Cryptocurrency for Preppers with The Next Generation

Cryptocurrency for Preppers with The Next Generation

September 17, 2020 Shows The Next Generation 0

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0 (13s):
A broadcasting network. We have to hit the reset button, create a true culture, preparedness, starting at a very young age, all the way up.

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1 (1m 9s):
Everyone. And welcome to the next generation show where we delve deeper into the little things in life. Here, we explore the lost art of fatherhood Parenthood and fundamental preparedness for the world today. I’m your host, Ryan Buford, along with my cohost young master Colin, and today we’re broadcasting from the heart of the Pacific Northwest. We thank you for joining us and there’s not a moment to lose. So let’s dig right in first off, a couple of quick announcements for those of you out there, listening to this podcast, we do thank you for that support. Thank you for the downloads.

1 (1m 39s):
Come on over and join us during a live chat by connecting through element. There’s a specific method for doing that. So when you’re interested in joining us in the live chat room, feel free to reach out to anyone the show host during the live show or check us So always a good time. And there’s plenty of great folks in there. Volcana thanks to have for thanks for being there. Always good to have you for the soundcheck on the other side, also a special thanks to the folks out in Elgin, Illinois, as the top listeners in one location this week, it looks like you let’s see who else is we have.

1 (2m 14s):
We got some folks in Perth, Australia, and several other listeners across the pond and around the world. So thanks to those out there who are listening, and it looks like we’ve got a couple of new folks in Ireland in the Netherlands. So it’s awesome. Appreciate all your support everywhere you are. It’s great to get the word of preparedness out to folks that aren’t just in the United States, because there’s a lot going on all around the world and there’s always a reason to be ready. So let’s see what else is critical and important that I should announce.

1 (2m 44s):
Umm, so for most of the listeners you’re aware of the member portal, but if you haven’t heard about that, we do have a membership portal available on Prepper And if you’re interested in added content, added videos, photos, extra podcasts, and a downloadable content, things like that. Check us out over at PBN, a go to the join, the member portal link, find that and you’re you able to donate however much you want.

1 (3m 15s):
And that donation allows us to keep things going. It allows us to keep the websites running and really supply more time and energy to the effort. I guess you could say a and just a little bit more content than you guys can, can get a little bit more value for through Prepper or Broadcasting. You can always reach us here at the next generation show, by going over the next generation show page, you can find our social media contact information and you can always reach me, no new information or a movement on a tactical website side of things.

1 (3m 57s):
We’ve actually, we spent all weekend working on some disaster relief efforts for Malden Washington. And so we’ve pretty much sidelined tactical a efforts too, to make sure that we can accomplish some more important things here locally because of that, that fire that took out the town here in Eastern Washington. We might talk a little bit more about that next week, but we’ve got a, a special guest this week and we’re going to be talking about cryptocurrencies more specifically Cryptocurrency for Preppers.

1 (4m 31s):
And for me I’ve usually when I start out a show, I’ll kind of provide a story or a, you know, an idea of what we’re going to be talking about through some sort of image or, or idea. And I was having a really hard time trying to find a way to introduce this whole idea of Cryptocurrency and it hit me a, just a not last week, but the week before I went out to purchase a bunch of noodles from a, an Asian market here in town, and I had been eyeballing one of these bamboo steamers.

1 (5m 15s):
And it’s a very, kind of a cool thing in what it does is it allows you to cook and basically allows you to steam vegetables or meats or grains like rice and stuff like that without any sort of electricity, you just put boiling water underneath it. And I’d been eyeballing for a long time. And you know, I haven’t really found reason to justify the cost of getting it because it’s like, well, you know, if we have at a steamer, why would we need to buy it? And eventually I came to the realization that, you know, what, if we run out a power, I can at least go outside, put a pot of water on a barbecue and a throw a rice steamer up right to steam vegetables or whatever.

1 (6m 1s):
Cause I can at least cook with it. You know, I can’t really plug in my, my electric rice steamer into the barbecue and get it to work. Just doesn’t work that way. So I’m sitting there working with this rice team or trying to figure out how to make it work and all this kind of stuff. And it got me to thinking about all these different grains of rice and you’ve got all these different grades of rice that you put in these different tiers and it’s organized similar to a food dehydrator for those of you who are more visually oriented. And it’s got different trays that stack on top of each other.

1 (6m 34s):
And the way it’s designed his as the heat causes them bamboo to kind of swell a little bit. It traps that steam. So it doesn’t escape. And just by putting it on top of a pot, it allows that steam to accumulate inside of this bamboo device. And as I’m checking this, RYSE to see if its done and stuff. And I noticed that, you know, all these grains of rice are kind of sitting there in a pile and they’re slowly acclimating to the steam.

1 (7m 7s):
And every time I take the lid off to inspect the tray, this plume of steam comes out right. But when I put the lid on, it’s all contained, everything is perfectly sealed up inside there. Whereas if you had a pot of water boiling, it would just boil and you know, the steam would just go everywhere. In this case. It’s also well contained that all that steam remains within that space. And to me, that is how I see Cryptocurrency where rice, like all these little grains are different forms of tangible currency, coins dollars rubies.

1 (7m 50s):
Ruples again, you know, just all around the world, the different forms of currency that they’re out there. And every grain of rice might be a different form of currency. And then kind of sitting out there and this weird ether is this Cryptocurrency where it’s not a tangible form of currency, but it exists. And in its existence affects the other forms of currency out there. And there is a transaction that happens there, there is a transfer between steam and rice and rice and steam.

1 (8m 27s):
It goes both ways when I was a kid, I remember my dad always had a wad of cash in his pocket. And his idea of financial preparedness was to have money in your pocket at all times. So that if you ever got stranded somewhere, you could get a taxi or a cab or that you could get a bus fare home or something like that. Even a plane ticket, this went on and on until we were in high school and right after high school as I was in college and for the longest or know me in high school, I’m like I have to have a bank account so that I can deposit a check from my employer because they won’t give me cash.

1 (9m 16s):
So I’m thinking, okay, I guess I’ll go deposit in a bank. And they’re like, Oh, just direct deposit in your bank. So I that’s what I did. And I was like, well, how do I get my money out? Well, we give you this little piece of plastic and this little piece of plastic has a code on it. And you put that little piece of plastic into a machine on a, you punch in your code and then you get cash. I’m like, Oh, OK. But you can also use this little piece of plastic to go directly to a gas station and put that piece of plastic and another machine and pay for your fuel without using cash.

1 (9m 51s):
Wow. Okay. Well, that’s a new, that’s nothing like what my dad had taught me or brought up,

2 (9m 57s):
Do you know?

1 (9m 59s):
So over time I’m thinking, okay, you know, we’re, we’re totally different here. My dad’s using this archaic form of currency. You know, dad, dad, come on. Once you get a debit card, it’ll be way easier. You don’t need to use it. Yeah. And in the meantime, he’s, he’s pushing back. He’s saying no, no I don’t. I don’t need everybody to know where my money’s being spent. And of course me being the intelligent teenager that I was, it was like, Oh, it’s not that big of a deal who cares?

1 (10m 30s):
Nobody cares what you’re, where you’re spending money. You know, it’s not that big of a deal. And so over time he wound up actually holding off until the point where his employer refused to give him a check, a physical check. He was forced to get a bank account to collect money. And on top of that, he was actually working out of town. So he had to have access to cash in the form of a debit card so that we could manage money from a far so that if he needed, if he was stranded out of town, I could put money into his account and he could draw on it from wherever he was in the country, if nothing else, to get a plane ticket home.

1 (11m 12s):
And there were certain instances where he had to tap on that ability to get a plane ticket, to see another family member. So there was a shift that happened when he was forced to do that in the mean time. I’m starting to see that my debit card transactions are becoming increasingly dangerous in that I’m getting advertisements for places that I never signed up for. I’m getting targeted ads. And I’m finding out how things like, you know, your Fred Meyer or a card or your Albertson’s card or your Safeway card or your Costco card, track your purchases to be able to target advertising to you.

1 (11m 57s):
And things like this really started to scare me. So when I, when I started to see some of this stuff, I, I started pulling back a little bit and realizing that maybe I should, you know, take a moment to see where my money is really being spent and who’s seeing how I’m spending it. So this weird shift happens, right? So we were changing our state of our point of reference when it comes to currency.

1 (12m 30s):
Now I’m thinking more on the terms of my dad and my dad’s thinking more than terms that I was, what does any of this have to do with prepping? Well, as Preppers, we have this kind of innate ability to determine the value and things that are either tangible or intangible. And when it comes to cash, it’s something that can be easily measured, used for different things.

1 (13m 3s):
And with the analogy of the steam in the rice, steam is also something that can be measured and it can be used for different things. I mean, steam itself can be used for heat or combustion locomotion power generation, but that along with cash are two very powerful things that is rarely understood for that power, both good and bad. And as Prepper we find power in some of those simpler things, you know, we, we seek solace in the ether.

1 (13m 33s):
You know, some of the mystery of not having everything you do tract, and oftentimes it’s where others aren’t looking. So by the time others or outsiders start paying attention, we’ve already got a solid grasp on whatever this is. You know, Cryptocurrency, to me is one of those aspects of preparedness in the context of the future of currency. Privacy is something that we should all be paying close attention to. But first, before we get into today’s show Colin, can you share your fun fact of the week?

3 (14m 10s):
What did my name is Colin and I am the cohost here at the next generation show a joining my father and host to the show, Ryan, as well as our special guest we’re will be diving into a little bit of a crypto cryptocurrency talk. But before you get too far into that, I’m going to quickly cover the graphitic on fun fact of the week. Today’s grab to go on. The fun fact of the week is Armadillo shells are Bulletproof. In fact, one man in Texas was hospitalized when a bullet, he shot at an Armadillo ricocheted off the animal and hit him in the jaw.

3 (14m 45s):
Oh, not really. Not really sure how that relates, but all the other facts that I’ve found on the Crips or Cryptocurrency

4 (14m 52s):
Was like, ahh, all sorts of fusing. So, wow. Yeah. Well and Oh, I do you have an animal being Bulletproof is probably something that we ought to pay a little bit closer attention to. Yeah, for sure. Well, that’s awesome buddy. Thanks for The things for the one there. Okay. There we go. I am inviting our special guest in the chat at the moment as we speak, trying to get that to work. Hopefully I can get it dialed in.

4 (15m 23s):
It looks like he’s in. Perfect. Well with that, let’s bring in our special guest today. Our guest is Rob McNealy and a, rather than me trying to fumble my way through an introduction, I figured we just go ahead and bring him on. And Andy, have you introduce yourself? Rob welcome to the show.

5 (15m 44s):
Well, Hey guys, I appreciate you have me on today. So it’s, it’s always good to talk to Preppers I don’t get to talk to Preppers enough about crypto and there’s some interesting conversations to be had there with some Preppers a little bit of background. I am a, an old man, but I’m a serial entrepreneur. I am the cofounder of a decentralized Cryptocurrency project called tusk, which stands for the universal settlement coin. And I’m also the co founder of off chain, which is a crypto meets preparedness meets guns conference that we have on an annual basis here in the salt Lake city, Utah area.

5 (16m 25s):
So we’ve two did two of them already. We were the last two years. And, but this year I would say next year, technically cause we had ours on this last, last February was the last one we’re going to do the next off chain virtually because we just don’t believe that the pandemics going to be settled down by then. So it’s just better to just assume it won’t be if they weren’t going to do it virtually this year. So, but a little bit of background me my day job. I’m a forensic consultant. I really, really embraced the concept of preparedness and self reliance and a half for a long time.

5 (17m 2s):
A and it saved my bacon a few times over the years. And I also a, we, my wife and I do an urban homestead here in the salt Lake city area. We have a pretty big garden. And then in the past I’ve done a lot of different things on the emergency response. I am formally trained as a cert guy. I used to be a volunteer firefighter up in Wyoming. I used to be a volunteer EMT. I used to be a volunteer hazmat tech. My wife’s is a, a trained medical doctor and I’m also an assistant instructor for Appleseed and I’ve a big gun nerd.

5 (17m 38s):
So I think that kind of sums up a lot of the different things that I’m here to discuss today. But, but I’m, I’m happy to go as deep and down as many dark rabbit holes if you want to go down. Yeah. And

4 (17m 50s):
We will definitely, I mean, hopefully we’ll be able to have enough time to get into some of the nitty gritty stuff, but I would like to leave the door open because you know, this is such a huge topic and I think there’s enough room to really educate folks on what it is and why it might be important for preparedness when it comes to Cryptocurrency. But before we get too far into that, you mentioned that, you know, having a mind for preparedness has saved your bacon a few times already. Last week, we actually were planning to do a live show together until something happened down in your area.

4 (18m 24s):
Do you want to share that experience real quick with our listeners?

5 (18m 27s):
Yeah. So now I live on a Caldy sack, right? I live in, you know, Justin in the suburbs of salt Lake city. I don’t live in the middle of nowhere. Like a lot of Preppers do, right? I’m not like living that off grid and clutching my rifle in the basement, kind of Prepper I believe that prepping is insurance and you just kind of dollar cost, average prepping. But I believe that, you know, and I’ve seen this with a lot of Preppers where they’re paranoid.

5 (18m 59s):
They think that the end of the world is coming and they make their lives miserable. They make their entire identity about being a Prepper. And I am not one of those Preppers to me, I’m just a self-reliant guy. I’m a Prepper guy and, but I don’t dwell on it to me. It’s like I pay my car insurance. It’s like, I put my seatbelt on when I’m welding, you know, eye wear a face shield. I don’t think about it cause I’m not scared. It’s about being prepared. And a, and I like to caution, you know, Preppers, don’t be afraid, you know, life always changes.

5 (19m 32s):
And I think it’s really important to mentally be prepared. I think mental preparedness and resilience are the most important aspects of prepping. Right? And I think if you just kind of prep in an ongoing way and understand that life always changes. I think the biggest problem is that it’s not that people can’t overcome and adapt to changes is the fact that people don’t like change and changes. It’s a weird irony is that people hate change, but change is the only constant it’s, which is bizarre.

5 (20m 4s):
Right? So last week we had her a category three level hurricane wind storm here in salt Lake, no rain, literally they clocked a university of Utah, which is just a few miles from a house. They clocked 112 mile an hour winds in salt Lake city. Wow. And it, and I think the light let us, the, the latest toll was 200,000 people went out of power because they overturned giant trees. All the big Pines, you know, went over and it was crazy.

5 (20m 36s):
Like it just, you know, we knew it was going to be Whitney. Like I, you know, I watch the weather. So umm, and we knew that there was going to be a wind storm, but the howling I’m like, I’m just not used to that here. And our power went out and, and, and it was really interesting is the last week when we were scheduled to talk before I also had a meeting that day and it was interesting is that my neighborhood went out in the cell phone towers around us, went down to, and so I was trying to contact this other person cause I was trying to call in and I had like one bar and I normally have perfect, you know, cell reception in town here.

5 (21m 16s):
I literally went driving around town trying to get cell phone cigarettes. Yeah. I had to drive like two miles, three miles from my house just to get a cell phone signal because I don’t know if it’s just, they were all jammed up or you know, what have you cause a lot of those cell phone towers or either on battery backup or a generator backup depending on where they are. And I know a lot of The now I do know that a lot of cell phone towers around here just stuck on buildings. So I don’t know if they have generators running them or not. So I thought it was interesting that, you know, really things change quick.

5 (21m 48s):
Now our power was only down on like two days, three days here in our house, but a friend of mine just had his power come back on after six days and two nights ago we walked through my neighborhood and it was really interesting. Like you could see, we counted for a generator still running. So it was like literally the neighbor’s on one side of the street had power. And then the other side of the tree had no power. I’m like, Oh man, that would suck. So it, it was interesting. But on top of that, we do have a fairly large garden that we have this a little, or it looks like a little urban farm and it like decimated like a lot of our plants.

5 (22m 25s):
Oh the way, you know, the good, the wind chewed them up. The good thing we’d already done. A lot of the harvest that we were going to do and the tomatoes don’t like, so I sent you a picture of the tomatoes, the tomatoes got trounced, but they’re still mostly good. They just basically, it just ripped them. We have like this little trellis set up and it ripped all the way. It ripped all the tomatoes off the trellises, but they’re still good. So they’re just like laying on the ground now. So it just sucks. But, but it was interesting. So I have a big generator and it’s, so I’ll tell you what the downside is like, okay.

5 (22m 60s):
When do you go into emergency mode? Right. You never know like, okay, is a power going to be out of our, like, I have a big generator, I have a 10,000 watt to 20 generator that can run, run a welder, but it’s all packed away in my shed with all my other stuff. And I’m like, I don’t want to carry that thing. Weighs 350 pounds. I didn’t wanna drag it out. Right. You know? And umm, and it’s electric star, it’s a 20 horse Honda motor on it and I get it out and I keep the battery on a trickle charger, but the battery was dead, like dead, dead. And I looked in the batteries from 2013. So it’s a dead battery. It won’t even hold the charge.

5 (23m 31s):
And so like, I’m like no way so it’s, but I am prepared. I always have multiple sources of everything. And I went and got my jump starter from the back of a, the wife’s, you know, a murder van and then started the generator. Well, the thing is the only thing I was really concerned about his, we have several freezers and so we have a lot of food and freezers right now and I didn’t want that to, we weighted and we have thermostats, all right. You know, thermometers, you know, so we know what the temperature is. And we started seeing the temperature go up and the freezers from like they stare around the hover around the zero and then it starts off six degrees, nine degrees.

5 (24m 9s):
I’m like, all right, I gotta go get the extension cord and run general. And the dry ice at the local stores was gone with an a like an hour. So even, and that’s, you know, generally that’s better than getting bag ice or something, but so it was just interesting. So it was just a minor thing. And then this year has been kind of interesting besides the pandemic, right? Is that we had a 5.7 magnitude earthquake two this year, I’m a, you know, several months ago was that may now or whenever in June or may whenever we had that.

5 (24m 39s):
And, and so like I have damage to my house. I’d be like crack some of my brick walls and stuff. I got a big, you know, it looks like Harry Potter’s little, Z scar kind of thing. I wanted on my walls on my garage. Cause it just cracked the brick radar along the mortar lines. So it’s like, okay. And it was funny. Cause after that I, you know, same deal. I’m like, okay. I went and stocked up on gas at that point, you know, form of the generator that the dead battery, by the way, I have a new generator now to so I mean, it’s like, you never know when something’s going to happen, but the thing is we didn’t get stressed out.

5 (25m 13s):
We didn’t freak out. We, we had all the solutions even as far as cooking. I mean like, you know, we have wood burners, I have two cords, a split would I have two, I would burning stove and a wood-burning fire. This one, we did fire over the fireplace. Cause we did get a little chili that day because it dropped from a platform like a hundred degrees to like 40 degrees that night. Like it was crazy. It just, the temperature dropped and that’s when that wind came in. And so it got down in the forties that night. And so we did fire up the fireplace and you know, wasn’t a problem, but, and again, we, we don’t get freaked out at these kinds of things because we are prepared and you know, if we need to cook outside, we got solar cookers on the grill and you know, its like we have multiple backups of backups, right.

5 (25m 58s):
And I think as a Prepper that insurance policy and that knowledge and confidence makes those kinds of things. For some of my friends, there were tragedy. Like I had friends of mine. I’m like my freezer lost all my food and you know, they just weren’t prepared. And like I don’t have a generator will go find a generator after a power outage when 200,000 people don’t have power. You can’t get a generator at that point and, and exited there hard to get anyway because of the pandemic. So there’s, there’s that too. And so I it’s a, it was interesting like even on some of the local social media apps, the people that were looking for help and you know, people running out of food, people like losing all their freezer food it’s like, it was, it was, it was just kind of an interesting wake up call that so quickly things changed and people that were not prepared were literally living like a temporary nightmare and other people who are just like, it’s just an inconvenience for us.

5 (26m 56s):
And I think that’s the big difference, but it’s interesting going through those kinds of things that this is why we prep because I don’t worry about these things.

1 (27m 4s):
Well, when I like kind of this example for a couple of reasons, you know, the idea of diversification when you’ve got a diversified source of batteries, you’ve got a diversified source of, you know, food storage or food, you know, access to food, you know, you’ve got, you got methods for, you know, communication. Even if you have to travel, at least you can travel, you know, different things like this when it comes to money. I don’t think people understand the importance of diversification.

1 (27m 35s):
And this is where Cryptocurrency a really strikes me as something that Preppers, if they’re not already paying close attention to, it should be paying closer attention to it. So before we get too deep into it, can you give the audience just a real quick, you know, elevator speech on what Cryptocurrency is in a nutshell?

5 (28m 2s):
I, yeah. I mean, ultimately it’s just, it’s just think of Venmo, but the, the big difference with like Cryptocurrency is, and there’s lots of types of cryptocurrencies. So Cryptocurrency is a software let’s start there. It’s just software it’s math. And the idea is that is most Cryptocurrency projects are open source, meaning that everybody can see the code. Everybody can see the math. And so if you think about all a blockchain is, is basically a database that is connected to a whole bunch of other databases that are independent from one another.

5 (28m 37s):
And, or, you know, actually I would say this they’re a ledger. You know, I will think of a blockchain as like a database that’s spread across many different computers, owned by different people and then those computers talk to each other. And so the idea is that in the simplest terms of a thing called a block, basically imagine those computers and like a ring. So what happens is a block on a block chain holds a bunch of transactions and then that little think of it like a, like a mine carte or, you know, some kinda like, you know, tube.

5 (29m 14s):
And what happens is every time there’s a transaction on a blockchain, the little block holds, you know, the little block is like a cart and it holds those transactions and it takes it from all those different computers that are in the block, in the Network and they all confirm and validate that transaction. And once a certain number of computers all agree that yes, we validate that this is a valid transaction. Then it’s permanently made part of the, that can’t be changed. It’s called it’s an immutable record.

5 (29m 45s):
And so, and then most blockchains, not all, but most blockchains that ledger is publicly visible. A and these things are all encrypted, but say, if I’m on most public blockchains, like say Bitcoin, I want to buy something from you. I send you my Bitcoin from my wallet to your wallet after, you know, however long it takes to get through the Network, depending on Network congestion, a, a certain number are the majority of the computer’s in the network, validate the miners on the Bitcoin blockchain.

5 (30m 17s):
They validate that those transactions are sound, and then it’s made part of the permanent ledger. So you can go too, like for instance, Bitcoin right now, and look at every single Bitcoin transaction that’s ever happened. Now you don’t necessarily know who owns the wallets, but you can see the movement of Bitcoin from a wallet to another wallet and that’s publicly available and publicly viewable. And so the idea with that is that it’s open and honest and transparent.

5 (30m 47s):
It’s not private in, you know, you can, there’s a, we can get really down deep rabbit holes about privacy and privacy coins and how to obfuscate your identity and things like that. But the concept is since the, the ledger is publicly viewable, you don’t need to trust the other person. It’s the, they call it trustless Snus. And so what ends up happening is that all I need to know is that the math doesn’t lie, right? This transaction, once it gets committed to the record as part of the permanent record. And I mean, ultimately the big difference between cryptocurrencies and Fiat currencies and Fiat currencies are just government issued money, right?

5 (31m 24s):
And so the idea is that cryptocurrencies are a protocols. So with Fiat currencies, whatever a banker or a politician decides that they wanted to base the money so they could spend more money than they really should be. They just print more money up and bank’s to do with the central banks, do it, politicians encouraged central banks that do it. And what happens is over time, typically what happens with Fiat currencies is politicians just end up abusing the system, print so much money that people lose confidence in it.

5 (31m 56s):
And too, you know, generally either deflates or inflates to the point where people don’t want to use that anymore. And so the thing that’s a little different about cryptocurrencies now is that they’re community operated. They’re created by communities. They’re created by individuals. They’re created by organizations, but they’re not really The can be created by governments. But right now this is the first time that money has been controlled and created by the people for the people versus government creating a and controlling money.

5 (32m 29s):
Right. And I think that’s kind of the big difference.

4 (32m 32s):
Well, I liked the way you put that, the way of, you know, government created a controlling money, because one of the big things about Cryptocurrency

1 (32m 41s):
That my feeble understanding is grasping as the idea of decentralization and why that is, or can be an important way to diversify your own income or your own transactions. So like, for example, well, I’ll, I’ll let you answer that before I move on, but I mean, can you tell me a little bit about why decentralization and Cryptocurrency kind of go hand in hand and, and how that works.

5 (33m 12s):
So, and, and in Cryptocurrency standpoint, it’s about who is there someone that has too much power in a Network? So for instance, in a Fiat, Network our fee currency, the politicians in the central banks hold all the cards. I use dollars, but I have no control over how dollars, how many dollars are printed. For instance, with cryptocurrencies, they’re decentralized and it’s a spectrum, different cryptos or decentralized. And there’s not a solid definition of what decentralized means in the case of tusks are Cryptocurrency and tusk stands for the universal settlement coin.

5 (33m 50s):
There is no company that owns tusk. I am not the CEO. I am a co founder, but no one owns it. There’s no company, there’s no C Corp. There’s no LLC. There’s not even a foundation. All the decisions about how we manage the software that runs tusk and has done on the blockchain via proposals in a voting system. And so if you own one task, you get one vote and you get to vote on things. And so if you like what we’re going to do with a test project in what we’re doing, and we’re focused on primarily on the gun industry at first.

5 (34m 26s):
And so what we’re doing with tusk is, is that if it’s a community oriented project, so if, say for instance, you want to do work for the Network, let’s just say you like the project and you want to get involved. You can set up a wallet for free, and then you can put in a proposal, let’s say, I want to market tusk, or I want to go do business development for tusk in my community and sign retailers up or down, or do educational class, or you name it.

5 (34m 57s):
You can write up a proposal in the community, will vote on it and compare you and it’s done automatically. And so think of, you know, it’s like, think of who owns HTML or the internet, right? So like, so I always like to say that, you know, crypto is a software, but it’s a protocol it’s just like infrastructure and how you choose to use that infrastructure is really up to the community. Blockchains can be governed in very different ways.

5 (35m 27s):
And, and we think that we’re a later generation type of blockchain and how we structured and built it and how we govern it’s different. It’s very different than how Bitcoin is governed. And, and that was intentional. We looked at, we look at Bitcoin is like, you know, the reserve currency for crypto, but we also, a lot of us view the Bitcoin protocol as like the model T or the model a right it’s, it’s older tech and there’s a lot of newer type of blockchain software protocols out there that have more innovation in them.

5 (36m 2s):
And, and that’s one of the things that we’d done. Like we really liked the on chain governance because software can’t just be set it and forget it. Software requires maintenance. Software has bugs. You have to manage that. And we feel that having on chain governance and a proposal system allows us to, you know, evolve the project in a much easier fashion than say with Bitcoin, which is very difficult to do that.

4 (36m 27s):
So I guess this might be kind of a, a really broad question, but what, what’s your take on the future of money whose money? Well, a like the future of money, we went like a Fiat versus a Bitcoin, you know, that kind of stuff like what’s, what is, where are we going with? Like, you know, if I’ve got a hundred thousand dollars in the bank, that’s worth something to somebody versus, you know, I’ve got a hundred thousand dollars worth of, you know, Cryptocurrency in a bank that’s where someone to some buddy, but it may not.

4 (37m 13s):
Those two things may not connect. So were at what point does this really reconcile with what we’re used to today, where I pay a dollar for something and I get a product, or, you know, I give you a, you know, a code that allows you, that allows me to obtain a product. You know what I mean? So that will say this.

5 (37m 44s):
So there, I think there’s a couple of things. So I would say as far as crypto we’re at the very beginning of a financial revolution, a global financial revolution. And what I mean like that is if I had to compare it to the adoption of the worldwide web and I’m old enough to have been there and remembered it, right. We’re kind of in the dial up Mo Odom stage with crypto right now. We’re that far, we’re that early right now.

5 (38m 14s):
And so what you’re seeing is people or trying new things, people are experimenting, but there’s not a lot of adoption yet. Like there’s not a lot of people that use crypto for actually buying. So right now you have people that are trying to build new technology and innovate like we are. And then you have a big chunk of the crypto community is, you know, they’re just investing and they’re that what they’re investing in will be adopted at some point later on, it will make them really, really seriously rich. And I think a lot of people will be seriously rich in the future that are investing in crypto.

5 (38m 46s):
So there are PR so I think the, you know, the future is hard. Like I don’t have a crystal ball, but I can say, like, I talked to a lot of people right now that are concerned, for instance, how much printing is going on of like the U S dollar. And a lot of people swear up and down that the dollar is going to hyperinflate next year, or what have you done? And I’m not sure that’s going to happen. Cause the U S dollar is not a normal Fiat currency. So, and this is what I try to explain to people.

5 (39m 17s):
If you were talking about, you know, Venezuela and, you know, whatever the Venezuela dollar or pesos or whatever the have down there, uhm, or some other countries Fiat, I would agree. But the us dollar is the most unique fee out that’s ever been created. And why I say that is it’s The, it’s the reserve currency status of the U S dollar, every government and central bank and pension fund in the planet has a vested interest in keeping the dollar afloat.

5 (39m 47s):
Right. Everybody has, you know, kind of some skin in that game and they’re not, they don’t want it to go under, it will be really bad. Or if the dollar collapsed, they will utterly, if the, if the dollar loses its reserve currency status, then I’m really concerned. I think as long as the dollar is the reserve currency, I think they can probably keep the inflation in tack for some time. Now I don’t think it’s going to be able to happen forever. I do believe that there will be a reckoning.

5 (40m 18s):
What the dollar, I just don’t think it’s it’s I don’t think it’s something that’s going to be happening anytime soon. I think we got some time with that. So, and a lot of people, I know they, they don’t get the nuance. Like they just think, while you print more dollars, it’s going to devaluate. I’m like, here’s the thing. If no one, so all value is subjective. It doesn’t matter if it’s Fiat currency or Cryptocurrency value is subjective. And so if, for instance, if I think the U S has printed what an extra $6 trillion or something this year, something absurd like that.

5 (40m 53s):
If no one. So let’s just think of it this way. If everybody who holds dollars in central banks and pension funds and everything else, you know, meaning through like treasury bills or what have you, if they don’t choose to recognize that the printing has devalued the money supply, it’s not going to be recognized. You know what I’m saying? Like they have to choose to decide that it’s worth less. And if they choose to not acknowledged that the printing has devalued the money, it doesn’t have to be devalued.

5 (41m 25s):
And that’s something that I think a lot of people have a hard time understanding and I’m not an economist. So I don’t claim to know everything about finance. I really am that guy. But I do think that the dollar is different. Now. I think if the dollar loses its reserve status, I think we’re hosed at that point. And I think that’s going to be the key for me is, okay, what do you do now? I think as far as crypto goes, and also the, the thing is crypto has some advantages over Fiat one, you know, the decentralized nature of the global nature.

5 (41m 59s):
But the fact is that people using it have, you know, some skin in the game, they have some say and whether we want, they want to use it, they have some say and maybe how it’s covered. And that’s never really happened before. But in addition, I, I think the, the benefits of Fiat or a crypto, as I should say is that it’s it’s software. So you can program and create a, a cryptocurrency for a specific purpose. You can’t really do that with like, you know, Fiat currencies.

5 (42m 30s):
So you can program in features that might be beneficial to say one particular industry.

1 (42m 36s):
You can’t do that with Fiat. So if Colin decided that he wanted to have a Fiat currency specifically for lawn mowing, that he could develop a, a Fiat currency for that or not, excuse me, not FIA currency, a Cryptocurrency. And that would be something that could be adopted as the standard for lawnmowing. So any eight year old kid could have, you know, whatever currency in blond Moines coin. And if he, if someone wanted him to mow his lawn, then they would purchase it by a non lawnmowing point and pay him through lawnmowing coin.

1 (43m 14s):
And he could use that money for whatever buying lawnmowing equipment or doing whatever correct. I think to me, this is where Cryptocurrency jumps to that next level. And, and one of the reasons why I wanted to bring you on to this show is because you just, the idea of Cryptocurrency ha has this ability to cause people’s eyes to glaze over a bit. And I think even more so with kids who may not even understand the basics of normal currency and how to save properly, how to spend properly, you know, how to plan for retirement or, or, you know, you know, how much to spend on themselves versus others, that kind of thing.

1 (44m 5s):
And I think the idea that there’s a privacy aspect to Chris Cryptocurrency that you can achieve there’s the decentralization depart all of these different things, but I guess I’m seeing a point where we might be handing the next generation of humans form of currency that they may have either you, they may have a very firm grasp of, or they may have no grasp on, you know, based on old principles for saving money.

1 (44m 39s):
And I don’t know, I mean, back in the Greek times, the principal’s for money where the same, I mean, how much you save, how much you spend that kind of stuff, depending on your, your ability to gain wealth is scalable over time, depending on where you are and what you’re doing. And like that, to me personally, that’s kind of how I see money. Like the same principles from ages ago are the same things can, that can be applied today, where my question is, is how does that apply to crypto?

1 (45m 11s):
And what I mean, what, how, how can that work if that means?

5 (45m 17s):
Well, I would S well, I talk a lot, even on my Twitter, which is just, I’m at Rob McNealy on Twitter, but I talk a lot about financial literacy and, and that’s, that’s just tried and true. Stay out of debt, save, save an emergency fund, save for a rainy day, live below your means. You know, those basic kind of pragmatic kind of actions don’t change regardless if the value’s digital or paper.

5 (45m 47s):
So I think they directly apply even to crypto. So I think that, you know, I think for at least the prepping world, especially, I always tell people before you start doing high risk investing, there’s a process you go through, get out of debt, stay out of debt, save cash and pay cash kinda stuff. And I think that that’s really truly important at this point. Crypto is still most cryptos, including tusks.

5 (46m 19s):
I would throw us into this basket that we’re a high risk and the speculative investment right now. And so I don’t tell people that are financially illiterate or I don’t tell people that don’t have an emergency fund and they’re really in debt to go invest in crypto. I think you should weight. And I think that, you know, I have traditional investments, I have precious metal investments and I have other tangible investments and a half of crypto investment’s and crypto is a part of the high risk portion of those portfolios.

5 (46m 52s):
And, and I think ultimately sound business management and financial literacy are vitally important even in the digital age. So, I mean, if you think about it, like, you know, in the future, and I think we’re getting really close to that, even with our own project, you know, moving money via, you know, Cryptocurrency, won’t be any different from the user experience than Venmo or PayPal. And I think we’re going to be there probably very quickly within the next year or two for a lot of products, including ours is, is that we’re going to extract or abstract all that complicated blockchain stuff away from the user.

5 (47m 31s):
Cause they don’t need to know. I mean, most people, for instance, don’t know how the Swift system settles credit and debit card transactions credit, you know, people don’t know what that looks like and how many intermediaries go through all that. They just know I swipe at works and crypto will get to the point where I swipe. It works very quickly. The technology is coming up to that point and, and I think we’ll get there. But I mean, ultimately the only difference is is that when you’re using PayPal square Stripe cash app or any of those third party payment systems, the underlying value is being transported digitally in the form of a Fiat dollar typically, whereas with crypto or it could be the same value can be transmitted digitally.

5 (48m 18s):
It’s just settled with a different mechanism. It’s not based on the dollar. So I think that’s the only difference. And I think from the user perspective for what we call the Holy grail of mass adoption, right, is that all those user experiences and all that complication of, you know, the learning curves associated with crypto needs to be abstracted out so that the end users don’t have to have a tough learning curve. Crypto is going to get really easy very quickly. And I know that’s a big priority for our project as far as building wallets and things like that, payment gateways and all the things that we need to do as far as our infrastructure build out is to make that really, really easy for people.

5 (48m 58s):
So, but I think you’re not going to notice a difference in the future between how you’re paying,

4 (49m 4s):
Right. So I guess I kind of answered to my next question was just, you know, how should someone be ready for when this happens? I mean, what kind of, what kind of things could we prepare for, I guess you could say for you to go mainstream or whatever,

5 (49m 23s):
I think it’s going to happen gradually. And we got a pretty interesting strategy and how we’re trying to achieve that. But I would say is preparedness. You know, there’s lots of information out there that’s, that’s freely available. There’s lots of resources on the web that people can kind of educate themselves about it. I mean, right now I think there’s like three to four or 5,000, you know, crypto projects that ask digital assets around the world now that are all traded. And a lot of them are interoperable between one another.

5 (49m 54s):
I think right now, still from the user perspective, most of those, or just speculative investments. And so if you’re going to get into crypto from, and so there’s two ways to look at crypto, you can look at it from an investment point of view and that you wanna invest in crypto. Uhm, because you think you can make money with crypto over time. And I think with some cryptos, people are gonna make a lot of money. But I think that the other side of it is you can also invest in cryptos that actually are focused on getting adoption and getting used. And right now really there’s not any crypto, even Bitcoin that people are buying and selling goods and services a lot with most of them right now.

5 (50m 32s):
We’re just that early that they’re not being used yet. Everybody’s bedding on them being used. And so right now it’s just so early, I think there’s going to be, I don’t the thing is I think there’s going to be a gradual transition then it’s just going to happen all at once at some point,

4 (50m 52s):
I think one of the reasons why I’m, I’m hesitant, but I’m also highly curious is it just reminds me so much if boom of the early nineties. And I see a lot of very similar things with that and you know, the idea of how that happened. And so many people went from just absolutely broke to instantly wealthy and vice versa because of the thing. You have people who have just like, Oh yeah, you know, I, I built this website and sold it for a billion dollars and now I’m off doing this or, you know, I’ve invested $400 million into this business or, or this website.

4 (51m 30s):
And it turned out to be nothing, you know, and just kind of like, okay.

5 (51m 36s):
So I think there are a lot of similarities. And back in late 2017, early 2018, we had moment. Right? Nobody knew about crypto before 2018. Everybody knows what the word Bitcoin is. Yeah. I have, I can’t find anybody. That’s never heard the word anymore. There’s that brand awareness out there. And I think we’re going through another mini one of those hype cycles right now with you. No, the thing called D Phi and there’s a bunch of defy projects out there that are kind of going through a hype cycle right now.

5 (52m 8s):
But, but back to your, you know, kinda of your example with boom, and I was a web developer back then. So I know very well cause I lost my job like several times in one year because all these companies went belly up really quick. But if you look at what happened through, you know, some Amazon started in 95, but Amazon was already a publicly traded company during boom. And they took a big hit. But look what happened after boom, what companies were started after boom, Twitter, Facebook, Google, Amazon got ginormous.

5 (52m 46s):
And you start looking at all these major. I mean, even Apple blew up after them, right? Apple wasn’t that big before then. And, and so if you look at what came out of that, that hype cycle is you have a amazing innovation happen. And, and I think it’s part of the process and I think we’re going through those, those growing pains. If you look at any look at any societal change or a movement, like any paradigm shift, right?

5 (53m 16s):
Look who is the people leading it take cannabis, right? Cannabis The is becoming very mainstream in a of States. Now it’s normalized. It’s not even weird. But if you look at the people like in, I was in Colorado for a long time when Colorado was going through this transition to recreational cannabis use. And it was interesting is that the people that were the activists write the early cannabis activists that were pushing for the laws and they’re all crazy.

5 (53m 49s):
Right? And you can look at the says a lot of different things. They’re all nuts. They’re, they’re people with rough personalities. They don’t get along with people they’re passionate and they’re persistent. And their, the ones that kind of get the Boulder moving, they kind of push the snowball down the Hill. And then as that change happens, as that movement gets legs, ultimately those initial and this happens a lot, right? Those initial activists get pushed out as that industry matures.

5 (54m 21s):
If you go to like Denver, like for instance, and go into a dispensary, most of those dispensers are run by like yuppie college educated kind of a business owners now. And in fact in Colorado, they’ve made it so that if he ever had a drug conviction, you can’t get licensed to work in a cannabis dispensary. And so that kind of kicked most of the activist out of the industry, just from that. And so I think you’re going to see that with crypto two. So you got a lot of people or if there’s a lot, I will tell you, man, this is a crazy space.

5 (54m 53s):
The crypto world full of a lot of interesting personalities. It does have a lot of scammers in it and, and you have all types here, but there’s a lot of crazy people in crypto and they’re great people too.

4 (55m 8s):
What am I?

5 (55m 10s):
But there’s all a lot of weirdos banalities and I think what’s going and Oh, I’m sorry. I wasn’t going to say is that you just have a lot of personality in the space. And I think our time as the space matures and the masses start coming into this space, the more of a challenge, personality challenge individuals, we will be moved out and marginalized and more normal people will come into the space. And I think we’re just in a very, very early stage in crypto right now.

4 (55m 40s):
Yeah. Well, and I like that the way you put that, I mean, that makes a lot of sense. And I think it’s a, it, it takes a lot of the, the fear and confusion out of this thing. And just for me personally, and I don’t know Colin, hasn’t had a whole lot of time to a chat or a comment on any of this stuff, but we are at the top of the hour and before I let you go, Colin, did you have any questions you want to ask or anything pop up while you were listening?

4 (56m 13s):
You know, I’m going to, I’m going to be honest, I’ve been listening, I’ve been paying attention, but a I’m still having a little bit of a difficult time grasping this concept. So

3 (56m 24s):
I might do a little bit in my own research, the, you know, further, but I mean, I guess it’s just up to you guys or not. You want to all right. Well,

5 (56m 36s):
Well, well, here’s the thing to leave the door open for sure.

3 (56m 42s):

5 (56m 42s):
Downy from a prepping stamp, but we didn’t even get to that part yet. I’ll give you a point on why EY as a Prepper I, a crypto is important, lets start there. Right? That was all the reason we wanted to talk to them. I believe. And I own precious metals as well. I also keep cash on hand, you know, to make sure I have a little bit of cash on hand for emergencies. And I have precious metals for the same reason, but I asked of crypto. So the, this is what I tried to explain to Preppers cause you know, the prepping world, there’s a lot of marker of the beasts, kind of the people that are paranoid about a cashless society and I’m alive.

5 (57m 15s):
I’m like, okay, we’ll you know, a superstitious part of it, but I can say this, the thing about crypto. So let’s just say s**t hits the fan. Umm and you have to do a bar. Yeah. Oh or a speaker as a refugee happens in. You never know when that’s going to happen. Right. And, and a lot of times refugees have all their possessions and worldly possessions stolen from them. At some point in that process, it’s very common.

5 (57m 47s):
You ended up being for you. You are not in a good position. So here’s the thing. If you have to cross the border and you got a bunch of precious mountain bowls, that’s a good chance. Someones got to take them, you get a border guards, a politician’s robbers or the thing is about crypto. If for most crypto wallets, you don’t actually hold wallets, technically hold the key and that’s it. But that the data that represents that value of all of that blockchain that we talked about earlier and you, if you basically, most crypto wallets kind of like setting up on your chat thing, you get to a bunch of encryption hash, you get a bunch of key phrases.

5 (58m 23s):
So if you want to restore your wallet for matrix here, write or element. When you set up an element account, they give you a bunch of hashes or a beta. I’m sorry. A bunch of key phrase words, right? Did they tell you to save? Do you remember that you in your check out room? Umm, so to get on element, it it’s encrypted. And so ins is, and this is almost identical. So setting up an account on element is almost the same process to sell, to setting up a crypto wallet. It’s all encrypted and you have to save your key phrases somewhere safe and then you can restore your wallet anytime.

5 (58m 59s):
So what happened say you have to cross the border and you are worried about getting robbed of your precious metals. Well, you could convert those precious metals to crypto memorized. Your 12 key words. You don’t even have to carry those digital wallet with you. If you can get even write down the words in separate places and cross that border, they can’t your stuff. And once you get a crop, where do you want to be? You download a wallet, put in your 12 key phrases or a store, your wallet.

5 (59m 30s):
If you have all your wealth with you, you can not do that with precious metals or any physical, tangible object. And if it’s on dollars, let’s just say they can shut your bank account down. Anytime they want with Chris, then we might of lost you.

4 (59m 53s):
Alright. When we were just getting good, hold on a second folks. Let’s see if we can. Oh,

5 (59m 58s):
There is no central bank to shut down your bank account because you control your hash. No on the bucket and you hear me. Okay.

4 (1h 0m 13s):
Yeah. Hold on. Sorry. I think it’s probably buffering on my end. It’s possible. But a

5 (1h 0m 21s):
Are we back? Yeah, I think so. What do you think?

4 (1h 0m 24s):
No, I think that’s better. Okay. So, so you were just talking about a, you know, we have you crossed the border? Yeah.

5 (1h 0m 33s):
Okay. Okay. Okay. So if you cross the border, can you hear me?

4 (1h 0m 41s):
Yeah. You mentioned that you’d be able to keep your money and you know, your wealth would retain with you, you know, whereas with Fiat currency,

5 (1h 0m 49s):
We can’t do that. Yes or no, a a central bank card. They can’t even on a blockchain. So let’s just say bad actor. This is one of the downside. I, I, yeah, it’s that from being a bad actor, Highpoint that we can publicly, you know, shame you, but I can’t control your wallet.

5 (1h 1m 24s):
You control your wallet. So that is that the banks can’t shut you down. A government can shut you down and for political reasons, but that also in the heart or sometimes if someone’s being a jerk for instance. So, but the benefit is, is that that’s where crypto is superior to Fiat. Even if you know, Fiat in digital form, like with the PayPal or Venmo account, you know, Venmo to shut your account off. If KPL doesn’t like the business you’re in, they will just say, we’re not going to allow that.

5 (1h 1m 55s):
For instance, even some of those go fund me’s right. There was a recent case with some people that were involved, some stuff up in Russia and The just, you know, go fund me. You didn’t like to go fund me. They just shut it down and all those. So they were trying to do for that Kyle wouldn’t Rittenberg guy, they were trying to do some legal funds too, or you know, some crowdsourcing for the legal defense and all the crowd funding sites shut them down. All of them, they just decided that it was pulling tenable.

5 (1h 2m 27s):
And so why we created tusk is for the same issue, a have recognized payment problems. And, and you know, then we decided to focus on a street as a gun industry is constitutionally protected. It’s a $50 billion industry and the gun laws hard time, you know, they can’t use any third party payment option. And then they’re a charge extraordinarily high fees when they win.

5 (1h 3m 2s):
And if they can even get normal, you know, credit card processing. And we said, if your going to get adoption, you know, mass adoption with crypto or you need to focus and industry has a recognized problem because right now most people are the United States. Then the payments, its only a few industries. So we decided to focus on niche industries to get a D out of getting because they have recognized problems. So our, one of our mottoes is, you know, payments, not politics because right now it’s not illegal for a credit card company to, you know, allow people, you know, a gun retailers.

5 (1h 3m 40s):
He, you know, for instance to need is Craig accept credit card or the way that is determining map because the politics. And so that’s kind of what we decided to do with tusk is focused on the industries that have those recognize problems and solve that for them using crypto. So they can’t be shut down because politics

4 (1h 4m 1s):
That’s awesome. Well, Hey, I, I would like to continue this conversation down the road, especially once Collins had a chance to really dig into crypto and what it is and how it, you might think it could be useful so that we could see it from his perspective and, and kind of see some of the questions coming out of his side of things as someone who’s, you know, just now entering the workforce and now you’ve got these other types of things, but I think for now I think it would be best if we go ahead and make sure that you are, you know, that ah, if you have on your website or your podcast or anything like that, any way folks can get ahold of you feel free to let them know so that, you know, at least if the, for those of us out there who were interested can follow and like, and check you out on whatever avenues or platforms, just let, let us know.

4 (1h 4m 56s):
And then we’ll, I guess will, will move on to the next segment of the show, but a third of the year to get a shout out for your own, your own work, I guess you could say,

5 (1h 5m 9s):
Cool. Well, you know, I’m easy to find. So my name is Rob McNealy if you just type in Rob McNealy to Google, you will find me I’m everywhere. I replatform

4 (1h 5m 19s):
Bed. I spend most of my time probably on Twitter. So that’s T U S T U S C dot. Network awesome. So looking forward to that and we’ll probably have to do a whole another show specifically on tusk here in the near future. Umm, and we might even do a, kind of a collaborative type of one with Dane D who does our gunmetal harboring show usually on Thursday nights, but I’m sure we could wrestle him into the The show for us for one Tuesday night.

4 (1h 5m 56s):
So we can talk about how specifically tusk relates to firearms like that. So looking forward to it Rob thanks for joining us. Happy to have you on and hopefully we can get you back on here in the near future. All right, Ryan Collin, thank you so much for having me on today. Absolutely.

3 (1h 6m 17s):
No, thanks for talking to

4 (1h 6m 23s):
You’re welcome to stick around if you’d like otherwise feel free to, you know, sneak out if you’ve got other stuff to do. I know it’s late there, but for the next section of the show, let’s dig right into the pint size Prepper project of the week. So the pint-sized Prepper project this week is brought to you by a power film, solar and a colon. Do you want to explain the project this week?

3 (1h 6m 52s):
Was I briefed on this project?

4 (1h 6m 55s):
Yeah, but that’s okay. I’ll go ahead and take it. So, ah, the prime site is Prepper project this week is to sew with all this talk about, you know, Cryptocurrency and you know, Bitcoins and coins and you know, different types of currency. We thought it would be useful to demonstrate how you can actually employ coins for more than just buying things. So recently I was, I was approached by Ron foster. Do you remember it now?

4 (1h 7m 25s):
Are you

3 (1h 7m 29s):
Yeah, yeah, no, you can finish your story. Yeah.

4 (1h 7m 36s):
So essentially what we’re the second actually a yeah, go ahead bud.

3 (1h 7m 43s):
Alright. So this was gonna be last week project cause of what went down, we had to a push it in the week and the last of the process to make a show like a squirrel call, a lot of coins there, like a, a penny or a quarter or, or a half a dollar coin. You basically, you, you make this squirrel call, that’s supposed to the sound of a one squirrel eating something.

3 (1h 8m 19s):
So you know, like a Walnut or a varying, a B or a shipping at a tree or, or whatever. And you just make that by basically tapping the coins together. But a, the, so you need to point position to one going to be in between then the meat of your thumb and your index finger, right on, you know, that, that the Apple, and then you sort of close your hand in a fist and then tap and it makes this sort of goal knocking noise.

3 (1h 9m 0s):
And that’s essentially all you all there is to it. And if you’re using quarters, cause you can grind in the two together, you know, they’re like cerated or they have those not Chis. So it makes it like a grinding noise. And then, then they’re, you know, like a squirrel called. Yeah,

4 (1h 9m 25s):
That’s pretty cool. So if you were carried a couple of coins in your pocket in the woods, you should try this out. It’s a pretty neat little experiment or, or, you know, project that you could new. And we have a lot of squirrels around here on some of the, you know, some of the areas with, you know, some of the older trees and stuff where they can get nuts and fruits and stuff like that. So its kind of interesting to see a year round kind of hoarding all of their little food Bates and things like that, but it’s neat to be able to call them out and what’s, you can call them out if you need too, you can walk ’em on the head or, or collect them or do whatever you want to do with them.

4 (1h 10m 5s):
Yeah. Like he said, just take a couple of coins and there’s a specific method for grinding them together. And, and some of the things that are learned or encouraged through a project like this is, you know, seeing the value of something for more than face value, you know, what else it can be used for repurposing everyday items and even, you know, learning the intricacies of animal calls, Hey, we hope to keep these types of projects coming. And if you’d like to see more of these or supper, our work directly here at Prepper Broadcasting on the next generation’s show had on over to Amazon and type in my name or Colin’s name or just pint size to pressure Prepper project and our book should pop right up.

4 (1h 10m 51s):
There’s also link for it on our show page. And you can download a copy with a 28 more projects just like this that you can do with your family. There are hard copy versions available through Barnes and noble and a, I think what’s the other one. I think it’s Barnes and noble Amazon. And I think there’s one other one. I can’t remember what it is, but if that’s what you’re interested in, check it out. It’s a great way to just throw some fun in your backpack and go to town. I think for the final takeaway today, I guess when it comes to Cryptocurrency, it’s important for us as Preppers to recognize that there is value in it, even though we may not understand how it works or specifically what it does and, and how it could be used.

4 (1h 11m 41s):
And the value comes from learning more about it and understanding how this form of currency can be used to your advantage. Hopefully we can get Rob McNealy on or on another episode, hear in the future to get down a little bit deeper into this rabbit hole. But in the meantime, I do encourage you to take the time to find out a little bit more about Cryptocurrency more than just, you know, news headlines on Bitcoin or Ethereum or whatever. It may be.

4 (1h 12m 11s):
Take some time to really look into what Cryptocurrency is and how it works. Once you understand you can really see the value, whatever your market is, or however you intend to track purchases or a, you know, try and be discreet when you make purchases. So take the time to look into this. This is something that is, it’s not uncharted in the world of Preppers, but it is something that we should be mindful of, especially if there is any sort of concern over the value of the dollar.

4 (1h 12m 50s):
Lastly, in case you missed it on last week’s show, we did a special on fishing and the art of the catch, where we talk, where we walked you through some of the recent dry run camp out sessions that we’ve had and a, you know, our attempts to survive on the fish. We caught. Remember if he missed out, you can always check out our previous episodes on your favorite streaming service. And while you’re there, be sure to leave us a five star review, it does help to boost our presence. And it allows us to share this message with others next week. Hopefully we’re going to do an update with a little bit of reflection on some of our, our work and our activities on a, you know, aid in support for the small town at Malden Washington.

4 (1h 13m 35s):
Hopefully there’ll be enough time and space between the event and our activity and everything else where we can actually reflect on what actually happened in what kind of work and efforts that we put in and some of the outcomes. Well, I think it’s going to be it for today. Everyone. Thank you for joining us on the next generation show. And don’t forget to tune in next time where we explore another aspect of the little things in life that make all the difference in the world. This is your host, Ryan Buford and your cohost, Colin, and do for him.

4 (1h 14m 9s):
There. He is reminding you to stay informed, get

0 (1h 14m 12s):
Involved and be prepared, have a great night everybody and make it a great week.

0 (1h 14m 49s):
Thank you for listening to the Prepper Broadcasting Network when we promote self reliance and Independence tune in tomorrow for another great show and visit


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