It’s BIG! Really BIG!

It’s BIG! Really BIG!

October 29, 2017 Preparedness Preppers Shows Survival Tips 0

It’s BIG! Really BIG!

It's BIG! Really BIGFor the past several weeks here at Prepper Broadcasting we have been waiting patiently for not just any show but the right show to come along and fill Thursday nights where we have been broadcasting the “Best of” series. Then it happens, we found a show that will knock your socks off. While ecstatic about our new find we were hit with a bomb shell just recently losing our Saturday night show. Because of work conflicts the host of the “APN Report” Bob Hawkins had to retire his show, (we will miss you Bob). We then discovered lightning can strike twice.

If you think you’ve heard it all think again. Coming up this week we have TWO NEW SURPRISES to share with you. See the following details of our two new hosts and their upcoming shows. Follow the links to learn more about these amazing hosts then join us in the interactive chat room during live broadcasts to welcome these experts in their fields of expertise.

The Gunmetal Armory! Coming this Thursday 11/2/2017

It’s better to have it and not need it, rather than need it, and not have it. At the Gunmetal Armory, we agree 100%, but we also believe that applies to your firearms, ammunition, tactics, and other weaponry. We believe in being prepared and helping others get prepared. We prefer to tackle topics surrounding the armory, the items inside it, and the tactics used when deploying its contents. Read more about The Gunmetal Armory HERE!

Prepping Up With The Jones! Coming this Saturday 11/4/2017

A Prepping show like no other! Dave Jones the NBC Guy (Nuclear Biological Chemical) will educate and entertain you with fun facts about all things Prepping, not just NBC. You will learn something new every week and have fun doing it. A recognized expert in NBC for the US Army, Dave lives for your questions. Read more about Prepping Up With The Jones HERE!


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