The Survival Entrepreneur!

The Survival Entrepreneur!

May 11, 2017 Do It Yourself Finance I Am Liberty Security Sustainability 0

The Survival Entrepreneur!
Jamea Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio in player below!

The Survival EntrepreneurThere are lots of people out there making varying degrees of money from the survival niche. Whether its owning a blog, writing a book or even some level of training or consulting there is money to be made. There are even people making decent money with YouTube and survival content. You could also invent something great to affect the survival industry. Either way there is money to be made if you have great content or an excellent product.

I want to make the argument that my listeners should become survival entrepreneurs. Even if you start something very small you should at least dive into the niche and get yourself an LLC or a Business License. Thought it may seem like a lofty dream to quit your job and start a survival school its only loft because you look at it through the lens of everything that could fail.

There are several great benefits that come to the survival business owner. Some might be obvious while others are not.

Tax Money

Americans are terrible at saving money. Less than half of us have enough money to survive a month without income. When you own your own business suddenly you become accountable to the tax man for all your taxes. There is no company holding your taxes for you. Even if you pay quarterly taxes you will still wind up with a hefty sum of money.

Of course, this money is for the tax man but what if we face a collapse that suddenly makes paying taxes irrelevant. You have a little bit of extra money in the coffers.

Own Your Retirement

As a business owner, you must take full control of your retirement. There is no company putting money into a 401k for you. Still, you must work out some sort of retirement plan or else you will have nothing to fall back on if you decide to retire.

Having full control of your retirement makes it a priority. It also makes it fully customizable. You can spend more time on the right investments and even diversify with some precious metals in your portfolio or even get some physical silver.


Suddenly, you are no longer hampered by a 9-5 and though you may work more than 40 hours a week for your own business you can spread that out anyway you want to. This allows you plenty of time to focus on preparedness projects and other improvements including, the most important, self-improvement.

You will have free time if you carve it out. I encourage you to add it to your work day. Set aside time in your work day, break time, to do something you want to do. This doesn’t even have to be survival related. This free time will allow you to enjoy your life. One of the best parts about having no boss and running the show is being able to say, “I am going fishing today!”

More Time for Survival

It may sound counterintuitive but working in survival will actually give you more time for survival. You will be immersed in the resources and will quickly become much more efficient in your efforts. All of those gaps in your survival plan will slowly get filled and if you are smart you will incorporate that into your content as well. Something along the lines of:


Learn to make your duties work for you.

There are many ways you can benefit from being a survival entrepreneur. The overwhelming feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction that you will find from creating our own product or service is unmatched. Being an owner and being disciplines and responsible will make you a better person altogether.
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