Back to Basics – Cooking Oils With The Next Generation Show

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Broadcasting network. We have to hit the reset button to create a true culture of preparedness, starting at a very young age all the way up.
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1 (1m 13s):
Hello everyone. And welcome to the next generation. Show where are we? Delve deeper into the little things in life. I’m your host, Ryan Buford, along with my cohost young master Cohen. And today we’re Broadcasting from the Pacific Northwest. Thank you for joining us. And there’s not a moment to lose. So let’s dig right in first off, a couple of quick announcements, for those of you listening to the podcast, we do thank you for that support. If you’d like, you can join us during the live show, by going to the chat rooms, signing up with your own username and password, let us know what it is and we’ll get you plugged in. That’s an encrypted chatroom. So we having the ability to share links and information questions on the back end behind the scenes during the live shows.
1 (1m 58s):
So feel free to connect with us in that regard. Also a little special, thanks to the folks out in Brandon, Florida as the top listeners in one location this week. Thanks to, to the folks down in Florida, love to see it a special thanks to the listeners. Also across the pond and around the world, it looks like we got a couple of new listeners in Japan and Poland, so welcome. And wherever you are, keep it up. We are in this together. I mentioned last week that I did some audio voiceover work for the, the changing earth podcast. That’s Sarah, Hathaway’s a little project she’s got going on over there. They dropped to the link into the chat room. So for the folks who are interested, you can hear me speak in Russian and French and, and all the other, you know, strange oddity accents that I managed to pull out of nowhere.
1 (2m 49s):
So feel free to check it out. It’s actually a fun little project that she has where she, she narrates essentially a, a, one of her Prepper fiction using the help of podcasters like myself, a from all over the country, good friends and company across the way it looks like we got a couple of folks and chat. Who’ve heard them. So thanks for listening and thanks for supporting Sarah over there. And then that’s the changing earth podcast. If you have, I think you can just check it out on your whatever download service that you typically use. Also Prepper Broadcasting dot com. Check us out on the member portal.
1 (3m 30s):
Thank you for the members who are already signed up and have made your pledges to Prepper Broadcasting your support allows us to continue doing what we do outside of the thumbs of big tech. So essentially we can say the things we want to say right here without getting shut down, ah, and making sure that, ah, that we can still get these messages across to at least into the networks that, that we’ve built over the years with that. Well, you know, the potential of losing what we have losing our data or losing our, or, you know, ages upon the ages of podcasts to go back to the, Oh, I don’t know, early two thousands, I think.
1 (4m 11s):
And that’s all thanks to you. So if you’re interested and you’d like to be a member, get the added content that comes along with being a member going over to Prepper Broadcasting dot com, sign up and do that kind of what the good stuff our Show page is also over there. So if you’re interested in getting in touch with us directly at the next generation, Show check us out, I’ll be adding our other social media contact information. We’ve also signed up for gaps, a what’s the other ones Prepper We’re over there fairly active, and we’ll probably be getting a rumble account to here in the near future, or are, you can always reach out to me directly at Prepper
1 (4m 53s):
So I, you know, let’s see, I’m going to say the tactical torture update for The the mid middle of a break of the Show and we’ll just to start digging right into today’s show. So we are actually talking about Cooking Oils and getting back to basics when it comes to Oils and preparedness when it comes to Oils and, you know, I, this weekend I was Cooking with a cast iron pan and kind of reminiscing about, you know, when I first got this particular pan back in my college days, probably 10 years ago and all the way struggles that I was having with trying to figure out how to get this cast iron pan to season, right?
1 (5m 39s):
How do you get this cast iron pan to not burn all my food, how to make food, that wasn’t just, you know, smoking out the entire kitchen and the entire apartment for that matter. And, Oh, the punishment that I went through and, and really put this, put a cast iron pan, because I didn’t know any better with regard to the Oils that I was using.
2 (6m 2s):
And what I found was that there’s a, a pretty
1 (6m 8s):
Steep learning curve when it comes to Oils. If you don’t know that there are different types of oils out there, and the differences that these oils have on your Cooking, your components, your tools
2 (6m 20s):
Are you using for Cooking and the type of Cooking you’re doing, even
1 (6m 25s):
There are all kinds of different levels of
2 (6m 29s):
How do you say different factors
1 (6m 31s):
And properties of Oils that
2 (6m 34s):
As a college kid, I really could care less about. I just figured I’ll
1 (6m 38s):
Just go with what’s cheap or what’s available and
2 (6m 41s):
Make it work. And then I stepped into a Mongolian restaurant, and
1 (6m 49s):
This is one of the, the types of Mongolian restaurants or the other ones where you basically, it’s kind of like a buffet where you pick your noodles, you pick your toppings, and it’s all essentially a raw ingredients. You pick your, your meats, you pick your vegetables and you just pile them onto your
2 (7m 5s):
Bull. And at the end of it,
1 (7m 9s):
And the buffet style setup, there’s usually a bunch of seasonings, like a different Oils and a different sources, like a Mongolian sauce or a soy sauce or whatever.
2 (7m 22s):
And they had a, a couple of Oils that were toward the end. And one of you,
1 (7m 29s):
There was a fire sauce, like a Mongolian hot sauce essentially is extremely spicy.
2 (7m 34s):
And I had a lot,
1 (7m 38s):
I put a full ladle of what are those things in not realizing why
2 (7m 41s):
No, it was, and I,
1 (7m 44s):
When to eat my food and it was so spicy that I couldn’t hardly take it. And then the next time I went in, I talked to the chef and the guy who was running the little sweet little round hot plate table that they had,
2 (7m 58s):
We had going on. And I told you,
1 (8m 1s):
Hey, look, I put some of this in, and I really like the flavor, but it was way too hot. You know, what is, or is there a way you can offset this with something else?
2 (8m 9s):
He was like, Oh yeah, just put a little Sesame oil in there. And it was kind of like, why would I,
1 (8m 16s):
I already put fire over there and why would I want Sesame oil? And I’m just going to be adding more oil, right. It was just going to make it hotter.
2 (8m 22s):
It was, as it turns out the assessing We oil canceled out
1 (8m 26s):
The effects of at least some of the effects of that fire oil, it kind of mellowed out,
2 (8m 32s):
Get out. And at that point, I started thinking
1 (8m 35s):
More critically about what these Oils are and how they work differently, how they affect my own cooking and my own cast
2 (8m 45s):
Pam. And eventually
1 (8m 49s):
I realized that I knew nothing about Oils.
2 (8m 52s):
1 (8m 54s):
Now here I am, you know, however many years later talking to you about Oils and what does any of this have to do with prepping? Well, Oils are often forgotten when it comes to basic survival. They’re not as sexy as beans, bullets, and band-aids that we normally talk about. But in all reality, knowing the difference between the types of Oils that you have the types of oils you use, the types of Oils you store, it can bring life and flavor into foods that may be the simplest form of satisfaction from meal to meal, especially in a scenario when you’re living off of top ramen and Mac and cheese.
1 (9m 35s):
But first, before we get into TAVI, Show Colin, can you share your fun fact of the week
3 (9m 43s):
And what does it do? Everybody? My name’s Colin. I’m the co-host here at the next generation. Show at Prepper Broadcasting Network dot com. I’m here to give audio feedback from the listeners in the chat room and finished dead sentences and sheriff on fact, and talked to you about the Prepper project. So without any further ado, today’s crafty colon fun fact of the week is the city of Jacksonville was named after that’s right. Florida. Jacksonville was named after general Andrew Jackson, the first military governor of the state. However, the guy had never visited the city in his entire life. So it’s a little bit ironic.
1 (10m 18s):
It really? Yeah. Wonderful. Why did they name it after the guy?
3 (10m 25s):
Just, I honestly, I’m not sure. Research a little bit. Maybe we just bought it. I mean, he’s got to write this down.
1 (10m 33s):
Good. Old Jacksonville, Florida. Excellent. Well, speaking of Florida, we are, we’ve got a special guest today who was also from Florida. And I wanted to bring on a guest today to talk about Oils so that there could be a, you know, a, a more experienced perspective when it comes to Oils. So I’m going to drop some links into chat as we go through some of these different topics. But first, before we go, well, I guess before you go any further, let’s bring on the guests. So welcome Joseph, feel free to introduce yourself, let us know who you are.
4 (11m 13s):
And I, sorry, I’m chef Joseph. I’ve basically been cooking since age seven. I learned from my Nana who taught me from a very early age, the art of fine cooking, you know, I’m first generation American. Actually, they came over from Sicily back in 1960, and I learned early on about great Italian. Cooking about the kinds of Oils. Do you want to use about the proper seasoning for pretty much everything? I don’t know if it was, I don’t know if I should be going into my entire history or just a synopsis.
4 (11m 54s):
I’ve never done this
1 (11m 55s):
Before, so you’re fine. No, I mean, that’s, that’s pretty cool. I mean, the first Generation here from Sisley that’s that’s, but that’s about as real as it gets, so that’s so that’s awesome. Well, welcome to the show. I’m glad you agreed to come on and, and kind of chit chat a little bit about the Cooking and especially Oils. So you, and I’ve kind of connected on social media and it’s been a blast in a way we both have, you know, shared views when it comes to specific things. And, you know, I, I like to be able to include the folks who, you know, have either reached out to a me on social media or whatever into this kind of stuff, because we’re all real people, but some of us know way more than others.
1 (12m 37s):
And that’s kind of were the reasons why I want to bring you on. So I guess, you know, just to open it up, what’s, what’s the deal with Cooking Oils I mean, what, what is the very basic thing that people should know when it comes to Cooking Oils?
4 (12m 53s):
Well, there are different Cooking Oils obviously, you know what to use, say coconut oil to make donuts. You require a much higher Cooking temperature. You don’t want to use pork lard to help cook fish. It changes the flavor. Always of course, a keep your flame low to medium, low heat for say, butter, coconut oil, extra Virgin, olive oil. So and so forth. A, the other Oils say vegetable oil, a light refined olive oil. Those are the ones who want to use for deep frying, because they have a higher smoke point, for instance, a higher flash point, a little fun fact about this when I was nine years old.
4 (13m 38s):
And I thought I knew everything. I thought that I could do my own cooking without any supervision. Nobody was around.
1 (13m 48s):
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yes, yes.
4 (13m 50s):
There was a point where I knew everything and I had the flame turned on high because I figured at the time, Hey, you know, a higher heat means Cooking at a faster Cooking time and I’ve got a nice scar from a, from a pre-flash oil burn. Ooh. On my arm. Yes. Yes. It took, it took a few weeks to heal. I came this close to burning the house down it, fortunately I put the lid on top of it before I had a chance to actually catch fire. I turn the flame off. Then I started screaming my head.
1 (14m 29s):
Yeah. Yeah. And it’s, I mean, there’s been a many, a burden or a bottom burned pans in my house over the years, just because I neglected to follow you. You know, even half of those guidelines, you mentioned smoke point. Now smoke point is one of the main things that are really wanted to get into today because I didn’t realize the difference between smoke points till I started seasoning my own cast iron pans. And the reason why I looked into smoke point was because I’ve kept finding that, you know, I would try to seize in a pan with an oil that had to low have a smoke point.
1 (15m 11s):
And as a result, the pan would get hotter than the oil could sustain. And it would just smoke out the house or smoke out the oven or whatever. Can you give us a, a kind of a cliff notes version of what smoke point is and how to tell the difference?
4 (15m 29s):
Okay. Well, the long and short of smoke point is the point at which an oil reaches the point where it turns into a vapor and is ready to catch fire a lower end oil or not a lower end oil, but a much more tasty oil, like say a butter coconut. It has a much lower smoke point. It will catch fire much easier versus a higher end or a much higher point oil such as a vegetable oil. Gotcha. I kind of lost my train of thought there.
1 (16m 6s):
Yeah, no, no, no, no. That’s, that’s good. That’s kind of, and I, I dropped a Lincoln to the chat room, this kind of a, it’s a firm It’s basically a, a how to guide on smoke point and about three quarters of the way through that article. There’s a very good infographic or image or whatever, clearly showing the smoke point, temperatures with each oil. And why is that important? Why, why is smoke point important to consider when it comes to excuse me, to the, the meals that you’re cooking?
4 (16m 47s):
Well, again, it comes down to a couple of things. One, you don’t want your food to catch fire. And two it’s about flavor. Again, if you’re going to bring your food to it, if you’re going to bring your oil to a smoke point at is going to completely change the flavor of the food, it’s going to make a taste all gross and stuff vs the higher, the temperature Oils, which are meant for running really hot. So you can do other things like frying donuts, French fries, or what have you.
1 (17m 22s):
And there was a, I don’t know the exact quote, but there was a, a, a biblical quote quote that I heard on a Dave Ramsey podcast once before or something to the effect of, you know, people should keep stores of oil in their homes. Basically I don’t, and I’m, I’m, I’m totally paraphrasing, but essentially, you know, this is the idea of oil and a person’s home is something that goes back
2 (17m 51s):
Centuries. And for good reason, because I mean, is it’s essentially ingredient. With almost every kind of Cooking.
4 (18m 3s):
Yeah. There’s the reason why it has, Oh, I’m sorry. Go ahead.
2 (18m 6s):
That’s what I was getting to his, you know, why is that? Why is oil something that has been carried on for generations upon generations?
4 (18m 15s):
Well, there’s a reason why oil has its own classification, its own part of the basic four food groups, proteins, fruits, vegetables, grains, a sweet, you know, basically it has to be an essential part of your daily Cooking it’s not just for Cooking mind you a health reasons. For instance, something I learned about a few years ago, there is a special olive oil that comes from Morocco. It has certain flavonoids for health. A lot of Mediterranean families actually drink a shot glass of This I’ve heard of it. And it, it, it, yes, yes.
4 (18m 57s):
It actually helps with a burning fat and maintaining healthy joints, so on and so forth.
2 (19m 4s):
So, you know, it seems so it all comes down to, you know, the, the, you know, depending on what news channel you watch and you know, what the health triangle decides to change into in the next 20 years. I mean, it seems like things change so much when it comes to their percent people’s perceptions of fats and oils, but th they’re they’re not going away and they can’t. I mean, it’s like you say, it seems like it’s an essential part of, of, you know, our body’s ability to maintain. Yeah.
4 (19m 36s):
Yeah. Well, you know, if you look at the comparison between, say a Mediterranean diet versus a Southeast Asian diet vs the American takeout diet, you will see a drastic difference. I mean it’s clearly night and day. Yeah. Yeah. And, and, and they remember that.
2 (19m 58s):
Yeah. And you know, it’s, it’s pretty impressive and people, this is, this is kind of what I wanted to get into, especially with this Show what kind of oils are essential essentially to keep on hand for survival, for Cooking for being able to move from one day to the Next. And, and the reason I ask this is because Colin and I had had, we’ve done several campout, dry runs, and every time Cooking a whale and a source of some sort of whether it’s butter or oil or whatever, or fats is a problem when we’re out, Cooking in the field.
2 (20m 40s):
So I guess what are the S the kinds of oils that, you know, we need to kind of in mind as having on hand just for a long-term storage or things that, ah, that we would use on a regular basis, but I want to be able to make sure that we can cook and have flavor and not be kind of write out any sort of end of the world scenarios, I guess, so to speak,
4 (21m 9s):
Right. Well, your, your two basic Cooking Oils vegetable-based versus animal-based it it’s going to come down to accessibility versus long-term storage life, right. A vegetable oil, of course, if it’s completely clear, if it hasn’t had credit dumped back into it, now I’ve seen this plenty of times. And, and unfortunately I’m guilty of doing this too. Sometimes you’ll wind up putting it back, unfiltered vegetable oil, and it contaminates soil. Then you’ve got a problem, but for say a year’s storage, that’s perfectly fine. A couple of years storage versus your animal-based.
4 (21m 51s):
Oils a pork lard tallow, a so-and-so fourth, which has a much shorter shelf life, but are more easily accessible, depending on your situation. If you have access to the pigs, you can actually render down your pork lard into a fine lard. It’s much easier to get a hold of, but of course, that also has a lower smoke point, a less storage time, so on and so forth.
2 (22m 16s):
yeah. And so I dropped a couple of links into the chat, just some general Wikipedia links, defining the differences between lard and tallow and Cooking oil. For those of you who were interested in checking into it a little bit deeper, a couple of points on the sow Tallowood lard, or from what I understand can actually be stored a little bit longer without refrigeration, if it’s properly stored and sealed. These also have slider or slightly higher smoke points, but like, you know, higher than Sesame oil or coconut oil, butter, that kind of stuff.
2 (22m 57s):
And personally, I, I generally save all of my bacon grease. And what I’ll do is put a, put a coffee, filter over a Mason jar and slapped a ring on it and just to hold a coffee filter in place, and then just pour it in there and you’ll have clean filtered, well, mostly filtered bacon grease. And I use that everyday. And my cast iron pan just a little tiny bit before I go and cook it, my, you know, my, my eggs and breakfast or whatever in the morning when compared to, okay. So I notice the difference when I use my cast iron pan with bacon grease, a little bit of bacon grease versus butter.
2 (23m 42s):
And I, I don’t know if it’s because I’m having difficulty controlling the heat, or if it’s just that pain, it gets hot and it stays hot. And I, you know, I’m not controlling it by a certain temperature. It’s just medium, but that’s still too hot for butter, but not hot enough to cook what I need to cook. So, you know, I prefer to use bacon grease a as a, as an oil when cooking for that reason, because it doesn’t smoke out the house and I can save my butter for other stuff. Sorry. And then one thing to keep in mind is that the difference differences between tallow lard and Cooking oil, generally Cooking oil is a liquid at room temperature, or has, you know, some sort of viscosity at room temperature, whereas, you know, large.
2 (24m 33s):
And some of those, it can sometimes, especially if they’re slightly cooled, can turn it into a more solid, right? Yeah. So when it comes to health, what are the things that people need to consider when it comes to their choices between what types of Oils to have on hand or what types of Oils to use in their cooking?
4 (24m 58s):
Mm. All right. When it comes to their general Cooking you mentioned out in the woods, a so and so forth with a uncontrolled flame on a metal, on a cast iron skillet. Of course, obviously you’re going to want to use pork lard, so on and so forth, just as long as it’s a perfectly refined, you know, just so long as it’s actually rendered it’s. If it’s not yellow, if it’s a decent white color, it’s perfectly fine to put it in your pack. You mentioned pre Show something about sealing Oils in Mylar bags.
4 (25m 41s):
I I’ve never sealed an oil and a Mylar bag. I actually just put them in jars and other containers, but I’ve never tried putting them in bags before. So that would be a new thing to me, but it sounds like it might have, you might have a problem with a, with a, your liquid Oils, especially if they’re on your pack, they might accidentally get punctured and you’d have oil everywhere. Yeah. But for something like that, and, and I’ve seen MRAs, you know, with extra layers of protection, you might want to consider something a little bit more solid. If you’re going to put your liquid oils in a bag than put a larger, more sturdy container around that, say a plastic container, not a glass one of course, because they can shatter.
4 (26m 30s):
But as far as your solid fats, that’s perfectly fine to say wrap up in a plastic bag, have them put a layer of aluminum foil around it,
2 (26m 40s):
Just if you had to get something on the go and, and, and in fact that’s essentially, that’s what pemmican was, was rendered fat. And what are they had? They had usually seeds and fruits and berries, stuff like that. A jerky things of that nature. Yeah. And that’s all it was. I mean, there really wasn’t much to it, but I mean, they just eat it raw like that, or throw it in a pan and cook it up. So let’s see. Wow. What are some of the other things I wanted to talk about a little bit so storage, what kind of storage considerations do people need to keep in mind? I mean, it’s one thing to figure out in the woods and you’re in a pack or something like that, or, or, or, you know, on the road or something and storing oil and those kinds of environments.
2 (27m 24s):
What kind of considerations do people need to have when it comes to storing Oils at home?
4 (27m 34s):
Okay. Well, when it comes to any oil, obviously you don’t want to use an older milk jug, a that’s the wrong kinds of plastic. It’ll warp at a fraction. Yeah. You know, I I’ve heard the horror stories. Why wouldn’t you do this? Why would you, why would you use something that brittle you don’t do that? You’re going to want to use something a lot stronger, older, you know, older glass jars, they’ve all been cleaned out. They’re they’re much more protective of their contents. BPA free based plastics say, God, what was that? What was the one? Pete, Pete five.
4 (28m 15s):
I forgot what Pete. I forget what the, I forget what the designation is, but it’s a flexible, that’s why I, I, I’m not sure, but it’s a, it’s flexible. It’s heat resistant. It doesn’t turn Bertell or yellow over time. Like some plastics would. And of course the jars, the perfectly fine for putting your lard and tallow in a, they can take a little bit of heat after you’re done rendering them. And of course you are liquid oils. You’re a vegetable oils, olive oils. So on and so forth are perfectly fine for plastics. You’re going to want to make sure that you have an extra layer of protection around that to keep rats and stuff out of your plastic containers.
4 (29m 3s):
You won’t have that problem with a glass. Of course, honestly, I can’t remember re not recently anyway, where I’ve had a, had an issue with a rat, I’m trying to bust him, but no, th those to your that’s a general thing right there.
2 (29m 23s):
So what about actual storage location? Because I notice that there’s a lot of folks that have, Oils like out on the counter versus in the fridge. Oh, you know, where w what kinds of things might be detrimental? Like you mentioned, you know, obviously if you’ve got a pork fat that is in color, there’s a reason
1 (29m 42s):
That that’s back. You know, what, what, what happens when oil goes bad? How do we prevent that?
4 (29m 49s):
It, it turns rancid, basically. Rancidity, you’ll, you’ll find that more commonly in animal fats, like lard and tallow, a big rule of thumb. If it’s yellow, it doesn’t have a outside shelf life. You’re going to want to put it in to a fridge or freezer. They’ll put it in a freezer a little, you’re going to want to put that into the fridge until you have,
1 (30m 20s):
Why did I lose you?
4 (30m 23s):
And I’m telling you you’re now. Hello?
1 (30m 25s):
Okay. Okay. Sorry. Yeah, go ahead and lost you for just a second. You said it, that you don’t, yeah. I’m still here. You gotta want to put that in the fridge until what,
4 (30m 36s):
And you’re going to want to put your animal fats into a, the fridge until such time, as you have enough to actually render into a Prepper lard. I want to say a proper lard, I mean, a mild off-white color, but not disgusting, you know, Mav or a yellowish. Otherwise it will go rancid very quickly, simply because of all the contaminants in it, vegetable oils don’t have as much of a problem, but over time, if there are contaminants in it, it will turn it ran, said a certain temperatures will cause it to go rancid it. And nothing above like 75, 80 degrees, to which point it is going to start expiring a lot more quickly.
4 (31m 22s):
And if you have lard, ah, and you start to see it set, you know, they’re, they’re are going to be some you’re, you’re going to find some separation over time. But if you see a clear puddle of liquid in your lard, and it means that there were still some water during the clarification process, and you’re going to want to try and rerender that to make it more shelf stable, and that it has the added benefit of killing any bacteria that may have gotten into it over time. And you’ll have the chance to keep it around a little bit longer. Okay.
1 (31m 60s):
It’s all right. So I do have one question in chat and it came across. What about crockery or Mason jars, essentially the ones that with the latches and the rings kind of like a spring herpes jars, Hermes jars. Yes. Are those a good storage option for certain forms of Oils or no.
4 (32m 19s):
You could use some for lard and olive oil. I actually have one in my cabinet. It’s a, it’s a smaller Hermes jar, but I do have olive oil on it, but always maintain the gasket. If you see a, if you see a brittle gasket, it replaced the gasket. If you can’t find a replacement gasket, try to find another jar for it. Yep. And you know, I’ve Oh, I’m sorry.
1 (32m 47s):
No, you’re good. That, that kind of goes, goes without saying, but on the other hand, I mean, a lot of people are just, you know, if you pick it up off of a thrift store or shell for the, you know, the yard sale or something like that, usually they’re all brittle and cracked and that, that won’t work. You know, you’ve got to make sure you get those seals replaced and there’s actually in most, you know, farm and home stores, you can get through the replacement seals for those in most cases. So,
4 (33m 12s):
Oh yeah. Yeah. It’s like the same. It’s like the same with a pressure cooker. It, sometimes you will, if you don’t have a metal to metal pressure cook or a, you’re going to need to replace the rubber gasket every now and again. Gotcha. Simply because it’s of age. Yeah.
1 (33m 26s):
You got another question in chat. Do Oils last longer in glass.
4 (33m 35s):
Hmm. That’s a tough one. See, a lot of the oils that I use around here simply don’t last long enough. They get used quickly. They do get used quickly. Again, they’re quite a central for everything I do around here. As far as lasting between glass and plastic, there is a woman she’s, that’s actually a food scientist. She would have the answer to this right away, her name’s Katherine McBride. She would be able to tell you right away, simply because of her a food chemistry background.
4 (34m 15s):
Okay. But if I had to guess, honestly, simply because there’d be less breakdown in a glass jar, I would say a glass jar. Yeah.
1 (34m 25s):
And I, that’s kind of what I prefer. I mean, and it’s hard to get rid of some of those, those oil jars, like a, we use a lot of avocado oil here and I hate getting rid of those glass jars because it seems like you could reuse them for other Oils or if I want it to make an infusion or something like that. Is it possible to reuse glass jars that have been used for different types of Oils and if so, why, what, what needs to be done to do that?
4 (34m 50s):
Certainly. Well, certainly, I mean, glass jars, they don’t have permeability like plastic Desi. You, you, you hear all of the horror stories of people trying to dump one kind of thing into a plastic jar only to have a taste like something else, because there was something else in that plastic container beforehand, as opposed to a glass jar, there are a lot simpler to clean with hot water soap, so and so forth. They have no permeability whatsoever. So they are perfectly fine for storing different Oils at different intervals, different times. Yeah.
1 (35m 23s):
And that makes it a lot of sense, especially when you look at some of the oil jars and I mean, they’re usually tinted to help reduce the amount of light that comes through them so that you can keep them on the shelf for it whatsoever. So I’ve got a question personally. So what kind of oils
2 (35m 38s):
Or fats can be frozen? Cause I know that there’s a difference between which ones can and can’t, and, and when it’s okay to do that,
4 (35m 46s):
All right. You’re a lower smoke point. Oils a butter, obviously you can freeze those for a good long time. Hmm.
2 (35m 58s):
Oil probably. Oh yeah,
4 (36m 1s):
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Basically all of the lower end, all the lower smoke point. Oils, I’m not sure about olive oil though. Not, not like the egg, not like the refined stuff. I’ve had mixed results with pork. Now. Obviously if it’s re rendered, you can see, you know, why you’d have no problem.
2 (36m 26s):
Okay. And what happens when it, when you freeze Oils or did it, I mean, does it just go bad or is it crystallize or change properties crystallizes. Okay.
4 (36m 37s):
Well it does to change the property so much of it. I mean, I Oils are basically just liquids if I, if I can remember if I can remember biochemistry here, FA yeah. Yes. It comes down to a science. No, you know, I’ve been out of school for several decades. Hell no, forget your quiz. Yeah. You know, but, but let PIDs, you know, fat cells are just basically lipids and it depends on whether they come from a vegetable or come from an animal. And if they crystallize, you know, if an animal fat crystallizes, it usually shatters, you know, again, th th this is a food, this is a food science question.
4 (37m 28s):
Right, right, right. But it, it does change it, it does change or the initial taste if you freeze it.
2 (37m 35s):
Gotcha. Yeah. And that’s, I mean, that’s that, that kind of, and it doesn’t necessarily go without saying, because I think most people, or not most people, but some people are thinking that they could extend the shelf life of their Oils might be thinking that you could stick it in the, you know, chest freezer, upright freezer, something like that. And to be able to reach in a year or two from now. And, and like, it would be, you know, like if you stick it on the counter and fight, you know, that’s not, that’s not the case. There’s, there’s only certain Oils that you can do that. With. So it is important to understand the difference. And that’s the way that is tied to that smoke point. So learn your smoke points, learn the type of Oils and what you can do with With different types and how they need to be stored.
2 (38m 19s):
Let’s take a quick break. And when we come back, I want to ask a couple more questions, tailored to kind of a, you know, some of the other things we haven’t quite hit on, and then we’ll do the pie size Prepper project and wrap up to the show. So hold on everybody, and we’ll be right back. Are you prepared
5 (38m 36s):
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0 (40m 59s):
You forgot my intro coming back in wrong. There we go. Everybody got to let the live show and were back. Ladies and gentlemen, great sponsors, great shows and great audience. Thanks again for staying tuned. And don’t forget to keep our sponsors and our other shows to mind on your path
1 (41m 34s):
Toward preparedness light Shows is going to continue this week with other show hosts. The, the, the rosters kicks off tomorrow with James Walton over at the I M Liberty. Show a Dane D with a gunmetal armory on Thursdays. We got Dave, the NBC guy on Friday nights, and then Jordan with a family affair on Saturday nights. Plus we got Sunday, the reliance broadcast medical Mondays were we dig through the archives and, or bring forth the Prepper round table, or the continuity like was on last night. So Mondays is kind of like rolling the dice. And, and it’s kind of like when you use to open a box of cereal and dig down for the, the little prize, you know, that that’s kind of the way Monday is rules.
1 (42m 18s):
And then a Tuesday, we kick off the first round of double barrel Tuesday with a Patriot power hour, and then it come full circles full circle, right back here, what the next generation Show tons of great shows and hosts on the Network. So, thanks for joining us. Thanks for staying tuned. A hero on the next generation. Show, we’ve teamed up with the power of film Soler to bring you a special partner deals. So right now you can get any one of their light saver project products, excuse me, for 10% off using our exclusive promo code PBN 10, that’s a PBN on the number 10. So you can add on, on the power of film, or check out the tactical component there, we, we listed it there on our site.
1 (42m 59s):
And speaking of tactical torture, we’ve got an update on that front mission. Darkness is a NGO. What does that mean? Well, we have a, we’ve been approached by mission darkness, which is a company that builds EMP resistant bags. These are the bag’s that you might put maybe a cell phone or a laptop or a tablet or a generator in depending on the sides and what you needed to do with it. And they’re designed to be able to withstand electromagnetic interference at an extremely high level. So we’re looking forward to doing some product testing on a mission, darkness bags. So stay tuned for that and keep us in mind.
1 (43m 40s):
We do have a YouTube channel for that, and I will start transitioning some of our stuff over to rumble as well, to make sure that we at least keep some of our stuff out there. We’ve had a special guest on today. We’ve got Joseph on the law on the line, who is a chef out of Florida, and we’ve, we’ve been talking to him and specifically about Oils and the importance of Oils keeping Oils on hand, how to store them, what kind of oils they’re on
6 (44m 9s):
Are, and that kind of stuff.
1 (44m 13s):
So I wanted to, I wanted to bring back a couple of questions, see what else dropped into the chat room before we, before we left for break. But some of the things that I was wondering were the differences between fats and oils. And this is something that I didn’t really recognize it until my wife pointed it out. And kind of the differences between Moto saturated, saturated, poly model, super saturated, or whatever they’re coming out with these days and why that’s a, why that’s different, or do you know what that difference means to people and their diets? So, Joseph, I was wondering if you could maybe tell us a little bit about that and why that’s important.
1 (44m 60s):
Oh, hold on one second. I got on mute you. There you go. Okay, go ahead. Sorry, go ahead.
4 (45m 6s):
Oh, okay. I thought I was the only one with the kill switch. Okay. All right. It comes down to it. It comes down to the difference between what could clog your arteries and what are actually healthy fats for your, for your joints. So on and so forth. A Crisco, for instance,
1 (45m 27s):
There’s healthy fats, or are you serious?
4 (45m 31s):
Oh my God. What, what, what, what Mr. T V said fats were bad? Oh, no. So what’s, what are you?
1 (45m 41s):
We talked on the difference between healthy and non-healthy fats for the folks who are out there. You know, some of them are tongue in cheek and others who were maybe not, maybe really don’t know the difference between, you know, a healthy fats and unhealthy fats.
4 (45m 55s):
All right. What we can go to the unhealthy fats right away. A, have you ever heard of a horrible thing called SCO? Oh yes. Yes. Originally Crisco was, does a, it was designed a a a hundred years ago, a a hundred plus years ago to run on diesel engines. It, it was an artificially. Yes. Yes. It was an artificially created a oil meant to go into diesel engines, but they found that it could also be used to cook wet. And now, unfortunately, a when you use or something like that, it, it tends to not be so good for the human body, as opposed to a more naturally occurring fat and oil such as olive oil or lard.
1 (46m 41s):
Gotcha. And ah, for the folks listening at the moment, kind of earmark that for a moment because the Crisco component and diesel fuel is something that we’re going to be talking about later on in this series in Oils. So we’re going to be doing a little bit more specifically tailored to alternate alternative uses for some of these fats and oils. So, you know, that’s a nice segue. Yeah. So as far as the, the, the healthy fats, what, where are we looking for healthy fats?
4 (47m 16s):
Something that’s not artery clogging. Of course, you’re going to want to definitely have the extra Virgin olive oils, a coconut Oils even out there say pork, you know, pork fat, just regular large. Ah, but you know, extra fries that has to be extra refined. They’re the ones you’re going to want to avoid such as say, soybean oil. Okay. Then there are okay. Then the other God, what was the other one? I used to use this for breaking up bruises. Oh yeah.
4 (47m 57s):
Peanut Oils those, those are pretty decent. I haven’t had too much experience using peanut oil. I said, like I said earlier on in the podcast to my go tos or usually a vegetable oil, corn oil, but not too much. I don’t use things like peanut oil as much. I don’t use Oman oil as much, except it’s like a light seasoning.
1 (48m 28s):
Gotcha. Okay. So consumption, consumption of oil versus cooking with oil. What, what’s the difference there? I mean, you know, if I put a big old slab of bacon grease on The the nine inch a cast iron pan is going to be different than, than putting it in a six inch cast iron pan with the same amount of food. So what happens when it comes to consuming oil? What are some things that people need to recognize when they’re cooking with it?
4 (49m 3s):
Okay. When it comes to Cooking with it, obviously I’m following them does matter. You, you mentioned using a nine inch cast iron versus a six inch cast iron. You’re going to lose a lot more of the volume a lot more quickly, simply because of how, of a, how far out it’s spread out in a nine inch cast iron, as opposed to a six-inch cast. Iron is going to set a little bit thicker. That’s been a, that’s been my experience. If you’re going to be, if you’re going to cook with certain, Oils a, with a lower or a smoke point, obviously turn down the temperature, use a much smaller skillet, use a much smaller frying pan this way.
4 (49m 44s):
It doesn’t burn off as quickly. Gotcha. And
1 (49m 48s):
Surface area. Good to know. Yeah,
4 (49m 52s):
Yeah. That that’s, that’s what it is called. Thank you. Here you go. You know, it’s a surface area versus what do you mean?
1 (49m 58s):
Nice. So James, our Wednesday night show host also, he used to be a chef and he still carries that within his, I mean, you could say, you can tell just by listening to them that it’s, it’s kind of embedded in his veins. And I asked him before the show, if he wanted to come on and join us and he wasn’t able to make it, but he did offer up some, some killer information that I wanted to share with folks. And it was essentially a way to combine Oils to be able to capture some of the flavor and qualities of those oils by mixing them. So I’m just going to read directly from this email so that, so that I don’t mess it up, but essentially hold on, let me get to the right spot.
1 (50m 47s):
So the best Cooking oil is an olive oil blend that measures at least 20% olive oil, the blend can be made at home using vegetable oil and olive oil blend or canola oil blend, canola, olive blend sees me, you get the flavor of the olive oil with a higher smoke point due to the blending of the higher smoke point oil like canola or vegetable. You can use a peanut oil to, but it’s more expensive from a prepping and budget standpoint. Yeah. The other part of this, and sometimes you’ll see this, especially in like, I don’t know what there’s a name for the type of shops where you go into a, when you purchase a Oils and my wife is, she is she’s finds these amazing Oils that are like, Oh, you know, pizza, chili oil or something like that.
1 (51m 35s):
But it’s about eight bucks for a four ounce bottle or something like that. But when you put a couple of drops of infused Oils, you know, you put a couple of drops of it on your food, and it’s just amazing. It just brings it to life small. Oh yeah. Complex, but really intense. Well, you mentioned that, you know, by merely adding herbs from your own herb garden to a coal oil and bring it up to the heat. So the herbs just says a little, a little bit, you can create your own flavored oils that are incredible. And if you make a garlic oil, just make sure that you’re careful about storing it, that you don’t want to store it for a longer than a month because garlic oil can get dangerous if it’s stored.
1 (52m 15s):
So yeah. Shout out to,
4 (52m 18s):
Yeah. That goes back to the contaminants. Yep. Exactly. And I can say about it now. Oh, I’m sorry.
1 (52m 23s):
No, you’re, you’re fine. And that’s kinda the stuff that was like, well, you know, I didn’t, I didn’t realize you could do that stuff or that it was, I mean, it sounds pretty simple. I mean, what, what kinds of things can people do to improve the, the, you know, the existing Oils that they have? That might be a simple thing that could change the flavor a lot.
4 (52m 46s):
Oh, that was the question. Yes. Yes. That’s it. Oh, Oh yeah. Obviously you mentioned adding garlic to a certain Oils something I’ve done here. With the last harvest of a sweet hot peppers was a added olive oil. And that makes sense. Yes. Yes. I know a, unfortunately my daughter got a hold of that too. She’s 12. So she she’s, I try to get her acclimated to hot and spicy things. It was like, yes, I can see where this is. Yeah,
7 (53m 27s):
4 (53m 29s):
Yeah. And I also did the same thing when I had pickled some of those same peppers and she, she wanted to know where the plant was so she could burn it.
7 (53m 40s):
Oh yes. The poor thing. But
4 (53m 43s):
No, get getting back to the subject at hand. I’m sorry. I tend to derail. Sometimes I, I tend to jump topic the topic. Oh yes. You can use, you know, well, I, it tends to happen, but I know you can infuse certain Oils with certain flavors, whether it’s garlic or a hot pepper, sweet peppers, so on and so forth, or even just simple seasonings, like black pepper. But you also want to refilter those, you know, to get rid of the sudden of the contaminants. But of course, once you’ve already added those flavors, they have a much shorter shelf life and they will eventually go rancid. So you’re going to want to keep those cool. You’re going to want to keep those in like, as a low light area as possible, but yes, when you are infused with the different, ah, when you, and, and like I said, that’s what I like to do with hot peppers.
1 (54m 37s):
Yeah. I like it. That’s great. We’re going to have to try it this year. Colin. So I want to know
4 (54m 43s):
I’ve gone from chef Joseph to Joe Biden, their food.
7 (54m 46s):
Fuck it. I’m sorry. No, you’re all right. So,
1 (54m 50s):
So you didn’t wanna get into the dangers of Oils real quickly. We’ve been talking a lot about rancid oils. What are you? I mean, it might be obvious, but for the folks out there who might not understand why are rancid oils bad?
4 (55m 7s):
Well, because they can actually cause infection so on and so forth. They are not there. Once they go ran said you have two options, you throw them out or depending on what kind of a say, for instance, a large, for instance, you could rerender it and salvage some of it. And that’s what I’ve been able to do over time. But you gotta be extremely careful and to filter out all the extra garbage, all of the burn stuff, all of the little bits, but definitely get rid of as much of the, a liquid in your, a solid fats as possible. I have not tried to rerender any vegetable-based oils, any plant-based oils.
4 (55m 50s):
I’ve simply thrown them out when they have gone completely rancid. ’cause there’s like almost a no salvaging them. At least not from my end. I don’t know. Maybe someone else has come up with a method of doing that on their end.
1 (56m 2s):
Yeah, that’d be all right. Cool. So what are the other dangers? We kind of, you, you kind of alluded to this before and I’m, I want to at least share this with the folks in chat, because it’s kind of in my arena is the safety side of things, oil fires, what to do and what not to do. Oh God. When it comes to oil fires, when you’re in the kitchen, when you are or grease fires ever, ever put water on a grease fire. And while it may be like, you know, well, that’s a duh moment. If you’ve never experienced what happens when you add water to hot oil or, or, you know, a, a fire, for example, what will happen is that fire will actually spread and it will spread exponentially will go, Oh God.
1 (56m 56s):
Yeah. Do you want to maybe share a, one of your horror stories where you might’ve had to stop somebody from doing this or maybe caught someone doing it? Yeah.
4 (57m 7s):
This, this actually was early last year. This involves my ex-wife. Anyway, she’s in the kitchen and she’s asking for my help. We, we have a fairly good, we have a fairly good relationship at this point, despite everything that happened at the end, but you know, we try to hold it together for the kids. But anyway, she’s a sh she’s a very beginner cook and she had an oil that reached it’s a smoke point and it flashed over. She went right over to the sink and I’m catching in a month. And she sh yes, yes, she she’s trying to put The, she’s taking a pan and she’s trying to put it out With with the faucet.
4 (57m 53s):
And it was like, Rachel, stop it right now. And it starts splashing everywhere. And Alexander he’s on the corner. He’s got to file a man file map. And, you know, I know he’s three he’s three, but he knows what he knows what’s going on. So I grabbed the, you know, I grabbed the lid and I grabbed the lid. That’s on the side. I put it right on their eye, turn the water off. And I’m like, Rachel, what are you doing? And as she has she’s panicking. And you know, I have to go get some baking soda and throw that on the grease that did splash over. It was still on fire, on the counter. And whew. Yeah, thank God. You know, I was able to catch it.
4 (58m 34s):
She is, she didn’t know what to do. No. Yeah. I, I I’ve heard, I’ve heard people do that before, but to actually see it firsthand, you know, and it comes down to the ABCs, a fire control, you know, eat, you don’t use water on a grease fire or an electrical fire, or you can use it on and say if a regular paper, trash fire. And if you, if you ever do run into this, a, if you ever do run into a grease fire, like this, try to smother it first. If some of it splashes over, if you have baking soda, throw the baking soda on there, that’ll help delineate that will help eliminate some of the extra grease fire.
4 (59m 17s):
It will absorb a little bit of the grease, but at the same time, and it also keeps some of the out and hopefully that’ll smother it. God, what else?
1 (59m 28s):
Yeah. Oh, great advice. And then also, you know, keeping the right kind of fire extinguishers on hand, there are different levels of fire extinguishers, and, you know, just know the difference between those kinds of, and what they will impact. You have. Usually an ABC fire extinguisher will be enough to put out a grease fire, just whatever you do, don’t use water. And this is something that most people learn the hard way. And, you know, you can usually tell by heating up some oil in the pan, washing your hands and just flick a little water in there. You’ll you’ll know exactly what, what it does now, before it smokes out.
1 (1h 0m 9s):
But you know, it’s the same thing is when you put in, you know, frozen fries or tots in a hot VAT of oil, you know, it just immediately starts to bubble up. So it, it comes back there Christic significantly. Yeah.
4 (1h 0m 29s):
Yeah. It comes back to the old adage that oil and water don’t mix. Well, in that case, it definitely doesn’t mix because not only are you moving the oil around, sort of has the chance to escape while its on fire. But you know, there’s no way that the water is going to put out, send fire when it’s sitting at the bottom of your pan. Yup.
1 (1h 0m 48s):
That’s exactly right. So, well, Hey Joseph, I’m, I’m really thankful that you were able to come on the show, spend some time with us tonight. We are at the top of the hour, but before I cut you loose or at least giving you the opportunity to take off, I want it to at least to see if you want it to promote your business or are any of you, are there things that, you know, if you’ve got anything you want to say to wrap up to the show, now’s your chance. If you want to share your social media contact information or whatever.
4 (1h 1m 20s):
Well, as far as promoting my business, I don’t know. I mean, what I do is mostly just contract to work at this point. And so it was not much to that social media. I don’t really have a videos or a SoundCloud or anything like that. So there’s not much there to share except on Twitter. And that’s just at chef Joseph underscore.
1 (1h 1m 42s):
Awesome. Well, I am thankful for having you on and I really appreciate your time. So thanks for, thanks for coming on tonight. I do appreciate it. If there are any last minute questions from chat, drop them in now, otherwise let’s move on to the pint size Prepper project of the week. Ah, and Joseph, if you need to bail out, feel free to otherwise. You’re, you’re welcome to stick around and comment on, on what we’ve got going on. But we mentioned earlier in the show, the idea of using Mylar bags and using This as a method for storing and transport your own oil’s on the go. So Colin, why don’t you go ahead and run with this and let us know kind of what this project entails, what people need and what they need to do to make this happen.
3 (1h 2m 30s):
Right? So for today’s Prepper project, we’re gonna talk about some, some ways you can take Oils with you while you go camping, you know, throw in your pack or whatever. So there’s a couple different methods. Obviously we talked about, you know, We, if you put oil in a miler bag, you risk punching it and then it gets all over your gear. So you have one method of, of using a Mylar bag and, or make your rather making your own miler bag. And then you have another option of just putting the oil itself in some sort of travel size container and putting it on your back so that, you know, you can take it with you when you go camping.
3 (1h 3m 11s):
So for the Mylar or, or shooting some scissors, a hair straightener of, you know, whatever, and then a travel size soap dispenser, or an old meal model, and then obviously your oil of choice. So there are a couple of different Oils there’s This there’s this one called geeky or geeky. I’m not entirely sure how to pronounce it, but gee geek clarified butter gate. Yep. It’s a, it’s a clarified butter known for, you know, dieting because of the fat content. So you got geeky, you got coconut oil, a turnstile margin or bacon grease. Those are all solid or forms of oil that will solidify.
3 (1h 3m 57s):
And you can, those ones will be better for putting them in Mylar sheets so that, you know, they won’t make as much a, a mess. So, so if you’re going to make this miler bag, you don’t wanna cut a piece of Mylar to your desired size. So mind you, you’re going to fold it in half and then seal two sides leaving one side open. So when you cut your pieces and keep that in mind, and then you’re going to take your oil or your butter and then spoon it into the pouch, either melted or solid, if it’s, you know, if you put it in, they’re melted, you know, obviously not gonna, you’re going to, like you want, you’re going to wanna make sure that its not too hot. Otherwise it will just, you know, it will mess what the miles, right?
3 (1h 4m 41s):
So you want to make sure it’s not too hot, you know? Or you can put it in there solid and then let it solidify. And then once it’s solid and you can kinda move it around inside of the bag and then close that fourth side, the, the, the fourth on the side and then you have this little Mylar pouch, however big you want to make it, whether you’re going to make it a day for an entire trip or just for one use, like, you know,
1 (1h 5m 6s):
Like the little soy sauce. Oh, you know, like ketchup packet.
3 (1h 5m 8s):
Yeah. Or like not right. It’s just like an inch wide, you know, a little square, a little bag. And then that way you can kind of just use it like toothpaste. Yeah. And you can transport it and keep it with all your food stuff. And then the second route is going to be travel sized oil container. So you want to round up either a travel sized so bottle, or you can get those like Walgreens or a spray bottle. We can get those at Walgreens or Rite aid or you can repurpose an old Neo, a water flavor and bottle it as long as it’s clean now the yeah, right.
3 (1h 5m 48s):
This particular a bottle would be preferred almost because it, it does have a seal. I don’t know if you guys have ever used those, but when you, and you can get generic ones to, it doesn’t have to be meal. But the way it works is when you squeeze it, the water, the water will, what are the flavor and the water flavoring rather it will shoot out. So it’s more like a, it’s not just a hole on the top of the lid. Its yeah. It looks kind of like a sports’ bottle. Right. It will be in a shoe it’ll shoot out and, and then you just, you just add the oil to that container and then you throw it in your pack and then take it with you,
2 (1h 6m 28s):
You know? And that’s going to be a more, a much more temporary version, you know, you don’t want to be using that, just relying on it six months down the road.
3 (1h 6m 35s):
Right, right, right. Right. All right. Yeah. You’re on a lot to do that right before you go. Yeah. Or another thing to do if you’re going to go to another, on a big thing. Yeah, go ahead. Go ahead.
4 (1h 6m 45s):
Oh, I’m sorry. Yeah. Another thing, if you’re carrying a liquid Oils with you, if you can go to the dollar store, for instance, you pick up a little spritz or bottle, you can more evenly apply your Oils to whatever it is, you’re cooking or whatever. And you don’t have to worry about an open lid. There you go. So that works out perfectly. Yeah.
2 (1h 7m 4s):
And that’s small enough to where you could put it in a travel pouch, especially if you’re flying on a plane or doing something like that so that you can actually still, you know, not get busted, buy a ticket. Yes,
4 (1h 7m 16s):
Of course. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I don’t know about that. I mean, I mean the blue boy, the blue glove boys, they’re going to wonder why you have a little bottle of oil and you know, their imaginations can run wild. It can be something really kinky or something really sinister. You know, you, you never know with them, they’ll, they’ll think of something and they’ll confiscate your oil and then they’ll call you into the back room to say, Hey, so what do you got this auto for? What are you cooking?
2 (1h 7m 43s):
Awesome. Well, some of the skills that are learned are encouraged through a project like this are things like, you know, number one having, you know, do it yourself options for portions of oil. Because even though that we’re using this for, you know, a potential for a backpacker excursion or something like that, you can also use this as a way to limit your portions so that you’re not consuming more than you actually need to a lot of work that goes into this. So a lot of times when it takes more work, the level of portions tends to drop also a travel readiness. So if you’re interested in taking a trip going and you know, on a road trip or a car trip, or don’t want to take that big old bottle of canola oil or whatever it might be, take only what you need and keep it in a, a, a, an, a simplified container.
2 (1h 8m 26s):
A also the idea of potential long-term food storage, as long as these are stored properly, it’s something that you could do. Four things like, you know, food forms of Oils that can be frozen and stashed away, or the things that can be shelf stable in a certain environment. So keep in mind will with the type of oil that you put into these types of things and where you need to store them, but the potential for the long-term aspect of this might be a useful, especially if you’re going to be, you know, taking a trip to Antarctica on the near future. And I want to take some, some of your home made infused oils with you. Hey, we hope to keep these projects coming. And if you’d like to see more of these and support our work here directly at the Next Generation show head on over to Amazon and type in my name or Colin’s name or a pint sized Prepper project, and our book, a pop writeup, or you can click on them, the link at our show page and download a copy today for 28 more projects, just like this one that you can do with your family for the final takeaway.
2 (1h 9m 27s):
I think it’s pretty simple. Oils are essential. It’s a part of the human diet and what we need to be able to survive. It’s been around for centuries for ages. They’re a part of every survival kit, or at least they should be. And, you know, they’ve been around since humans have been walking the earth, roaming, the Plains and the mountain sides, except the knowledge of tallow and lard and Cooking Oils and the property has each are worth digging into and understanding, especially today with multiple Oils, from multiple regions of the world, finding on their way into our diets.
2 (1h 10m 7s):
It’s important to recognize the difference between Crisco and a, a, a, a, a Moroccan olive oil and why those differences are there and why they’re important to your own health in addition to your preps and what you intend to use to flavor the food. Especially if all you have to eat are beans and rice, are you cooking over an open flame? You know, are you cooking in a cast iron pan versus a steel or copper pan? All these are different factors that go into the type of oils that you intend to use. If you remember the story of series that we did a little while back, we mentioned storing what you eat and eating the way do you store right?
2 (1h 10m 49s):
Well, Oils are no different. There are no exception to that rule, but you want to make sure that you do it in a way that allows you the most longevity with the least amount of health risks. And you know, that Spark’s the best amount of flavor in the food that you’re going to be. Cooking in addition, it can also contribute to your overall preparedness goals, especially in the pantry.
1 (1h 11m 14s):
I need you to cook with your kids, make sure that you demonstrate the differences and the safety aspects of the oils that you are using so that they understand what’s happening in the kitchen and why you’re doing what you’re doing. Lastly, in case you missed it on last week’s show, we did a special on leaving the past behind where we had a, a candid conversation with Quincy, the long haul truck driver who set us straight on survival tactics on the road. Remember if you missed out, you can always check out our previous episodes on the show page or on your favorite streaming service. And while you’re there, be sure to leave us a five star review, it helps to boost our presence. And it allows us to share this message with others next week.
1 (1h 11m 55s):
We’re going to do a back to basic episode again on Oils part two, and we’re probably going to tackle some of the motor oils and industrial oils tying into some of the vegetable oils that we’ve been talking about today. That’s going to be it for today. Everyone. Thanks for joining us on the next Generation show. And don’t forget to tune in next time, or we explore another aspect of a little things in life that make all the difference in the world. This is your host, Ryan Buford, and you’re a cohost Colin Buford reminding you to stay informed, get involved and be prepared, have a great night everybody and make it a great week.
0 (1h 12m 38s):
thank you for listening to the Prepper Broadcasting Network when we promote self reliance and Independence tune in tomorrow for another great show and visit us at Prepper Broadcasting dot com.