Finding Cures for Cabin Fever

Finding Cures for Cabin Fever

December 18, 2018 Shows 0

Finding Cures for Cabin Fever

Here we are on the brink of Christmas, the cusp of the new year. The days have nearly reached their shortest point, and the night has reached its longest. Modern convenience has managed to fend off one of the worst psychological threats of winter – Cabin Fever. But when these modern conveniences are gone, how will you and your family cope? When you no longer get the opiate-like stimulus of a blue screen in the palm of your hands, you will be faced with a whole new world of threats that our generation has little knowledge or experience in dealing with. The truth is that isolation is a silent killer that could easily sneak up on those who are unprepared. But those who understand how to deal with the threat of seclusion, loneliness and despair will be able to pull through on even the darkest, and longest of nights.

Cabin fever is a rare occurrence these days, but in a true grid-down, isolation, or SHTF scenario, it is a very real threat that will challenge your mental well-being, your sanity, and the sanity of your household. There are lessons we can learn from our own past to be prepared if things go south locally, regionally, or on a national scale.

On this episode of The Next Generation, we will be priming you on the possibilities you have in your own home that will keep you alert, able and active when the world boxes you in. Using historical case studies and what medical information is available, we will be sharing some of the best advice out there on what you and yours can do to keep spirits high and retain your sanity.

Also, don’t miss out on our Pint Sized Prepper Project of the week where we demonstrate how you can build a kit including a few mental tools to stay sharp and active when isolated!


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