Protecting your family in times of disaster.

Protecting your family in times of disaster.

July 15, 2013 guns Security Self Defense Tactics The Gun Show Weapons 0

5-27photo 1 100What would you do if you knew with 100% certainty that your house and property was going to be looted within 10 minutes, but it was too late to get out because all the roads were blocked? How would you organize your retreat to be able fight and win? Would everyone in your house know exactly what to do, even under pressure? What about the key tactics required to win an assault if a gang took over your local WalMart, and you had to lead the raid to rescue your 15 year old daughter from being brutally raped and killed by them?

All preppers share two things in common… they buy guns, and they fail to train the most likely tactical scenarios that they’d need to use them in.

Join us Monday on The Gun Show, July 15 at 4PM PST, 7PM EST as we talk about the top 5 most anticipated tactical scenarios that preppers will encounter, as military analysts break them down into Standard Operational Procedure for your group. Featuring returning special guest, and combat vet, “Snoddy.”
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