Guns Movies & Facebook

Guns Movies & Facebook

June 24, 2014 guns We Grow Ours 0

Guns, Movies & Facebook
Hosts: Don & Nick “We Grow Ours

GunsThis week on the We Grow Ours show, Nick and Don have a casual conversation.. Yup, that’s it, that is the show this week. No guests, nothing fancy. We chat about everything from Facebook posts to some of our upcoming events.

We start off with a lecture about sharing posts that grab us by the emotional coat tails and why it may not always be the best thing to do. Nick screwed that one up last week and Don has done it more times than he cares to admit! We move from Facebook to prepping again, and why we need to take back our food supply.

Guns AS50-sniper-rifle-guns-15298383-504-271We also discuss the 2nd Amendment and some of our thoughts on weapons training. If you own a gun, please get training.. or that gun can be used against you or your friends/family as just happened here in Phoenix last week.

Food patriots is a great movie, and we want to invite everyone to come see it with us! We will be doing some fund raising for a garden. We will post details very soon. This movie asks people to change 10% of their food to local, healthy food. It is about the trip one family takes down the 10% road.

Guns food patriots largeAre you a food patriot? Here is a quick summary – “Touched by their teenage son’s battle with a foodborne superbug, filmmakers Jeff & Jennifer Spitz document their family’s struggle to raise backyard chickens, grow food, and transform into Food Patriots. Food Patriots features people from all walks of life who are trying to change the way Americans eat and buy food, and educate the next generation of consumers.”
Visit We Grow Ours website HERE!

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