Spring Cleaning Those Preps!

Spring Cleaning Those Preps!

February 17, 2017 APN Report Mind Set News Preppers 0

Spring Cleaning
Bob Howkins “APN Report” Audio in player below!

While snow is on the ground in the grips of winter, for me that means spring cleaning.

Spring Cleaning Those PrepsI confess, I’m a bit of a hoarder. There’s a very fuzzy border between stocking up & stock piling & I tend to lead more to the “pile” side of things. I keep cupboards filled, but I tend to also fill the rest of the house with stuff I don’t really need or worse, neglect to put away. Living alone, there’s less motivation to keep things tidy. You become comfortable living with a layered mess, or a half-dismantled project on the dining room table.

So this is what the show will be about… getting a handle on the accumulation of “stuff” that turns a home into a cluttered warehouse, & we’ll discuss some ideas on how to organize or eliminate the stuff you don’t need. A task easier said than done.

For some stuff, the waste bin is the option. Like billing notices & bank statements, just how long do you keep such stuff? I swear I can turn over a pile & find a bank statement from two years ago. Totally needless but still adding to a pile that needs to be tossed. It leads me to believe a paper shredder would be a smart investment, to handle those read once then throw away pieces of mail that wind up covering every inch of a desktop or table.

We’ll let’s clean house. No doubt it’s way overdue, and as the goal self-reliance & self-sustainability is easier to attain having a smaller “footprint” than a larger one. Then obviously, the less amount of STUFF one has, the better.
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