The Collapse Experiment Pilot episode
The Collapse Experiment Pilot episode
Matthew Gilam “The Collapse Experiment”
Pilot episode, in this episode I will be discussing low budget firearms and any recent news concerning the prepper community. Some of the firearms that will be discussed are: Mosin-nagant 7.62x54r bolt action, Hi-point .45 carbine, and .22lr firearms that were once the foundation of the prepper community. I will also have information on upcoming interviews scheduled on the show including topics such as: Ebola, Jade Helm, survivalist weekends, and brewing beer during the apocalypse.
The firearms mentioned in this episode are based on first hand experience and NOT internet research. Unless I have held these weapons myself I will not be talking about them on the show. The qualifications of the guns to be added to the list are their affordability, diversity, durability, and history. Just because a gun doesn’t cost $1200 doesn’t mean that it isn’t effective for it’s intended job. For people who are looking to purchase their first or next firearm this should be an informative show for you. While some weapons like the AK-47 was once the poor man’s machinegun things have changed in the market. There are still affordable weapons out there that not only match the effectiveness of the AK-47 and AR-15 but rival them in other regards.
I will also have an update on the recent Jade Helm training going on across the country and information on the training that happened here in Michigan. While a majority of the information on Jade helm has been focused on the southern portion of the United States there are other training mission taking place in other regions of the country. My biggest question in all of this is Why would somebody want to attack Michigan? Isn’t the economic terrorism here bad enough?
Look forward to all of this and whatever Freudian slips happen on air.
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firearms Pilot The Collapse Experiment The Collapse Experiment Pilot episode topics