Shotguns: Ammunition Edition part 3!

Shotguns: Ammunition Edition part 3!

November 9, 2018 guns Survival Items 0

Shotguns: Ammunition Edition Part 3
Dane D. “The Gunmetal Armory” Audio player provided

Shotguns: Ammunition EditionLast week, on the Gunmetal Armory, we talked all about ammunition again including Rimfire calibers, which ones work the best, which ones to stock up on and the rimfire rounds we prefer to use when we are at the range or stocking our own Gunmetal Armory. Last week was great cause we also discussed the upcoming election, and what it may mean to us in AZ. and all over the USA. It’s scary how much an election can mean, and besides the shotgun we touch on it again in this episode being that this past week was election week. Hopefully, many states will remain Red and many states will switch from blue to red. Cause like it or not, our beautiful country is on the brink of something very scary. The only way to push back from that edge is to win states, win seats in the house, and win seats in the Senate.

Listen to this broadcast or download “Shotguns: Ammunition Edition” in player below!

Anyways, this time, on the Gunmetal Armory… we dive headlong into the world of shotgun ammo, shotgun gear, and shotguns in general. What type or types of ammunition should you stock up on? Why you need certain sizes of shot for certain purposes. What are the differences? We talk about what you can hunt with the various shotgun rounds we are going to recommend, and a heck of a lot more. We even get into the exotic shotgun rounds. We will talk about the various types and what the exotics do, how and why they’re generally used, and which ones you may need as a prepper or just for a well-stocked armory.

The shotgun is a very versatile firearm, and the ammo options are just as versatile if not more so. Because of this, we take you into what makes it a necessary part of the Gunmetal Armory. As stated, we hit on the political climate, what the Mistress of Metal and I think of it, and what things are happening around us here locally. We also review an amazing product, its benefits, and where to find it. All this and a whole lot more on this episode of…. The Gunmetal Armory.

And finally, a quote from one of our founding fathers.

“Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are the American Peoples Liberty Teeth.” -George Washington 1790

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