Storage Solutions Part 3 – Survival Caches with The Next Generation Show

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Prepper Broadcasting Network. We have to hit the reset button and create a true culture of preparedness, starting in a very young age and Self train all the way up.
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1 (1m 8s):
Hello everyone. And welcome to the next generation. Show where we delve deeper into the little things in life. Here, we explore the lost art of fatherhood Parenthood, and fundamental preparedness for the world today. I’m your host, Ryan Buford, along with my co-host young master Colin, and today we’re broadcasting from the heart of the Pacific Northwest. We thank you for joining us and there’s not a moment to lose. So let’s dig right in first off for, for the folks listening, we do have a couple of quick announcements using a different microphone today. So hopefully it’s not too disturbing. Hopefully you can still hear me all right. But for those out there, listening to the podcast, we do thank you for your support. We thank you for downloading the Shows and checking us out, whether you’re scrolling through your favorite streaming service, or if you’re saving these and listening to him on your way to work or away from work, or just while you’re waiting for work to return to normal.
1 (2m 5s):
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1 (2m 54s):
Ah, but while you were there, you know, say hi, if you want to get a tuned in with the of us, that’s the way to go. Let’s see. Other than that special folks special, thanks to the folks, to the folks out in a semi Valley, California, as a top listeners in one location this week also special, thanks to the listener’s across the pond at around the world. Have you got to the new folks who were checking in from all over the place? And we appreciate that support. We’ve got a couple of new listeners and France and Spain. So thanks for joining us wherever you are, keep it up.
1 (3m 34s):
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1 (4m 17s):
So check it out. It’s a great way to support us on the network and be able to, it allows us to continue our work without big tech muscling in and shutting us down. If you’re interested in, you can always reach out to us here at the next generation, by going to the next generation Show page. That’s one way that you can connect with us. Find our social media contact information. We’re a fairly active on Twitter or Instagram me We what’s the other ones that were a parlor. I think we might get a rumble account to write you get going on That and a couple of other different ones. So anyways, all those links are over on our show page.
1 (4m 59s):
And if you’re interested in connecting with me directly, feel free to send me an email at Prepper dad and a male dot, calm, nothing to new and exciting to chat about with tactical The snow that I was hoping to use for videos two weeks ago has melted. So we’re gonna have to hold off on some of those videos until we get a little bit more snow, but they are forthcoming. So hopefully that’ll work out. I would help. I would like to mention out to our, give a shout out to the changing earth podcast.
1 (5m 39s):
That one is, looks like we’re having some audio issues and chat. Hopefully that’s not, it’s probably on my end, so I guess we’ll just have to bear with it and hopefully the recording isn’t to two horrible, but if you’re having audio issues, I guess maybe just chime in on chat and see if hopefully they’ll smooth out over time. We might have some bandwidth issues on the satellite. Maybe the, the internet czars are trying to, to a tune in and shut us down. Anyhow, we’re on the changing earth podcast.
1 (6m 19s):
Sarah Hathaway has kind of contracted several of the listeners and, or excuse me to several of the show hosts here at Prepper broadcasting test, stand in as a voice actors for some of her book. So check it out and do you know, I’m I’m on there. I’ve got a couple of voices and I think James is on there. Dave, the NBC guys on there, Dale and Lisa over at the, the survivalist Prepper prod podcasts are, are up there. And I think there’s a couple of other folks. So check it out. It’s, it’s kind of a fun little way to run a, a, a podcast on the way she’s got over there. So again, that’s the changing earth podcast, Sarah Hathaway check her out and then on with the show.
1 (7m 6s):
So short story set up for today. We are going to be talking about the third stage of Storage Storage Solutions, which was going to be setting up Survival Caches. And you know, many of us are familiar with the idea of a Survival cash and in some ways it’s been portrayed through media and movies, things like that for, for several years. I remember back in the
2 (7m 35s):
Nineties, early nineties, I want to
1 (7m 37s):
You say a there’s a movie called dances with wolves, and there was a scene where Lieutenant John Dunbar, who was a civil war, Lieutenant buried a bunch of rifles and marked him as a, you know, and basically he buried them so that they wouldn’t get destroyed or stolen from the native Americans all. Then eventually he wound up going back to That Survival cash a as a part of the storyline went on, so that the native Americans that he had kind of a dime kind of adopted him wound up. How do you say they wound up using those to, to defend themselves basically, and then, you know, fast forward, you know, to the early two thousands.
1 (8m 27s):
And I think there was another Mo and that’s this happening in several movies, video games. And I think Colin mentioned before they show a tomb. Raider was one where Survival Caches pop-up video games and happens a lot. There was a movie called red, which is, it still stands for retired early, retired, extremely dangerous. There was a movie with Bruce Willis and John Malcovich a couple of other classic actors. Right. And he had, they had a different setup of Survival Caches, you know, where, you know, he had a, like a Storage unit, they had specialty set aside that was just for firearms, right.
1 (9m 8s):
Then, you know, the Bourne identity identity came out right about the same time he had a different type of Survival cache, which was actually, it was nothing more than a, a code that was embedded in a laser light. That was a Swiss bank account where a box had been stored. And that box had all sorts of passports and cash and, you know, a gun and other miscellaneous stuff so that he could just survive. You know, basically you had enough room to, for you had enough cash to survive anywhere he could go and enough freedom to be able to do with passports, to be able to move because mobility was, you know, his motive Survival well then, you know, most recently in these John wick series, so I have a Caches to come back up again and here, you know, all these devices have to do with firearms, right?
1 (9m 60s):
The John wick one was a similar one where you bust open his, his driveway or his concrete or whatever, and gets this This cash out of whatever Survival gear. And I think what happened in a red also, it was a kind of another one. So this whole idea of Survival Caches is it all just centered around guns? Like, Oh, you know, they were just normal people. And then they, they have this cache of guns and then they pull them out and they wind up saving the day. Right. But that’s kind of like how they have not, that’s how the that’s the mechanical devices in the movie. Right. But how does any of us have to do with prepping? And Storage Solutions that we’ve been talking about, especially when it comes to food and do, you know, making best use of your Storage and when Storage is as useful and things like that.
1 (10m 46s):
Well, when it comes to preparedness, the Survival cash is like a next level of storage and, and a lot of ways cash can serve you regardless of where you’re located and it can help to serve other people as well. In some cases it can be something that, you know, provides some level of food or aid along a journey. In other cases, it can be something that can provide some source of some, some kind of resource to be able to get you to the next point of resource, you know, whether it’s fuel or excuse me, cash or something like that.
1 (11m 29s):
The whole idea of a Survival cash is something that many preppers think about kind of in dreamland. But, you know, in a lot of ways, there’s a very real aspect to a Survival cash That if applied effectively can be something that could be a very powerful tool when it comes to raw Survival. But first, before we get on with today’s show, Colin would like to share your fun
3 (11m 54s):
Fact of the week.
4 (11m 57s):
You want me to do everybody? My name is Colin on the coast here per use. And I’m, you know, and today we are going to be diving into a Survival Caches or something. We sort of got into a little bit at the end of last week’s episode, from the sounds of it. I might be taking this Show by the horns. So yeah, I mean, let’s just get to it. But like I said, the graphic all in front of the fact of the week, this week is located on the foothills of sero mountain in Nicaragua, the sport volcano boarding, actually let’s boarders carved down on the surface of an active volcano.
4 (12m 45s):
And although, you know, the sport, isn’t exactly mainstream for extreme sports that gives those, you partake in the opportunity to say, or do they serve down an active volcano, which is pretty tight. If you asked me to leave,
3 (12m 59s):
That’s crazy. So they serve that. Can’t be all right. So what are they surfing down the lava?
4 (13m 7s):
No, no, no. So it’s an active volcano, but it’s not like, it’s like, if I sell, like in the middle of erupting or anything yes. It’s kind of like, basically look like a regular mountain on the side of it. It looked like they were like a snowboarding and gunpowder. It was pretty crazy. Cause it looks like a sand dune.
3 (13m 25s):
Oh, I know what you’re talking about. Yeah. Okay. That would be kind of cool. I I’ll leave that one up to you. I think I don’t, I don’t know that I can handle something like that, but if you want to brave it, that’s, that’s all you do. So
4 (13m 42s):
I think it’d be fun because there’s like, there wouldn’t be any trees or anything crazy on the thing, you know,
3 (13m 47s):
You can, I’ve heard of a sandboarding to where they just, they do the same thing with like desert sand, you know, snow snowboarding sort of and desert sand. That’s a pretty cool yeah. Cool deal. Well, awesome. So let’s get on with today’s show. So this is a third part of a Storage Storage Solutions series that we put together kind of on a whim. And we were talking specifically about Survival Caches now, before I have Colin take the reins on this, I just want to kind of reiterate some of the things that we talked about on a previous episodes, not so much in full detail, but just the concept of how we’re framing Storage and how to effectively manage Storage, whatever it is.
3 (14m 30s):
And these three key factors that seem to cover pretty much every Storage scenario out there. And if you can, if you can match whatever your Storage needs are into these parameters in general, your storage is going to be a effective longterm.
1 (14m 52s):
And those three key factors are a one to have a place for everything and everything in its place, using what you store, storing, what you use and picking the right container for the job. So as we get into today’s show about Survival, Caches try and keep that in mind.
3 (15m 13s):
You know, that if you have you,
1 (15m 15s):
As you start thinking about what kind of Survival Caches you might need or something you might want to build, also keep in mind these factors, you know, if you, if you think of a Survival cash or something,
3 (15m 29s):
You know,
1 (15m 30s):
For example, the first rule place for everything and everything in its place,
3 (15m 35s):
Do you have everything
1 (15m 39s):
Wrapped up into that Survival cash that you need within that location? If, if that, if you kind of, you understand what I’m talking about and if not, you know, do you have that Survival cash set up to at least get you to the next location
3 (15m 56s):
Or whatever that might be and yeah.
1 (15m 59s):
Using what you Storage storing, what you use, basically putting the right kinds of things inside your Survival cash for this scenario that you’re anticipating and picking the right container for the job, depending on where you are putting that cash, or whether you’re burying it under ground or hanging it in a tree stick and in an attic or a basement, you know, putting it all in the back of a rail car or whatever it might be a, do you have the right container
3 (16m 22s):
For the job?
1 (16m 24s):
So these are the three main concepts to keep in mind when it comes to Storage. And then the three main enemies of course, are rodents access and conditions like humidity, heat, cold freezing temperatures, a constant moisture, things like that. Access is a key component of their Survival Caches. And in many cases, this is something that gets thrown by the wayside because most people, when they set up a Survival cache myself included, once you forget where that cash is located, it will be lost forever until someone stumbles across it, if they ever do.
3 (17m 1s):
And I mean to their surprise and, and, and
1 (17m 4s):
Well, in many cases, they’ll be able to get whatever you had stockpiled or whatever, but if it’s something that you attend to hand down or, or have some sort of legacy with, make sure
3 (17m 16s):
That you have
1 (17m 18s):
Access to it and the people around you have access to it, at least in some form, like, even if it’s a piece of paper saying here, this is where this is located, go get it, you know,
3 (17m 31s):
And make sure that they have the
1 (17m 32s):
Tools on hand to be able to retrieve whatever that is. I mean, for example, if you send someone out in the middle of the desert saying, yeah, there’s the Survival cash out here and it’s got XYZ a, but it’s buried under, you know, six inches of concrete and all they brought was a, you know, a Leatherman with them, but it’s not going to do have a whole lot of good. So, you know, keep in mind the access and the, the conditions that you’re working with with your Survival Caches or someone else could be working with to, to obtain your Survival cash, anybody in chat. And if you feel like dropping into any information links or anything like that, and please do, there’s going to be a plenty of opportunity to share stories and scenarios with these.
1 (18m 17s):
So a what you put in there a very well could help someone else who was interested in, in the show and drops back into the chat room. Colin, why don’t you, why don’t you kind of get us started here and tell us a little bit about Survival Caches and, and, and what we need to consider and how we need to start putting them together.
5 (18m 35s):
Well, you know, sometimes I just feel like our podcast is turning into homework for the listener, because what you said, you know, all that, you know, write on the mail and I’m going to elaborate a little bit further and stuff as we get into it. But do you, I mean, you know, I was, I was going to ask like, what, what do you know about Survival Caches but you pretty well, you just shared That. Do you remember when the dancing dances dancing with the wolves was,
1 (19m 11s):
I want to say that was the late eighties, maybe 87 to 89 somewhere around there.
5 (19m 18s):
Well, I mean, like, it was like the year it was,
1 (19m 22s):
Oh yeah, it was around, it was, yeah, that would have been civil war era a right after the civil war basically is when that movie was staged or when, when that timeframe was
5 (19m 34s):
Okay. All right. Yeah. Okay. Wanting something you do. Cause you know, you mentioned the three, the three main keys or the key points or whatever, and then there’s all these sub categories, depending on what kind of Storage are you actually using? Like within the, within Survival Caches, ’cause, there’s a lot of key points in these themselves, but so yeah. Yeah. Caches Caches Caches or something in today’s terms we like to call a safe place, hidden, you know, often hidden for you, you know, Storage food and other supplies, you know, and I was reading or I was attempting to look up and find some history on Survival Caches back to the mountain men and stuff.
5 (20m 24s):
And the only thing I can really find ’cause it kept getting mixed in with all these different video games to raid specifically, was that the, the origin basically of Caches. And if you think about Caches or something that have been used throughout history all the time, like without even realizing it, because all it is is, is it’s just a really simple concept. But I think in, in terms of when it originally did or the roots or the coined term of Caches is something that dates back to, we can say the 18 hundreds, early 18 hundreds, 18, 10, 18, 20, this is a really cool website.
5 (21m 11s):
You can put it in chat. It has the modern, a term of the Survival cash. And it also has an exit from a w Merryweather Louis’s I don’t know, journal or whatever about the, like a Survival cash that he was like making basically he was, he went into like where it was, how he, how he went about finding the location, how he dug it, how the dirt was transported and how the foods were stored and then how he was able to basically conceal the cash and then go on with his travel.
5 (21m 59s):
And that was in 1805 on June 9th, 1805. So I can put this in chat. So if you, if you guys want to read it, but it’s a really neat because it’s, it goes over the really just essential, very basic cache. But if we want, or if we really want to get into the The down and dirty, let’s talk about why Caches can be so significant. I have a lot of pros Caches or small. You can make them small, you can make them whatever size you want, and that allows you to spread your supplies out rather than having them all stored in one room in your house or in one location in the storage area.
5 (22m 43s):
And having them spread out in different locations can help you support bug outs, like a plan to bug out specifically, if you’re going somewhere and you know, you’re going somewhere, it allows you to pack light the first time around when you are actually bugging out. And then you have the way you only carry absolutely essential things. And then you can go on with your bug Al and then later, you know, benefit from that cache. And, you know, you only carry critical gear that way. You also avoid having to carry any firearms and you can keep firearms.
5 (23m 24s):
Are you getting confiscated as well? If you’re ever in that situation, not really sure what type of situation a you would need, but that, that is an option. Do you, what, what would be a scenario where you’d have to, like for specifically keeping your weapons from being confiscated?
3 (23m 49s):
Well, for example, I mean, there’s actually current. They are,
1 (23m 54s):
Or the rumors out there that if Joe Biden’s elected, he’s going to put a $200 per magazine tax on any magazines that are considered high capacity, whatever they define as high capacity magazines. Well, if they define a high capacity magazine, is anything over seven rounds then for every, you know, for people who have stacks of magazines,
3 (24m 23s):
You know, they could be paying, you know, if you have, you know, 10 magazines that are over seven rounds, that’s 200 a day
1 (24m 36s):
Dollars times 10, that you’re going to have to be paying every year or whatever they decide on how to be able to retain those magazines. So
3 (24m 47s):
There is
1 (24m 48s):
The, the, the thinking that, you know, if you keep
3 (24m 53s):
1 (24m 55s):
And do you have, you know, the ability to hide others, whatever, however you do it, then, you know, there’s a potential for you to only have to necessarily have one of them, a registered, but have access to several That only, you know, where they are, you know, firearms in and hiding firearms is a very sensitive issue. That’s something that really is it’s personal. I mean, there’s a reason you do it. A there’s a reason you don’t do it. So, I mean, there’s, that’s kind of, that’s kind of a vague example.
1 (25m 37s):
And in some cases it’s to hide from any sort of taxation or a, you know, litigation, if you are, if you’re risking getting sued or, or something like that, or if you’re considered a felon or, or things like that.
3 (25m 54s):
So there’s, there’s, there are reasons to
1 (25m 56s):
Hide firearms, but I think beyond firearms, you know, aside from the, the movies and the, that kind of stuff, the bigger thing I would think are Survival items, a, you know, things that are designed to keep you a little
3 (26m 13s):
Firearms are a portion of that. If you,
1 (26m 15s):
You are designing, you know, if you have to use them for hunting, or if you’re going to, you know, if you’re in a situation behind enemy lines and you’ve got to use them to kill the enemy or something like that, but for the average person, you know, basic survival is really the intent of a Survival cash. And we were talking a little bit about a, you know, you mentioned Louis and Clark, the Donner party.
3 (26m 40s):
One of the reasons,
1 (26m 41s):
I don’t know if you’re familiar with the Donner party, if they’ve taught in history or not, or if you’re even in that sounds
5 (26m 46s):
Familiar or was it in the same time or something?
1 (26m 49s):
It was probably shortly after Louis and Clark The. So they are, what happened was there was a guy who was leading this party of what do you call them? These expedition people? Well, yeah, there’s a term for some people who go out on wagons pioneers basically, and they were headed to California. They took a right instead of a left wound up going through this mountain pass. And they got caught up in a snow storm and the guy who was leading them went ahead and, and he told them, Hey, look, you know, there’s a, there’s a cache right here at this location.
1 (27m 30s):
So if you get held back, I’ll put my stuff here. And, and they were like, okay, great. And it would have been enough to get a buy well, because of that snow storm, the cash was buried. And they were like, you know, they wound up eating each other, literally cannibalizing each other to survive. When, you know, they were, when I was determined later that there were only about, you know, one or 200 feet away from that Survival cash would have been able to get enough, would have been enough for them to be able to survive through winter, without, you know, eating each other.
5 (28m 5s):
Yeah. No, that sounds really, really familiar. I feel like I watch like a history of mankind video or not, or something in the documentary type drama station traumatization, but yeah, I think I do know what you’re talking about and it was a year and then there was like some sort of twist at the end. It was super ironic because they w they just, they couldn’t get to their stuff, but they were like, so close to it. Right. Well, and then the final thing is if it protects just your stuff, it just protects your stuff just in general, from anybody coming across your stash.
5 (28m 48s):
Because like I said, a couple minutes ago, if your stash is all in one spot, it puts, it puts you and your stuff and in great risk because, you know, it’s, so it’s so accessible to other people other than you. And, and so that’s just some things and reasons why Caches our, a smart thing to do a in a, in a smart thing to consider, but some things to consider when making a Caches are things like a proper container to keep your stash from elements, sticking to key essential Survival supplies, finding the ideal location for your stash and the best and worst ways to bury it.
5 (29m 36s):
And, you know, regarding things like the elements, your environment, and your depth and all that stuff. And, you know, these are all kinds of plays in with each other. And then you have the quantity in each cash, depending on the size of the Caches you’re doing and how to adapt to your geographic locations. And, you know, you know, it’s really important to, to be smart about your Caches because it, it in the end will pay off otherwise, because if you’re not a smart about your Caches, then if it’s not right, you know, it’s not, it’s not going to serve the purpose on obviously that its supposed to do, and it’s a bit supposed to help you.
5 (30m 20s):
But if you are not taking these things in consideration, then it’s, it’s, it’s not going to help. So let’s just break these down. So first off the container would containers hold moisture and are terrible for Caches moisture in general, but what would a containers of any kind because is, it’s just, it’s super pro in the word it’s super prone to the elements and yeah, I think that’s probably, it’s probably probably the last thing you would want to resort to for making up or making it a cash in the long term metal rusts a, but it is a rodent protecting an incident in, in a rodent and insect resistant or protected.
5 (31m 14s):
And it’s good for low moisture areas like deserts. So if, because it, Russ, if you live in a dry areas and then it’s metal something to consider because you don’t have to worry about rodents or moisture, but if you’re in somewhere where it’s a lot more humid than, you know, it’s probably better off to stay away from Russ because, you know, you could get rest all over your gear and then ruin it. The PVC is probably one of the better containers to go towards because PVC is designed to be buried.
5 (31m 58s):
I mentioned this last week in a minute The project, because this is where we kind of did. This is a little bit more in depth, but PVC, because it’s designed to be buried as one of the best options to do for Survival Caches. And I keep bringing up that they’re being buried, but not all Survival Caches are buried. Ah, the locations of Survival Caches vary so much. And I’ll, I’ll talk about that, but it’s not just a matter of, you know, making like an actual time capsule that you’re going to, you know, it’s all exciting and you get giddy when you marry it up.
5 (32m 38s):
No, its supposed to helpful and its supposed to make sense. So the next thing is heavy, heavy story in the storage containers. Like there are actual containers that can have you hold large amounts of things or firearms and a animal in, in, in large capacity together. So even if you’re making smaller Caches or you have different sets of a firearms that you want to separate these big boxes and Pelican like pelekane is one brand.
5 (33m 19s):
They make these like $200, a big black, sometimes they’re insulated, but they’re just these watertight containers that are good for or larger Caches and then volts, which are basically buckets with lids that are meant to be buried, meant to hold your stuff, moved and hold your gear and supplies. And it’s going to have a sort of in a way preserve all your stuff because of the way they’re made. So there are options other than, you know, stuff you buy a home specifically for making Caches a, there’s a lot of you, there’s a lot of places you can go online and find the stuff for Survival.
5 (34m 7s):
Caches not the history because again, they’re just going to find stuff on tomb, Raider, but they’re, there is a lot, a lot of really good information on Caches out there. And there’s this one particular website where I got a lot of this information from, I will put it in the chat, but essentially it just walks you through the whole process. Why it’s important, where to do it, things like that. But the main thing to consider when you’re doing you’re in, when you’re deciding, getting on a container is a waterproof and isn’t it wrote in to an insect repellent or not repelled on the resistant as to where you can hide, you know, Caches, I mean the thing, you know, is a Survival Caches can go way back in bearing them was the, The just the, the, the most basic form of hiding something back back, when that made the most sense you would map it out, you’d bury it and then you wouldn’t really have to think much of it because it’s simple in your able to just do it with a bucket or a, a, some sort of container and then a shovel.
5 (35m 27s):
All right. Well, now that you are able to get a little bit more creative with it in, in, in today’s world, if you can be buried, but there are other options, like a high up in a tree is like evergreen tree is a big tall evergreen shoes, a you just strap it up and then cover it and secure it with a can or a tarp. Then you can set traps like traps for a large animals to really protect your cash from because a lot of times they’ll contain food and things like that. So you wouldn’t want bears or anything like that. Getting into your Caches kind
3 (36m 7s):
Another option too, is especially if you have a material that can withstand water is to submerge a cash underwater, like under a dock or if you know of a specific stream that has a specific tree that overhangs a stream and you can tie a piece of rope connect to your cash to the bottom of it, throw it over board. And you’re good to go. I mean, there’s, you know, just the idea of submerging something or burying something or putting up high That the whole point of it is just to really keep it out of plain sight to where its at a location where all the, you know, where it is.
3 (36m 57s):
5 (37m 1s):
Right. Yeah. Yeah. And I didn’t even, I guess I didn’t even really think about that, but as long as you’re able to secure your, your supplies and you’re able to get creative with it and do it, there’s there’s only the, you know, there’s there’s, there is a whim it’s to making Caches, but most of it is up to how creative you get, because it’s kind of like a game it’s it’s like, it’s like making a, a, a, what do you call it? Like a time capsule, but you can get like creative with it. You don’t have to just bury the next one on the list is your car because there are a couple pros to having it in your car.
5 (37m 49s):
It’s close at hand. If you find yourself in a remote location, because your car broke down, anything like that, you can, you have all the essential supplies that you need. You should have something like this in your car anyway,
3 (38m 3s):
You should build one for the truck and then we’ll Mount it up underneath the frame rail or something. Right?
5 (38m 11s):
Yeah. I think we just put it in under the seat in the back because it’s kind of a little bit of wasted space. Yeah. But yeah. I mean you can call it a cash or you can just call it, we, we made one of these, I thought for a project it’s just like a, like a car bag or yeah.
3 (38m 37s):
Yeah. And just to have a vehicle bag basically. Right,
5 (38m 41s):
Right. 72 hour has a lot of the central stuff if you need. Yeah. Like I said, need to advocate for, right, right, right, right. So you can do all of those things. Right. But remember when you’re hiding it, the most important parts is that it’s well hidden its in a remote location, it’s diversified. So it’s, you know, spread out it’s accessible. Right. And, and in a, in a crisis or, or in a bug out scenario and it’s well secured, but you know, you can, again, you can really, you can just put it wherever you want.
5 (39m 22s):
It’s that the more, the more you make it about yourself. So not necessarily how yourself, but the more you make it around, how like, I like how you need or you are like, like, what I’m trying to say is like you live in a certain way. Right. And if there’s something like in your house, you can put a Caches in your house, but if you bury it, that’s pretty, pretty basic. Right. I’m basically what I’m trying to get, get creative with it. All right. Yeah.
3 (40m 2s):
Well, I think, I think I’m trying to get at is the, it’s important to, to think about what goes into the cash based on how you live and what you would
5 (40m 13s):
Potentially need.
3 (40m 16s):
So like the idea of a car cash will go back to that for just one second, because you know, you could very easily and I, I, I remember one time when you were young, it was probably gosh, almost 10 years ago, eight years ago maybe. And I kept opening compartments in the vehicle and I had, you know, five bucks here, 10 bucks there, you know, I had different spots where I had, I had placed cash so that I knew, you know, basically they could use that for different things or to where if one spot was out that I could tap into the other ones or something like that.
3 (41m 3s):
And for me it was useful because when I ran out of fuel or when I was getting low, if I didn’t have cash on me or if I didn’t happen to have my wallet on me or something like that, then I could put $20 of gas or if I had to run out to the store or something real quick and I have my ID or whatever, but I forgot my wallet. Then I can still have enough cash to get what I need it, you know, that kind of stuff. And just the idea that when you’re driving, you’re probably going to get something you were probably, or, you know, if, if you don’t have to have the cash on hand to be able to do something and you wind up on a, you know, you go to a yard sale or something and you find something that you absolutely no is a good deal.
3 (41m 51s):
They are not going to take a debit card. And I, you know, if you don’t carry enough cash, then you know, you have that resource available to you. So it’s kind of like build a cash based on what you intend to do with the cash. If that makes sense. Now in my mind, you know, are in this specific example, I was talking about physical cash, money dollars as a cash Storage in my vehicle. Right? If your interested in doing other stuff, then frame it around what you would actually do. Don’t go home hiding a bunch of ding dongs and Twinkies in the backyard because you need to have a place to put all your ding-dongs and Tweed keys.
3 (42m 33s):
You know, you were talking about, you know, essential survival gear for a very good reasons because chances are, if you’re bearing ding-dongs and Twinkies, when you’re in a survival situation, you’re probably not going to be the kind of person who’s going to go grab a shovel and dig up the ding dongs and Twinkies. You know what I mean? So just be mindful of how you store, what you store on, what you’re doing with that.
5 (43m 5s):
Right? Right. Yeah. Yeah. So that was basically, that was kind of what I was trying to say. I just didn’t realize they don’t understand how to put it, but that was, that was well put. Yeah. So you wanna, you wanna do it around how you live and the way you live. And some of it comes down to where you live. I don’t know how I skipped over this, but the contents of the cache is something you want to also take into consideration. Obviously I kind of mentioned it briefly last week, but if you’re a newer listening or didn’t listen to last week’s ending, The how big your actual container is.
5 (43m 50s):
We’ll give you an idea of what to put inside of it. But the most common things would be like fire, starting materials, medical gear, blow out kids, a first aid kits, a light sources, defense like a firearms and ano a utilities tools and things like that. Entertainment, communication, bargaining items and, and money, all things that you might want to put on your cash. But if you’re making your cash around you, your lifestyle, it could be, if, you know, if you live in somewhere where you have really, really heavy winters and you think you might, for whatever reason have to bug out, I don’t know what maybe, maybe you have to be somewhere or maybe you’re broken down, but your near a couch or something like that.
5 (44m 37s):
If you have a cash in your car and it has like the snow, what do you call it? The snow snow, or so the things that go on the bottom of your feet, the snow feet. Oh, snowshoes. Yes. No. Well, okay. Yeah. So let’s just snowshoes. Okay. Then, then, you know, that’s something that you That is, does based on like your, your, your lifestyle. So that sort of thing. Right. And then I guess the last or close to the last thing that you need to take into consideration is how to bury it and where to bury it.
5 (45m 18s):
So if you’re in a remote,
4 (45m 21s):
Well, well, well occasion E if I want to use a lightweight, Show, we’ll see you back,
5 (45m 49s):
But I guess it’s up to you, right?
4 (45m 53s):
But hopefully if
5 (45m 58s):
You’re digging in, in sauce In a desert, then it’s, it’s, it’s more likely to work because you’re going to bring it. Isn’t really going to be a problem so much as keeping your stuff preserves. And the answer is the most like, like, like you would think it’s a lot of rainfall. You want to have a good sense or do you want to bury it in the ground upside down so that the guest works, but you are, and your are a container doesn’t get fooled, your cash.
5 (46m 44s):
Doesn’t have to actually get drenched. As you know, you’re thinking about bearing, but if you’re bearing it all on your property, it’s important to think about who might be on your property and what type of, what types of utilities might be underground. And what kinds of work is going to be done in your property. Because if you know, you bury something in the middle of your backyard, then you can’t have your cash. Isn’t going to be any good. If you have people coming out of there and digging in your backyard with a big, like a backhoe or whatever. Right.
5 (47m 23s):
So they recommend, and this is interesting to put it under a, a sidewalk slab, if you have it. And you, you basically do that by digging down and then to the right, there’s definitely makes it less accessible. So that’s definitely a drawback, but you could get really creative with burying it. There’s no real method to it, except for, like I said, if you were in a really, whatever, it is, a very it upside down, what do you just kinda, if you could just kind of bury it, it’s not that hard. And then if you’re not burying on a property, if you’re a bearing on a remote location, a, you know, try to see the sea places that are off to their, off the road, but is it, if it’s there places that are easy to map and that’s the next part is, is keeping a very careful watch and very clear map of your, of your Caches because that’s without it, then, you know, it’s just, like That said earlier, it’s just, you were just a guy with a much, a catch-up Caches.
5 (48m 31s):
You don’t know whether they are, so they are useless and you got all the time and effort and money into the Caches and you didn’t map them correctly. So if you’re doing it in a remote location, you want me to do it where, and in places where it’s distinct, but it’s, it’s hidden right now. And I’m, you know, that’s pretty much just sums up your Survival Caches didn’t really get into the scenarios you, you would you’re in a row because I didn’t really well, that was going to look too much into those, but, you know,
3 (49m 6s):
Person though, and what their, what their doing with it and that kind of thing. But I think, I mean, I think it’s a good basis for people to get people thinking about these Survival Caches of what they can be used for how you can bury them, where you can put them and the considerations that you need to keep in mind when you’re deploying a Survival cash. Colin mentioned the one thing about, you know, making sure that you know, where your Survival Caches and all this stuff. And if you are looking at a long-term Survival cash scenario, pay attention to the trees and the surroundings that you’re in. Because if you’re, if, if you were a map indicates a sapling that you bury the tree, or you buried your Survival cache in or a Creek bed that exists, you know, on a specific map and this location over the course of time, the, the terrain can change that little sapling can turn into a 60 foot tree that that river bank or that stream might run dry.
3 (50m 15s):
So it’s a very important for you to understand what exactly you are. You’re putting where, and a very clear markers on where that low, where that cash is. You know, you can put a Survival cash inside a fence post, right? One of those, a galvanized steel chain link fence posts, you can put our Survival cash inside, or, you know, on the underside of a mailbox. So you can put a Survival cash, or, you know, on the inside the bumper of a truck that’s been sitting in the field for 50 years.
3 (50m 59s):
But if any of those things change or move or, or degrade over time, we need to be aware that those Survival Caches probably should be checked annually or every other year, just to make sure that they are still there. Right. So just keep that in mind, your Survival Caches, aren’t kind of a set it and forget it kind of thing. They are the kind of thing where you might need to adapt the location, depending on the current conditions. I mean, what if there is a mudslide that buries your Survival cloud cash or sends it a a hundred or 200 feet downhill? You know, these are the things you need to consider when it comes to placing Survival Caches, especially in remote locations or on property.
3 (51m 46s):
And then, you know, and now the property is another consideration, too. If you bury it on property that is considered public property. And all of the sudden that public property turns it into a private property, a you may not have access to your Survival cache, right? You bury it in a farm field. The farmer decided to subdivide the land and build a bunch of the housing units over there. How are you going to go into some guy’s backyard and say, hello, by the way, I’ve got a Survival cache right here that my grandpa put on a hundred years ago, or, you know, 50 years ago. And by the way, I’ve got a shovel. I want to dig it up. Sometimes it doesn’t work that way. So keep that in mind, you know, you’re where are you?
3 (52m 27s):
Put it in the longevity, the, the duration that, that does need to play into how you manage your Survival cash. So, awesome job, buddy. Appreciate the, the show. You did a great job. We did really do a commercial today and that’s all right. We kind of blase through, we can a, we can double up next week, but you know what, before we do the pint size Prepper project of the week, I do want to give a shout out to the Prepper medical handbooks. So lets give them a quick shot and then we’ll come back and we’ll take all the pint-sized Prepper project. Hold on to everybody. We’ll be right back.
6 (53m 5s):
Are you prepared to be the family doctor in a disaster or emergency? This is the Intrepid commander and I’m a holding the Prepper’s medical handbook by William w 4g M D in this great book. You’ll learn how to prepare for medical care off the grid. You’ll learn about assessment and stabilization you’ll even deal with things like bioterrorism response, radiation, and how to build the off-grid medical kit at home in the 2020, taught us a lot about the limitations of our medical infrastructure in America. Get the preppers medical handbook
6 (53m 45s):
Again, that’s the preppers medical handbook by William w 40.
0 (53m 59s):
1 (54m 17s):
Right. And we’re back ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, friends from around the world. Thanks for joining us again. Great show tonight. Thanks for everyone. Who’s been able to stick it out and learn the ins and outs of Survival Caches we got on other shows coming in this week with James Walton, kicking it off tomorrow night at ah, the iron Liberty. Show Dane D with the guns out of the armory on Thursdays. And we got David, the NBC guy and Michael Klein on Friday nights, rotating Show hosts. It’s a, it’s a great way to kick it off on Fridays and then G Fergie with the family fare on Saturdays. And we got the reliance broadcast on Sunday. So don’t miss out on that Mondays.
1 (54m 59s):
I think next Monday, we might even do a preppers round table who knows maybe we’ll dig into the, the election outcome. We’ll see what things, how things wrap up after Thanksgiving and what happens there. And then of course on Tuesday we bring it full circle, double barrel, Tuesday, kicking off the first round with the Patriot power hour. And we’re back here on Tuesday night. Next Tuesday, join us again. Let’s let’s jump right into the pint-sized Prepper project of the week. This week, the bite-sized Prepper project is brought to you by power film, solar, a we have teamed up with a power of film Soler to bring you a special partner in deal where you can save 10% off of any of the light saver products using the promo code, PBN 10, the, the power of film, website has these rollable solar panels that or you can use for backpacking hiking, kayaking, stick them in your cars to come in your, you know, with your go bag, stick them in your whatever.
1 (56m 8s):
You’re a kid’s backpack at school stockings, whatever you, whatever you got. And then when you need him, you can roll them out and tap into the power or the sun that’s that’s, it’s basically as simple as that and a it’s a as, as That. So check them out power from You use the promo code, PBN 10 they’ll cut you a 10% deal. So the pint-sized Prepper project this week to kind of go in line with the things that we’ve been talking about, the Survival Caches and stuff like that. One of the ways that I introduce my kids to Survival Caches in the concept of Survival Caches was very simple, right?
7 (56m 48s):
A scavenger hunt. Yeah.
1 (56m 50s):
A scavenger hunt is an age old tradition in many families. And especially in ours is the one that I haven’t done for a long time. But it’s one that even though you haven’t done it in a long time and it can trigger memories that are very specific to that specific task. Now, for those of you who don’t know, a scavenger hunt is a very simple type of thing where you are given an assignment, your giving a, a goal, like you need to collect X. And in order for you to collect X, you need to go to this place and then, or in this region, and then once you’ve collected X, you’ll get instructions on this next collection of things, whatever you might need.
1 (57m 33s):
You know, sometimes that might be like, Oh, well, you know, go collect to go find a red feather and you have to find it on this, you know, neighborhood or whatever. And then once you’ve found the red feather, then you get a clue that takes you to the next location. That’s like, okay, now I’ll go to this port. And through this process, kids learn very quickly how to do specific things. But in order for you to do this as a parent, you have to do it very differently. You have to work your way backwards. So you start at the end and what you do is you F you take whatever that final product is weather.
1 (58m 13s):
And I used to do this for my kids’ all the time on their birthday, especially when they’re really young, they loved it. And they loved us so much. They would be like, Oh, you know, it’s not a birthday, but it can we do this? Then I would, you know, we take the time and I’d set it all up. And it’d be like, you know, five or 10 hours of a setup for 15 minutes worth of activity. Right? Because they were really interested in finding that next thing and going to the next point. Right. But what I wanted to kind of mention what that especially is that whole component of the work that it takes on a working backwards. So the first thing you do is stage the evidence, the stages, and the evidence is generally the longest, most time consuming, most thought provoking portion of this task, but it’s a very critical component.
1 (59m 0s):
So what you do is you stage your evidence or your components in different places, whether its with people or whether it’s with specific location markers or whether it’s a, you know, a time-based or however you want to do, you construct That. You have to set those things up and put specific products in place,
3 (59m 23s):
Whatever that product might be stage out that evidence. And as you stage it out, you’re working backwards. Remember you are building a map back to the first step. Once you get back to the first step, that first clue you want to test it out yourself. So test it out, make sure that you know what you’ve written, assuming you don’t have to where it is, can be found whatever or whatever that means. Whether it’s something that you have to go onto a computer and find it. Whether you have to look at a landscape and find out where the, you have to look at a map and find out whether they have to go out and talk to somebody and find out whatever it is, make sure that that first step takes you progressively to the next step.
3 (1h 0m 8s):
And that next step takes you to the third step. The third step takes you to the fourth step all the way back to the final product then Oh, you have to do is reset it and then deliver the first clue. Do you have delivered this flirt first clue to your kiddos? Just sit back and watch. And I got to say, this is probably one of the most exhilarating experiences of it as a parent that I have ever been able to, to share with my kids because you see them and you see them thinking, you see them working this out, you see them talking about it like, Oh, it could be this. It could be not.
3 (1h 0m 49s):
Especially if you leave clues that are vague, but enough to be able for them to figure it out. The heart of the clues, the, the more fun they’ll have as long as they have the ability to, to get to that next point, which is why you kind of sit back and watch. If there’s something that they can’t figure out, you can give them suggestions. You can give them, you know, well maybe, maybe this tree is supposed to be supposed to have leaves when the one that you are looking at has pine needles. You know, so which one should you consider? You know, little things like that. If you need to be able to have them out, if you can, but the best part is sitting back and letting them figure it out themselves.
3 (1h 1m 36s):
Some of the skills that are learned are encouraged. They’re a project like this are things like instruction, a, you know, having a child take a piece of obstruction to the next level, like, okay, do X. And then they execute that instruction effectively. That small component is a very big, especially when it comes to being able to allow a child, to be able to understand and comprehend a concept like Survival Caches, they may not understand it when they’re doing it, but they don’t understand it 20 years from now, when you give them that one clue in the beginning, right?
3 (1h 2m 18s):
Mapping is skill. That’s a learned. And I encourage with this project because you can incorporate maps into these very specific Survival Caches too, or a, what do they say was this called a scavenger hunt scenario? So you might include a map at the second donor destination, and that map will lead you to a compass on the next destination. And that compass on the map combined, we’ll lead you to another thing on the third or fourth destination or whatever it might be. So all these different things, you know, every, every location you have a different clue and stuff like that. Well, this brings up the final or, you know, the third basic skill that’s learned or encouraged through this is, is that the very rudimentary, basic level of Survival Caches, which is just to get to that next step or a location for you to be able to get from point a to point B.
3 (1h 3m 17s):
Your goal is to retrieve this information, take it and run with it until the next location. And you keep on that destination. You keep that focus. You keep that drive and you keep that momentum going. And you can do that with something as simple as a scavenger hunt. And we hope to keep these kinds of things coming. If you’d like to see more of these types of projects and support our work here directly over the next generation, Show head on over to Amazon and check out our ebook. We’ve got a project book with 28 other projects, just like this one that you can do with your family. It’s available on Amazon Barnes and noble and on our website, a there’s a link to a directly on the, a next generation Show page.
3 (1h 4m 4s):
Or if you’re interested in that, go check it out. There are digital and hard copy versions. If you don’t want to stick one in a stocking and check it out for your, for yourself digitally, before you send it off to all the family and friends, I think for the final takeaway today, the Storage and Survival Caches are, believe it or not a key component of prepping, whether you’re setting aside a few bucks or a few buckets, make sure you are able to effectively store secure and sustain your cash or whatever it might be to make sure others know where it is or how to find it with the right clues. I don’t remember that it’s a form of next level savings for that worst case scenario event that you hope never happens.
3 (1h 4m 50s):
But if it does, you were prepared for it or you’ve prepared others so that they can sustain beyond yourself, prepping. Isn’t all about what you have. And it definitely isn’t all about what you have in the moment. It’s about what you do with what you have and how you move forward. What others might be struggling or could be struggling based on this in a situation like this, be something that’s for yourself or for the benefit of others who survive beyond you. Either way, just keep in mind that you need to meet some of the basics that we’ve covered within this series.
3 (1h 5m 29s):
First, you have a place for everything and everything in its place. Second, then you use what you store and you store what you use a third, but you pick the right container for the job. Lastly, in case you missed it on the last week, Show, We a did the second component. Storage Solutions Part to where we walked you through some of the Storage considerations and a half the group off the walls suggestions that you might want to consider when it comes to Storage. And remember, if you missed out, you can always check out our previous episodes on the show page or on your favorite streaming service while you’re there, be sure to leave as a five star review, it does help to boost our presence and allows us to share this message with others.
3 (1h 6m 13s):
So a thank you for those who have submitted reviews, for those of you who haven’t get out there and do it, we appreciate your support. And we hope that you a, you are enjoying the content that we’re putting forth on this show. Next week, we’ll see about doing a couple of the things we might do, a bug out vehicle update, or am I do some other different types of a preparedness topics, depending on what’s happening on, you know, we’ll, we’ll have to figure that out and we’ll, it will be a surprise for you folks next week. So a, I think that’s going to be it for today. Everyone. Thanks for joining us on the next generation show. And don’t forget to tune in the next time, or we explore another aspect of the little things in life that make all the difference in the world.
3 (1h 6m 59s):
This is your host, Ryan Buford, and you were a cohost calling a new bird, reminding you to stand for him to get involved. That’d be prepared, have a great night to everybody and make it a great week.
0 (1h 7m 18s):