The grid goes down, and ammo supplies dry up?

The grid goes down, and ammo supplies dry up?

March 25, 2013 guns Guns Self Defense supplies The Gun Show 0

Dave-Womach-125x125Gun-Show-Pic_sWhat happens when the grid goes down, and ammo supplies dry up? You’re simply forced into three options.

  1. Have no ammo
  2. Steal ammo
  3. Make your own ammo


We’ll spend the day talking about the third option, since the first two are off the table. Reloading your own ammo is not only fun and rewarding, but also extremely practical for the post-modern world.

Imagine the bartering power you’ll have when the neighbor who owns a herd of cows down the road comes over to have you reload his empty 30-06 shells, or the chicken farmer who needs more 12 gauge bird-shot.

Join us Monday, March25 at 7PM EST, for another episode of The Gun Show with Dave Womach, and special guest Sergeant Dale.

The Gun Show pack_with_armor133x100And don’t miss out! We’re giving away a $450 package from Infidel Body Armor on April 1st (no April fools joke here), Read Article and the secrets to winning this Body Armor package will be revealed on this show! Don’t miss another great episode of… The Gun Show!

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