BamboozleCast: COVID Spikes and Homicide Hikes

BamboozleCast: COVID Spikes and Homicide Hikes

July 7, 2020 Shows 0

0 (0s):
broadcasting network. We have to hit the reset button, create a true culture of preparedness, starting at a very young age and filtering all the way up.

1 (35s):
Prepper broadcasting network is live. It’s 8:00 PM on Monday. This is totally aligned with me. Just getting more sleep in case you’re wondering what the secret is behind the APM start. Not really anything too groundbreaking. We are here tonight. We are back with this. What is become a kind of a well kind of calamity update if you will. I, I thought that the name bamboozle cast would be pretty good for this one, because there is a sort of a little feeling of bamboozlement amongst, amongst the population.

1 (1m 16s):
It’s one of those things where, well, it’s just that same old thing, right? It’s that same old, too much input. Not enough time to process it all. So live chats up and running. If you want to come over to prepper, look, prepper has had a complete and total makeover. You’re probably gonna want to come and check it out. It’s a, well, it’s just a totally different thing. Now it’s weird how you can just realign and become a totally different thing.

1 (1m 49s):
You know, we have a bunch of podcasts available. We’ve got a bunch of news available. We’ve got a bunch of archived information and podcasts available right there on the homepage. So prepper, scroll down and right under the player, you’ll be able to click join the live chat and you can get in there if you desire it. Okay, I’m going to do a real quick mock sorta to do list, and then we’re going to get right to it.

1 (2m 19s):
Tonight. We are looking to talk about stats with COVID. There’s a lot of things going on with that. A lot of States going up. What does that mean? Crazy California shutting doors on restaurants. Again, I don’t know. You know, I have a good feeling that that’s not going to happen across the nation, but it’s just, it’s a noteworthy. I guess the first thing we need to talk about is, well, let’s talk about the EOC real quick.

1 (2m 49s):
Okay. The EOC was shut down by discord. You guys know all that, right. Chin got banned basically from discord as far as I can tell. So thank you for your sacrifice, Hulu shits. I do appreciate that. You know, this is part, what would you have to understand about this? This is part of a long and arduous process that pushes towards our mission statement, which is self-reliance and independence.

1 (3m 21s):
You know, I, I, it all goes hand in hand, getting kicked off of this gourd is yet another reminder that we have to remain as independent as possible. And, you know, right before the show started, my buddy lucky who likes to stick me with hot prods every now and again, stuck me with a hot prod, which was the, the membership or, or some sort of agreement from GoDaddy that talked about, you know, it was a big list of sites that they don’t promote sites that they will not support, yada yada yada on GoDaddy, which is our, our hosting and a hateful speech and yada yada yada is, is on there.

1 (4m 2s):
So, you know, just so you all understand, there is no more resting at ease at PBS. You know, I am on a personal mission to create a completely independent ship here where we can be, well, we can be just totally unconcerned about what it is we want to say, because I know that there’s nobody on the network saying outlandish, hateful things. Well, there’s nobody saying hateful things.

1 (4m 33s):
I’m sure I say outlandish things all the time. But so to back up to the EOC, we’re moving to a piece of open source software called a variet. And that’s, that’s hilarious. First of all, by the way, to the members, I put up a piece of a member content today, I will get Monday motivation up next month. I recorded a video today and this has never happened to me before the audio was off from the video.

1 (5m 6s):
And I almost posted it, but it was just too crap. It really stinks because it was a brutal video to make, but you’ll see why next Monday. So, Oh, by the way, membership PayPal is fixed. Everybody who went through PayPal had a real struggle. And that was a, that was an API issue on my end. So we are now at the point with membership at PBN that we have the credit card functionality has been good to go. The PayPal functionality is now good to go also, but we’re going to move into an open source encrypted software called riot dot I am.

1 (5m 42s):
And it is just what it is. You know, it’s just what it is. We even have the option to build that software into our website and onto, well, maybe not into our website, but onto our server. So we can have our own private server, encrypted, instant messaging type of deal. And this has rooms and the whole thing, very similar looking to discord, except, you know, there’s no, there’s no agreement. There’s no crazy agreement that could come out and pull the rug out from under us.

1 (6m 13s):
And as I said, this really is this idea of owning it all. And I don’t mean owning everything, but I mean, owning not depending on free stuff from the technocratic monarchs in, in better run the world, that is the goal right now, right? So if, if we, and another important point membership is playing a huge role in helping us do that. You know, because when we make these big leaps, when we decide we’re going to do a membership and we say, we’re going to do us an, a server add on and things that it all costs money.

1 (6m 48s):
So membership is a huge, huge piece. The other thing I want to look into also with riot, and I don’t want to go too long on this, even though I’m already going too long on this, we can set up other sir, not other servers, but other communities within our riot server. So I think this could be a place not only where we play for PBN, but where maybe members want to play with their own communities and things like that. So we’re going to explore it all. Chin’s in there playing around. I hopped in there today and looked around, looks great.

1 (7m 20s):
And that’s it. That’s just the mission. You know, the mission is self reliance and independence, and we’re going to keep pushing on that from the technology side of things so that we don’t fall victim to, you know what everyone who wants to speak freely falls victim to nowadays one more note before we get started DeSoto mag DeSoto magazine down there and Misha Shippy. I don’t know why I used that voice to be quite honest with you, but they publish a great article on Jordan Ferguson, Jordan Smith, J Fergie, over there at this Sodo magazine, I published the published just a short little, little spot about it with a link to the magazine, the online part of the article.

1 (8m 7s):
You can go read a portion of the article through that link, but you can also click and read the entire magazine if you want to. Okay. So go check that out. That’s very cool. I think that’s it for updates. Why don’t we get started just a quick wrap up COVID stats, probable deaths. I do want to talk about the heart wrenching story of homicides across six cities that was written up in town hall. That, I mean, it’s it.

1 (8m 39s):
I just want to be very clear. This is not an, I told you so piece we’re, but we’re going to talk deeper about why these homicides are important and of course they’re important, but we’ll get there. Okay. I don’t let me tease it out now be here another 10 minutes. And we’re also going to talk the black lives matter and two way protest in Richmond and the power that I seen in that. But without further ado, we have Dave Jones, the NBC guy, we have Stephen men, King, senior editor on the, the man behind reliance, the man behind the econ reports.

1 (9m 15s):
And I think I’d like to get a, get a message from Steven on this. We haven’t heard from Steven in this capacity and I think a couple of weeks. So Steven, how are you tonight?

2 (9m 29s):
Well, it’s an interesting time, as always, as we deal with getting back to quote unquote reality. After the 4th of July holiday, even though as we enter this swirling 2020 world, we find it harder and harder to even take one step away, but I’m looking at things and trying to digest the radical departures in information and predictions and everything else. And what I’m, when I’m coming to see James, is that if we are not thinking for ourselves and doing our own work, then we’re simply going to be torn into pieces by attempting to outsource our conclusions to other people.

2 (10m 13s):
And so we have an obligation to be as informed as possible, and that requires a significant degree of precision and discretion as we take steps to make sure that we don’t find ourselves succumbing to just a daily luge of nonsense. And so keeping a solid head on our shoulders remains a critically important thing for us to focus on. But as we look at the economy, there are different dynamics at all sort of seemingly spirals inward towards the presidential race, but I’m happy to go wherever people would like in terms of thinking about some specific dynamics.

1 (10m 56s):
Yeah. I mean, you know, I think we’re going to touch on COVID tonight. I don’t know that it’s going to be the heart of what we do. There are some questions about this probable death thing. I don’t know if you’ve been paying any attention to that, Steven, but that’s an unnerving statistic that my wife actually brought up to me. It just has to do with how we’re counting things. And, you know, as more information comes out, I have less and less confidence about how we’re counting those infected and how we’re counting those who have died from the virus.

1 (11m 34s):
And, you know, that’s one thing that’s weighing heavily on me, but there’s a much heavier topic. I don’t know if you’re, I didn’t really, I don’t want to throw you in the fire on that one, but yeah, those are the big guy, the big deals tonight to COVID situation. And of course the what’s happening in the streets, both politically and socially. Really?

2 (12m 0s):
Yeah, there are obviously many different key points to take away here. Number one, we should always be suspicious of measurement, given the incentives surrounding different directions that that measurement could take because in a complex situation, there are many ways to deal with ambiguous data. And when data is ambiguous in their incentives on the table, particularly in the form of federal money, then there’s a significant likelihood that things get tilted in a particular direction.

2 (12m 35s):
But what I would say is that the best thing that you could do is to simply use the increasing anecdotal evidence in the different accounts of people, testing positive on sequential days, all of that, just being a returning as a new positive test, an antibody test, being conflated, et cetera, et cetera. We, we hear these reports, but there’s no way on a granular level to verify certain things. And so the way that I would approach this is you have to think about it in terms of the directionality, in terms of the trends, in terms of the statements that are made about potential changes to the methodologies or confirmations thereof.

2 (13m 19s):
But ultimately it just means that we have to apply an error band of uncertainty around the numbers. And depending on your assessment of the incentives and the background circumstances, you may have, you may bias that error band to say that we’re likely overestimating things, but you could run a line of reasoning that says that we’re likely underestimating things. As, as for me, it’s not too much of a surprise to see that in a general kind of scenario, that more people have been exposed to this than previously thought.

2 (13m 53s):
And the mortality rate is less, but what’s really the crux of the matter is what’s going to be done in terms of policy. In that we see different States looking at the reports of how they’re turning into disastrous hotspots, et cetera, et cetera, based on the number of cases and not the number of deaths. And you see various people pontificating about what that might mean. And so then people being very skiddish or trying to go back into, into lockdown. So you get this lack of clarity at the, at the big picture level where people are paying attention to the local scenario now more than ever before.

2 (14m 32s):
And that is coalescing at a time when the actions of a relatively small number of people out in the streets in various places is being amplified through the megaphone of the media in order to make it seem as if there a literal groundswell of grassroots support for a Marxist revolution in the same vein of thinking as the French revolution.

2 (15m 2s):
And I failed to see that that is actually the case. When you have conversations with people, regardless of whether they are a fan of the president or, or despise him for any number of different reasons, people generally want the same things. They want safety, they want security, they want, they want peace and they want fairness and they want justice, but there’s a distinct agenda of course, to portray the division as worse than it actually is.

2 (15m 34s):
Now I’m not gonna come on here and say, well, secretly as a society, everyone is more United than ever before. It’s possible that that’s the case, but in order to confirm that you would have to see a greater degree of vocal kind of support. But I think there is a broadening Gulf between what people are willing to admit publicly in terms of their viewpoints on certain things, for fear of castigation versus what they would espouse in a private environment in terms of policy, because there just simply isn’t room for nuance conversation in many different locations.

2 (16m 13s):
I don’t know if anyone has been on the leftist side of Twitter or other social media recently, but I wouldn’t recommend you do that. Particularly if you don’t have an extra several months worth of your blood pressure medication laying on hand, just because there’s absolutely no good that that can do you, I mean, you could make the case that, all right, I’m going to engage in this frontline battle for the sake of the third party watching, but the third party who should be watching, it’s not going to be in those sorts of trenches on, on Twitter of the political stripes.

2 (16m 48s):
So what they would rather do is not be involved with that. They’re just trying to live their lives and get by. And they see the basic narratives that are going on all around. And one, one kind of approach is to say, well, yeah, you should be armed with all of these different kinds of arguments, et cetera, et cetera. But we should know better than that at this point, because a barrage of facts, a litany of logic and everything else is not necessarily going to change the minds of the people who have been digesting year after year of Russia, collusion of racism, of all of these different things.

2 (17m 27s):
But if you have an opportunity and you can talk in a real way with people, it actually is probably a good idea to consider talking about talking about your feelings about the country and everything else like that. Because people, even though we’ve lost our bearing on civics and public policy and everything else like that, the complaint is often that there is too much emotionalism brought into things. And I would second that if we’re actually trying to establish a society, we need to do a better job of having concrete dialogues.

2 (18m 0s):
But in the absence of that, then you have to meet people where they are. If you’re going to establish this kind of trusting relationship to bring the people around you together, because at the end of the day, there’s the reality in front of your face, whatever your beliefs are about the country or the world writ large, there’s still your local zone of influence. And you actually have to live there. You can create a mental model about the economy, about the world, about the white house, about the foreign policy, et cetera, et cetera, that that makes no difference.

2 (18m 34s):
You it’s easier to believe a macro falsehood than it is to believe a micro false that it’s much easier for people to think, Oh, you know, there’s roving bands of millions of white supremacists out there because I see this alluded to, but, you know, I don’t, I don’t see any on, on my block, but it’s, it’s a challenge. It really is to be level headed in this kind of scenario because there’s quicksand and pitfalls all over the place. But I would encourage everyone to continue to stay informed, but also to understand the kind of conversations that are potentially going to have an impact with people.

2 (19m 12s):
And it is perfectly legitimate to say, at least to yourself, like I’m not going to poison myself with things. And so there is also a point in time where you just have to tune out a particular conversation for, for some time. And that’s a, that’s a legitimate thing to do. So we look at the economy, we see people, you know, every day there’s a new call for a new depression and other people calling for a boom time to recur to return. And so what does that actually mean? How does the fed come into play? What’s happening with precious metals?

2 (19m 43s):
All of these things are going to continue to be event driven and liquidity driven. And of course that means things continually getting, getting propped up here. But we do see, we do see some positive action and the precious metals with gold futures around the 1800 level, but where, where this goes and what to look for. Unfortunately, it’s all about the systemic and it’s all about the foundational aspects right now. And that means the crystallizing battle between let’s, let’s just say Americanism and Marxism is going to continue to come front and center.

2 (20m 21s):
And there are fewer people who would actively support a, you know, a mob revolution, even in the name of something as potentially emotionally satisfying as social justice. There’s fewer people who would support something like that. Then I think many would anticipate. So be aware of just the general gaslighting that’s taking place. I think when it comes down to it, Americans want what’s best for other Americans. And we see that things are going, things are going off the rails at least as portrayed by, by media outlets.

2 (20m 58s):
And I think people are willing to pay attention to that and do something about it, but it takes each and every one of us being discerning and being able, ready, and willing to challenge ourselves to make sure we stay balanced and not get thrown off and to actually engage and be willing to speak and to bear the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, at least in our immediate circle where we hopefully have a trust influence and relational capital setup. So it’s a, it’s a crazy and a complicated time, but we always sorta knew that this was going to be the case in the contest that is unfolding around us.

1 (21m 37s):
Only Stephen man King can give that kind of insight and slip a Shakespeare into it while he’s at it. I appreciate that. So what is the motivation Stephen that you think it, or is it just, is it just what should be done at a time like this, but what do you think is the motivation behind sort of this? It seems to be not just a cloud burst of warning, about an increase in infections coming from the media, which you would expect, but coming from someone like Fowchee, who was talking about things like mutations and greater infection rates and, and the whole nine yards.

1 (22m 24s):
I mean, I look at that and I see I can’t help, but look at that and see underlying motivations. Now you to me are an anchor point that I can trust. So I, when I have you like this, I’d like to kind of see what you think when you, when you see this kind of, you know, it’s just, it really seems like an, a little bit of overkill on what is coming, what could come, what might come, what may come, what, you know, that whole thing. Do you get a sense of that?

1 (22m 55s):
Or do you think this is just playing, playing the cards close to the chest or something to that effect?

2 (23m 2s):
Right. It’s a really important question. And so when I try and take these things on, I like to think about it in terms of the, the trilemma, this, this trichotomy of the freedom hypothesis, the tyranny hypothesis and the status quo hypothesis, or the face value hypothesis. And we’ve seen this before, but let’s, let’s try and apply this methodology here. And then I’ll let you know where I come down on this. So the tyranny hypothesis would be that Fowchee is put in this position to exercise, whatever influenced in order to sabotage the effort to regain an economic foothold and to promote fear and division and to these kinds of challenges extensively for the purposes of removing president Trump from office and installing a different government, because he is part of the deep state, he’s connected to bill Gates, all of these different such and such reasons that would support the tyranny hypothesis.

2 (24m 2s):
In this instance, you run into a little bit of trouble here in terms of your judgment call, because does taking that stance, obligates you to say something about president Trump himself, given that this, this man dr. Fowchee is in a particular position and could just as easily be, be removed, although you could, you could then make some comments about the political ramifications of that. And the fact that this guy is in the, in the limelight may make that more complicated.

2 (24m 33s):
The freedom hypothesis would have you required to take a track that says this is being done for the reason of getting the people who are anti-American to show their hands and to expose at all levels of the government, people who are looking for any excuse to shut the economy down and to hurt Americans and to promote fear and pessimism and other things like that.

2 (25m 4s):
For me, that feels like a bit of a stretch. I mean, it’s technically possible, but you would have to stack on a whole lot of other hypotheses in order to connect those dots. And so that sort of, it feels like you would be sacrificing some Ockham’s razor principles in terms of the simplest hypothesis, all things being equal, being the best, the status quo hypothesis would say something to the effect of. Look, if you’re dealing with epidemiology and you want to make sure that people are taking precautions to be aware of the potential worst case scenarios, then you can state things that are literally true, just to make sure it’s on people’s radar.

2 (25m 47s):
And that would include things like, just because you get a vaccine that doesn’t mean that it’s permanently effective viruses can mutate. So that’s something to watch out for and precautions should be taken. Now the policy conclusions of what we should do in terms of that, that’s a, that’s a whole separate idea. But to me, I think that I would go with some combination of, of the, of the different motivations here that is sort of anchored in the status quo status quo hypothesis, because I think it’s perfectly legitimate to say, Hey, let’s watch out for the worst case scenario.

2 (26m 25s):
But then when that information gets fed into a system that wants to amplify concerns, ostensibly, to do political damage to the president, that things spiral out of control. And of course the corrections, the walk backs, the caveats, the nuances, or the statements sort of always go underneath the, but it’s perfectly legitimate for people to look at Fowchee and his approach and his background, and to say, yeah, you know, something just doesn’t rub me the right way.

2 (26m 55s):
Maybe he is really at this point, addicted to the fame and the attention. And so he wants to continue to grab another 15 minutes in the spotlight. Maybe he has weird motivations from a financial perspective, but leaving all that aside, I think that absent, absent other considerations, I would, I would put myself in a position to say, there’s a lot of comments and there’s many points that are worth taking.

2 (27m 26s):
And we made, we made this point a couple, a couple months ago saying that it’s not a surprise to see that someone who’s a public health official in charge of crisis mitigation. Like this would initially be inclined to favor very, very high damage estimates and death toll estimates. Because then if, because of the asymmetry of personal risk and what I mean by that is if it turns out that the numbers come in better than those initial forecast, then you can say, Hey, we weren’t wrong.

2 (27m 57s):
We just were successful in our efforts to mitigate what was going to happen here. But you definitely don’t want to be in the situation where you

3 (28m 6s):

2 (28m 7s):
Were you under promise here saying everything’s going to be just fine and then it’s not, but any, any way you slice it, it is it’s complicated. And so I don’t, I don’t begrudge any people who have, who have just a negative gut instinct about, about dr. Fowchee, but ultimately in the absence of anything else. I think that if you look at the way that the comments have been reported and taken on in the press, that I would sort of default to more of a face value explanation than some than some outright tyrannical push, although you can’t rule that out entirely.

1 (28m 48s):
Yeah. Understood. That’s why I asked that question. Thought you could put me on solid ground. I got just one more Steven for you. Will the media ever, will the media ever be held accountable in your, in your mind because you, you touched on something just now that I think is the caveat in all of, all of what’s coming out of the white house and what’s coming out of the government in general regarding this. And it’s not so much what is said in a news conference, but it’s what happens when media outlets get ahold of it and fly it to the moon.

1 (29m 21s):
And, you know, they have been flying to Jupiter lately with headlines and misinformation and outright misleading headlines. And I mean, do you think that they’ll ever answer for that or is it, is the media just going to do whatever the hell they want to do until they either, until they either disappear because the public will lose total trust in them and not read them anymore or until they really do damage to the country, that can be linked back to them.

2 (29m 53s):
Yeah. Another good question here. The primary aspect in my view would be, well, how do we measure that? I mean, to a certain extent, they have been rebranded as fake news, that label, and that moniker is going to stick. There’s going to be no, no redemption that takes these networks back to the Cronkite level era of trust. The media is now seen as less favorable in the public’s eyes than Congress, which is a incredibly impressive accomplishment.

2 (30m 25s):
And so they have burned every bridge and torn up all of their capital, trying to get after this president. And so to a certain extent, they have already paid the price. I think the reason why you don’t see that or feel that as much is because of the way that those, those media channels are prioritized in the internet search and in YouTube and social media amplifications because of the Alliance with big tech.

2 (30m 59s):
And so if you really do see the kind of antitrust action and the competition in the social media landscape, then you’ll begin to realize that the, it was an illusion that there was this ongoing influencer that they hadn’t already paid that price, but they’re certainly apparently willing to do whatever it takes, including be complicit in federal crimes in terms of leaking sensitive and classified and Intel, and then just outright reporting falsehoods because the ends justify the means, but these are radical radical corporations that are promoting an ideology that is not in the best interests of American citizens.

2 (31m 47s):
And I would argue not in the interests, in the best interest of the world. And so when you see various other media programs getting far more, reach far, much more attention and influence and everything else, you see that there continues to be, be echo chamber effect. But the size of that echo chamber is continually shrinking like these, these, if you’re going to wait for every anchor on CNN and MSNBC and the rest of them to get in front of the camera and to say we were wrong, we’ve been totally trying to Gaslight you.

2 (32m 25s):
Here’s the real truth, et cetera, et cetera, you’re going to be waiting a long time for that. And in fact, it most likely will never come. I mean, one other potential, as you mentioned, James was the idea of criminal for the malfeasance that we have a decent idea occurred, at least in terms of even just what we saw in the Podesta emails and other releases from WikiLeaks and things of that nature. So would that even matter at this point, I think if you are still trusting the reliability and the validity of the reporting and the programming from there, then you are already in the Koolaid camp, but that bubble would say that they would say the same about the people who are outside that camp.

2 (33m 13s):
And so it’s again a significant challenge, but I would argue that depending on the metrics that you’re using, they have already paid a significant price there they’re sacrificing their brand equity and all of their political capital in order to go after the president. And particularly if president Trump is reelected, then it’s going to be a significant challenge. You could see the failure of these things, but again, that doesn’t just, just pointing to the comparative view count between between them what the New York times gets versus what the top podcasts of a conservative perspective get.

2 (33m 52s):
That’s not quite as satisfying to people. People want to see it. You know, people want to see bankruptcies and firing these things that are way more visceral, way more just disgraceful, because we’re still living a reality TV kind of existence, where if there isn’t this sort of super public flameout, it doesn’t happen, but it might happen that they burnt out all their capital. And so depending on the circumstance, you see, you could see things going quietly into that good night with nary, a whimper remaining, rather than the, the final climactic Armageddon battle of media empires that that people would want to see in order to truly declare victory.

2 (34m 34s):
You may just see things change. And 10 years from now, we’ll be wondering, well, whatever happened to all those people.

1 (34m 44s):
Yeah. You make a good point. I guess, even myself for several years, that they’re bobbing. You know, they’re just heads are just bobbing just above the water. And maybe we are looking for that independence day film finish where the, where the UFO goes down in a blaze of glory. It’s a good point. It’s a good point. But you know, it just is one of those things that I’m wowed by what it is they’re doing on a day to day basis. I really am blown away. I didn’t know it was, you were allowed to do things like that, but I guess as long as the ad revenue is coming in, you can, you can keep at it.

2 (35m 21s):
They’re true. Believers in the ends justify the means.

1 (35m 25s):
What is that group name by any means necessary. They Jones you with us.

2 (35m 33s):
Yeah. I’m with you, man. When Stephen talks, I start notes like crazy,

4 (35m 39s):
Okay, look, there will be lawsuits, okay? The press can’t get away with this forever. And as for, would it make a difference now? Yes. It would help us restore our faith in our own government. That justice will be served at this point in our history. If you believe the opposite of what is reported, you are closer to the truth. This is amazing.

4 (36m 10s):
The time we’re living in right now, we’re 90% of the press is against the president. And no matter if he said the sky was blue, they’d be arguing that. So this is, this is just unbelievable. I got, I got notes. There’s things that I want to talk about. Fowchee is dead to me. No kids get that. The guy right there. Here’s the problem.

4 (36m 40s):
When your government lies to you, you start to distrust them. You start to not believe. And he, yeah. Okay. I’m getting, we have a side chat here because we’re on Skype and I’m getting messages from Steven. He is dead to me, but found T came out and said that masks, you know, they, they had a shortage of masks. And we’ve said, we, as on PBN has said from day one masks work, okay.

4 (37m 18s):
They came out and said, don’t use masks. They don’t work. Blah, blah, blah, blah. It’s all because they had a shortage. Your mess. Now you can’t swing a dead cat without hitting someone that’s so unmasked. Okay. They unleashed capitalism. Okay. Just solve a problem. Everybody’s making mesh. The MyPillow man makes masks. Okay. We’ve got enough mash now, but they lied to us.

4 (37m 49s):
There’s a larger amount of preppers out there right now that don’t believe there’s even a virus that don’t believe anything that has been put out about this because the government and the news media, which is kind of, they lied to us so many times, so many times now people they’re just saying, screw it.

4 (38m 19s):
Now you wanted to cover a COVID. I got a little bit, yeah. I don’t know what your feeling is or what you have on this. Yeah. On this probable deaths, we could definitely talk about stats. Cause if, if that’s what I want to hear, what you have for sure. But I definitely want to hear if

1 (38m 36s):
You have anything on this probable deaths.

4 (38m 39s):
Absolutely. I’m going to apply an ounce of common sense to the situation. And hopefully I can draw a clear picture for everybody listening. Okay. First of all, the stats there, dude are using our stats from the past. Okay. Stats. Well, because when that virus first hit, we didn’t know. We didn’t know a lot of shit. We know a lot more shit. Now ventilators, ventilators was a big thing.

4 (39m 9s):
Now ventilators are killing you. Okay?

1 (39m 12s):
Yeah. That’s a big one. Yeah.

4 (39m 16s):
Oh, so we know better how to care for the patients because of what happened in New York city and a lot of places that have the higher desk tolls. So we’re better able to do the right thing. We’ve said early on, this has got to work its way through the population. So the lock down worked, the lockdown worked okay.

4 (39m 49s):
Because we’re very obedient population. We do what we’re told to do for the most part. It’s stopped. The spread, you relief, the nut lockdown. The spread continues on, okay. The deaths won’t be there because we know better now how to care for patients. Also, if you look at where the spread’s going on, it’s in the air conditioned belt.

4 (40m 20s):
Okay. When we had a low, it was because it was springtime, heating time was over. It was before air conditioning hit. Now everybody’s locked into air conditioning and their they’re combined like the North is combined in the winter. Okay. So there Trapped in. Okay. Yeah. So now that’s, what’s causing the cases, but the deaths, you know, if they say the ICU beds are filling up the ICU beds, fill up all the time.

4 (40m 58s):
We’re out of lockdown. So the traffic accidents, the people that normally get in, I

1 (41m 6s):
It’s all back.

4 (41m 7s):
But then you, yeah, exactly. It’s all back to normal and we’re adding the COVID patients. So it’s not, it’s not what the news media is saying. Okay. I’ll give you another example. CNN comes out with perfectly healthy. 17 year old, dies from COVID-19 and then they show a picture. He said, morbidly obese fat guy.

1 (41m 38s):
Okay. Black and has diabetes. Oh, geez.

4 (41m 44s):
Yes. So if you don’t read the rest of the article or you don’t,

1 (41m 51s):
They’re so brutal with that. It’s unbelievable.

4 (41m 55s):
Yes. The truth is buried in the article. If you got to, he wasn’t a perfectly healthy 17 year old. He had a laundry list of comorbidities

1 (42m 9s):
And it’s amazing. It’s amazing how effective we’re finding out the sun is against the virus. Oh yeah. Which kind of makes sense because it was either made in a lab or in a cave. So it makes sense that the virus would hit sunlight, go, Holy shit. What is this? And die? You know? And that’s exactly what’s happening. So it’s, it’s one of those things where, like you said, the lockdown worked stop the spread. Cause we didn’t touch anybody. We didn’t go near anything, but it’s probably better.

1 (42m 42s):
We get outside and you know, sit in the sun, vitamin D is big, has become a big factor in treating this.

4 (42m 52s):
Get some vitamin D. Yeah. Yeah. Hey, another thing Rendez, severe Brenda severe. It’s another thing Fowchee says red does severe is the answer. It’s like pissing on a forest fire. Okay. Red desert severe helps limit the number of days you might spend in the hospital. What the hell is that?

4 (43m 22s):
Hydroxy clerk. When works, if you and I don’t need a study. Okay. Way back, way back when Trump first said, and when I say way back, it’s only a couple of months in this situation, but Trump first said hydroxy clerk. When everybody came out, Oh, the Lancet published that that study is non peer reviewed study. I knew it was bullshit from the minute it came out.

4 (43m 54s):
And do you know how I knew it was bullshit. They sent,

1 (44m 4s):
I lost it. Dave

0 (44m 5s):

1 (44m 10s):
Man. I wanted to hear that. I definitely wanted to hear that explanation. Okay.

4 (44m 16s):
Nope. We gave that data. So then, Oh, did I lose you?

1 (44m 22s):
Yeah. You went out, you said, this is where I lost your so you’ve got to start right from here. Cause it was great. You want to know how I know it’s bullshit. And then you went out. So go ahead and start from.

4 (44m 35s):
I’m telling you it’s the guys that I used to work with. This system, look them up. They’re under Homeland security. Anyway, say they said they surveyed 6,000 hospitals for this, this paper. And I’m like, that’s impossible. It’s impossible to get this information from 6,000 hospitals worldwide. Then they were curious.

1 (45m 6s):
Yeah. During a pandemic

4 (45m 8s):
And the Australia, the hospitals in Australia, I can’t remember. It was like two or three of them. They said we didn’t provide this information to anybody. So how could, how could we be listed on this paper? Anyway, long story short, the Lancet prestigious organization is like the journal of American medicine. Okay. Had to retract the state. The study will say they did well.

4 (45m 39s):
Yeah, but here’s what happened. The world health organization who had hydroxy cork, when studies ready to set up two or three of them, they stopped them in their tracks. We had some, we had some found G stopped them. Now they’re starting back up. Look, I don’t need a study to tell me it works. If you look at the countries that are rampant with malaria, they give out hydroxy cork when like it’s Tums.

4 (46m 16s):
Okay. So they have the lowest cases of COVID have a, yes, you have a population out there. That’s already on this shit. And they’re not getting cases. So Costa Rica look at a bunch of the different countries, lowest cases in the world.

1 (46m 40s):
And the, the, the idea behind the hydroxychloroquine is that it allows the, I want to say iron, but that’s not it. What’s the, what is it? What is the zinc intake cell membrane, right? Cross the membrane or the barrier, whatever. Yeah.

4 (46m 56s):
Well, what it does is it the zinc blocks the virus from getting into the cell. And if you block the virus from getting into the cell, we can’t replicate, it can’t reproduce. You would just die outside the cells. So you will never get sick. You need to up your levels of zinc. Okay. And you can do that by any one of the cold loss injures that have zinc in them. Any one of them will give you enough? Think we don’t have a lot of zinc in our daily diet.

1 (47m 28s):
We’ve been choking pepitas or a pumpkin seeds here at our house. Been huge zinc.

4 (47m 38s):
Sure. And if you look at it, it makes sense because this is just like the cold virus. Okay. The common cold. So everything that’s working for, the common cold is working for this thing. It makes all kinds of sex. But just because Trump said that, yeah. Fowchee is dead to me. That guy look at it this way. For years he’s been in that job. I watched something.

4 (48m 8s):
I think it was from 2001. Okay. And I saw foul G on this thing, he’s in the exact same job. And I’m like, what the heck? So no one has listened to this guy. Okay. Finally, he’s thrust into the limelight and he’s liking the shit out of this. I think you’re right now, he’s got to keep putting a fear on everybody, keep it going, keep it going. And, and really, really come on now, come on.

1 (48m 41s):
It’s a wild thing, man. It’s a wild thing to watch, but there’s definitely something that doesn’t smell quite right. You know?

4 (48m 49s):
Yep. 17,000 national guard are still on active duty nationwide. Not necessarily for COVID, but

1 (48m 60s):
No riots and things like that. So did the, what is your take, Dave? And do you have any definitive information? It seems common sensical to me, but it’s become one of these hot button issues over the last week or so since the last time we met now, we told you about the sun. We told you that the virus likes, likes the dark, not the sun. And everybody seems to be in this big battle over whether or not these protests had anything to do with the spikes in cases.

1 (49m 32s):
I mean, what is your thought on that?

4 (49m 35s):
Well, you know, there, if you’re around a bunch of people yelling, it’s the same as being around a bunch of people singing in church. So I mean, it could, it could be, but these, these cases, it, it has to work through the population. So it’s going to work through there in the fall. There might be an uptick. It won’t, there won’t be a second wave per se.

4 (50m 7s):
I didn’t let her be it. Yeah. I didn’t think there’d be a downtick. So I don’t think there’ll be a, you know, a second wave because this thing is still working its way. We’re still experiencing the first wave. We slowed it down because we went into lockdown. And when it goes into the fall, you you’ll see an uptick in the North because we’re going to lock up, but we’re going to close up and everybody’s going to yeah.

4 (50m 39s):
Put the heat on. But this thing,

1 (50m 43s):
What did you think about this, Dave? Because you know me, you know how I think sure. It seems like businesses especially should invest in and I don’t know what it would cost. And if somebody is out there listening, you’re about to make a billion easy. If you can figure this out. If I had the money, I would S I would put some kind of cheap device in my vents that puts off UV light.

1 (51m 19s):
You know what I mean? So that, so that these office buildings, when it’s circulating this air, just like we’re talking about, like, we know what is, what is happening. Right. You get one person sick, the building in that air circulating, you put these powerful UV lights within the vent system and just burn this thing to death, like a vampire as it goes through the air, you know? I mean, does, does that make sense? Would it make sense for the average person to invest in some kind of UV things at home? Or is it the risk? Not really there.

4 (51m 48s):
Well, I, I actually have those, I mean, everybody’s got limited amount of prepper dollars. So I mean, if you’re, if you’re the federal government, you can do anything you want, but the average Joe’s got it.

1 (52m 8s):
I bet you, a lot of PR I bet you, a lot of preppers do have UV lights because they probably use them the sprout.

4 (52m 14s):
Yeah. That too. I did think of that, but yes, that’s UV lights. I have a wand and I I’ve talked about this before. It’s mainly when you travel and stuff like that, you put this wand over, you know, I can’t even remember how long, but you run it just very slowly and it, it, it kills all the germs. I also have a UV cabinet and, and I don’t know if you’re old enough to remember James, but back when we used to get haircuts as a kid and the barber would put his shaver in, in a cabinet and there was this purple light in this cabinet, that was a UV light.

4 (53m 2s):
And it would sterilize this, the shaver electric razor for the next guy.

1 (53m 9s):
Wow. No, I’m a Barbicide guy. I remember the Barbicide. Yeah. That’s about it. As far as cleaning in the yeah.

4 (53m 18s):
And they do have those, what you’re describing. They have them in air purifiers and they also have them in certain types of ventilation system.

1 (53m 28s):
Well, there you go. Well, that, that’s what people need to. That makes sense. Yeah. So, Okay. What’s your, what’s your take on these probable deaths? I mean, the deaths are down. The deaths are gonna stay down because we know what we’re doing now. What’s the motivation behind the probable death. I don’t, I don’t see the benefit in the probable deaths idea

4 (53m 57s):
Where they had to. Yeah. They had to come up with something to, to scare the people again.

1 (54m 5s):
Okay. Well, I mean, if it’s that simple, then it’s that simple. I was just hoping maybe it wasn’t that simple. Wait,

4 (54m 11s):
You have to look at okay. They’re using data from before. Okay. So that data is no longer valid because we know more and perform better than we did when we first started. So we know not to put COVID patients in nursing homes. Okay. I mean, that’s a, that’s a no brainer right there. And we figured out early on

1 (54m 42s):
Real fast.

4 (54m 45s):
So keep the most vulnerable people away, have them wear masks and protection and limit their exposure. That’ll cut your deaths right there.

1 (55m 1s):
Yeah. No doubt about it. No doubt about it. Alright. You feel good about COVID. I want to touch on this piece by this guy named Kevin Mokolo. Cause it’s it’s mind boggling. It’s part of the reason why I called this the bamboozlement the bamboozle cast, because it’s just, it’s really a big, ah, well, it’s not, it’s not a big surprise. This article, Dave, it’s just, when you hear the numbers and you see what is being, what is really happening out there, right?

1 (55m 31s):
It’s heartbreaking, man. If not being reported, that’s, that’s the brutal part.

4 (55m 38s):
It’s not being covered at all. And what’s what’s going on. All they’re doing is pushing the fear about the disease. Look, I’m not saying it’s over. It’s not over by a long shot. You still have to take precautions. Cause if, if you don’t have it, you surely don’t want it. I mean, there’s, there’s been incidences of spontaneous diabetes where this thing got into people and like overnight, they became diabetic.

1 (56m 11s):
Very rare,

4 (56m 12s):
But it did happen. It destroyed people’s pancreas. We still don’t know what the longterm effects are on people’s lungs, their hearts, their systems. We don’t know because the virus does damage.

1 (56m 31s):

4 (56m 32s):
We don’t know what, so gosh, keep, keep doing the thing. The hand sanitizer, the mask, do the thing. Now. I don’t, I don’t full mop up. Like I used to, you know, full hazmat suit, like I used to, but I still take the precautions. We don’t go downtown together. As much as we used to where we’re not back to normal by any means here at the Jones household, by any means.

4 (57m 2s):
But we’re going out more than we used to. Yeah. It’s it’s not, it’s not over vitamin D vitamin C you know, take, take your levels of vitamin C. And if you get it, all of this stuff will help you get over the symptoms and help fight the disease off because you know, anytime you can kill that virus in your body, you want to do that.

4 (57m 34s):
Also. We don’t know how long the antibodies last. It could be one time and you’re good for like 60 years like measles, or it could be like the flu and you get it. You get it another, another time next year. Or the good thing is this virus mutates very, very slowly. So the chances are that if they work on a vaccine and they get this thing, you won’t need to get a different vaccine.

4 (58m 7s):
Like the flu shot

1 (58m 11s):
Understood. I’m scared of a vaccine myself, but understand I get it. So let’s get, let’s talk about this all by Kevin McCullough. Cause this is, this is, this is a big one. I actually got this over at parlor guys. Most of PBN is over on parlor. Now, again, it’s part of this, this motto of mine lately that is go play where they want you to play, stop playing on the playgrounds, where they don’t want you all right, stop on the Twitters and all that stuff.

1 (58m 45s):
If you want to hop into two, I hop into Twitter from time to time and, and, and you know, it’s kind of like what Steven said, it’s, it’s a nightmare over there. It’s just a total nightmare. But over parlors, a lot of great stories, cool people. It’s a way more positive vibe for social media. And, and over there is where I ran into this town hall article by Kevin McCullough, which is poachers poach, perch Christ published on the fifth and it’s titled six weeks, six city, 600 murders.

1 (59m 16s):
And we all knew everybody within the sound of my voice knew you have to be, you, you would have to be totally brainwashed, which there are plenty of people who are totally brainwashed to not see something like this coming with the, with what has happened to the police over the last six weeks. But when you see the numbers, when you hear the numbers, it’s, it’s unbelievable to me. So he opens the article, talking about the biggest and most important issues recently, you know, saying that it’s not COVID-19 and it’s not the recession and it’s not, you know, whatever the, the lockdown, he says, the single most important issue affecting some of the largest squash swaths of populations in America is the scandal.

1 (1h 0m 2s):
The media ignores, even as it explodes in their face in only six weeks city after city operated by entrenched Democrats have seen a massive expansion in lawlessness, violence and murder. And then many news outlets seem gobsmacked and mystified at how or why such an explosion in lawlessness has occurred. And I think we’re all on the same page with that. But then he lists the data starting with New York city. And you’re going to hear a somber tone here, because again, this is not a, this is not an, I told you so moment for the prepper broadcasting network.

1 (1h 0m 39s):
Really what this moment is, if I’m a hundred percent honest and a hundred percent clear, and I gotta take my time because, well, I don’t really have to take my time. It is what it is, but it’s dangerous. What this is, is proof that the focus of BLM, the focus of this movement in the streets has very little to do with progress, freedom, Liberty exceptionalism, and, and overall wellbeing of African Americans in the nation.

1 (1h 1m 21s):
I think that about sums it up right? Thus far in 2020, homicides are up 21% in the union in New York city shootings are up 46%. The mayor’s agenda included, emptying the prisons, emptying the prison, known as Riker’s Island bail reform, letting perps walk before the paperwork is completed and the effort to defund the police that took 600 anti-crime units out of commission. He didn’t mention the fact that they cut. What did they cut? Dave? Do you remember?

1 (1h 1m 51s):
It was a billion. I think it was a billion out of salary out of a support for the police.

4 (1h 1m 58s):
Yeah. It cuts the recruit classes. Oh my God. Yeah, I know. And that’s your future? That’s your investment in police? I think it was kind of like in half, that is unbelievable. That recruitment is what you would cut. That is where you want all the money. So you can stop the jackasses from getting on the force. Yep. You know

1 (1h 2m 20s):
That I’ve never seen a hand played so poorly, but anyway, Los Angeles, Los Angeles is just out of country. California is out of control almost every level and increase in the months. First week by 250% of homicides and 56% increase in shootings following the death of George Floyd in may and the LAPD received a $150 million cut, which is amazing.

1 (1h 2m 51s):
Cause they don’t cut anything in California. You know, Chicago year to date you, of course, we’d, you know, we’re going to get a great show from Chicago here, shootings heavy clips, the 1,508 for 2020, putting them 350 ahead of 2019. So they’ve, they’ve already surpassed 1500 from, from earlier today, homicides only half over six months.

1 (1h 3m 21s):
They got plenty of time to work to date homicide sit at two 54, placing them ahead of 2019. Important to note that the cook County board voted in favor of defunding the police 11 city alderman raced to the forefront to demand that not a single penny of the 333 million in federal dollars, not go to police. And various proposals were being stirred to cut current funding by more than 30 million in current spending. So these, this is happening. Folks. This is happening in, in, in one side out of one side of their mouth, they’re saying black lives matter.

1 (1h 3m 57s):
We’re gonna stand. We’re gonna take these monuments down. We’re going to stand with, with our African American brethren. And then on, this is, this is one of the most bamboozled moments of my entire life is to watch people literally tell you we’re protecting African-Americans future in this nation. And then behind them, all you see is people dying and being shot. And the way that they plan on protecting people is by taking the people who protect those people. The most defunding them getting rid of them.

1 (1h 4m 29s):
I mean, these numbers are astounding folks, but I can tell you right now, it’s just the beginning. It’s just the beginning. Yeah. It’s just the beginning. Let me run through these next three. I’ll be quick, but they’re all pertinent DC. 13% higher than this time. A year ago, the cuts are going to be 15 million. My home, my home, my beautiful home that has fallen apart. Philadelphia shootings are up 67% victims of armed violence up 29% homicides of 25%.

1 (1h 5m 1s):
So they defund by 19 million. Cause they’re not happy enough with the results I guess. And you know, then there’s Baltimore. We probably don’t even really need to go into Baltimore, but it is what it is consistently. One of the most dangerous cities in America with a five year of more than 300 murders per year, last year, Baltimore set a new record of three 48 homicides yet in 2020, they outpaced pace last year’s record. And we’ll see defunding to the effect of $22 million.

1 (1h 5m 35s):
Those that’s are mesmerizing. They’re mesmerizing to me this and from the get go this thing, Dave, this is exactly what I was saying. If you want to really help out black people in America, you have to, you have to figure out the ghettos. You have to protect the people in the ghettos and you have to figure out how to get people on an upward mobility out of those places. You know, if I had my way, I would get rid of those places altogether, because I don’t think they’re designed to help people whatsoever.

1 (1h 6m 8s):
I think their prisons, but for some reason everybody’s missing the boat on this issue. What are, why are they missing the boat on this issue day? What is, what is, is it just because it’s, it really isn’t an issue to the people who are running things?

4 (1h 6m 22s):
No, I think that they don’t get any, you know, resistance. So the press, the press, this is a non-story to the press. You know, abortion is a non-story. If they really wanted to help black lives, why are 40% of the abortions, black babies?

1 (1h 6m 47s):
That’s a big number. Yeah. That’s a big freaking number.

4 (1h 6m 51s):
Yeah. It’s insane. And what I think, what they want to do for the Marxists, the, the people that are here in the country, see this as the opportunity to bring it all down that I, for whatever reason, maybe it’s Donald Trump, maybe They, they were looking for when it happened. Okay.

4 (1h 7m 22s):
When the, when the video happened, they moved into action. This was not a spontaneous grassroots thing. This was an organized, prepared for planned for event. And it’s unfolding. We’ve been playing defensive ball the whole time. Okay. They’re they’re taking out our offensive line, the police department. So they think this is the time when they can take over burn the country to the ground.

4 (1h 7m 58s):
Take us out of the picture for whatever reason. I don’t know.

1 (1h 8m 5s):
Yeah. It’s a, you know what, it’s starting to look like to me, Dave, and I’ll probably go deeper into detail on this on Wednesday on the, I am Liberty show, it’s starting to look like it’s starting to look like the people in the streets who think that they’re going to get their way and think that they’re going to well now this is not the way I want to say it. The people in the streets who want a different life for themselves and their families and future generations are being manipulated.

1 (1h 8m 39s):
They’re being really, they’re being worked without pay. If you really consider what type of money goes into the black lives matter movement, right? And all it’s big time, money, it’s incredible money. It’s incredible money. And these people, unfortunately, when we look back on this, I think we’re going to see, to use the phrase of the show. I think we’re going to see that the African American communities across the nation were bamboozled by BLM. They, they got on the news, they made the headlines, they got the donations, they got the endorsements.

1 (1h 9m 15s):
And then those donations and endorsements didn’t go anywhere near helping people live better lives. You know that a lot of this money is funneled through a group called act blue. And on May 21st ag blue donated $119 million to Biden for president effort. How did that help? Exactly. I mean, truthfully, how does that help?

1 (1h 9m 45s):
Well, this is the book

4 (1h 9m 49s):
Organization bordering on a terrorist organization. They actually have a terrorist convicted terrorist working in there. What is it? The financial department. They, they, black lives matter have this person that was convicted of terrorism. And they, they work in the financial fundraising department for black lives matter.

4 (1h 10m 20s):
I got to get more of the information on this, but yeah,

1 (1h 10m 22s):
No, I know it’s huge. It’s huge. It’s outrageous it. But, but what makes me weep, Dave, is this idea that I consistently see these embattled African American communities taken advantage of by Democrats all the year. Every time they need a push, something like this happens.

1 (1h 10m 53s):
They, they, they drive people out of their homes and into the streets by making a big deal out of something. And, and, and, and, you know,

0 (1h 11m 2s):

1 (1h 11m 3s):
After it’s all said and done these people who are living the worst kind of lives, lives in America, have to go back to their bed. They go back to their, their little city or their ghetto or whatever it is. And the crime is still out of control. People are still getting shot. Their kids are getting killed, they’re getting shot, right? And there’s no future for these people. And nothing has changed for so many years. And it’s, it’s, it’s heartbreaking, man, because it’s happening again before my very eyes before my very eyes, the, the, the black population is being used, particularly those who are impoverished or being used as, as henchman for the Democrat party,

4 (1h 11m 49s):
The white Stu, I mean, you want to talk useful idiots, look at all the stupid white women that are out there, spewing all this crap that someone else forced fed through their ear hole,

1 (1h 12m 5s):
Right? The difference is her. Husband’s a lawyer. She goes home to a $450,000 house. She drives there in her Lexis SUV. Meanwhile, the people that really need help are walking back to the ghettos. They’re going to listen to gunfire all night and nothing is changing for them. Right. And they truly, I think there’s, there are groups out there that have a really, I have a dream that things are going to get better for these people who are trapped and in this ghetto lifestyle.

1 (1h 12m 36s):
And there’s just no plan ever for those people. And it’s crazy to me, and this is not, this is not going to help them Mark my words. Well, I mean, we just read off to ADA. That is exactly supporting the point, right? More people in those neighborhoods. And then those impoverished areas are getting killed now than ever before. So what are we doing? You know, it’s, it’s, it’s mine

4 (1h 12m 59s):
Never calls attention to it. No one’s ever held to account for it. I mean, it’s, it will keep getting worse and worse all the way up to the election. It’s crazy. It’s sad. And that was one of my notes. I wanted to ask Steven about that. He’s gone.

1 (1h 13m 18s):
Yeah. Guys, Steven had to get out of here. I apologize for not giving him a proper goodbye, but you can check out Steven men King over it on the or listen to his latest episode of our Alliance up at the prepper broadcasting network website, prepper

4 (1h 13m 37s):
So I wanted to ask him if, if he felt that when Trump wins by a landslide, will the, the, you know, forces that are against us right now, will they demand his removal from the white house? And, and if so,

1 (1h 13m 58s):

4 (1h 14m 1s):
Or sell demanded, but will the Congress and the military or whoever can pixelate question,

1 (1h 14m 12s):
You know, I think we have, I think we have something. No, I think there is hope Dave. I really do. And it’s on the backs of, I don’t know if you saw the story in Richmond. I sure wish I was here, but I didn’t know shit about it. For some reason

4 (1h 14m 27s):
I found out after the fact myself.

1 (1h 14m 29s):
Yeah. I don’t know who put it on. I must not have been VC DL because I read their stuff and left. So I missed it, you know, but there was this protest in town and it was a, you know, it was a two way protest. It was a micro version of, of what happened in January. And there was a micro version of a black lives matter protest there also. And these people were talking, these people were chatting. They were arguing sometimes, but mostly it was a dialogue.

1 (1h 15m 2s):
And at one point they were locked arm in arm, walking down the street next to the Capitol. And it’s it. I gotta get a picture of it up for the website. That’s what I gotta do that right after you guys have to see the picture of, you know, I say it’s a black lives matter protest, but what it was was black Richmonders protesting. What most people are protesting around the nation. They weren’t actual members of black lives matter or anything like that.

1 (1h 15m 33s):
But they were there, there were people with hardships, you know what I mean? Who want an answer? And, and these people found common ground. And like I said, there I’ll get the picture up on the website. They were walking arm and arm together. You know, these guys who were supposed to in the, in the media’s eyes and in the eyes of the narrative, these two people are supposed to hate each other. Moreover, they’re supposed to be the North and the South of the new civil war, right? I mean, that’s the narrative. The narrative is this guy with peanuts supposed to be shooting at that guy with his black mask on that’s that’s the game.

1 (1h 16m 8s):
That’s the chess match that everybody wants to see. And this seeing this Dave really, it really gave me chills, man. It was like, Oh, there’s something here. You know, there’s go ahead.

4 (1h 16m 21s):
What that shows is we actually have more in common than we have a part than we have differences. Yes. I mean, what do people want? Peace, happiness, freedom, prosperity, you know, safety. They want safety for their kids in their home. And everybody wants the same thing.

1 (1h 16m 48s):
This is the truth. This is the truth. Then there’s something to that. And I think the movement that, that, where, where you can make a big difference is the combo protest. You know, I don’t know how you put it together. Maybe you turn it into a thoughtful debate. You know what I mean? Which would be kind of cool to see PA systems. But if you, if, if starting now, if people could find a way to have the, not the combination protest, where you have the police between people like they’re going to kill each other, like it’s a, you know, beat it by Michael Jackson, but more, more like we’re going to congregate all in the same area for the purpose of conversation, dialogue, and debate.

1 (1h 17m 36s):
And we’re going to walk away. And the, and, and maybe the end result of these protests is that we finish our protest, locked arm and arm with who’s who the media and who the narrative writers make out to be enemies, leave as allies. And you could do anything in this nation. If we could pull something like that off all over the nation, I think we can. I really do. And you sound like you don’t believe me.

1 (1h 18m 6s):

4 (1h 18m 7s):
Usually what, what happens in that situation is there was a world war, right. And that’s what brings us together, you know, because we all agree. Yeah, exactly. And then there’s a long, a period of patriotism and prosperity, you know, is patriotism racist nowadays. Why, why is that

1 (1h 18m 34s):
Just on the eyes? Only in the eyes of a few. Remember that day? That’s what it is. That’s the joke. The joke is that, well, not the joke, but the trick, the trick is that everyone thinks the way that those people who came out in Georgia think right. That, that little militia there, whatever it was, what were your thoughts on that? That looked like a total joke. What was going on now?

4 (1h 18m 57s):
I don’t know. I don’t know. It was pretty impressive. I don’t know how they organized it. Hey, speaking organization, maybe it was better that no one knew this protest was going on because I guess the organ, you know, that the anarchist didn’t have time to join in

1 (1h 19m 15s):
Aw, gorilla protesting. That’s what we need. We need a bout of, of gorilla protesting where we just show up and hash out some ideas and leave arm-in-arm. Hmm. That’s something. What else we got, man? This that’s my list of demands for the night.

4 (1h 19m 38s):
Well, I think that’s pretty good. I’m going to be on the Patriot power hour tomorrow, right? Oh, you’re really awesome. I’m going to be in wait. Yes, shoot. I’m going to be on five nights a week. This week.

1 (1h 19m 49s):
You man. You’re out of control. You’re on every day. Dave Jones, the NBC guy. No, I like it, man. I like what you’re doing with the daily audio cashiers. I think they’re fun. People

4 (1h 19m 60s):
Are gonna to, well, the thing thanks. I get on there when I have something to say, I like it.

1 (1h 20m 10s):
All right, folks. Well, I guess we’re going to call it one and a half hours in. Not bad. We touched on COVID. We touched on a, well, you know, whatever that situation is in America, that’s unfolding. I do believe that the situation that’s unfolding for, unfortunately for Africans and African Americans is going to be something that is looked back upon. And, and I think that while I hope that Americans are all going to look at each other and be very disappointed in the fact that a good cause was hijacked.

1 (1h 20m 41s):
The fact that the media played into the narrative, they want to see blood spilled. It’s clear. And if it bleeds, it leads. That’s the old line. So, you know me, I don’t understand me because yeah, I’m a prepper and I know it has to be done. And I know that chaos can emit at any moment, right. Emit at any moment, like, like fireworks. But at the same time, man, I’m an eternal optimist. And I just want to see it. I want to see it.

1 (1h 21m 11s):
I want to see the unity. I want to see the, the, the, the, the criminals and the monsters who think they run the society, pushed back on their heels. Oh, it would be a beautiful day to see unity in this nation. Again, on a grand scale, you know, I would love to see opposing viewpoints about about 5 million people with guns, people, with whatever you want to say, walking around the S the Capitol of this nation, arms locked black, white grievances might be different, but we’re all American.

1 (1h 21m 50s):
And we’re pushing forward to make this thing work, because it’s the greatest nation on earth. And despite whatever these people in the streets have created, the, the, these, this Marxist cult they’ve yet to put anything down on a sheet of paper that reads better than life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And the fact that all men are created equal and with unalienable rights given to them by God. So until that day, I’m just going to look down my nose upon them. Alright, we’ll talk soon folks.

1 (1h 22m 22s):
Bamboozle cast, if it keeps getting crazy, we’ll be back next week. All right. Talk soon.

6 (1h 22m 32s):
Thank you for listening to the prepper broadcasting network, where we promote self reliance and independence tune in tomorrow for another great show and visit


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