Tues…The Human Path! 8:00pm/Ct

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The Human Path !

With Sam Coffman

Tuesday: 9:00 pm/Est  8:00 pm/Ct  6:00pm/Pt

 Human PathTeaching

For live interactive chat during broadcasts of “The Human Path” go to Listen and Chat on day and times listed above.


Listen or Download all archived shows for The Human Path  below!


On the next episode of The Human Path ” 8/12/2014

Plant Medicine for Environmental Injuries and Post-Disaster Scenarios

These past few weeks there have been numerous articles, blogposts, podcasts, etc., regarding the Ebola virus in the news.  This is of course a very serious concern.  However, I do not think it will be a concern in the USA.  I would be far more concerned with virus mutations that have shown their ability to thrive in the North American temperate climate rather than a deadly strain of a virus that originated in the dark regions of the Congo and has never been transmitted that we know of, on US soil.  This is not to say that we shouldn’t be prepared for something like Ebola, and last week I covered many herbs that I would use to deal with this virus.  However, I think one week is enough time spent on this subject, even though it is the “panic topic of the moment” for a lot of people

This week, I would like to turn my attention to far more common illnesses and injuries that we would encounter in a post-disaster or remote environment in the USA.  These are also illnesses and injuries that we are faced with every day of the week if we are outdoors, hike, camp or even drive on vacation.  They are also injuries and illnesses that are far more likely to occur during a bugout or bugin situation during a time when there may not be any power, limited food, limited water and most of all:  Limited health care.

Join me tonight as I address environmental issues such as:

    •  Lyme Disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
    •  Heat and Cold Injuries
    • The mental aspects of shock
    •  Altitude Mountain Sickness, HAPE and HACE
    • Top foraging plants for wild nutrition (eating on the go or from the woods or parks in your area)
    •  Staying healthy even with limited calories

Sam Coffman Website: http://thehumanpath.com/

Blog:  http://blog.mysanantonio.com/samcoffman/

Facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/thehumanpath

Go to Listen and Chat This Tuesday 9pm/Est. 8pm/Ct 6pm/Pt for Broadcast


About: The Human Path!

Sam Coffman talks about the skills and philosophy behind disaster preparedness and prepping for SHTF situations.  He brings to light his many experiences as a former Green Beret as well as his observations after more than two decades of teaching people how to survive not only through skills, but through putting them into stressful situations that are both scenarios at his survival school as well as real-life situations in remote areas of the world. He interviews other experts and discusses by himself, a myriad of topics and skills to include tactics, primitive skills, urban survival and prepping, blacksmithing and knifemaking, guns and self-defense, plant medicine (herbalism), wilderness medicine and first aid, tracking and naturalist studies, sustainable agriculture, aquaponics, alternate power, communications and amateur radio and much more.  Tune in every Tuesday to listen and learn.

Sam’s survival school is called The Human Path and can be found online here:  http://www.thehumanpath.com

His Facebook site can be found here: http://www.facebook.com/thehumanpath

His YouTube site can be found here:  www.youtube.com/TheHumanPath

Archived shows:

For more detailed show description and the player to listen or download click on links below!


8/5/2014 The Ebola Virus

7/22/2014 Tropical Disease & Herbal Medicine Pt 2

7/15/2014 A look at herbal medicine and tropical disease, Part 1

7/8/2014 Escape and Evasion Part 2

7/1/2014 Escape and Evasion Part 1 – Prepping for the bugout:

6/24/2014 The Art and Science of Plant Medicine

6/17/2014 Whooping Cough and Herbal Medicine

6/10/2014 Herbal Dental Care in a Post-Disaster Environment as well as at home

6/4/2014 Growing your own medicine – The art of the medicinal herb garden – Part 2

5/20/2014 Skills in Preparedness

5/13/2014 Growing your own medicine – The art of the medicinal herb garden – Part 1

5/6/2014 Herbal Medicine to consider in the case of MERS – The supervirus from the Middle East

4/29/2014 Herbs for Chronic Illness in a Post Disaster Environment: Type 2 Diabetes and Asthma

4/22/2014 Making your Own Herbal First Aid Kit (Part 2)

4/15/2014 Making your Own Herbal First Aid Kit (Part 1)

4/8/2014 Herbal Medicine – How to use it effectively

4/1/2014 Replay from 8/28/2013 Rabbits and HAM: Food and Commo for the End of the World!

3/25/2014  Sustainable, Practical Medicine before and after the Sh*t Hits the Fan replay from 8/21/2013

3/18/2014 It’s the End of the World as We Know it, and You Have a UTI!

3/11/2014 Primitive Survival – One Man’s Self-Test

3/4/2014 Backyard Food Production part 2 with Marjory Wildcraft

2/25/2014 Backyard Food Production with Marjory Wildcraft

2/18/2014 The Human Path School – what is it all about?

2/11/2014 The Urban Medic Part 2 – Medicinal Herbs

2/4/2014 The Herbal Medic, First Aid on the Street!

1/28/2014 Foraging Wild Food for the Prepper!

1/21/2014 Wound Healing and Herbs, Part 2

1/14/2014 Wound Healing and Herbs, Part 1:

1/7/2014 Gunshot Wounds in a Post-Disaster Environment!

12/31/2013  Primitive Skills, Putting Them to the Test: Do you have what it takes?

12/17/2013 Replay from 9/5/2013 below.

12/10/2013 All About Bug out Bags, Part 2

12/3/2013 Bugout Bags Part 1 – What you need to know.

11/26/2013 Realism in Self Defense Training!

11/19/2013 Surviving through a Financial Collapse! First hand experience from someone who’s lived it.

11/12/2013 Herbal Antivirals for Cold and Flu Season & More

11/5/2013 Herbal Antibiotics, Post-Disaster

10/29/2013 Venomous Snake Bites, Infections and Herbal Medicine.

10/15/2013 Urban Survival – From Bugging In to Escape & Evasion

10/8/2013 Fitness and Disaster Preparedness

10/1/2013 Fall & Winter Gardening, food & medicine!

9/25/2013 Of Knives and Guns!

9/18/2013 Herbal Medicine, First Aid to Save Your Life!

9/11/2013 Coping with hygiene and sanitation, being #1 in the #2 business!

9/5/2013 Preparedness Skills and Topics for the Individual, Home, and the Neighborhood!

8/28/2013 Rabbits and HAM: Food and Commo for the End of the World!

8/21/2013 Sustainable, Practical Medicine before and after the Sh*t Hits the Fan

8/14/2013 Do you have skills, and can you really perform them under pressure?

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