters. And I don’t know, you could just sort of change your view on what’s what’s doable on everyday items like a can tab, you know,

1 (58m 1s):
I do. That’s awesome. Well, thanks buddy. I think with that, I mean, I, I appreciate the, I appreciate everyone’s support with these projects. We don’t hear a whole lot about them, but on occasion we get someone who goes out and buys the book or who contributes something here and there. And I keep my eyes open for this kind of stuff so that we can share them with you folks. And we do hope to keep them coming. So if you’d like to see more of this type of thing and support our work here directly on the next generation show, head on over to Amazon and type in my name or call-ins name or just pint size prepper project, and our book should pop right up.

1 (58m 44s):
That’s a great resource, especially for those of you out there who were homeschooling or interested in prepping, or just want to send something out to the kids or family members to get them interested in this kind of stuff. So there are hard copy versions available, or you can click on the link on our show page to download a copy today for 28 more projects, just like this one that you can do with you and your family. When things start to slow down a little bit, we’re going to go ahead and chase down volume two. And we’re probably going to try and get that wrapped up.

1 (59m 15s):
We’re about six months behind or well, three months behind already, but we’re going to do what we can to get it wrapped up in, I don’t know, October or November this year so that we can have it ready for Christmas. For those of you who are interested. I think for the final takeaway, I think it’s important to realize that catching fish isn’t as easy as fishing. It just simply isn’t the gear helps, but it’s not like, you know, opening, opening a laptop and powering it up.

1 (59m 46s):
And next thing you know, you’re ready to start writing a document or maybe you’re ready to get on the internet or something like that. We are so used to having things that are just provided to us, that we know that it’s going to work. The second we put it into application, but with fishing, it doesn’t work that way. And it hasn’t for centuries. And there are tools out there that can help you learn to do a little bit more. Maybe you can get a different set of sunglasses or a, you know, get some, some lore that’s specific to the region that you’re at.

1 (1h 0m 20s):
Or you can get fish finders and see the depth and where they are, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re going to catch fish. You have to know how to catch. You have to know what to catch when to catch and why you’re even doing it in the first place. You know, if you’re catching release fishing, how often are you going to have an opportunity to learn how to properly clean a fish? You know, if you are out there fishing for food, how do you know that the fish that you’re eating is safe to eat or even legal to eat for that matter?

1 (1h 0m 58s):
In some cases you might have to throw all your fish back that you get, because they’re not the right size. These are all things that you have to learn and figure out, but you can’t do it by going and buying a fishing pole and putting a line in the water. It just doesn’t work that way. We’ve said it time and time again on this show, you have to try things you have to test. You have to repeat this process, learn, evolve, and practice. All of it. All of it is part of prepping. I saw was just a matter of buying that gear and getting a fish on the end of it.

1 (1h 1m 30s):
As much as I’d like to think that every time I threw out a line, I was just going to, you know, catch some ambient fish. Like it was going up a ski lift, but it just isn’t going to happen that way. It doesn’t happen that way. So as with fishing, you must take time to make the most out of your gear by testing it out. Once you gain experience and knowledge beyond what you can be told, you can kind of figure out how things actually work.

1 (1h 2m 1s):
Find out if it even works for you. Maybe you go buy all this fishing gear and catch some fish and realize that you don’t even like the taste of fish. So what’s the point of having all the fishing gear. If you’re not going to eat it, there’s a lot that goes into fishing and fishing for survival. But if you don’t think critically about how you intend to do it effectively or how you intend to take advantage of it effectively, whether you’re on the riverbank or a Lakeside or out on a kayak, your ability to manipulate the environment to help you is only limited by your own drive to make it happen and test it out before you’re in an actual survival scenario.

1 (1h 2m 52s):
So take the time to test it out, test out your gear, test out your methods, test out your bait, test out your cleaning abilities, and then take the time to teach other people. A big part of this program is showing the next generation what it takes to survive. And you can’t do that through a book. You can’t do it through an app. The only way that you can do that is by getting out there and making it happen.

1 (1h 3m 24s):
Lastly, in case you missed it, we had a show last week on, Oh, what was it? What did we, what did we do last week on? Do you remember? I’m drawing a total blank. We talked about coffee. Oh, that’s right. No wonder. Maybe I should have more coffee before the show. I remember what show we did the day before. So, but yeah, we had an excellent show. James Walton came on as a special guest. We were talking about that a disaster coffee. So if you’re curious about what disaster coffee is or, or how that works or whatever, and you heard that promo for the labor day promo code, and you’re curious about what that’s all about.

1 (1h 4m 4s):
Go back and listen to our show from last week. It was an excellent episode. So always great to have James on. And we were just talking coffee and the importance of copy coffees. He’s me when it comes to preparedness and just survival. Just that little bit of a, of an upper to get you through the day and or even through the next, the next battle that you might have to face, whatever it might be. So check that one out. If you are interested, you can always check our previous episodes on the show page or on your favorite streaming service.

1 (1h 4m 39s):
And when you’re there, be sure to leave us a five star review, it does help to boost our presence and share this message with others. Next week, we do have a special guest on, he couldn’t make it today because there was a massive wind storm in Utah earlier today, and pretty much knocked out his power and internet. So he was scrambling to try and tend to his garden and his freezers and everything else while the trees were toppled over cars and everything else. So our thoughts and prayers go out to the folks in salt Lake city and Utah.

1 (1h 5m 8s):
Hopefully they can pull out of that disaster and get power back up and running. If they haven’t already, I’ve met through those windstorms. And they’re pretty, so

3 (1h 5m 18s):
Hopefully we can get some quick recovery out there in Utah. And we look forward to talking with our special guests next week, Rob McNeilly. He’s good. He’s kind of a guru on cryptocurrency. So we’re going to be talking about crypto and kind of the future of money and what we need to watch out for. So stay tuned for that. One should be a fun one. Hopefully we can get him on next week and I think that’s going to be it for today. Everyone. Thanks for joining us on the next generation show. And don’t forget to tune in next time where we explore another aspect of the little things in life and make all the difference in the world.

3 (1h 5m 54s):
This is your host, Ryan Buford, and your cohost go and Buford reminding you to stay informed, get involved and be prepared. Have a great night everybody and make it a great week.

3 (1h 6m 9s):
thank you for listening to the prepper broadcasting network, where we promote self-reliance independence tune in tomorrow for another great show and visit


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