Coffee, Comfort and Coming to Grips with Crisis

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1 (1m 9s):
Hello everyone. And welcome to the next generation show where we delve deeper into the little things in life. Here, we explore the lost art of fatherhood Parenthood and fundamental preparedness for the world today. I’m your host, Ryan Buford, along with my cohost young master Collin, and today we’re broadcasting from the heart of the Pacific Northwest. We thank you for joining us and there’s not a moment to lose. So let’s dig right in first off, a couple of announcements for those of you out there, listening to this podcast, we do thank you for the support. If you’d like to catch us during the live recordings, swing on over to the element chat, where you can join us and talk in the background, share links and conversation from not only this show, but the previous shows, all of the conversations are kind of logged.
1 (1m 56s):
So you can always drop back and kind of review things as some of the previous shows I’ve been recorded and as they’re being recorded live. So it’s kind of a neat way to add to the experience. If you’re interested in doing that, just going over to pepper, and we’ll, we’ll work on getting you in the chat. We’re actually working on getting, calling in the chat at the moment. So hopefully we’ll get him up to speed here in the next few minutes. So let’s see other than that special, thanks to the folks out in elk river, Minnesota, you are the folks here in the United States who were the number one listeners in one location.
1 (2m 34s):
So thanks for that support. Also, let’s see here, it looks like we’ve got a couple of new listeners in Hungary and Indonesia. So welcome aboard. Glad to have you as listeners. And thanks for supporting prepper broadcasting. If you are interested in extending your support to, to helping our broadcasts remain afloat, stay on the air and keep content coming, going over to prepper and check out our member portal.
1 (3m 7s):
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1 (3m 40s):
Let’s see, I don’t have a whole lot of new on the surface for tactical more coming in the future. Obviously I think we’ve got, we’ve got another review possibly coming through later this week, or at least getting some word on that, whether or not it’s going to happen. And there’s potential for some, some bags and different types of gear that we might get our hands on for like 72 hour kits. So pretty excited about that. Hopefully it comes to pass. And other than that, let’s dig into today’s show.
1 (4m 13s):
So today we’re talking about coffee comfort, and really just coming to grips with needs and crisis and to kick off today’s show, I wanted to at least illustrate how much coffee can mean to people who are in dire straights, probably around 2008. I want to say 2000, maybe my brother was serving in Afghanistan and he was at the bog room airfield.
1 (4m 55s):
And yeah, we had very limited opportunities to speak with him when it was daytime here. It was nighttime there. And their ability to actually sit in front of a camera and make a call home was extremely limited. And, you know, sending emails or sending even regular mail was, you know, it just wasn’t in the cards. You couldn’t really do that with the exception of folks who had special access or special reasoning for being able to do that.
1 (5m 28s):
So at, at one point we, we managed to communicate with my brother and I think we did that through social media somehow to where we had our own code language to let people know, Hey, look, we are going to be able to reach him, you know, via Skype or Facebook or whatever, whatever means it was at this time, from this time to this time. And so he’ll be, you know, on line basically we’ll have some dedicated time to where we can get them, but we have to get them at that time.
1 (6m 1s):
So we set aside, you know, our own little round table, I guess you could say, and we had a phone call and it was nice to be able to see him. You know, even though what we saw of him was kind of that, that eerie, illuminated face that you see when you’re talking to someone in the dark, on a camera or on a computer, and you see that blue light from the computer and it’s really damaged, you can kind of see, you can make out the features of their face, but not a whole lot else.
1 (6m 35s):
And we got to talk and then, you know, obviously he couldn’t tell us a whole lot about what he was doing or specifics of where he was working or what, what details he was on and that kind of thing. But we didn’t have an opportunity to ask him if we could send him anything. There were needs, obviously that weren’t met outside of, you know, the essential, bare minimums that the military was providing, you know, your MRAs and your, you know, water filtration and basic stuff.
1 (7m 7s):
You know, nothing, no, no frivolous gear or equipment or, or food items or anything like that. So when you live in an environment like that, the things on your person become valuable. And what I mean by that is, for example, let’s say you have an MRE. Now those are meals ready to eat. That’s a, a typical ration in the military when they’re out. Mmm Mmm. What do you call them? Like recon missions or whatever you call it.
1 (7m 38s):
And when hold on a second, I’ve got James trying to call in. I’m going to lose him in real quick. So before I get too distracted here with my story, I’ll catch up with that. And just one second, let me see if we can get him on. Let’s see if nothing else. I might just mute him, but we’ll give James a call and see if this works out.
1 (8m 10s):
Anyhow. So here we are talking to my brother and, and we’re trying to find out what he wants or what he needs. And it wasn’t like necessities. Like we thought, you know, like toothpaste or, you know, different types of things like that, what it turned out to be that he wanted was actually coffee. And that’s all that he wanted. He wanted very specifically, he wanted, hold on a sec, I got James coming up.
1 (8m 49s):
We got, we got James coming onto the show tonight. It’s no surprise. Yeah, you’re here. So we, James on James, I was just telling the audience a little bit of a story of when my brother was in Afghanistan. And I was just letting folks know that the only thing that he really wanted to have sent over from the States was coffee, but it wasn’t just any coffee. It was, you know, the Starbucks instant coffee.
1 (9m 19s):
And the reason for that was because it had its own inherent value with the, among the platoon or the troops within his unit. And to me, I thought that was pretty crazy because they, of all the things that they wanted, of all the things that we could have sent them, the only thing that he really, really wanted was a good cup of coffee. And to me, that was kind of interesting. And I, I, it, it caught me off guard a little bit because of all the things that we have and all the things that we take for granted how easy it was for me or anyone else, just go down the road and get a cup of Starbucks coffee, or get a cup of Dunkin donuts or, you know, Dutch brothers or whatever, the coffee stream that you Jew generally pumping your veins every morning.
1 (10m 10s):
But here is, you know, my, my brother, a fellow American, you know, sitting in this dark place asking for something that is so simple, and it’s not, it’s, it’s insignificant in, you know, if you think about it in terms of insignificance, just that it’s not that big of a deal, except for when it’s something that you crave and it’s something that reminds you of home, or it’s something that brings you closer to humanity.
1 (10m 46s):
And so to me, it was really impressive. And, and when we called to offer up whatever supplies we could send to him, and this was his answer, it really shocked us, sock me for sure, because of that. And a lot of you might be wondering, well, what does any of this have to do with prepping? Well, as preppers, many of us are familiar with fulfilling. The typical needs, like power, water, food, that sort of thing, but how much stock are you putting into your coffee supplies, these days, your comfort supplies, and why would you, so rather than talk about every different type of comfort item out there today, we’re really gonna explore the importance of comfort in crisis or isolation or whatever it is to you.
1 (11m 39s):
And we’re tying it specifically to coffee. And some of it has to do with some of the history of coffee and some of the reasons why coffee is kind of ingrained itself in the American culture. But, but first we get on with the rest of today’s show. Colin, would you like to share your fun fact of the week? Hopefully we didn’t lose Colin. Did we lose him? We might’ve lost Colin. Can you just one second folks who might have to leave these two phone calls together?
1 (12m 12s):
Okay. Do we got you? Colin? Are you there, buddy? Colin? Are you there? Yeah. Okay, go ahead. Let’s go ahead and give you bite sized prepper project in the week or so confused. Maybe I need a cup of coffee. Wow. You’re a fun fact.
2 (12m 36s):
Well, what I do everyone, my name is Colin and I am the cohost here at the next generation today. I’m joined with my father and the host of the show, Ryan we’re. We’re going to discuss a little bit, a little bit about coffee. So I mean, this episodes had a little bit of an interesting start, but hopefully we can get somewhat back on track. It’s always fun. Anyway, today’s graph in fact of the week is Hawaii is the only American state that grows coffee, good coffee, good coffee.
2 (13m 6s):
Growing conditions require high altitudes, tropical climates and rich soil. There’s only one state Hawaii, which is able to grow coffee. It has been producing coffee even before it was considered a state only recently though farms in California started growing coffee bushes. So, I mean, it’s not, it’s not the only one now, but the, I don’t know, high end high high production, highest production in the United States for coffee comes from Hawaii.
2 (13m 38s):
1 (13m 40s):
Yeah, that’s pretty cool. And you know, it’s kind of interesting of all the consumption that we have, and I don’t have facts or figures on how much coffee is consumed in the United States, but I can’t imagine it’s a small amount by any means, but as you, as a nation, we don’t supply very much of our own coffee. And that’s kind of one of the reasons why I’m bringing this kind of to the surface for the folks who were like, well, you know, whatever, it’s coffee, it’ll always be here.
1 (14m 10s):
Then again, we don’t have a whole lot of supply here in the United States, Kona coffee, by the way out of Hawaii is some of my favorite coffee. It’s probably one of the best types of coffee out there. In my opinion, just, I just really liked the flavor of Kona coffee in order to get Hawaiian coffee, an actual Kona coffee. You’re looking at shoot probably 10 to 20 bucks a pound for the cheap stuff, if you can find it.
1 (14m 40s):
So that’s just kind of a little bit of perspective compared to, you know, your, your Folgers off the shelf, kind of rotgut coffee, I guess you could say, and, you know, kind of how, how different it is, whether or not you’re getting it from, you know, our own States, our own, our own backyard essentially versus getting it somewhere else. Now there’s all different levels of coffee. And we did, I offered up today’s show to bring James Walton on.
1 (15m 12s):
He was on last night as part of the preppers round table. I was not able to make that and he’s going to be on again tomorrow. And I believe so he’s pulling a triple duty and before we get too much farther in today’s show, I figured, well, why don’t we just bring James on for a second? And we’ll talk a little bit about just coffee in general. And then maybe later on in the show, we’ll, we’ll pick his brain a little bit more specifically about disaster coffee. So James, welcome to the show,
3 (15m 43s):
Always a pleasure to be on and thanks so much for having me on calling good to you. Let me start off with a Turkish proverb that I think you guys will appreciate the Turkish coffee. It says, it says coffee should be black as hell, strong as death and sweet as love. And I think that that kind of sums up my relationship with coffee right there. That’s pretty exciting. At least recently I’ll tell you that much.
1 (16m 11s):
Well, you know, I like the, when you put that to your relationship with coffee and I think, yeah, I think all in all with the exception of some Americans who, you know, preferred not to drink coffee, for whatever reasons, whether it’s religious or health issues or whatever, almost every American has some kind of relationship with coffee and whether they realize it or not, it’s, it is essential for many people. It’s an essential part of their day. And I gotta agree with you. Cause we used to always growing up, we would, my brothers and I used the same brother that was in Afghanistan, him and my twin brother.
1 (16m 50s):
And I, we would stay up all hours of the night playing a game called access and house. It’s a kind of a board game or monopoly where we just run long games that would go hours and hours into the night. And we’d make pot after pot, after pot of coffee. And you know, you kind of, you kind of develop a bond with other people through experiencing coffee and through that relationship a lot of times with coffee.
1 (17m 23s):
So it’s awesome that you put it that way, especially how it’s a relationship more so than just a relationship that you might have with say, for example, I don’t know, salt or flour or beans or anything like that, you know, not coffee beans, but you know, Pinto beans or whatever. So it’s kind of, I dunno, it’s interesting that you put it that way. Yeah,
3 (17m 50s):
No doubt about it. I, you know what I did for you real quick? I mean, it didn’t take me, but a second while you were talking, you got me really interested in whatever the stats might be. And I found a little infographic from the national coffee association USA. I don’t exactly know what year these are from, but Oh, it says coffee statistics, 2020 consumption trends and industry data, 2.5 billion cups each day, 500 billion cups per year.
3 (18m 26s):
These coffee consumption in the U S billion with a B 500 billion a year. But you know what, when you drink this stuff, I mean, I largely, my life has been, has been decaffeinated. Like I didn’t, I didn’t even really drink that much soda growing up. So my experience with caffeine was a really limited, I hated coffee forever. I mean, forever. I hated it. It was just like, I feel so bad for the people who have to drink this stuff in the morning.
3 (18m 59s):
And I don’t know, I guess it was, I know it was kids around kids sometime that the need for coffee started, you know, there’s just a need for I’m going into work. And I got like an hour of sleep and I just, you know, I don’t want to drink it, but I gotta drink it so I can be. And man, that is morphed into just say this on the show and, and stuff, but it’s, it’s completely true. I lay in bed at night, Ryan, and this is just, I guess, this, this is speaks to like the addictive aspect of it.
3 (19m 33s):
But also I guess the euphoria that comes along with it, I lay in bed sometimes at night and I can hardly fall asleep because I’m so excited about the percolate later on in the morning and making eggs with coffee and toast. It’s like childish. I, I lay in bed almost laughing out loud because I’m so excited for coffee the next day. And this is coming from someone who, I mean, I’ve probably only been at it for less than a decade, you know, but you’re right.
3 (20m 4s):
It, it does something, man. It’s I don’t know if it’s a, I don’t know exactly how all are or how long we’ve been in a relationship with coffee, but I definitely think our bodies have evolved to recognize like this is going to change a bad day because coffee has the ability to do that better than almost anything that I participate in. You know, you can, you can start the day off like hell and then you take a sip of coffee or drink that first cup.
3 (20m 37s):
And it’s like, no, no, no, no, this is going to be okay. We’re going to get through this. So yeah. It’s powerful being no doubt about it. Well, in this, I have to jump in
1 (20m 48s):
On that note because there was a, there was something that I found in what little research I did before. Today’s show that I wanted to share with the audience because of what you just said. So I found an article from a gal by the name of Sarah Sundin. This is an article about when was this? November 20th, 2017. And it has to do with coffee rationing in world war II.
1 (21m 19s):
Now, for those of you out there who aren’t familiar with rationing, it was a process where the U S government said, okay, certain products are going to be rationed to the United States, public, you know, things like fuel, certain foods Expendables. And what you had to do is when you went to the store or whatever, in order for you to purchase an item, you had to submit one of your ration tickets, basically a stamp. And every month you would get an new ration book or every quarter or however they, they separated them out.
1 (21m 54s):
Once your ration book went out, you know, say you used all your milk rations for that month, that’s it? You were done. You couldn’t get anymore because the vendors would not be able to sell it to you without the ration tickets. Okay. And the purpose for this was twofold. One, it prevented hoarding. So I guess if they had a ration ticket for toilet paper, they probably should have got it out before March of this year. But if you know, in 20 or sorry, in during world war two, around 1942, 1943, when they decided to put these out, they realized that when people started hoarding stuff, it limited their ability to support the troops overseas.
1 (22m 38s):
Now, one of the things that they actually, they, they started rationing was coffee. And I thought it was interesting about this. Cause they were like, well, that’s not an essential, there was a debate on whether or not coffee was essential. And one of the best things that cause you could sit on either side of that argument say, well, you don’t need coffee to survive. But on the other side of that argument, like James just said, there’s just something about it that allows you to face the day.
1 (23m 9s):
And if you’re sitting in the trench or if you’re sitting in a foxhole or if you’re sitting around, you know, I can’t fire before you go off on your next, you know, March or whatever it might be having that little taste of coffee is, is just enough to get you through the next day. And sometimes that’s all it takes is something to get you through that next day. And there was a quote that she wrote in the article. She quotes Samuel Elliot Morrison in the battle of the Atlantic, which was a book written specifically September, 1939 to May, 1943 as a, as a series of works.
1 (23m 51s):
And he, he was quoted as saying in times of war, these shipping lanes tap the most important world, resources of coffee, cotton, sugar, oil, iron steel, and bauxite. These commodities with the possible exception of coffee are essential to a nation engaging in modern warfare. And although the United States Navy might win a war without coffee, it hopes it never be forced to make the experiment.
1 (24m 26s):
And when you think about that,
3 (24m 27s):
Yes, I liked that.
1 (24m 30s):
You know, if they’re looking ahead and saying, we don’t want to find out what happens without coffee. So let’s provide that to the troops. That’s a powerful statement in itself. And when you realize that coffee, you know, I don’t have enough coffee stashed, you know, if, if we wind up seeing rations or if there’s some trade deal that gets cut off between the Southern border or Ray Bucca or, you know, Africa or anything like that, if Starbucks just folds, you know, things like this, there’s, there’s a real possibility that people will be starving for coffee.
1 (25m 13s):
And I think it’s kind of a it’s, it’s something that when it comes to preps. Yeah. It’s a comfort item. Yeah. It’s a stimulant. But on the other hand, it’s something that could very, really, very realistically be something that could get you through the next day. Geez. Imagine society without Starbucks. Yeah.
3 (25m 36s):
It’s hard to imagine really is. Yeah.
1 (25m 41s):
What were you about to say something, James?
3 (25m 45s):
No, I was just saying it, it is hard to imagine. I mean, America, without coffee would be a nasty place. It would be a mean and nasty place or else. It would be a, I think it would go one of two ways. Right. It would be people on edge all the time or people and nester ties by something else, you know? And that’s kind of what I think what’s unique about coffee is that it’s a, it’s like a consciousness, a massager or something like that. It just like, you know, obviously a stimulant, but it kind of puts you in a good mood rather than just a hyper mood.
3 (26m 20s):
At least it does for me anyway. Yeah. It definitely enhances my perspective more than it makes me crazy. Now, if I get drinking coffee, that’s a little above my pay grade than not yet. I can get some rapid heartbeat and stuff like that. I don’t know if you’ve ever had anything like that. I remember I remember a woman when I first started drinking our categories six, which is a pretty strong dark roast from a Sumatra.
3 (26m 53s):
And man, I would drink it like regular coffee and I would, I would, you know, fill the percolator with it and just work away in cup after cup, after cup. And I would be by about nine, 10 o’clock I’d be having like a mild anxiety attack. My heart would be fluttering man. And I would be like, Oh my God, what is going on here? So I had to, I had to, I had to definitely regulate on some of those coffees from disaster coffee. They’re more, they’re more than what I can deal with.
3 (27m 24s):
You know, the pandemic blend is like that. It’s a strong coffee too strong for a, a guy like me, I guess. Yeah.
1 (27m 32s):
Well for the folks now I’m sure for the most of the regular listeners, they know about disaster coffee, they know about the different blends and stuff, but for perhaps some of the newer listeners or some folks who might be just now tuning in to this, tell us a little bit about disaster coffee and kind of that.
3 (27m 51s):
Yeah, sure. So, well we get, we got, well, it was all born out of this study of trying to figure out how we can optimize our sponsorship air time here at PBN. And you know, it was just this idea of, you know, what, let’s just figure out what kind of easy businesses we can run to kind of just create our own sponsors and disaster coffee after a little bit of research and some work on the back end became a really easy business model to manage and get there’s no real way to say it.
3 (28m 28s):
I just found the right roaster and, and a great person to work with who just met all the needs that we had. And we created this cool idea of a coffee, coffee company, sort of based around the, you know, the many different disasters that can strike. We name our whole of our coffee after either some sort of aid or some sort of disease Esther, and a portion of the profits from every bag goes to what it’s doing right now is building a building a section on a place called the Bethany house.
3 (29m 4s):
If you really want to get to know the Bethany house, you have to listen to bear independent on YouTube. If you search bear independent and the Bethany house, you’ll, you’ll be blown away at what they’re doing there. They’re building a chapel for basically victims of an age range that will make you puke of, of human trafficking. And you know, what they do over there is that about as much mitigating disasters, anything else, anywhere else, in my opinion.
3 (29m 34s):
So we’re proud to be affiliated with them and, and giving those guys money to get that done. Cause that’s, it’s a big deal. I don’t want to too, in detail with that, like I said, if you want to check it out, just search it up. And maybe, maybe after about our third flavor, we also had this idea that came to us from one of our listeners. Actually I was standing around at prepper camp last year, talking to when Parkinson who may or may not be in Chad. I haven’t checked. He was in chat last night and he was telling me, you know, James, you can store green, raw green coffee beans in five gallon buckets, like a grain, you know, Mylar bag, oxygen absorber, the whole nine yards.
3 (30m 16s):
And I was big into coffee. At that point. We hadn’t started disaster coffee yet it’s only seven, eight months old, the company, maybe nine or 10 at this point. But anyway, that perked my ears up because I never liked the idea of just put the Folgers cans in the storage and rotate them, you know, because I, I’m not a big fan of that stuff anyway. And I know, I know stale coffee, you know, and I’m sure anybody who drinks coffee and enjoys it knows stale coffee.
3 (30m 50s):
So that never really did it for me. I wasn’t a huge fan of instant coffee either. So when he said this to me, I said, wow, that’s something that’s something to look at into, but you really can only buy those green coffee beans and gigantic sacks, you know, for, for a weird, you know, a price it’s way too high per pound for that amount of coffee. I mean, if you’re going to do what you would do at one time probably, and it would be an investment, you know, I think they come in, like, I think the lowest I’ve ever found was like a 25 pound sack of raw green coffee beans.
3 (31m 23s):
So our roaster was so cool. They allowed us to create a product called bunker beans. And these are five pounds Ziplocs full of raw green coffee bean said, really give you the ability to kind of, you know, do whatever it is you want to do with those raw green coffee beans at home. You know, so I’m a big proponent of making my own food storage. I don’t know. I just like, it’s probably the chef background, things like that. But so having these raw green coffee beans, being able to pack them up in Mylar bags, oxygen absorbers, five gallon buckets and stow those things.
3 (32m 1s):
The beauty in that is, you know, you have the ability now to pull those green beans out, roast them, whether it be, you know, outside over a fire or it would have to be in a well ventilated area in your house. And then you have the, I mean you have fresh roasted coffee and that could be a week into a disaster that could be five years into a disaster, depending on how much you have. And after we kind of, after we kind of figured out that we solved that problem a little bit, for some people, I started thinking about it,
4 (32m 34s):
The power of a fresh cup
3 (32m 37s):
Of coffee in a barter situation. And I was saying, wow, I’m going to get more of these because if we run a, if we run a coffee shop out of my house for our neighbors in the apocalypse to probably be able to get them to do almost anything we need them to do. So if you’re interested folks check out a disaster, and all those items are up there for sale. Sorry, Ryan.
1 (33m 3s):
And that’s great. And that’s the thing that I wanted to let people know too. And when you say that, you know, the, the power of a cup of coffee in a disaster situation, is it it’s significant. I mean, it’s one thing to have it available all the time, but you know, if you, if you run out of toilet paper, there are other means if you run out of coffee, there’s very few alternatives. And sometimes the alternatives aren’t that great, you know, but I, so calling her night, we went camping this weekend and, you know, we kind of just did a rush out, like pack out type of thing.
1 (33m 42s):
And we got our stuff together and I, I was kicking myself once we had headed down the road, I was like, dang, I forgot coffee. And I was like, Oh no, I threw a couple things in the, in the bag. So I was like, yes. Okay, cool. You know, we’re good to go. And for a minute there, I was really bombed out. Cause I was like, man, we’re going to have to wake up after, you know, I’ve basically a night on the ground and not have any coffee. We’re basically going to have to drink our water or whatever we have.
1 (34m 14s):
And for a little bit, I was a little bit bummed out. And the second I realized, Hey, we had coffee. It was a complete shift mental shift. And like you mentioned before, it’s like, Oh yeah, okay. Everything’s, you know, it’ll be all right. And that morning when we woke up and I, I generally don’t drink a lot of coffee, but whenever I’m camping or wherever I’m, you know, when supplies are limited or something, if I, I I’ve had a scenarios where I’ve traveled before and just someone offering a cup of coffee to a traveler or to someone who is, you know, living on almost nothing.
1 (34m 53s):
It can be significant, especially a warm cup of coffee on a cold morning or even a cold night. So I, I think there, there is comfort inside every cup of coffee and the ability I, what I really like about this disaster coffee idea is that ability for longterm storage. And I was gonna mention something like that because you know, you get a pound of coffee and you might spend eight, 10 bucks for a pound of good coffee and it’ll expire within 30 days of purchase, you know, at least the stamped date.
1 (35m 30s):
And you might be able to throw that in a Mylar bag and store it longterm. But I think the reality is that the oils and stuff, and then once been cooked are probably going to make it go bad. I mean, there are already a lot of times vacuum sealed just to get them 30 days out. So I really liked the idea of this green coffee thing.
3 (35m 51s):
Yeah. I mean, there’s was a bunch of other, I wish I could sell it better, but I don’t really know them, but there are a bunch of other uses for green coffee, a green coffee beans. A lot of them are like, I want to say they’re like skin related, but I really didn’t do much due diligence on a beyond that I know there is a market because when you search things like green coffee, there’s demand out there for it. Green coffee, raw green coffee beans. But I think it’s more of a, I can’t think of the word I want to say beautician.
3 (36m 26s):
Cause that’s the only thing that I can think of. But you know what I mean? Not necessarily a wellness product, definitely a beauty product. You know, it does something with, with skin. If I remember correctly, what can you tell us a little bit
1 (36m 40s):
About the process? I think you might’ve mentioned it on one of your previous shows about pan roasting it, I mean, how does that actually work? So let’s say someone buys one of these five pound bags of green coffee beans and they show up, they’re not gonna just going to grind that up and stick it in the coffee pot, just so you know.
3 (36m 59s):
Yeah. So you know what I think you can’t don’t quote me, go ahead. I’m sorry. Right. I was going to say
1 (37m 6s):
Generally don’t I wouldn’t think that you’d want to do that. Maybe you can. I don’t know. I mean, what’s the actual process once say you get a five pound bag, do you store some of it? You decide, okay. It’s time to break into the secret stash of magic coffee beans, and you pull some of it out. I mean, what does someone do at that point?
3 (37m 27s):
Sure. Yeah. So just bear with me on this one. I’m going to try to create, or try to form like a, a parallel, but I don’t know how many people do this kind of thing. This is something that we did a lot, but because of my background, it might sound weird. So if you, if you’re in, if you’re going to use almonds or Hazel nuts or wa or nuts in a recipe or as a topic or something to that effect, the, when you want to get the best out of them, most of the time you put them in the oven, roast them and the natural oils come out.
3 (38m 6s):
You know what I mean? And that’s, that’s what you’re trying to do with the beans. But the problem is you can’t do it in your house, in the oven in most cases because it’s, it’s, it’s kind of vicious the coffee when you roast it. So it’s much better to do it outside. So the way that I’ve done it, and, and I’m going to put a YouTube video up of it, it’s one of these things that’s just too far down the line, but it’s, it’s coming soon.
3 (38m 36s):
We’ll, we’ll take it. We’ll take it from green bean to cup of coffee in the video, just so everybody can see it. I can’t believe I haven’t done this yet, but you know how it goes, but now it’s probably more important than ever, right? That people see that and understand what’s what’s possible. So cast iron skillet. Well, I’ll tell you this, if you’re gonna, if you’re gonna do something to have around, I would recommend that you print out a high definition, color picture of the stages of roasted coffee, beans.
3 (39m 10s):
This is something that really helped me out, you know, cause they have like those interesting diagrams that show you like the raw green, the blonde roast, the medium Rose, the dark roast and what the bean should look like because after a certain point, you get that thing over, over a fire or over a medium heat or whatever you can muster. You know what I mean? You’re going to keep the pan moving a lot, your, your beans, especially if they’re over a big fire over high heat, they can burn on one side, not roast on the other, you know, so you can have a burnt bean on one side and a green bean on the, I don’t even know what kind of Franken coffee that would make, but you’d want to keep those things moving.
3 (39m 52s):
Obviously you want a single layer of beans in the pan, you know? So if you have beans on top of beans, same sort of problem, it’s going to be real hard to get that consistent roast. You know, when they roast them and at a roaster, they have this big cylindrical kind of sphere, trickle machine, I guess, is what it’s like. And it turns them in a heated vessel. So they’re consistently turning and moving that thing rotates. So you gotta, you gotta mimic that as best you can over a fire, if a right.
3 (40m 26s):
Exactly like that. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. So again, it’s something you’re not gonna want to do without your focus. You know, it’s not like, let me put the coffee on the roast and then I’ll get back to whatever I’m doing. It’s going to be sit down, keep that pen, moving, stirring the whole thing and watching it and then kind of contrasting and comparing at least until you get an idea of what you like to some sort of reference, you know, so, all right, I’m a blonde roast, I’m a dark Rose drinker. I got some more roasting to do.
3 (40m 57s):
And after that, you know, you want to, before you grind, you want them to cool down completely. So once you’ve achieved the kind of doneness that you’re after you want them to cool down completely because it can get a little stodgy. If you grind them up, you know, I consider you’re going to be grinding them up by hand. I figure if, if you’re roasting bunker beans, you’re probably grinding by hand as well, because it’s not something you’re going to do on the weekend for fun. Unless of course you want to take it out to the woods or something like that.
3 (41m 28s):
But even then you’re still going to be used as a hand grinder. So make sure they’re all cooled off completely. That’s the hardest part. I’ll tell you that right now, the stirring and the watching is fun and interesting. And, but the sitting there staring at the beans when you want to try them, waiting for them to cool off is, is tough. So, but, but after that, you know, you can either store the beans for, you know, as long as you can deal with the beans being stored, or you can go ahead and grind and make your coffee, you know, it’s it’s, if you got the time and the focus, it’s not that big a deal.
3 (42m 5s):
And, and you know what, I’ll be honest with you. This is another one of these things that I take for granted. You have to be able to, you have to be able to understand what’s going on with the heat underneath your pan, if you’re over a fire. So you have to be able to say, I’m at a, I’m at a decent medium heat right now. It’s a good time to add the beans or, you know, my pan is rocket hot right now and I probably need to take it off and let it cool down. Cause this is not something you do in oil. You know, this is a direct contact being to pan sort of thing.
3 (42m 36s):
So you want to be about medium, to medium, low heat. If you can do that. And if you’re not sure about it, just, you know, you could take the pan off the heat a lot. You know, that’s one of those funny things that we always teach. You used to teach new cooks. It’s like, you don’t know what’s going on with the food in your pan, take it off the heat immediately. You know, is this getting too hot? Is it just take it off the heat? And that stops most things, but yeah, it’s not, it’s not that bad a process. And like I said, it’s probably something you will really enjoy doing if you haven’t had a cup of coffee in two weeks, you know?
1 (43m 13s):
Well, and I, I think, I think it’s neat. Cause a lot of times just like anything out there, we’re so used to having stuff ready for us. And you pull up to the driver window, you, you put place your order and then you get a fresh brewed cup of coffee or whatever, or you open the can and you put it in your machine and you get a fresh brewed cup of coffee, but not many people realize what it actually takes. I mean, we just did an episode on chickens last week and it was, I mean, we were going through, you know, the struggles that we’re having a good, bad and otherwise, and it’s it.
1 (43m 53s):
It’s like, okay, if it, if it’s this month, if it’s, if there’s this much difficulty and something as simple as having a chicken, how many folks are just going to give up and go get the carton of chicken while the majority of the folks are going to go out and get the carton. There’s not the Cardinal chicken Colonel eggs, you know, from the store, except for when that carton of eggs isn’t available at the store. And I think for a lot of people, the idea of creating their own coffee doesn’t even exist. I mean, most people, I mean, I, didn’t not, I did not realize that you could take your own green beans.
1 (44m 28s):
And I mean, I know obviously it happens on a commercial scale, but on an individual scale and that I can store that stuff for however long. I mean, that’s, to me that’s a different level of self sufficiency, especially when it comes to the potential of longterm food storage and needing longterm food storage. I have one neighbor here and I guarantee that when their coffee runs out, they’ll come knocking. And the thing is, is I, I’m the kind of neighbor who would rather have the material on hand to be able to spare then have to turn them away because having one neighbor and having several neighbors can be more valuable, especially if they know that you’re the guy with the coffee and you’re the guy with the skills who knows how to use the coffee or roast the coffee or whatever.
1 (45m 23s):
So I think with is unstable, as things are now looking at something like coffee as a very viable survival, I don’t know how else to say it. Like a survival storage item is something that every American right now should be looking at, especially given the numbers that you’ve provided earlier, which is 500 billion
3 (45m 46s):
Cups, 2.5 billion per day.
1 (45m 51s):
I mean, yeah, that’s, that’s unreal when that gets cut off. Or if that gets cut off, if, and when you’re going to see some, some different attitudes with folks, that’s just, that’s just the way it is. It’s just like a cigarette you’re, you’re going to see people who, you know, cannot function or who cannot be polite or whatever until they’ve had their cup of coffee.
3 (46m 14s):
But you’re also going to see some folks who
1 (46m 16s):
Don’t feel like they can get through the day, the next day. And that’s kind of where I’m having a cup of coffee for a neighbor really starts to open up the possibilities as a prepper and as being someone who can provide not only for your own family, but possibly for your neighbors and friends. So,
3 (46m 42s):
Well, I do think that I do think that, and I’ve given, you know, I’ve given this neighbor community thing a lot, a lot of thought, but I do think that as, as preppers, it’s important for us to put ourselves in a position to, I mean, you know, I realized me saying this, I, I guess I’m kind of predisposed to this kind of stuff or, or, or I’m just designed myself to be predisposed to it. Cause it’s where I want to be in a collapsed.
3 (47m 13s):
But I feel like as preppers, if you’re, if you’re setting up a plan to take the community, you know, into your loving arms, if you will, and sort of explain the way to the many people who have decided to look the other way so long, you definitely want to have some of those perks, you know, for awhile there I was on this kick about like, forget everything, just be able to provide food and security in the early stages. Like if you could provide food and security in the early stages, and then you will have the people in your neighborhood, they will listen and, and they will do the things that need to get done.
3 (47m 53s):
And you know, something like you said, if you have the coffee, they’re going to listen also. But getting in that, having some kind of solidified plan about what that looks like, what that opening phase looks like of, Oh my God, there is chaos around us. The neighbors are in the streets and there’s going to be a moment of flux in that moment where maybe more than one person rises to the occasion.
3 (48m 25s):
And you know, there’s nothing wrong with working with another neighbor in a sort of a leadership role. But I feel like if you’re a prepper and you want to be in control of your own destiny, you already know so much plan to work your way up that ladder and get into that leadership role as quickly as possible. And, and, you know, I think a lot of that comes from already having plans to deal with what’s coming at it at a community level. And that also might be having food, having coffee to hand out, you know, when people are in, in, in an uncertain time, you know, that’s the power of, you know, something like a coffee.
3 (49m 4s):
It’s weird though, that you bring up this idea of it being in a measurable, or I don’t know if that’s the right word, but being, being a resource that is hard to categorize hard to measure the benefit. Right. We all understand it, but it’s in the food industry and in the work world, you know, it’s not something you quote unquote need, but God, there are, there are some benefits that would make you argue. Maybe I do need it.
1 (49m 32s):
Yeah. And I think, I think there’s a, the, like you mentioned before too, you know, the, you don’t really know when it became such a huge commodity with regard to Americans, but it’s definitely something that has, I mean, it’s kind of like a weird undertow of need and you know, just everybody’s like, Oh, we’re too tied into technology and we’ve, we’ve got to wean ourselves off of this or we’re too reliant on these types of things. Well, nobody’s, I mean, nobody’s taken a look at all at coffee and nobody ever, I mean, the reality is, I mean, we’ve, we’ve had coffee at our breakfast table for centuries.
1 (50m 14s):
It’s it’s been nutso. So I mean, you just kind of it’s, it’s interesting to me to see that, you know that, Hey, I, if this is something that is a viable resource, not only now when things are great, but you know, if anything should go down, let’s see, I do have one question in chat from the other chat room. I’m not plugged in at the moment, but I’m wondering if it can be roasted in a convection oven.
3 (50m 51s):
Oh, I got that. I just answered it actually from Kellogg. Yeah. I said it can be, they can be roasted in any oven. Like the, the, the tool that you use to roast is not the issue when it comes to the coffee, when it comes down to is the green coffee bean, the fumes from roasting the coffee beans there they’ll hurt your throat, nose, and eyes. You know, they won’t kill you, but it’s not going to be fun.
3 (51m 22s):
Don’t quote me on that. They may kill you. I don’t know. I haven’t ever done it inside. But what I do know is if, if you’re not, if you don’t have a well ventilated kitchen or something like that, it’s something you need to do outside.
1 (51m 34s):
Yeah. Yeah. I mean, even having a pizza oven or us, you know, something like that, I mean, outside, I mean, that’d be, be the way to go, just do it over a barbecue or over a no open fire or whatever. I mean, having, having the ability to take fresh green coffee and make it into something that you can back long and keep longterm is definitely an ACE in the, in the hole. For sure. So yeah.
3 (52m 3s):
Yeah. P a a fire, a fire fed pizza oven would be perfect. Oh yeah. Something you could toss a sheet pan into and shake it around every couple minutes. That would be ideal. Really. That’d be way better than the shaking of the cast iron pan, but you know, you’ll figure it out.
1 (52m 23s):
All right. Well, Hey James, thanks for, for coming on tonight. We’re just about to the top of the hour. So why don’t you go ahead and drop you the, the contact information again for disaster coffee and let folks know, you know, kinda how, how that all shakes out and then we’ll jump into the pint-sized prepper project so that we can cut you loose.
3 (52m 46s):
Alright. Disaster I just threw it into the, into the chat room members out there. Don’t forget. There are, I think we have no, we have a, we have a discount for bunker beans in particular for our members. So go back to that member. And for those of you who don’t know how to get there, just give me one second to go through this real quick, Ryan, if you go to membership content, there’s a category that’s listed on top of every membership content piece on the website, prepper
3 (53m 20s):
If you click that one members only category, it’ll take you to our membership archive. So yeah, members take advantage of that. Get some money off and stock some five gallon buckets with raw green coffee beans from disaster coffee.
1 (53m 36s):
That’s awesome. And just for the folks who might be teetering on the edge of joining as a member, what, what is that discount? Do you know?
3 (53m 48s):
I don’t know. I’m going to be honest with you. I have three, I have three different discounts. I’m pretty sure I’m about 99.9% sure that this is the Patrion discount, which was $5 off the $35 bag. It’s it’s the most significant discount I can give in order to still be profitable. So it’s, it’s a great deal because bunker beans already come free shipping. So when you order bunker beans, you get that $5 off.
3 (54m 18s):
It’s $30 for a five pound bag, no shipping. If you use the promo code that we’ve given you for the members. That’s awesome. So
1 (54m 27s):
Now folks, another incentive to be a member here at pre PBN and check out those bumper bunker beans because they do. I mean, the, the support to nonprofits and emergency relief is, is something that goes in addition to coffee. And it’s really cool because it aligns with a lot of the things that we’ve been talking about today, you know, crisis and chaos and having that little bit of comfort in a cup of coffee. So, excellent. Great to have you on James. Thanks for spending your time.
1 (54m 58s):
I know it’s you were on last night for a couple of hours and, and you got another show on tomorrow, but I do appreciate you coming on and spending time with us. It’s always a good, it’s always a good time when we can kick back and, and Duke it out over things like coffee and fish and whatever else.
3 (55m 16s):
No doubt, man. Anytime, anytime. It’s always fun. We love the next generation here in Nia cause of Liberty. So yeah. And I’ll see you guys live tomorrow night. Appreciate it, Ryan. Collin. Good to talk to you. See you soon. Alright.
1 (55m 30s):
Take care. Thanks James. So with that, let’s transition over into the pint size prepper project of the week. Colin, this is kind of a sneak attack on his end. We, I didn’t, I, I kind of wanted to do the coffee roasting side of things as our prepper project, but Colin wanted to come up with a separate one. We didn’t get a chance to talk about it before the show. So I’m just going to let him run with it. So Colin, tell us a little bit about the pint-sized prepper project this week.
3 (55m 59s):
Yeah, so I mean, it’s fairly simple and it’s more or less just a, an alternative use for coffee itself. Not necessarily the bean or, or anything like that. But when, I mean, literally like five minutes before the show started, I had this, I recalled that I once
2 (56m 24s):
Needed to do a project. I think it might’ve been for history or something like that. And it required me to like remake an artifact or something like that. And I got really into the project and basically I used coffee to make it look like old. And whether it might’ve been like a, like a piece of paper or something like that, an old, an old scroll or something weird, but being that school is, is starting to open up around the world.
2 (57m 0s):
If there are any like parents out there who, who, who want to help their kids in a history project or whatever else, coffee is a good way to just like sort of dye and weather, like give, give a weathered, look to the, the project that the kids working on. It’s good for like Popsicle sticks, if you just like, want to dive in and make them darker. But it gives a really cool look to it. It’s kind of hard to describe, but it’s sort of like this rustic Brown sort of feel, look,
1 (57m 36s):
And I think I know what you’re talking about. It’s like that, like when you have a coffee filter, it’ll kind of stay in the upper edges. So tell me a little bit about how this works. I mean, what, you just take it and take the regular coffee or do you use the leftovers or what’s the, what’s the process?
2 (57m 50s):
Yes. So you could, the way I’ve done it is you just make it either in a cup or in a percolator, you make coffee essentially a one way or another, and you can either soak whatever the product is in just the liquid itself. Or you can add the beans and it’ll give it like dark spots of I’ve done that before. And if you put the beans on and it, and you like, and they’re soaked the ground of beans, you can like set it on whatever the artifact is, sprinkle it on it or whatever, and it’ll make it darker.
2 (58m 27s):
But for the most part, you probably just better off putting in like a baking dish and letting it soak like that. And this is
1 (58m 36s):
Spent beans. So after you’ve already made your cup of coffee or whatever, this is what we’re talking is the leftover grounds. Right,
2 (58m 44s):
Right. So you can get the whole, you can use everything. You’re just not, and it’s not just a bunch of wasted coffee. I mean, I dunno if you consider it wasted, but I mean, you could also use the beans to give it the same effect rice.
1 (59m 0s):
Yeah. And you know, that I liked that, you know, you kind of demonstrate the use of that with, with reusing that material so that it’s not put to waste for those of you out there that use a compost or that make your own compost coffee grounds are a great thing to add to that. Cause it changes some of the acidity levels. And I mean, a of times you can actually collect, like, for example, and I’m just kind of piggybacking off of your project a little bit, but in certain regions of the country, dirt is not that great.
1 (59m 35s):
But few people realize that you can actually make your own dirt and you can do that by taking things like coffee, for example, combining it with some other materials. And after a few months you’ve got good quality soil that you can use for planting vegetables and things like that and your own planter boxes. So you’re not out spending 10 bucks per, you know, you know, what is it like a bag of potting mix or anything like that? So it’s kind of, it’s the coffee is not just the drink, I guess, is what I’m getting at is that there’s, there’s more to it than that.
1 (1h 0m 11s):
And if you’re able to, to capitalize on some of the things like the grounds and some of the leftover stuff, you can really take advantage of this particular thing to the, to the fullest extent. So awesome project buddy. Appreciate that. Yeah, for sure. I think that this project actually does a really good job of highlighting skills and, and encouraging skills, like, you know, repurposing things for the sake of education or for even, I mean, if you wanted to use it for making documents look older, for whatever reason you might want to, or stuff like that.
1 (1h 0m 54s):
I know that I did that once or twice for some, some Christmas stuff here and there. And it was really cool and also helps to, to kind of engage kids and, and help them understand that, you know, this just because something is spent doesn’t mean that it’s waste. A lot of times you can get more uses out of the same thing. So a, Hey, we hate, we hope to keep these projects coming. And if you’d like to see more of these and support our work here directly yet prepper broadcasting on the next generation show, head on over to Amazon and type in my name or Colin’s name or just Pite size prepper project, and our books should pop right up.
1 (1h 1m 34s):
Or you can click on the link at the show page and download a copy today for 28 more projects, just like this one that you can do with your family. I think today for the final takeaway, it’s I guess the biggest thing is that comfort is critical and there are simple pleasures in life that just can’t be ignored that sent of a cup of coffee, first thing in the morning and the taste and, and feel of, you know, a warm cup of coffee on a cold morning or even a cold night is something that reminds us of home, no matter how far away from home we are.
1 (1h 2m 12s):
And in some instances, especially as we’ve talked about today, it can provide just that little bit of how do you say reassurance and that little bit of strength to get you through the rest of the day, not today, these days, you know, getting through the day, it’s just a matter of getting through the next meeting maybe, or getting through the next, you know, sales pitch or, you know, getting through the next teaching session, getting through the next accident, getting through the next whatever.
1 (1h 2m 58s):
But when you’re in a situation where you just need to get through the day, coffee takes on a different meaning and in doing so, it kind of places itself at a higher level when it comes to essential oils, you know, when you have something like coffee or like chocolate, or like even nicotine for that say for that matter, these things are, there’s something that give a little bit of pause and they give a little bit of exhalation in environments where a lot of times you feel like you can’t breathe, but they all tie back and they all relate to comfort.
1 (1h 3m 43s):
And how critical comfort is, especially in dire situations, the whole point of today’s show wasn’t just to talk about coffee while the majority of it was talking just about coffee. It’s more about the idea of remembering to balance your preps balance, what you have, not only with essentials like beans, bullets, and bandaids, but also the things that can be forms of comfort, whether they’re forms of comfort in your household forms of comfort in your neighborhood, familial comfort in your family, whatever that is key in on that, and make sure that you have enough on hand to be able to get you through to the next major event.
1 (1h 4m 28s):
That’s all preparedness is, is having enough on hand. Sometimes, you know, it’s a few extra drug dog treats, you know, sometimes it’s, Oh gosh, I don’t know an extra case of beer in the pantry, whatever that is. Take a few, I guess, take an inventory of yourself and what you actually consume.
1 (1h 4m 59s):
If you’re one of the people that consumes, you know, the 500 billion cups of coffee in a year, you might want to consider stocking up a little bit on coffee. So be mindful of what your preps are, because it’s not so much what other people tell you, you should have. It’s what you have and what you consume and the things that you might need. So that if ever we wind up in a situation where we’re rationing things like coffee or toilet paper or whatever it might be that you have enough, lastly, in case you missed it on last week show, we did a special on chicken, little and little chickens, where we gave an update on our very chicken experiences.
1 (1h 5m 44s):
I am happy to report that since the last show, I’ve accumulated at least a Baker’s dozen of eggs. And we’re looking forward to years of golden yoga, chicken eggs coming from our own yard. And you know, all the different levels of comforts that can be held in that little arena. So remember if you missed out, you can always check out our previous episodes on the show page or on your favorite streaming service. And while you’re there, be sure to leave us a five star review, it does help to boost our presence presence. And it allows us to share this message with others next week.
1 (1h 6m 16s):
I think our show is going to be a little bit up in the air, but there’s a gentleman on social media who’s reached out to me. So we might be doing a little bit of special stuff on Bitcoin and the evolution of digital currency and where we’re headed in that and what kids need to understand when it comes to being prepared with the whole idea of finances and this changing world. So stay tuned for that should be a good one. If it’s not next week, we’re going to definitely fit it in in September.
1 (1h 6m 48s):
Well, I think that’s going to be it for today. Everyone. Thanks for joining us on the next generation show. And don’t forget to tune in next time where we explore another aspect of the little things in life that make all the difference in the world. This is your host, Ryan Buford, and your cohost reminding you to stay informed, get involved and be prepared. Have a great night, everybody. I make it a great week.
1 (1h 7m 15s):