A Family Affair RETURNS! – Andrew Bobo. STRESS

A Family Affair RETURNS! – Andrew Bobo. STRESS

August 3, 2020 A Family Affair Shows 0

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0 (0s):
Got it. Let’s see. Okay.

0 (44s):
Well hello ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. It is Jay Ferg, your family fare host. It has been over a month. I think June 13th is what I said, Andrew, before we started. So tonight I have Andrew Bobo from matter of fact podcast and we are actually talking about stress. We all know that right now with everything going on, on top of our personal lives. On top of my personal life, Stratasys, probably one of the biggest things that will get to you.

0 (1m 17s):
We, we talk about how to handle a situation. We talk about the probable events, what could out, what could come from it, but we really don’t cover how much the stress from that. That little thing will really affect you. Andrew, thank you so much. I appreciate it. I know you’re a busy man and we’ve been trying to set this up, so I’m glad to have you back on the show.

1 (1m 42s):
Yeah, no, thanks for having me. I mean, it was fun last time. It’s fun to come on again. I mean, I’m not that busy. I work a lot. And then with the other, with a matter of facts, a show, I mean, that takes up one day a week and Phil’s been trying to get me to branch out and be with other podcasters and do other shows and stuff. So yeah, no, I mean, I’m glad to be back on and I’m glad that we got to finally sit down and do this.

0 (2m 13s):
Oh, absolutely. So I’m sure it’s the same for you as it is. Anywhere else is stress can be one of the biggest hindrances for anything that we do, whether it be natural disaster, current events, our work life or home life stress will put you under a real quickening in a hurry.

1 (2m 40s):
Yeah. Stresses. I mean, stress gets to everybody. If you’re your human being, so it, it’s not gonna, if you don’t get stressed out or anything minor or major, let me know how you do it. Cause I really, I want to know. I, I get stressed out over a certain thing and I’ve learned that I’ve gotten old. I’ve learned to, to try to manage my stress a little bit better to try.

1 (3m 13s):
And, and I, I like, I listened to audio audible. I have a lot of audible books and the things I really like to listen to are military biographies, whether it’s Jocko Willink, Oh, there’s a couple of them. I’m drawing a blank. Dave Goggins. I think it’s David Goggins Jocko. Willink are the two of my favorite ones are the one that I love. I’ve listened to all the time. And I highly recommend it’s called new Eve no easy day.

1 (3m 45s):
And it’s about one of the guys that shot us on bin Ladin. And he has a concept in his book that I, I, I try to implement in my life. And it’s something that I’ve tried to pass off and try to tell the people about too. And it’s called the three, a three foot world. I know it goes under multiple other names. I’ve heard when I’ve explained to people, they’ve said, Oh, I forgot under this name. And I can’t remember what it is, but in the book they explained it as a three foot world.

1 (4m 16s):
Just to kind of give a quick, a quick back ground of the, this stealing question. They’re on a, they’re on a they’re out in Vegas and they’re, they’re rock climbing and they’re learning to rock climb. And basically he doesn’t like Heights. He’s on the side of this rock and he’s looking down, he sees how far away he is from the strip. He sees how far off he is. He sees how far away he’s got to climb. And the instructor climbs over to him and says, it’s like, Hey, what are you doing? You know? And he’s like, he’s like you can’t easily.

1 (4m 48s):
Like, what are you looking at? The strip? He goes, you can’t gamble your way out of the situation. He goes, you’re looking at your partner. He’s not going to come save you. And basically he just your three-foot world what’s and the concept comes from your grasp. W you know, I have a couple of cold brew coffee in front of me. I can, that’s in my control, my cellphone, you know, to text somebody that’s in my control, throwing the miles across the room from the computer when something’s not X enough. I mean, that’s, that’s in my control things within your reach and your control people like, you know, we’ll get into different stressors that people have, but you know, a lot of people get stressed about the weather.

1 (5m 26s):
I mean, I understand it, the weather, hurricanes, tornadoes, snow storm worms, I mean, icy roads. It can be a stressor and you, but you can’t control that. So why get stressed over it? That’s kinda like, that’s where I’ve kind of went to. And I try, I mean, and yeah, I still get kind of stressed, like when it’s snowing out where I live in Michigan when it’s snowing out and I can’t see crap. Yeah. I get stressed out, thought about it. But at the same time, it’s more of, it’s just more of a, I guess it’s not actually stress.

1 (5m 56s):
It’s just more fear because you can’t, you know, it’s,

2 (5m 58s):
You’re so afraid of, I mean, I’m more worried about the drivers around me versus the weather. And so, and I want to make it home, but yeah. So yeah, you might just, you just have to sit there and just kind of sit back and just take it and just take things like what’s stressing you in your life. Can you control it? Like, that’s the biggest thing I ask is can you control it? If yes, then control it or figure out some way to control it.

2 (6m 28s):
Whether you have to change a diet, whether you have to change, if it’s a financial situation, kids, misbehaving, whatever it is, job, try to figure out what you can do to manage a situation. If you can’t control it, then why stress about it?

0 (6m 44s):
No, absolutely. But you know, it is a thing where it’s easier to say than do. Sometimes I’ve learned to let a lot of things just roll off my chest, that I normally wouldn’t have bothered that wouldn’t wouldn’t have normally bothered me, but that’s, that’s like, so prime example, you know, a few weeks back, I don’t know how many people followed my Instagram. We had a torrential rain and I get a phone call and it’s like, you need to get home.

0 (7m 16s):
Our house is about an inch away from being flooded. And literally it was, it was barely even an inch. Our further into our backyard was three feet under water. I honestly thought I was going to lose all of my chickens. I lost a good chunk of my garden to all the fire ants that have came and taken over my containers. My deck was fine, of course, but you know, my, my chickens just now started laying eggs again. And the few eggs that I’ve gotten have been ruined.

0 (7m 46s):
So I’ve just been, I’m giving them time to, to get back on the men’s. But, you know, even that is a stressful situation, even for them, that usually chickens don’t fair. Well, under stress that I honestly thought I was going to have a couple of die off. And, and I didn’t, you know, my only thing is, is I’m not freaking out over the garden. It’s sad, but right now life has thrown so much more that I can only deal with what I can handle right now.

0 (8m 16s):
My garden’s not the biggest worry. It would be nice to have considered with food shortages and everything else going on, but it’s not the end of the world. I will make another garden. I will still find a way to provide as far as on the means of food and, and everything else. But that’s like with everything going on, we’ve dealt with COVID, we’ve dealt with everything and I back to work, you know, people are finally coming back to work. We had someone come back.

0 (8m 47s):
I have been doing well, a couple of work coworkers. And I have been doing this lady’s job on top of our jobs, you know, and, and we were, are required a lot anyways, but then for the person to come back one day and then quit. So now we have the stress of someone else’s additional duties on top of our duties for who knows how long until they, they may be find a replacement. It really is something in its own. You know, you said you have audible.

0 (9m 18s):
I love audible. It’s definitely something I like when I can listen to just listen to something without thinking about it. This is going to sound funny, but have you heard of the calm app?

2 (9m 33s):
Oh, wait. No. Yes I have. Yeah. I’ve seen it advertised on TV

0 (9m 37s):
And it, at first, I wasn’t sure I’m not, I’m not doing the paid part of it. I’m doing the free, but on those nights that the stress is too much. And I really can’t just get my mind to shut off. I actually, there is on the sound’s part of it. It’s a campfire and it’s crickets in the background or, or a forest and I’ll put that on and you can set the timer. And within like 10 minutes, I’m out. I love to camp. I love to, you know, that that’s where I’m probably the calmest.

0 (10m 11s):
So it’s nice for me to just remove myself, listen to that and just fall straight out. I mean, it’s nice. I can remove myself from what I’m, where I’m at, what’s going on and not even think about it and, and fall asleep without having to worry about everything else that’s going on.

2 (10m 31s):
Yeah. I mean, and that’s the thing is if you, if you have a certain way to deal with deal with the stress, I mean, that’s, if you can manage stress by using an app. Yeah. I definitely would suggest doing that. And if you have to have a beer, I mean, have a glass of wine, go for a walk, do something, do something then. Yeah. I mean, it’s definitely just the way you can manage stress and you know, just like losing your garden.

2 (11m 4s):
That’s like that socks that’s terrible. Like I, I mean, I grew up with my mom constantly doing a garden, and it’s one of those things that I would take losing what you, what happened with your garden. I would take that as a, as a, an ex I’ll take that as a, a, as like a learning experience. And you just take that. And then, so if you have to, if you have to build certain beds, like raised beds, just in case if you know, in that area, or if you have a higher area elevation, you know, find out if you try to move your, if you can move your garden over to a higher elevation

0 (11m 48s):
Thing about it, this was one of those freak situations where I’ve had where my car will water. I’ve had, I’ve had that happen, but I’ve never had my entire backyard flood or it come up so high. My landlord even said that he was surprised it did not get into the house. So, I mean, that was the first time we ever had it. So it was flooded so bad, our neighbor kayaked over to our house.

2 (12m 17s):
Yeah. But it’s pretty intense. Yeah, it is. Oh, no, it is. And that’s the thing, is it, it all depends on if you’re, but I, that’s why I say it’s more of a learning experience with something like that. Luckily with today. Yeah. We have some food, there are some food shortages and prices of food have gone up. So it’s, I mean, it’s not the end of the world. If you lost your garden, it sucks because food right out of the garden is store-bought food. Can’t, you can’t compare it to vegetables. Right. All the garden, it’s just a whole different taste to it.

2 (12m 48s):
And, but at the end of the day, you know, you either, you either start planning another one and you plant late, or you just, you know, you learn and you, you build some raised beds to try to mitigate the situation if it happens again or when it happens again. So, you know, stuff like that, it just, the biggest thing though, is taken your stress what’s going on in your life.

2 (13m 18s):
And yeah, that was a stressful situation with all the water, because especially if it would have flooded your home, you would have had other things to worry about as well. But you know, on a scale of one to 10, a garden is nice to have, but if you’re not, if you’re not reliant to survive off of it, a scale of one to 10, to me, I think a garden is down there pretty low versus, you know, paying a bill on time, paying, having enough gas to get to work, keeping your job if something’s going on. Right.

0 (13m 45s):
And I, I see where that is for you, but see, for me, nor typically a garden rate’s pretty high up there with paying the bills only because I find I only get paid once a month. So I have to really balance out the finances. So being able to produce something out of the garden can really offset something that we normally wouldn’t buy or, you know, so, you know, I normally grow squash and cucumbers and tomatoes, and I grew corn, you know, that could offset into a few extra meals instead of getting into my canned goods, which would then, you know, save me the expenditure expenses that you would be normally do be doing during the months.

0 (14m 27s):
You can’t can’t produce it.

2 (14m 30s):
Right. And, and that’s what I’m saying is like, for me, a garden is low for you. It’s a little higher, but, but that’s what I’m saying is out of all your stress, if you have, if you have a lot of stuff going on in your life, the biggest thing that I, the thing that I’ve done and I’ve done before, that’s helped me is you prioritize what’s going on in your life. I mean, if you, you know, if it’s between food bills, gas, a work relationship, whatever it is, I mean, as much as some of those are pretty important, you try to try to categorize and try to try to file them or put them in a certain situation or like in a queue or whatever, and just, and work on them one at a time, you know, or, you know, and try to figure out one at a, you know, try you try you try, instead of trying to take on the entire, the entire thing, you split it up.

2 (15m 18s):
I mean, there’s a saying as a, how do you eat an elephant one bite at a time? And it’s basically, I mean, and that you can take that concept and you can put that towards anything, really, whether it’s training of some kind losing weight, whether it’s, if it’s, if you have multiple stressors going on in your life, I mean, how you take care of that, you take care of you take care of it, and you, you take away those stressors out of your life by dealing with one at a time, not all of them, because then they’re all going to be, they’re going to basically be on your mind.

2 (15m 49s):
I mean, yeah, there’ll be always be on your mind, but they’re going to come at you. If you try to take them all at once, they’re going to come at you so much and so quick. And it’s just gonna, it’s just going to bog you down. You know, if you can, if you can split those burns up or those stressors up, take on one at a time, you know, I mean, you you’re in charge of your life,

0 (16m 9s):
Right? Oh. But also take the time to disconnect. Sometimes you just got to completely remove yourself from that moment or that situation, just to be able to get through it later.

2 (16m 23s):
And the, and in this case, I mean, and disconnect. I, I mean, I assume that when you say disconnect, it’s, it’s one of those things where when I try to disconnect it, I, yeah, well, yeah, take a break. I mean, take a break. When the movies were open back when, before the whole Rona thing happened, the movies, I mean, and I’d go to a movie and just I’d go by myself. I, it doesn’t like, I, I, people would make fun of me about it, but like, I really don’t care, like going to a movie to me when I go to, I just go see a movie by myself, have a couple of beers, go see one.

2 (16m 53s):
And it’s, it’s, it’s relaxing, camping, hiking. It’s one of those things where you go there and you exactly. And the fact that when you go out and you walk, if when you don’t have, you know, if you’re, if you can be by yourself and you can kind of just breathe, relax, enjoy the, enjoy the walk, enjoy the weather and enjoy the breeze on your face, the sun and your, you know, the sun in your hair, whatever you want to do, like our sun on your face, breeze in your hair. There we go.

2 (17m 23s):
Had that went backwards. But like, it lets you think, yeah, yeah, those stressors, you’ll still be thinking about them. But when you’re thinking about them from a calm state of mind, you’re going to come, you’re going to come at a completely different angle to where, if you were like, you know, if you say you hear you’re having a money situation and you’re like, crap, you know, I got to pay my electric bills 130 bucks this month, or I know I need to get money for gas so you can sit there and you can start. You’ll thinking all of a sudden it’ll pop in your head. Like I can sell this item.

2 (17m 54s):
I can do this for somebody that always me, or, you know, that said, they’d pay me to do this a month ago. I could do this. Like you, you start coming up with ideas and you start coming up with a plan to take, take care of that, that, that stress that’s in your life. It’s and that’s. And then when you become, when you come up with a plan that in itself will help you feel better,

0 (18m 18s):
Right? No, I agree. I mean, it’s so another thing is being able to not show your stress. I know that’s hard. A lot of us handle stress very differently, but when you have a family, the last thing you want to do, because children are very intuitive, they see things, they notice things. And the last thing you want is to add any more on, on their poor little psyches on top of what’s going on.

2 (18m 48s):
Yeah, exactly. I mean, I mean, I I’m single and I don’t have any kids, so I basically just have to worry about myself, but you you’re a mother. And so yeah, you do have to worry about them and the kids do pick it up. I, I witnessed it with my nieces and stuff, you know, and everything they do pick it up. So yeah, you gotta, you have to be careful with how much stress you’re projecting, because not only if you’re showing a lot of stress and then your kids are picking up on it, I mean, correct me if I’m wrong, but once your kids start becoming stressful and they start being an agitated, you know, they used to become agitated and they start fighting more between more crying, more, be more upset that in itself adds another stressor onto your life.

2 (19m 30s):
And it kind of just keeps circling around you. It keeps circling around. And so, you know, that’s, it’s a stressor that unfortunately you can control to a certain point, but when your kids are upset, that’s a big stressor. I mean, from my,

0 (19m 46s):
Makes it harder, you know, my children are my world and any parent will say the same. I, and I’m sure it’s the same for you as your family. You know, your family is number one. So I mean, the calmest I can stay, the most composure I can get is really, what’s gonna be the best and the long run for the children. Now, inside, I may be screaming. I be maybe crying. I may be ready to pull my hair out, but letting the stress take you over, take you over does not help his situation itself.

0 (20m 22s):
So being able to have some, some sort of control, I think really makes the biggest difference is especially in a family situation. I mean, if you think about it, you know, that’s like your job or anybody’s job say you’re, you’re out and something happens or even your just everyday life you’re walking in, there was an accident or something traumatic happened. You, the biggest, and the best thing you can do is to stay calm in that situation. I think that’s something we’ve both have said before on other podcast, you know, other shows and on our owns is staying calm is really going to be your biggest advantage with any situation.

0 (21m 2s):
And I know some of these situations that were thrown in are absolutely the most trying emotionally, but I think the prime example would be health care workers. I mean, when I worked in a hospital, you know, we, we saw some traumatic stuff come in. We, we saw our sheriff codes. We Shaw saw our share of horrible and horrific things that I would pray nobody ever saw, but there was not a moment to really get upset during that situation.

0 (21m 40s):
Now I’m not going to say not after a certain code or a certain situation that we all didn’t afterwards ball and cry because it was just the worst thing possible. But during that moment, the family members, the people, they never saw a second of that. And then, you know, we cleared that back up and kept going to the next patient. I mean, it’s, it really shows we all deal with stress in different levels. It’s how we’re going to deal with it and how we’re going to handle it. So for me, as my listeners know, I have not been doing in every weekend show.

0 (22m 13s):
I miss all my listeners, but right now with everything going on, I need the time to focus on my family before I can focus on putting out content or even, or even, you know, putting out really good content. Cause I could throw content out every single day. But whether or not it was at the level I was at before would be the big issue is learn to cut loose on certain things where you have to. So I love podcasting. I love listening to yours.

0 (22m 43s):
I love listening to everybody else’s on our network, but I have had to take a break from it, just like the garden. I could not let myself get worked up over the garden and that I’ve let it go. If y’all were to see my garden, you’d be like, what in the jungle is this because I kid you not, and this is horrible. And I make this comment is like, if you want to see where my life will get my garden and I have grass that literally comes up to my shoulder in the middle of my garden.

0 (23m 16s):
So all of my vegetables and stuff that have produced and I’ve neglected, my chickens are very, very, very thankful for. So, but, but you know, that goes to show is what do you cut loose? What do you, what do you not deal with? I have not been crocheting. I really want to, I miss it. I’m probably going to get back into it. I have not spun in a little while either. I’ve kind of put everything on hold. I have to paint.

0 (23m 48s):
But, but yeah. I mean, how do you handle your stressful? Do you, do you cut certain things loose and then bring more attention to something else and then slowly work it back into your life? Or how, how do you personally handle it?

2 (24m 4s):
I don’t, I mean, I’m a bad example. I, I mean, podcasting is basically my hobby, so I don’t really, like, I don’t like doing, doing way of that. Cause it’s just, it’s one of my hobbies that one of only like two or three hobbies that I have, and I don’t have kids or family. So I mean, like, I mean, I talked to my parents quite a bit, which is nice. I mean, but I, I really, if I’m like, cause one of my jobs I have, I’m a Pat on call firefighter and I mean, there’s been times where like, and that’s where, when you’re just talking about like a stressful situation, keeping calm and that’s really a con it can come back to really anything, any kind of situation that you’re in, in life at all.

2 (24m 49s):
And because at the end of the day, you want to look at your situation that you’re in. Whether like for my, I mean, for me, for an example, I mean, I’ve been on calls to where, you know, we’ve had a lady that almost had her head, you know, it was almost decapitated. Luckily, I mean, happy. I’m glad to say she survived. I’ve had, I was been, I’ve been a dog bites with children. My I’ll just recently I was on a burn, a guy with fell into a bonfire, stuff like that. And, and, but I mean, the thing is, and I mean, that’s just like, I mean, that’s not all the calls that I couldn’t go to because I was at my other job.

2 (25m 27s):
But when you come up on, when I come up on a scene like that, or when I come up and I look, I’m looking over over thing, everything over, I mean, do you in your head, do you want to be a part of the problem or do you want to be a part of the solution and anybody who’s in the medical field, firefighting, EMS, I mean police really military nurse doctor, whoever it is, or even a ordinary, just a civilian that’s driving by. Do you want him to be part of the solution?

2 (25m 57s):
Cause if you’re part of the problem, you’re actually causing more of a scene and you’re causing more stress on the people that are already stressed enough with dealing what’s going on with the scene. And so it’s one of those things that it’s, and you just, I mean, when I go up to a scene, it’s kind of like, okay, Hey, what can I expect? This is what the call that came out, what kind of expect take a deep breath and just kind of go, just move forward. And should you fall back on your training? And then you fall back at your schooling and then, and then you build on you take what you just learned from going to the scene and you add it to the next, the next, the next call.

2 (26m 30s):
And you just keep building that experience. And I think the experience helps with a lot of different, a lot of stress on different with different jobs. But I do utilize stress. I, I, like I said, a bad example cause I kinda just clam up and I internalize it and, and it’s, it’s not a good thing to do. I, and there’s occasionally where I’ll talk to somebody about it. Like, I’ll talk to my roommate. Who’s also a pamphlet on call as well as he’s, he’s a EMT for an ambulance company here or I’ll, you know, I’ll talk to my uncle, who’s a firefighter too.

2 (27m 6s):
And so I do, I will talk to some people about it, but for the most part, yeah. I’m I just, I kinda just clam up, talk about it and I kind of joke, I have a dark sense of humor. I mean, you and I have talked, you and I have known each other now for over a year or actually no, not even quite a year in September. Yeah, it will be. And, but I mean, you know, my dark humor, I, I, and it’s sometimes I get like, Holy crap, you’re laughing at that.

2 (27m 37s):
And I’m like, I’m sorry, I don’t know what to, I mean, that’s just my humor and that’s how I deal with stuff

0 (27m 43s):
In, in our, in our line of work or even in this lifestyle, we all have a little bit of that going on. Michael Klein is probably one of the best ones in our network for dark humor, but we all have a little bit of dark hair. We all handle it a certain way. So I mean, yeah, that’s probably why when you crack a joke, I just laugh. Cause it doesn’t bother me if anything, it fits along the line of my lifestyle.

2 (28m 9s):
Right. And, and, and that’s the thing is, and I guess when I see, when I look at stress, the biggest thing that I’ve learned and grown just going through life is I look at so, okay. For example, the, the lady that the one call we went on and it was over a year at, I think it was over a year ago now, but, and I still think about it every once in a while. I, you know, it’s still in my head as I’m she was, she was rear ended in a car accident. And she actually, when they took x-rays of her head of her, her spine and everything, she was, it was called internal capitation to where her skull separated from her spine.

2 (28m 48s):
And she’s alive. Now. We actually my roommate and I, and then the medical professionals and stuff like that. We actually got a life safety award for it because of how we treated it. But it’s one of those things where I look back at my training and I look back, I mean, I was just out of, I was, I was fresh to the fire department and I looked back and I was just like, okay, what could have I done different? Okay. So I, I break the ice and to this day, I mean, I still go over my head with what happened. And I do this with all my calls as I look and I say, okay, what, what could I have done different?

2 (29m 22s):
Okay. The person, what did the person survive? Yes. Okay. That’s a, that’s a good outcome. That’s the best outcome you can have, you know, did I do something wrong? Yes or no. Then I evaluate that and I kind of evaluate the situation and I go back and I think about it and that helps me learn. And that helps me grow as a, as a person. And as somebody who, you know, is responding to calls. But I do that with the, you know, just in life in general. I mean, if I gotta, if I get a ticket, excuse me. If I get a ticket driving, I look back, I’m like, okay, like, is there something I could have done different?

2 (29m 57s):
Yes. I Crow slowed down. Oh, okay. Oh, okay. I understand. Like I need to start with watching my speed. And I evaluate my, my life myself and with stress and stuff. It’s one of those things. Where is the, is this worth keeping on my mind and let it bother me. And if the answer is no, I try my hardest to just to get to forget about it. And if I can’t forget about it, I just I’ve learned just to let, not just not to let it bother me, I think. And that’s I guess, and that’s how, Oh, sorry, go ahead.

2 (30m 29s):
No, you’re fine. Go ahead.

0 (30m 30s):
I was going to say, you know, something you said there is you, you don’t, you don’t dwell on it, but it also don’t kick yourself in the butt. If something didn’t go the way you want it during that stressful situation. Because if you dwell on that on top of the stress itself, it only makes it that much worse. Things are going to happen. We are human. Sometimes we’re going to let our emotions get the better of us. Sometimes it’s going to be something. We say something we do, all we can do is take that moment. Like you said, learn from it and go on.

0 (31m 1s):
We can’t keep kicking ourselves in the butt for a mistake. What we can do is improve, but just, you know, not everything is going to work out the way we plan. I mean, that’s prepping and that’s life. Nothing ever goes according to what we plan, I am. If it’s okay, I’m going to take a quick break and I’m going to get myself a drink and then we will jump back on stress if that’s okay with you. Yeah. Alright. So bear with me. We’ll take a short break and then we’ll be right back.

2 (31m 38s):
Oh no. The complete collapse martial law. Oh my gosh. I’ve got to get out of here. I’ve got to get to my cabin. This is it. Okay. Don’t panic. Assess the situation and get the right gear. It’s time to get out of Dodge. A game of post economic survival, escape, the city using your gear and your wits and kill switch bunker games, LLC. Available on Amazon kill switch bunker games like us on Facebook. The good game by kill switch, bunker games.com here at the prepper broadcasting network.

2 (32m 11s):
Our mission has expanded and we have decided to use our influence to aid in disaster. Recovery PBN is offering up our airwaves to nonprofits and boots on the ground organizations that are affecting disaster recovery. The real people out there rebuilding lives from organizations that reestablish the supply chain to those who deliver aid and even organizations that rebuild shattered homes and lives. The future of disaster response does not lay in the hands of some government organizations.

2 (32m 43s):
No it’s up to us. Disaster coffee don’t really make sense that PBN would partner with disaster coffee, disaster coffee is selling outstanding coffee that is roasted to order and shipped right to your door. A portion of their profits will be directly donated to disaster recovery organizations like grindstone, ministries, healthcare ready, and citizens assisting citizens, disaster coffees, sources, top quality beans that are roasted to order you get coffee at its very best, but you also make a difference with every purchase disaster.

2 (33m 20s):
Coffee offers every customer, the ability to join the national disaster relief effort, get yours@disastercoffee.com,

0 (33m 31s):
A person who advocates, some practices preparedness one ready for any event that would disrupt that daily routine. That is a prep. All right, ladies and gentlemen, you are back on a family affair. I am your host, Jay Ferg. And I have tonight as my guest and cohost Andrew Bobo from the matter of fact podcast, and we are talking about stress stressors. And it seems like just life itself. I think that kind of sums it up, right?

2 (34m 2s):
Yeah. I mean, life will kick in the pants. It’s one of those things where when you think thing, when you think you’re on top of the world, a life of kicking the pants, it always finds a way the universe cracks itself. And that’s something yeah, 2020. I like, I I’ve said it. I’ve been saying it for months now. I wish the person who is, I wish the person at whatever game would Jumanji, these people are playing. I wish they would just get it over with

0 (34m 29s):
That or an unplug it and plug it back in. It usually works.

2 (34m 33s):
Yeah. Right. Yeah. Turn off, turn back on, hit the reset button and control it. Delete something. I don’t know. But this year has definitely been interesting.

0 (34m 42s):
I think it just goes to show what we had considered normalcy is now what we’re going to consider a new normal with everything that’s going on. And it’s sad to say, but unfortunately it really is how, how things are going. I can tell you for, for all the stress that’s going on, I will be at prepper camp this year. I am speaking. I am working on getting all that together because prepper camp is literally now around the corner, you know?

0 (35m 16s):
And I’m excited. I, that, for me, that is a week away from everything. I love my children and I miss my children when they’re not around. And it, you know, that’s the week where I miss my kids the most, but it’s also the week where I get a moment just to enjoy the outdoors, get to enjoy other preppers. You know, we have some down here where I’m at, but not like they’re, you know, not like where you get an abundance of people that you can interact with and network. And everybody is from so many different walks of life that it really is really is a breath of fresh air.

0 (35m 54s):
I mean, you’ve got people who tan like Mary, she was the one who was doing the tannin hide. You’ve got, you know, I’ve got my own network there. You know, James, I am Liberty Dave, the NBC guy who, if you hadn’t seen it, Sam Cole pepper, he’s freaking awesome. You got your cohost and yourself, you know, I mean, feel, there’s so many people there that it really is a lot of fun and you never do have enough time for all of the classes.

0 (36m 25s):
That’s that’s the real kicker is it’s like, Oh, I hate that. I missed this, but okay. Maybe I’ll try next year.

2 (36m 32s):
Yeah. Right. Yeah, no, we’ll actually, we’re, we’re due to get Rick and Jane on the podcast on matter of facts. We usually try to get them on just before prepper camp. So we’re going to get them out of here soon. And they’re, they’re an NST. They, they are a riot. They they’re who Jane is something else. And she she’ll leave you with your stomach hurt. And cause she you’re laughing so hard. And then Rick is the knowledge that guy, he just talking to him. I, I would love to be able to sit down and just at a table one of these days and just talk to him.

2 (37m 6s):
Cause his knowledge base is just, it’s crazy. Just what you can learn from talking to him.

0 (37m 11s):
I’ve actually been on a rock. Durham’s a podcast, you know, hoard those Funyuns. Have you heard that one? Penny? Whatever. He’s the one who did the jingle with Jane’s comments from, from her, her classes from the line.

2 (37m 27s):
Oh, Oh, okay. Okay. Yeah.

0 (37m 30s):
So he does the comedy aspect and I think that’s another thing with us as preppers in the all whole and in a general we have stress. We have life going on. You know, we prepare for situations that people don’t want to deal with and people don’t even think about it. But if you look, we also have our, our outlets. You know, Rob is a comedian. We find humor and enjoyment and the little things. And we laugh at ourselves. I mean, I don’t know the number of times I may have tripped up falling on my butt and I just crack up.

0 (38m 3s):
I mean, if you can’t laugh at yourself in the stressful situations, I mean, you’re not going to be able to get through it and that’s something else. So it’s, it really is an eyeopener. I know. I’m not saying anything really without I’m being quite a broad, I guess, but it’s, it’s one of those things where it’s nice that so for like me and the children with everything that’s going on, I taken more time.

0 (38m 36s):
I paint with the kids now it’s not every week or every weekend, but every, so often the kids and I sit down and we paint, we have an outlet, I’m letting them be as creative as possible. They don’t have to think about anything. They don’t have to talk about anything. They can just be 10, six and four. You know what I mean? They don’t, they don’t have to stress about the fact of, are they going to be going to school this year? Are they going to be doing it from home? You know, it’s, there’s so much going on with that. That it’s nice to have a moment where we can just completely disconnect and laugh and joke.

0 (39m 11s):
I don’t even get mad if you know, I have a tablecloth, I have table placemats they get covered in paint. Okay. I will wash them. You know, you heard the saying, there’s no crying over spilled milk. I mean,

2 (39m 24s):
Exactly, exactly. And, and no, and exactly. And, and the thing is though, is I’m coming, coming at, dealing with stress as a preparedness point of view. Cause I mean, we’re all preparing for something as far as a storm of some kind, I mean a riot coming down, you know, coming down your street, people just, you know, just being people. I mean, it’s really hard to you.

2 (39m 57s):
Can’t if you’re, if you’re trying to prepare for something, you, you can’t let the stress get to you. Cause really stress. I mean, in a situation like if something were to ever happen and you are thrust into whatever situation that you’re preparing for. I mean, worst case scenario, you know, H AC SHTF kind of situation like stress is going to get you killed. And so if you’re, if you’re preparing in any kind of way, you need to just kind of stand back and okay.

2 (40m 31s):
What, and like I said before is okay, I’m stressing, I’m stressing over, Hey, I don’t have enough food, water, ammo. I don’t have enough. My provisions as far as security is isn’t as lacking. My garden’s lacking like softwares. Okay. So there’s certain things. Okay. What can you do to fix that stuff? If you’re prepared, if you been preparing for years or you’re new to new to it. Okay. So start like in what we’ve discussed on our show too, is you start out with, get three days.

2 (41m 1s):
Okay. So get some food start buying, you know, and I’m taking a page out of Randy’s book. And if anybody who has been to prepper camp or has met my uncle, Randy you’ll understand this. But, and so, okay, when you go to the store, instead of buying one canned goat or one thing of beans or one thing of rice, like whatever it is by two by four and, and S and take one of those, cook it, cook with it, set the other two or three or whatever you have it on the shelf.

2 (41m 34s):
Next time you go to the store, buy two more, buy four more take, go. And then before you know it, that stuff adds up. So if you’re looking to get in to get food set aside, start with three days of food based on you and your family, or just you, you know, you’re at calorie intake and all that stuff base it off of that kit. Three days of food, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Try to get that three days of that set aside. Once you get that, okay, let’s do three days of water. Okay. Let’s buy it. Let’s buy some cases of water. Let’s buy some jugs of water. Let’s, you know, let’s take, Oh, Hey, I, you know, we use a, we drink a lot of Coke, a Coke, Sprite, mountain Dew, what a, you know, whatever it is.

2 (42m 10s):
We, we drink a lot of these bottle, these bottles, let’s start washing them, filling them up and put them on the shelf. I know some people, that’s how they store a lot of water is they actually use old bottles and they just, and they wash them out really well, let them dry and then, and refill them and seal them and seal them up. And cause I mean, those caps, they, they stay on and they, they will hold the water. And so take that. Okay. I have three days of food. I have three days of water. Okay. Let’s go to a week.

2 (42m 39s):
Okay. So now expand your food supply and water supply to a week and then expanded to two weeks expanded to three weeks and so on. So forth. If you’re looking, if you’re a Hunter, if you’re, if you or somebody who’s looking at guns, okay. Instead of going out and buying a new gun, buy a case of ammo, I mean, you can get a thousand rounds for what a pistol, a good quality pistol cost. Right now you can buy a thousand rounds of ammo, you know, and start there, start getting some of your animal stocks set up, because right now it’s hard to find ammo.

2 (43m 11s):
And I like to shoot. So right now, instead of having to worry about crap, I need to go to the local store. And I, you know, hopefully they have 50 rounds in stock. I can open up my safe and I can shoot 50 rounds without really hurting. You know? And so that’s the thing is break things apart and break things down to a manageable situation that will help you take a lot of stress off of what’s going on. Instead of, like I said before, instead of, instead of looking at your per your preps and saying, I am lacking in all of these, in all these areas, sit down, what’s more important to what’s least important and start knocking them out one by one and start small.

2 (43m 52s):
Start with three days, start with a week, whatever it is

0 (43m 55s):
That’s like with everything going on. I don’t know if people will notice there’s the shelves at the stores are still a bit bare. And another thing is if you’re, if you’re going to stock food or store food by what you eat by what you know how to cook, you know, that’s like all of a sudden, so maybe a month and a half ago or two in the center aisle in cap, they had these two ginormous boxes of rice, individual, one pound bags of rice, right?

0 (44m 25s):
And three months later, you know, now, whatever do what I said two months ago, a month ago is when they put it out as two months ago, it’s now even marked down to two for 50 cents because people are not buying the rice. They wanted the rice before, but people bought 50 bags, 50 pound bags of rice. And I can guarantee you half of these people didn’t know how to even store it. So it’s now, you know, now in the time in certain things, if, if you like rice, like we like rice in my house, I bought several pounds of it, you know, two for a dollar or two for 50 cents or whatever it was at the time.

0 (45m 1s):
That’s a heck of a steal. And I can afford to put out a couple more dollars, this go around than I can next time. And it’s like, okay. Cause I cook with rice quite a bit as it is, you know, whether it be Serling, tips and rice or whatever, what have you is rises always seems to be on one or two menu, one or two parts of my meals during the week, whether it’s a main dish or a side dish. So, I mean, look at what you eat, look at how you eat.

0 (45m 31s):
It’s funny is people stress out over that and it’s like, well, what do you normally eat? And you know, what if you’re the family who likes chips and soda, I’m not going to say that’s the healthiest, but okay, fine. More power to, yeah, I, yeah, I don’t recommend it, but I can’t force someone to live a lifestyle. They don’t want to live. I can’t force the next person who walks past me to become a prepper.

2 (45m 57s):
Right. And I mean, the thing is, was I hope this kind of situation cause that, and with what’s going on right now in the world, I mean, we, we have never been part of a pandemic like this. And I mean, whether, you know, we’ve never been part of something like this. Like I, I mean, I’ve, I generally see the stores like living up in Michigan with the snow storms and stuff like that. And I mean, I’m sure with the storms that you get and everything too down there.

2 (46m 28s):
I mean, when the, when the news, when the forecast is saying, Hey, you’re looking at getting three feet of snow and we’re looking at, you know, subzero temperatures and they they’re calling for everything, you know, under the sun to possibly happen. As far as weather goes. I mean, there there’s times where the, you walk into the store and it’s just sheer panic. And you look at everybody around and you’re like, how are you guys not ready for the assignment? I remember one time I was with one of them. When I lived with one of my old roommates, there was a snow storm that was rolling through and him and I were like, okay, let’s look at the pantry.

2 (47m 6s):
Okay. We got stuff for, I know I have at least stuff for three days of food right here in the pantry. Are you not including what I have? Kind of like locked away and in storage. Okay. We have water, we have food. Okay. We have, if the power goes out, cause we lived in an apartment. If the power goes out, okay, I have my portable camp stove, single burner camp stove. Like I have all this set aside. I can boil water. If I had to, I can do all this stuff. What are we missing whiskey?

2 (47m 37s):
We went to the store while people were running around around us. We went and bought a couple of fifth of whiskey. And that’s what we did for the snow storm was we just didn’t get drunk. But I mean, we just sat there and drank,

0 (47m 49s):
Right? Well, that’s like when everything started happening, I went in, when everybody was going, getting chaotic at the beginning of this and the shortages were happening and I’m watching these people and all I’m walking in is for a bag of charcoal. I want to get some charcoal. So, but you know, and there was tons and tons of bags of charcoal, but there was nothing else left on the show. So it was, it was interesting to see. So that’s like with our stress, with our stress, there is the whole situation of hold on.

0 (48m 27s):
Hold on one second. I apologize. Let me it, Andrew, if you’ll take over for a second, I’m sorry.

2 (48m 34s):
Yeah, yeah. I mean, Oh, okay. Yeah. I mean it, depending on what’s going on with what’s, you know what what’s going on. I mean, you can sit there and that’s, what’s funny is when you’re, when you’re prepared and I’m not saying a hundred percent prepared, but when you’re, when you have provisions set aside, I mean, you can sit there and you can walk through a store and you can laugh at people that are just freaking out.

2 (49m 13s):
And they’re trying to get supplies while you’re kind of like, okay, I’m going to grow, grab charcoal. Or I just, Oh, Hey, I need, we need beer for this weekend kind of thing. And it’s, and the, and that stress level is you can feel your stress level just rise or not necessarily rise, but like, right. Like the stress is relieved.

0 (49m 33s):
No, no, sorry. Sorry. I had a quick distraction. I apologize about that. No, you know, but there’s something I hate to cut you in the middle of what you’re saying is we plan for those stressful situations, right? We plan for how to feed our family. We plan for how to feed ourselves, how to stay warm, how to make sure that we can defend or protect ourselves, whatever the situation may be. But another thing people tend to fall short on is the distractions or the entertainment.

0 (50m 4s):
You know, I did, I mentioned it last month. I did an interview for a magazine and it was published this month. And I actually felt a lot of people just randomly walk up and tell me they loved my article. But one of the key points I had said in it is when we’ll, we’ll finish up here, sorry. Oh, it was that I put in there ways, keep your family distracted or, or entertained, you know, board games, puzzles, crafts, you know, whatever, we’ll keep you going.

0 (50m 36s):
Cause that’s another thing is we don’t think about, we think about the important stuff, which I’m not saying the other isn’t important. It is more or is just as important. But we fail to remember the importance of our happiness, of our children’s happiness, of our family’s wellbeing and mental status as well. So I really feel like that’s, that’s when a big thing that is another thing that a lot of people forget about. Like I have way too many crayons and coloring pencils probably put up way too many art craft books, way too much paint and paint brushes, but I’m okay with that because in those times the kids and I can sit together and we can have an outlet that just completely removes us from the entire world around us.

0 (51m 22s):
We can play board game, like when, when Rona hit well, you know, a lot of people then had to deal with the fact that their children were at home with them. You would not believe the number of complaints that I’ve heard from parents having to be around their own children. And it was because these people have gotten so comfortable with their lifestyle where they were so disconnected that they had to relearn each other. And that right there is stressful. So have, have those outlets, have those common grounds disconnect from the internet, disconnect from media, whatever it is.

0 (51m 54s):
But you don’t find that point where you can reunite and, and have no stress because you’re not thinking about it. You know what I mean? Something that’s at prepper camp when I’m hanging out with y’all, we sit down, we talk, we call, you know, just blow the bull and we just enjoy each other’s company without having to worry about everything else that’s going on. I mean, and that’s the point is that having those people you can talk to and not even have to talk about what’s going on.

2 (52m 25s):
Yeah. Yeah. And that’s the thing is, I mean, that’s a good point just to just disconnecting. And that goes back to disconnecting from your stressors. Just, I mean, especially that’s account, it comes back to if crap hit the fan and you’re thrust into a situation where we’ve all seen the movies, read the books in a situation like that. I mean, a lot of people don’t think about the kids. I certainly I’m not, cause I don’t have kids, I have nieces and stuff, but like I don’t, I’m not preparing for, for kids.

2 (52m 55s):
And that’s one thing that I overlook and talking to Phil one day when we had like his wife on and stuff, talking about it, one of the episodes talking about preparing her coming from not a non preparedness lifestyle to, with him. And then we’re going to have her on again here soon talking about preparedness as far as like a kid’s point of view, just because that’s one thing that people do overlook is, you know, I, I, I prepare or for myself, you know, and it’s like, if I go up to my parents and you know, they got with my nieces and stuff or my sister and brother in law, I mean, they prepare a whole different way because they have a bigger family, they have kids.

2 (53m 32s):
And it’s something that like, if you don’t have something to distract them, I mean that stress is going to build in their life. I mean, you look at just right now. And I mean, just with the whole on the kids, how much stressful, how much stress kids are going through right now, because they don’t know their routine has been completely flipped upside down and yeah, sure. They go, they go to school, but then they go to, they have summer off, but then they’re used to the like when they look at the calendar right now, they’re, they’re in their mind. They’re like, okay, we’re we needed to start getting ready for school.

2 (54m 4s):
We’re like, we’re getting ready to go back to school. And then now with everything going on, if they don’t open up schools again and I mean, it completely flips their schedule upside down and kids don’t like that. Kids do not like that.

0 (54m 17s):
Right. And they need structure and routine and some sense of normalcy. And this summer has not been normal by any means. I see probably more kids getting into trouble there for a little while because they didn’t know how to cope or deal with everything going on. I will admit I’ve loved this summer. I’ve seen more children riding their bikes up and down the streets and neighborhoods. I’m not going to say they’re not getting into trouble, but it is nice to see those kids trying to find ways to entertain themselves without, without causing any more chaos than what is already going on in our lives.

2 (54m 56s):
Yeah. No, I mean, I completely agree. And it’s, so it’s just one of those things where yeah. We just need to take an account of a, do you mean when you’re not by yourself? I mean, that’s the thing is I have it pretty lucky compared to you and I mean other families and stuff like that is, cause I just have to worry about myself. And when I look at, you know, and that, and that’s the thing is going back to the whole prepared, miss thing during this whole situation, it’s one of those things where I had a laugh because by I was big into it and my roommate, he always like, he’s always made fun of me about being a proper quote unquote, you know, and he’s always, Oh, you know, he’s always like, Oh, you know you, eh, whenever we’d meet somebody new, he’s always like, Oh, he’s a proper, he’d laugh about it or something like that.

2 (55m 42s):
But when this whole thing started happening, he was like, Hey, because he started seeing stuff, come off the shelves. And he was, he came up to me, he goes, Hey, we need to go shopping. And I go, what do you mean? He goes, well, you know the food. And I go, I don’t know what you’re talking about. I said, I’m I’m okay. I said, I have some stuff stashed away. I said, I’m fine. And I said, you might not be fine. Cause if things start getting worse, then we might have a, have, have to have a discussion on my, my food, not yours kind of thing. Not that, I mean, it would have definitely had to have gotten worse for that to happen.

2 (56m 15s):
Right. You know, he, he kinda came up and he, he kinda was like, I kinda mentioned to him, I said, Hey, I said, not so funny now is the kind thing I’m not necessarily not trying to say, Hey, I told you so we’re kind of whatever, but he kinda, he apologized. He was like, yeah, I’m kind of sorry for doing that. And he goes, I kind of see what you’re talking about now. And it’s not necessarily like, I’m not like looking at people and saying, and looking for the, Hey, I told you so moment. But my whole thing with this situation is I hope that it kind of opened people’s eyes on to be prepared, to try to have provisions on hand to where you don’t have to worry about running out and grabbing toilet paper, you know?

2 (56m 52s):
And I like, I mean, an example for toilet paper, and now it’s starting to come back on the shelves now, but like I was looking at our supply and I mean, we didn’t have anything crazy, but I mean, I think last time we bought toilet paper was a month ago and cause I had something, I had enough set aside.

0 (57m 8s):
Right. But there’s also a change in how these items are even available. Like bleach cannot be purchased in the big jugs, like before you have to get those mid to mini size jugs now. So I mean, there is a huge difference between what we could get before and what we could get now. So I mean,

2 (57m 28s):
Yeah, yeah. And yeah, and that’s, and that’s the thing though is like, but he he’s completely opened his mind to it now. And so we’re, I mean, we got like, I’ve gotten him on board, which is an awesome feeling because, and that’s the thing that is the, like, what we’ve talked about on our show is on matter of facts is the, Hey, like we’re not looking for the, I told you moment, but let’s hope that let’s hopefully this, this whole situation kind of opened up some people’s minds. And they’re now, like I said, there instead of come onto the store every single day and trying to get food, okay, let’s go to the store and get stuff for a week or get stuff for a month or get, you know, get enough to get enough food set aside and then on and that turn, it’ll go, okay, let’s get enough stuff for this week and next week.

2 (58m 16s):
Okay. Let’s get enough stuff for three weeks and, and it’s just going to keep adding up. So I’m hoping that the, you know, this kind of changed the way some people thought so, but yeah, I mean, I, I, you know, I just definitely, I don’t know. I mean, at the end of the day, stress is a big deal. How you manage it is really up to you. But the biggest thing though, is just take, take a, look back, take a step back and say, if there’s something really bothering you, take a look back and say, does it really need to bother me?

2 (58m 51s):
Is it something that really is affecting me so much that I need to let it control my mind, control my, my mood. There’s no kind of figuring out a way to move on and you know, and if the answer is, yes, Eva, reevaluate your situation and just try to figure out what you can do to do, to be better and what you can do to get rid of it. But I mean, stress affects everybody.

0 (59m 16s):
No, and you’re absolutely right. I appreciate it. I actually, that right there would probably close this out. I am going to go ahead and end it down. I appreciate it so much, Andrew, that you would come on and talk about this. I, it is something we all deal with. I don’t think it is stuff that we actually discussed to the level that it needs. I’m sure there’s more that can be said on it to my listeners. I appreciate you all being patient with me. The content will probably be only about once a month, but I will be coming back. I will be getting more content backup, but bear with me as time goes on, you all will find out more until then.

0 (59m 53s):
I appreciate it. Thank you, Andrew. So much. You have been awesome to be on here and to help me with the content and to my listeners, just, just tune in state, stay there. Perper camp’s coming up. We’re all going to be there. Check us all out. I mean, it’s going to be a lot of fun and yeah. Andrew, anything you had to say or want to point anything towards your show or anything at this moment?

2 (1h 0m 17s):
Just the fact that I am not a, I’m not a pro I’m not a professional. I’m not a doctor. So I, what I say just don’t just, don’t go and say, Hey, that one guy and that one podcast, you gotta, you gotta, you have to do you. But I mean, I I’m just going off of what my life experience has been and what I’ve read and stuff like that. But no, I mean, podcasts check us out at matter of facts, podcast we’re on Instagram MOF podcast. You can check us out on Facebook and then MOF podcast.com is our website.

2 (1h 0m 52s):
And, but no, I appreciate being on. I’m thankful that you want me on and yeah, no, I’m happy to do it. So if you need any help again, let me know and I’d be glad to help you out. And hopefully people don’t get annoyed.

0 (1h 1m 5s):
No, I appreciate it. All right. So to my listeners, we all handle stress a little bit differently. I would actually like to hear from y’all and see how it is that you deal with your stress. Maybe I can incorporate it into my life or a future lifestyle, whatever you want to consider it. Shoot me an email@eightdotfamily_affairatyahoo.com. Check us out@prepperbroadcasting.com and stay tuned because every night is an awesome show. I will be back. So enjoy your free Saturdays, but be ready when I come back live. All right, folks, take care.

0 (1h 1m 37s):
Have a great night. And until next time, just hang in there.

2 (1h 1m 45s):

4 (1h 2m 22s):
Thank you for listening to the prepper broadcasting networks, where we promote self-reliance and independence tune in tomorrow for another great show and visit us@prepperbroadcasting.com.

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