Storage Solutions – The Next Generation Show

Storage Solutions – The Next Generation Show

November 11, 2020 Shows storage supplies The Next Generation 0

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0 (13s):
Prepper Broadcasting Network we have to hit the reset button, create a new culture, starting on a very young age. We sell training all the way up.

0 (48s):

1 (1m 10s):
Hi, and welcome to The. Next Generation Show where we delve deeper into the little things in life. Here we explore the lost art of fatherhood Parenthood, and fundamental preparedness for the world today. I’m your host, Ryan Buford, along with my co-host young master Colin, and today we’re broadcasting from the heart of the frigid cold Pacific Northwest. Thank you for joining us and there’s not a moment to lose. So let’s dig right in first off, a couple of announcements for those of you out there, listening to this podcast, we thank you for that support. We thank you for the downloads and hopefully these are coming across as something that you can enjoy during your workouts or on the road or at work, or while you’re in the back woods, doing whatever it is you do.

1 (1m 54s):
But for those of you who are interested, if you’d like to join us during the live streaming of these podcasts, feel free to come on over to Prepper and get connected through the element chat set up. Once you’re there, you can click on the, a chat room that we’re in it. Usually the PBN live Show chat and get plugged in with the rest of us. I’m in there with a long, with a several like-minded listeners, volcanic in chat. Thank you for being the sounding board and a kind of makeshift audio. What do you call that? The sound booth sound check person. This is like a, on a Frazier. What was her name?

1 (2m 34s):
The gal who was on Frazier, who was always there kind of making sure that the audio went well kind of direct and things in the background. It’s a freight what’s Frazier. Yeah. Frazier is a, an old a sit-com for those of you who are familiar with that anyways. Yeah. Get checked. Get plugged in with us over at PA not Patrion. Where am I doing element? There we go to the chat off to a good start tonight already, but anyway, a it’s a great way to, to get connected with some of the chat is happening during these live shows and kind of a, we have Lynx or anything like that. It’s a good place to dig into some of the stuff that we talk about briefly and enjoy kind of the background side of things.

1 (3m 21s):
Get a little extra information on that sort of things. Also a special thanks to the folks out in Enid, Oklahoma, and either eat it or edit. I’m not sure if I pronounce that right, but you folks at the top listeners in one location this week. So thanks for joining us and a special thanks to the listeners across the pond and around to the world. There’s lots of folks out there who chime in and join us for these podcasts, or maybe reach out to us on social media. It looks like there’s a couple of new listeners in the United Kingdom in Japan, and actually made a new contact today. Prepper out of Portugal who filmed me on social media and we were kind of going back and forth on the status of things in general here versus there.

1 (4m 5s):
And we, you know, what lockdowns are doing, what’s on the horizon and what kinds of things were getting ready for. And it was kind of a welcome reminder for how far or of how far we reach as a network and as preppers. So wherever you are, whatever country or in whatever state you’re in, you know, whatever region of the world, keep it up. I mean, we’re all in this together. And a lot of ways we are here for those who are looking for answers and ah, you know, hopefully in whatever stage you’re preparedness, you’re in, you can actually help people, whatever, whatever level of health you can provide or a comfortable with giving a, you know, preparedness, isn’t something that’s a, you know, a secret society by any means.

1 (4m 57s):
So, you know, if it’s something that you think you can contribute too, you know, help out friends and family, we’re all in this together. And ah, you know, cut a hole on that note. Don’t forget to check out the members portal on PBN. If you are looking for added information that you want to consume and or share with friends or family, check it out on the Prepper website a it’s a good way for us to be able to pay the bills and keep things going so that we’re not at the, what do you call it that under the thumb of big tech this last week has been a eye opener in a lot of ways, especially on the social media front, people are leaving Facebook and Twitter in droves.

1 (5m 41s):
A lot of folks are hanging on to their accounts, but making sure that they are tapping into other resources, resources like me We and parlor. There’s also another alternative for YouTube, which is called knock dogs bark as, or just my dog’s barking. What’s it called? Rocker. I believe rumble. There it is rumble. So that’s going to be a kind of the new wave. I mean, things, people are moving away from these kind of high. Oh, how do you call it? It’s a high traffic, a well known social media platforms. And I’m going to the ones that, you know, at the moment, our having a little bit more privacy and a lot less censorship issues and challenges.

1 (6m 30s):
So if you’d like to connect with us on any of those platforms, check us on The Next Generation Show page. All of our social media contact information is over there. And if you like, if you have a Show idea or a comment or question, if you’d like Show notes or links or anything like that, that we drop into the Shows feel free to send me an email Prepper, a tactical torture update. So we’ve got snow on the horizon. And I know it’s been a while since we’ve had an update on tactical But part of that is, well, it’s a pretty much all my fault, but I’ll accept that responsibility. We’re kind of working toward improving some things and getting some additional reviews out there, but it’s very time consuming, more time-consuming than I thought.

1 (7m 17s):
And I’ve been busier than I expected that I would have been with everything that’s going on. So we are actually going to be a, since we’ve gotten snow recently, I’m hoping to get a little bit more footage of that foldable kayak that we talked about and why you might ask, well, the idea of a kayak a lot of times is something that, well, maybe not so often is, is something that can be used for other forms of transportation, not just on water. So we’re gonna kind of put it to the test for some land packing to see what can be done with that. And hopefully we can wrap up that review and get it out to our eternally patient followers.

1 (7m 57s):
So thank you for those of you out there. The the six or eight of you that actually are interested in that kind of stuff. So thanks by the way, a couple of videos forthcoming, and we might actually a resubmit our work. And since we’re early on in this project, just start moving toward the rumble side of things and see what happens with that regard. Okay. So let’s quit messing around and get into the, a topic for today. So today we are talking about Storage Solutions and there was a, a couple of a things. Hold on a second. My dogs are going crazy here.

1 (8m 39s):
Probably The a neighbor dog got out how one at the moon or something. So hold on just one second, please. Sorry. Folks. Nothing like dead air during a live show, but you know, that’s the way we roll around here anyways. So Storage Solutions and Storage the importance of Storage I usually on an occasional bring on, you know, an anecdote before the show starts about, you know, why these things are important and stuff like that.

1 (9m 22s):
And I, I tend to pick on my parents, both of which are actually in the chat room tonight. They, they tend to listen to the live shows and I try and raise them when I can. And usually one of the other, but I’m going to throw on both under the bus at this time, because my mom is notorious for being able to fit a Christmas tree in the trunk of a mid nineties Honda. And it’s kind of an ongoing joke that we have in the family where, you know, the ability to pack something into a space that physically seems impossible is actually possible.

1 (10m 5s):
You just have to understand what can be done with the space you have. And the reason for today’s show is actually twofold. So I wanted to also bring my dad into this conversation a little bit because my dad actually used to be a long haul truck driver. And there was a point in time toward the end of his truck driving career, where he fell and broke his leg. And when that happened, I remember I was driving to work driving. I was driving around at work as part of my duties, whatever I was doing going from one point a to point B, you get a phone call from a doctor and they’re like, Hey, you know, is this so-and-so and blah, blah, blah.

1 (10m 55s):
Well, you know your dad’s okay, but he’s going into the emergency room and, and this is what happened. And of course I’m freaking out. And I think it was his, his employer who called me, who actually finally got through to me cause I was listed as an emergency contact. And she was like, well, you know, we need to schedule someone to come and pick up his things. And so I’m thinking to myself, well, geez, if it’s not that big of a deal, but he’s going to an emergency room. Why am I coming to pick up these things? Well, he had broken his leg, broken his femur and the projection was that he was going to be out for six months.

1 (11m 35s):
So I was like, well, I guess that makes sense. So we made arrangements to get over to Helena and pick up all of his things out of his, out of his truck, which was a sleeper truck. So basically when he would go out on the road, he’d be out on the road for anywhere from, you know, a couple of weeks too, a couple months at a time. And these guys that are our long haul truck drivers are in the truck driving industry. In most cases, they live in the vehicle, right. And they get up and then they drive all day and that’s their job. That’s basically their entire life.

1 (12m 16s):
There’s not, there’s not a whole lot of a opportunity to go sight seeing or anything like this. There’s also not a whole, a whole lot of opportunity to actually have an effective, you know, backup plan or pack five years of a food inside of a, you know, a sleeper camp sleeper cab have a semi. So we wound up going to Helena and we picked up my dad and we, we wound up gathering all of his stuff out of this truck. And, you know, I started to realize this, this aspect of, you know, okay, well, if you’re living, you know, weeks on the road, you still have to have some sort of rations on you to be able to get you buy.

1 (13m 1s):
Because in some instances you might be going from point a to point B and you have to stop and you have to survive on what you have in the car, a truck, and you know, sure you are your options for food. A lot of times they’re very limited, you know, and if you do have options for some sort of hot food, in most cases, there it’s fast food or it’s unhealthy, or it’s like a buffet style, a thing, truck stop food, that kind of thing. So as we were going through collecting my dad’s things, I realized how much a space was actually dedicated to food, you know, and there was the other things, you know, and just the, the, the staples and essentials for getting by day to day.

1 (13m 44s):
But the food Storage was kind of a critical component there. And it was a real eye opening to me a lot, what it meant to have to survive a week at a time with the food on hand that you have and the space that you well at the time they same it’s happened. It was a big impact on my life and his life, obviously, but it wasn’t that big of an impact on the industry as a whole, the, the trucking industry. And what I mean by that is that, you know, the rest of the world or the rest of the United States, didn’t really feel that impact. There wasn’t a massive, you know, a shortage as a result of my dad having this, you know, life changing event happened to him, right?

1 (14m 36s):
So here I am, you know, at the end of the moment, you know, thinking about my dad and getting him squared away and all this kind of stuff and the Storage that he has and how he was using the Storage that he had and his options. Do you know, now fast forward to today or today, you know, as in, you know, recent time within the last six months, we’ve had a lot of, of ebb and flow when it comes to supply and demand and different industries that are on top, or, you know, perceived as, you know, leaders or survivor’s or whatever it may be. I got word recently that through social media, that the truckers, that many truckers are working together to organize some form of a strike, which would essentially be a sit down strike, where they drive to whatever location that they’re supposed to go to.

1 (15m 35s):
And then they park and they parked for a set amount of time. Now, on one hand, you have the story of my dad who, you know, was out for the count for six months, right? Little or no affect on the industry, but then you fast forward to today. And the idea that a trucking industry has a potential to create literally a standstill is very real, and frankly, I’m surprised it hasn’t happened yet. A lot of these guys don’t get the props that are owed to them as a result of their work and sticking it through to this whole mass.

1 (16m 16s):
I mean, the whole reason that the country has survived and essentially has been because of transportation and making sure that products can still get to the store shelves. So the toilet paper shelves can get filled back up after everybody goes and reads them, you know, But I’m, hold on, you know, go ahead, buddy.

2 (16m 42s):

1 (16m 47s):
I think a big part of it is a, it has to do with the election. I think part of it might have to do with, you know, gaining in some sort of respect or recognition. There might be some things related to PPE, personal protective equipment for them a while they’re out there doing this work and, you know, the, the, the risk that they’re putting themselves at and even possibly the riots, because, you know, a lot of these folks, these truck drivers have been told, you know, Hey, if you, you know, if you run into a crowd of people, keep driving, you know, don’t stop because there’s a way you put your life at risk in some cases. And a lot of truck drivers are, you know, fed up with it.

1 (17m 30s):
And if we start seeing more riots in the streets and things like that, you know, a small short-term strike even a couple of days could have a massive impact. And so that’s kind of gets into why we’re talking about this today, the idea of a trucker strike or a trucking industry coming to a halt by choice or circumstance regardless has the potential to create a significant impact on the supply chain. And what does any of that have to do with prepping? Well, as the Prepper, as we generally are on point when it comes to gathering gear and our supplies and stuff like that, but how much time and devotion do you spend on actual storage conditions for your supplies?

1 (18m 19s):
What considerations do you need to have in mind in your area or in your, you know, your field of condition? You know, I guess you could say, and how, and how might those things be impacted by weather or rodents or light or thieves, or, you know, just in, you know, even an influx of supplies. If you get out, you have an access to like a truck load of potatoes or something, you know, its not all about room as long as you store things properly. And the reason we’re talking about this today is because with the potential of a trucker strike you have, and this, this trucker strike is tentatively, you know, rumor just to kick off right around November 29th in the United States.

1 (19m 2s):
This means that on essentially black Friday, as soon as trucks unload or stop, there will be nothing for four days. Essentially most grocery stores have a three-day supply on hand. On that fourth day, there is a, a high likelihood that if a store shelves are cleared out and truckers are then ready to roll a, there will be enough of a supply chain disturbance to where it won’t be refilled the next day or possibly even in the next week. So you need to be prepared to have your Storage situation squared away.

1 (19m 41s):
’cause you have essentially, if this actually comes to pass and even, you know, I think I did the math, there’s about 2 million truck drivers on the road today. So if say 20% of those actually take action and don’t drive down the road, you know, that’ll be 400,000 truckers, right? And then if those 400,000 truckers, if of those 20% of them are carrying food loads, I think that works out to be somewhere and the market of about seven. What did I have on there?

0 (20m 24s):
7 million

1 (20m 25s):
Pounds of food, either 7 million or 70, 70 million pounds of food per state. And after three days, some of that food might spoil. So there’s, there’s a likelihood that there, this could be a massive impact, especially to the food supply chain. And there’s a mass, there’s a chance that it could be a minor impact, but if you want to edge on or hedge on either side of the one side or the other, the best thing you can do is double check your own food stores, double check your supplies, go through and do what you can before this happens. Because if it happens, you don’t wanna be the guy on the grocery store waiting to get dog food, waiting to get toilet paper, waiting to get whatever it is because you’re a three or four days behind the gun.

1 (21m 17s):
So Storage is something that we are going to get into today. But first, before we get into that, Colin, would you like to share your fun fact of the week?

2 (21m 25s):

2 (21m 36s):

1 (22m 15s):
Weird. I can sounds like they can’t hear you and chat, but I heard you, so hopefully you got picked up. We might have to double check and make sure that, you know, it comes to run on the podcast, but thanks buddy. I appreciate that. You might just have to chime in and just talk every so often and then just make sure that we can hear you. So anyways, so yeah, we’re going to talk into a story. And so the Storage is obviously something that preppers take advantage of and, you know, make sure to do everything that we can with. So, and, and it’s a pretty big topic. So I wanted to try and put some parameters on it so that we can really get into the, the meat of what we are trying to achieve here.

2 (22m 59s):

1 (23m 6s):
Oh yeah. Hold on a second, buddy. I think you might be muted. Unmute yourself. Let’s see if it’s working. Okay. Hold on one second. Hold on folks for running it as a tech technical difficulties, let me make sure that I’ve gotten things dialed in with Colin’s audio side of things. Can we just one second while I try and dial this in? Hold on, hold on, hold on. Speakers to sound flour. There we go. Now I’ll get a better shot, buddy. Yeah, we got you. Okay. All right. So anyways, what were you saying about The before I brought you on

3 (23m 48s):
Before you prompt me on the trucks? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I just, that sounds like immensely a significant or a very, very significant, yeah. I, I feel like that, that if, if it gets to the point where a food Storage is, you know, on the shelves are empty and people realize what’s going on, it’s it’s definitely going to be another wave of, of media and there’s, there’s going to be heaps of people talking and maybe even a little bit of panic. I’ll definitely. Yeah, no, that just, they are definitely, they definitely have a lot of power and those truckers.

3 (24m 32s):

4 (24m 32s):
And you know, they don’t, like I said before, there’s not a whole lot of respect given to the truck drivers until the truck stopped rolling and I’ve heard back and forth like, Oh, they will never be able to do it. You know, they’ve never been able to organize. They can’t even decide what to have for dinner. But on the other hand, even if a fraction of the fraction do decide to do this, you know, there is a high likelihood that, you know, things could be disturbed or disrupted, whether it’s localized or, or a nationwide. The thing is, is truck drivers have had the, have had social media dialed in with CB radios since they were on the road, right.

4 (25m 17s):
It’s just a different form. And then if you think these guys aren’t talking and they’re not planning, you’re, you’re being naive really. And you know, it’s, it’s no different than anything else. The thing is, is if these folks are trying to make a statement and they pull it off, that statement might have an impact on our everyday lives. Not that it’s a, you know, malicious, but it’s to prove a point and you don’t want to be caught in the crossfire of someone else, proving a point. So, ah, the best thing that you can do is really take care of your own household. You need to make sure that, ah, that you have what you need when you need it.

4 (25m 60s):
So there’s a couple of different factors that I wanted to wrap around this whole scope of will have a conversation is a, when it comes to Storage. So these are three things that I generally live by earliest. Try to the first one is that, how do I say this? That you have a place for everything and everything in its place. And we can get into that a little bit more down the road. The next is used, what you store and store, what you use. That’s a pretty common. And then the last one is pick the right container for the job.

4 (26m 43s):
Okay? So a little bit of history on some of these. So the first one, a place for everything and everything in its place was actually advice that I got from an in law who kept a very clean house who knew exactly where everything was, maintain everything very well. And you know, there was never anything out of place in a good way, because whenever you needed something, you can retrieve it, write a lot of people will use this same philosophy at work. Or if you need something, its in a binder or it’s, you know, on it, you can pull it off a shelf, you can pull it out of your file. You can pull it out of your archive. You can do whatever you need to do your Rolodex or whatever. It might be a place for everything and everything in its place because when you need it and you can, you can easily go and retrieve it.

4 (27m 29s):
And whenever it’s vacant, you can tell you, you can tell that that thing is gone a lot, you know, even in mechanic shops or you might see a pegboard set up that has an outline of a wrench on a peg. Well, that outline is there, but the ranch is it. Then you know something’s missing. So this is a really good element of Storage and making sure that the things that you have are where they’re supposed to be, the next one you use, what you store on the store, what do you use? A lot of times you hear about this, you know, eat what you store and store, what you eat, the same thing.

4 (28m 9s):
I’m expanding this to just usage because there are other things that you should store because you use them. And there are other, there are some things that you don’t need a store, for example, here on the Pacific Northwest, I don’t need a store, a bunch of rubber rafts for flooding events. Okay. I might store a snowshoes or a snowboard, but the likelihood of me coming, you know, in camp countering a major flooding event is pretty low. Now, if someone down South and a, you know, new Orleans or Louisiana area, you know, Texas, Florida, North Carolina, some of these areas, they can get hard, hit hard by floods.

4 (28m 53s):
It might make sense for them to store rafts and inflatables and things like this because of, you know, the, the ability for you to evacuate your equipment or at least keep it dry. If you need to a and for the same reason, they wouldn’t likely need to pack a bunch of snowshoes around, right? So you use what you store in store, what you use. Okay. So it’ll kind of covers the generic aspect of, of what you actually need, because I can’t tell you what you need. And only you were the ones who are going to be able to determine that. So be mindful of that. And then the last one pick the right container for the job. This is important because certain forms of food Storage require a certain forms of containers.

4 (29m 38s):
Water, for example, will just pick that one out there. If you store water in a vehicle, for example, for your winter, Storage, you’re going to be, you need to be mindful that that water stored in a vehicle has the potential to freeze in the wintertime and blow up the container. Okay? You won’t be like an explosion, but what will happen is it’ll over pressurize and crack. And then in the summertime, if you forget about it, you go to get, it. You’ll have an empty water bottle because they had blown out because of the water expansion inside the bottle. Other examples of that might be things like plastic totes being used for food or a cardboard totes, things like that.

4 (30m 22s):
You know, knowing the difference of when to use which container based on where you’re storing it. A lot of times I’ll use it.

3 (30m 31s):
You think, go ahead. And I was just going to say, I think, I think this one also goes well, like obviously on the food side, having the right container for certain things yeah. Is right. But with camping gear, everything just, you typically, I mean yours and my camping gear are stored similarly, but everything is sort of stored in layers where you have a couple of loose things and you might put those in stuff bags and you might put those stuffed bags in certain pockets, or you might put multiple little stuff, bags in a big stuff bag and then put that into a certain pocket.

3 (31m 12s):
And then it all comes out to the final bag and that’s where it’s stored. And the bag is either stored in a closet or in a spare room or under your battery or whatever. And you can just see the layers of Storage in ’em and that in that aspect to it, all of your camping gear tents, not just your bag.

4 (31m 38s):
Yeah. That’s a good example. Actually. That’s a really good example of layering Storage and, and making sure that you keep things in their place, you use what you store to store, what you use, and then you were picking the right containers for the job. So that’s an ideal example of what you need to do when it comes to the Storage. So what kinds of things go against Storage right? What are the, what are the enemies of storage? So I, I kind of say, say, I mean, they’re kind of broad enemies, but I wanted to make sure that at least these ones or the ones that people focus on and, and are aware of. So number one and no necessarily order, but rodents, a number to access and number two, now, number two, number two, to number three conditions.

4 (32m 29s):
Things like humidity, heat, cold, that sort of thing. So these are fairly obvious, but they’re more and more important depending on the weather or the location or like that. So rodents are a big deal here. And in fact, we, especially in the wintertime because it, it never fails. Whenever wintertime comes around the rodents, find a way in, they find a way in and they find whatever food sources are available, whether it’s dog, food, chicken, feed, human, and food, you know, or whatever. And if they can get to it, they will consume it or a taint it one way or another. So rodents can be a challenge, you know, down South, this also kind of expands into insects.

4 (33m 13s):
Things like cockroaches, the snakes will, you know, other, other types of things that might be a, you know, you know, things that could contaminate food or, or give you a challenge when you actually go to use it, right? Because if you think you have enough food stored up, and then you realize that it’s gone to waste because of rodent activity, then all that food you had stored up is pretty much gone. Access is another one. And, and I’m bringing this one to the forefront as one of the enemies of storage, because a lot of times people don’t pay as much attention to specifics of access. So if you have an N a, I remember seeing one time I went to this guy’s basement and we were doing some work in there.

4 (33m 58s):
I think he had some sort of water damage or something, a flooding event or something. We went in there to, to fix some things and make it right. And he had all these a five gallon buckets and they were all buried with all his miscellaneous stuff over the years. Well, this guy had been storing food, dry food and things like that since 2000. So this food had been sitting for about 15 years in this guy’s basement and it was perfectly intact. There was nothing wrong with it. Yeah. But the challenge was he had packed so much garbage around that food that even if there wasn’t a lot, you didn’t see physically, he would be incapable of actually getting to it in time.

4 (34m 44s):
I mean, maybe one bucket at a time, or, or it would take a significant amount of work just to get to the food that he had set aside and what happens over time. His, you know, even if he and buried all that to get to it, he’s got to be working from the top down more than likely rather than the bottom up or whatever. So any of the food that had been sitting on the bottom is most likely going to be tainted by the time he gets to it. So a food rotation and, you know, access, things like that. It’s a very important to make sure that you are not forgetting the cans in the back, you know, and then conditions like humidity cold or heat, stuff like that.

4 (35m 24s):
All of that has to be considered with regard to what your Storage and were, you know, or you might have a box of cereal that is perfectly capable of lasting for six months to a year on the shelf. But if you have any moisture or anything that has the potential to get into the bag, inside that whatever, and the bag inside the box of cereal, then you’ve got challenges. You have stuff too, you know, you need to deal with. Right. Also if it’s a, if there’s a massive changes in heat or cold, you know, a lot of times food can change on temperature swings.

4 (36m 6s):
So you want to make sure that your food storage is stored in a, in an area that can accommodate certain temperature ranges, you know, kind of like the example of a water bottle in the back of a car that same water bottle in the middle of summer is not going to be as it might be more effective, but you know, the, what other, you know, maybe a chocolate candy bar or something like that isn’t going to do as well in the summertime as it is in the winter. So, you know, be mindful of the time of year on how that’s gonna affect what your story, Dave Jones, the NBC guy, he asked me just a second buddy. He asked me the question of when I was on his show, not last week or the week before, or, you know, what am I storing?

4 (36m 50s):
What am I, you know, getting extra supplies of? And I told the meet, and the reason for that is I can get a meat at the grocery store, just like I can’t and the other day. But for me, I have a tendency to run out of power. I get power outages all the time. And for me, I have a less have a chance of me getting spoiled when it’s winter time. Like right now we’re running the temperatures in the twenties and thirties and low forties. So I have a better chance of maintaining frozen food longer through winter, regardless of a power outage, whereas during the summer months, that likelihood fades.

4 (37m 34s):
So, you know, it doesn’t make sense for me to stock up on a bunch of meat products in, you know, March and April, because if I have power outages, it will take much more energy and effort for me to be able to either go through that food or preserve it or try and find a way to get the freezers back on the line. So for me, power outages, based on my situation, make it feasible to stock up on me this time of year. So timing your, your Storage actually, and your food needs should be considered when you come down to that.

4 (38m 16s):
So go ahead, buddy. What were you gonna say

3 (38m 19s):
For a while? I was just going to like to mention how, how Mason jars are probably the most, you know, maybe not universal, but I’m like maybe, maybe universal the word, cause you can use it for fruits. You can like, like liquids where you can use it for grains and cereals. And I mean, for the most part, they usually stay as good if you, if you have a proper lid, but the only thing you have to consider when you, when you, when you are storing stuff in Mason, jars is where to store the Mason jars.

3 (39m 1s):
Mason jars are really good. Storage

4 (39m 4s):
Yeah. And the reason that we’re even doing this show is because we are revamping our pantry because of our Mason jars. I, I have so many Mason jars set up in our setup that I, I didn’t feel comfortable with the way they were stored. So we’re going to redesign the Storage shelf that we have and make it a different style so that we can access all of the Mason jars, Mason jars. For those of you who don’t know, do not stack very well, they don’t stack like, you know, a, a non-perishable food can, you know, in most cases you can stack non-perishable food cans, you know, three, four or five to your site or whatever it is on a flat.

4 (39m 48s):
And you’re perfectly fine. Well, Mason, jars, aren’t like that. You get a cup, you got one or two tears and that’s tops. If you don’t have a box to put them in and the way we’re storing things and the type of things that we’re storing, you know, they’re, they’re going to be good for several years. So I don’t want to, I don’t want to miss out on that storage space because I can’t stack stuff on top of them with that in mind, I don’t want to stack a bunch of stuff on top of them and not be able to access them. So this is kind of where, you know, these, these aspects of Storage start coming into play. You know, if the conditions are right, if I have the right container, but I can’t access them than, you know, you kind of fail when it comes to your Storage abilities, right?

4 (40m 31s):
Mason, jars are excellent for keeping rodents out because mice can’t get into them. You know, you can control heat and humidity. You can actually, a, you know, Mason jars are designed to withstand extreme, cold and extreme heat. So, you know, they actually work really well with that. And they actually, they also have some that can be used. What do they have? They’re they’re like an Oak, they’re like a Brown and color so that they reduce the amount of sunlight that can get into them. So, you know, it’s, it’s kind of, it’s kind of like a winner except for, they’re just not, they’re not stackable and they’re breakable.

4 (41m 11s):
So let’s, let’s go on, take a quick break. We were running out of the time, quick on the show. We might have to spread this into two Shows, let’s take a quick break. And when we come back, we’ll go into some of the options and space considerations that you might want to keep in mind. And then we’ll see how far we get if we time for a project

5 (41m 34s):
Or if we need to bump it out to another Show. So hold on, everybody take a quick message and we’ll be right back.

6 (41m 43s):
Yeah, they are to be the family doctor in a disaster or emergency. This is the Intrepid commander and I’m a holding the preppers medical handbook by William w a M D in this grade book, you’ll learn how to prepare for medical care off the grid. You’ll learn about assessment and stabilization you’ll even deal with things like bioterrorism response, radiation, and how to build the off-grid medical kit at home. The 2020 taught it’s a lot about the limitations of our medical infrastructure in America. Get the preppers medical handbook

6 (42m 23s):
Again, that’s The preppers medical handbook by William w 40 medical readiness is an area that Prepper is often overlooked. It’s James Walton host for the eye of Liberty. Show. If you’re looking for a trauma kit or to build one of your own visit Archangel, they have a large selection of pre-made medical kits ranging from EDC pocket kids to fully stock trauma kits, along with a large selection of medical supplies, including tourniquets pressure, bandages, chest seals, and more, they offer free shipping on all orders over $99. And they also offer several firearms and medical training courses from basic to advanced.

6 (43m 5s):
And the best of all, if you enter the coupon code prepper, Broadcasting again, prepper Broadcasting coupon code, you’ll get 10% off your first order. Archangel dynamics as a combat veteran, first responder owned small business. They support us and we want you to support them. All right, Archangel

5 (43m 29s):
This is an important public service announcement. Every year, millions of people in the us are impacted by natural disasters. You or someone, you know, might even have been affected, be prepared, not scared. Citizens assisting citizens can help you build new skills and your local network has a CAC volunteer. You will be better able to help your family and your community. So please sign up That’s C a C T E a Thank you.

7 (44m 10s):

5 (44m 26s):
And we’re back ladies and gentlemen, friends and family from around the world. We appreciate you joining us dogs or happy to

4 (44m 32s):
Obviously someone else is also a backend. Sounds like momma came home, but to hae great sponsors, great shows a great audience. Thanks for staying tuned. And don’t forget to keep our sponsors in mind on your path toward preparedness live shows. You’re going to continue this week. Along with the prerecorded shows from some of our other show hosts, James Walton number, or the, I am, the Liberty is going to be kicking it off tomorrow night, Dane D with a gun metal libraries on Thursdays, a new rotating hosts, Dave, the NBC guy and Michael Klein, or on varieties and jewelry, Jay Fergie with a family affair on Saturdays. I think she’s going to be live the Saturday night. We might’ve missed her last week, but glad to have her back then Sundays, we got the reliance bright broadcast with Steven men King.

4 (45m 19s):
And then Monday’s where you either pull from the archives for medical Mondays, or we kick off and other Prepper round table. So those are always good fun. And then bringing you back full circle on Tuesday is a first round of double barrel Tuesday with a Patriot power hour. Check those guys out right before our show live. We do have great shows every day, this week. So don’t miss out and a couple of little things in between as well for your listening enjoyment. So right here on the next Generation Show, we have teamed up with a power, power film, solar to bring you that a partner deal.

4 (45m 59s):
If you’re interested in a rollable solar panel that can bring you light in the darkness, check it out 10% off for the light saver products using the PBN 10 code that’s PBN one zero. So you don’t over the power from solar, a check it out a way they are on our vendor’s page or a tactical And if you want to check that out and what else do we want to get into? So let’s, let’s go ahead and kick Greg back in to the show. We’re about 10 minutes from the top of the hour. So what I think we have, you gotta do, how do you want to do this? Let’s break this out into two episodes because they were probably not going to have time to cover the specifics of Storage as much as I had hoped, but I do want to at least tackle this other portion of it.

4 (46m 50s):
Cause we talked. Yeah, you don’t already about some of the three key factors of good Storage and then the three enemies of storage. So a couple of options that you can consider. Number one, go vertical and be careful not to bury your stuff. So we, we kinda talked about this a little bit with regard to the Mason jars how’s sometimes you can only go so far. Hi, talk to us a little bit about the same thing with regard to the five gallon buckets in the guy’s basement, but the skills for all kinds of things. If you have the ability to use the vertical shelves or compartments, even, you know, old locker’s or anything like that, a lot of times you can get that kind of stuff on surplus or E-bay or whatever to separate your gear or a Storage items vertically.

4 (47m 42s):
And what this does is it allows you to take advantage of space that you wouldn’t normally think was there. You know, bullets is a big thing. You know, we’ve got all sorts of firearms and ammunition on hand and many cases, you have to be able to put it somewhere. And if you start piling boxes on top of the boxes on top of the boxes, eventually you’re going to wind up in a situation where, you know, you, you have to dig through a pile of ammo to get the, a couple of boxes that you’re looking for, especially if you have different calibers like we do. So you really, if you can take advantage of vertical Storage, you can separate different types of things, especially that are small or, or they don’t stack very well.

4 (48m 32s):
The second point stack only what you can handle. What I mean by this is a, you don’t want to be putting, you know, you could get those giant totes of usually around this time a year, right after Christmas, a rubber made totes, you know, the 35 gallon ones or whatever they are 20 or 20 gallons or wherever they might be. Anyways, those are great, but they’re only great to a point and you don’t want to be put in the stuff, you know, and you don’t have to go putting your, your library of Prepper books up inside a, a 35 gallon tote on top of a shelf in the back of the closet. You know, so store what your w what you can handle and inappropriate sizes.

4 (49m 14s):
A lot of times people will throw stuff in, in a container and forget how much it weighs. And then when you go to pick it up or move it or rearrange it, you know, you’re, you’re physically incapable of doing it without hurting yourself. You don’t want to be in that kind of position, putting canned goods inside a big tote as a bad idea, unless you, unless they are on the floor and you can roll them in and out under a shelf or something like that, anything that’s unstoppable, you know what you want to put it inside some other container. So like, if you have a bunch of small bottles or, you know, spices or things like that, put it in a larger container that you can stack. So that’ll help you to go vertically as well.

4 (49m 55s):
And then if you’re storing, long-term make sure that you consider those, you know, those enemies of Storage access, rodents and conditions like a humidity, heat, cold light, that sort of thing. And then the last thing is, think outside the box. So again, call-in, and I, we are we’re re there all the reason we decide to do the show today was because we’re redesigning one of our shelves to be able to handle more Mason jars. And one of the reasons why we’re doing is because we want to be able to take advantage of as much space as we have within the space that we have to work with.

4 (50m 36s):
Because a lot of times Storage options that are built into your closets or built into your pantries or built into your trucks or vehicles or whatever they are inadequate for the potential that’s there. I mean, just kind of, like I mentioned before and putting a Christmas tree and the trunk of a car, it is possible I’ve seen it, but the thing is, is if space isn’t used properly, you wouldn’t even think too to take advantage of that particular space. So try and do what you can to think outside the box when it comes to the design, the function and the space that you’re working with, and only make changes.

4 (51m 21s):
If you actually have some sort of measurable gain to that space, like if you could quantify how much actual space you would gain by changing it, then it would be worthwhile to make a change. So, for example, if I have a 150 Mason jars and on the existing shelf that I have, I can only store 50 or 60. Well, if I can double or triple that by changing the design, that is a measurable game worth pursuing. So well, Canada sounds like she wants to see this, this shelving option that we’re digging into.

4 (52m 2s):
So I’ll see what I can do to get some photos, videos, maybe some photos of it, so that you can kind of see how it works, at least in concept or on paper and why we’re going this route for some of our long-term food storage types of things. And with that, let’s, let’s take a few minutes and get into the pint-sized Prepper project of the week are going to save some of the other things that we were planning to talk about tonight for next week. So for those of you who are interested, we’re going to be talking about Storage considerations, like storage, sheds, gun safes, pantries, and cabinets, types of containers, specifically a strange spaces that you may not have considered.

4 (52m 45s):
And a couple of things here and there. So Colin, why don’t you take it away with the pint-sized Prepper project of the week?

3 (52m 56s):
So it’s kind of interesting that this is something that we ended up going with, especially for the project. And just to go to the topic as the topic as a whole, because the Prepper project is, is a, an under, under your bed Storage box. And essentially what, what I was requested to think up is how mine would differ from my siblings or anyone else in my family.

3 (53m 36s):
And about two months ago, I redid my whole room. I fixed the walls, I painted them, I rearranged my room, and once I was done, I realized I’ve never kept anything under my bed. And then I started, I started and I started two months ago, ish to, you know, keep things under my bed. But I feel like I it’s the type of stuff I keep under there. There’s all the stuff I use, which goes back to the thing that we were talking about, or D that you mentioned earlier at the beginning was that out of the three Storage, whenever the three points of Storage, whenever you want to call them live and methods, but it’s all stuff that I use.

3 (54m 24s):
Things like things like cords that come in handy, regularly chords for computers, cause people are working from home a lot more. Somehow over the past two years, I’ve ended up with two different desktop computers. And so I have two towers under my bed that if I don’t end up using soon and then I’ll get rid of, because it’s a waste of space. Yeah. But one of the things that I wouldn’t, yeah, well, one of the things that I sort of a live by, or what can we take into consideration that is building an under the bed box is that I am a, not a minimalist, but when it comes to the, my possessions, yeah.

3 (55m 11s):
The particularly here at my moms. I only use, or I only own stuff that I’ve used probably in the past a year, because I’m not a fan of clutter. And I like knowing where things are and that’s where I feel like it would be different for my stuff. Cause I would keep camping here that I could take out regularly. I would keep a useful electronics or cords under my bed. And I feel like with my siblings, it would just be like, it would start off that way.

3 (55m 51s):
And then it would just sort of compile and turn into a junk drawer or the danger of it, isn’t it, or a, yeah, a and M or for clothes that don’t get used and get stuffed and this, and, you know, stuffed in the back of the box or the, the, the drawer. And then, you know, it limits your space for new clothes or new items that are cluttering the rest of your room. But I, I think, I think building a Storage box would be a fun project. ’cause, you know, you can really get creative with it.

3 (56m 32s):
You could add dividers or you could have it just blank, but have it, and, you know, pull out like a drawer or you can have a different compartments inside of it. Like you pull it out like a drawer and then you open it up and it would have things like important documents, a safe is another thing that could be kept under a bed, a for important documents or, you know, a tronics and guns or whatever. Yeah. Yeah. I can EMP safe. Safe. Yeah. Yeah. That’s a, that’s a good project.

1 (57m 11s):
So can you kind of, for the folks out there who might be interested in setting something like this up, can you describe basically, you know, what, what it would be or how it would work? You know, what, what kind of components that would take to make one of these or, or put one together?

3 (57m 29s):
Well, I think if it doesn’t already come with the bed and you’re making one, your best option would be something that is, is, is accessible, but it’s also something that can be put away and hidden easily. So the, you know, something with wheels, something with a handle and you can buy them, you can buy little boxes and boxes, but you really want to get creative and make it match the rest of your set and your headboard or whatever. I dunno, I guess you could really do, you know, kind of like what we’re doing with the Storage in the pantry.

3 (58m 10s):
I feel like depending on what your possessions are, if you’re keeping your whole camping bag under your, a bed that only leaves so much room for the actual size of a box for a smaller possessions, or if you are keeping a small, safe under your bed, is that something you want to put in your box? So I think it just sort of depends, but yeah, I think a very simple kind of a box if you’re going to make one based off of like a, like the Storage that they like shallow storage boxes with the wheels on them.

1 (58m 45s):
Yeah. Yeah. So they’re kind of what two feet wide by three feet long and maybe six inches deep or something like that. Right.

3 (58m 56s):
Yeah. And it can be used for clothes or shoes was that only come out a couple times a year sandals or,

1 (59m 2s):
And you know, and the thing about, you know, that you said everything six months or, or a year, you know, that you’ve used, if you have a lot of kids, these are actually pretty useful, especially if you’re rotating out clothes for, for the younger kids, especially so that you can determine where, you know, if you’ve got clothes that somebody warned for the summertime and you’re switching over, like this time a year to a winter time clothes, why then, you know, you pull out the wintertime clothes, see who fits what put away the summertime clothes. And then the next summer spring, summertime rolls around. You pull out the summertime clothes and see who fits what kind of cycle through it that way.

1 (59m 47s):
And that way you can actually rotate your close in the same fashion that you would rotate your food. So, you know, it’s really a The, they’ve got the awesome stuff coming through chat right now, you know, a vacuum bags, Ziploc bags, or a trundle beds is what they’re called the ones with the, the built-in drawers and stuff. But, you know, the, the actual, the essence here is the same, you know, take advantage of,

4 (1h 0m 14s):
You know, the different spaces that you have. And this project is actually really useful to, to help demonstrate effective Storage and effective rotation. And the idea that, you know, different people have different needs when it comes to the things that they store. So, whoops, hold on a sec, clicked on the wrong thing over here. I think for the,

1 (1h 0m 48s):
I appreciate that, buddy. Thanks for, for helping out with that. I think for the final takeaway

4 (1h 0m 53s):
For these, the Storage ideas for today as is to think big at this stage of the game, you know, what, take a look at where you stand with your own Storage and what kinds of things you can do to improve Storage for the potential influx of the, you know, supplies or Gere or food or whatever it might be and pay close attention to the Storage considerations that you currently have. You know, we’re right now on a transition between summer or fall into winter for many places. And you know, that change generally indicates when you need to go through your food, when you needed to go through your vehicle, to make sure that you’re ready for winter driving and even food Storage in the winter time.

4 (1h 1m 41s):
So take a moment to really think critically of your actual Storage needs and where you’re, where you are and where you need to be. And many cases, you know, there there’s always room for improvement when it comes to things like Storage, they don’t have to be a medievalist and just, you know, throw a bunch of stuff out the window because you don’t have room for it. In fact, in many cases, there are ways to make sure that, you know, you take advantage of the space that you have, and don’t miss out on the preps and supplies and gear that you’ve already invested your time and money and effort into, but just as much as it’s important to invest in those kinds of things like food, it’s important to make sure that it doesn’t go to waste.

4 (1h 2m 29s):
You don’t want to wind up having a bunch of gear and food and, you know, supplies and clothing and all this kind of stuff, just to wake up when you actually need it and realize that it’s been destroyed because of poor storage or, you know, storing things in conditions that are less than ideal, or, you know, not being aware of how much of an impact rodents or other sort of things might have on what you wear you’re currently working with. So now, as we turned a corner into winter and we started looking inside, you know, more, more than we have ever before this whole idea of, of lock-downs and everything else that we’ve had to deal with for the last six months is only going to be compounded by the potential of, you know, a, a, a, a, a supply chain hiccup that may or may not happen.

4 (1h 3m 34s):
But regardless of whether it does, or it does it, it doesn’t make any, it doesn’t take anything to go through and inventory of what you have to take a look at your current Storage situation and what you might be able to do to improve it. So take a minute to check it out and, and you won’t be led down. Lastly, in case you missed it on last week, Show we did a very long segment on the election. For those of you who stuck through to the end, we thank you for, for doing that. It was kind of an interesting thing, and there’s more coming out by the hour with the whole election thing. So it’s definitely worth watching, but don’t spend too much time dwelling on it quite yet.

4 (1h 4m 17s):
We, we have several weeks before we actually see what’s going to happen with this, but now’s the time to make sure that you are prepared and ready. So take the time to, to check it out. If you miss out on any of the previous

8 (1h 4m 31s):
Show episodes, you can go to

4 (1h 4m 34s):
The show page or your favorite streaming service and check it out, download it yourself, leave us a five star review, because it does help to boost our presence and allows us to share this message with others. Next week, we are going to follow up with this week show and get into some of the nitty gritty specifics about Storage and different options. Things you might not have considered and things of that you probably should have considered, but may not want to actually put into effect. So it should be a good time. And I hope to see you next week, but I think that’s going to be a two for today. Everyone. Thanks for joining us on the next Generation show. And don’t forget to tune in next time where we explore another aspect, that the little things in life that make all the difference

1 (1h 5m 18s):
In the world. This is your host, Ryan Buford, along with your cohost, reminding you to stay informed, get involved and be prepared, have a great night everybody and make it a great week.

0 (1h 5m 38s):
thank you for listening to the Prepper Broadcasting. Network where we promote self reliance and Independence tuning tomorrow for another great show and visit


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