Terrorism is it back? Are you ready?

Terrorism is it back? Are you ready?

January 16, 2015 I Am Liberty terrorism 0

Terrorism is it back? Are you ready?
Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty”

TerrorismWill there come a day when these intermittent attacks by radical Muslims become an everyday occurrence. I grew up in a town where there were 3 cops to every 1000 residents. I am sure in bigger cities that numbers is even smaller. So what is stopping that from happening? There is really only one thing, in my opinion that’s stopping this and that is population. I don’t just mean those in the population that would stand against them with those evil, black, assault weapons. I am also talking about the fact that the population of Muslims in this country has not reached the critical level yet. That’s not a a jab at Muslims its simply a fact that when the radicals become a certain percentage of the population bombs tend to start going off.

TerrorismSo what does that mean to you? I want to talk about concerns that I have read on the internet as well as four tips for the common infidel in your life. I would love to hear from you, the audience, about the change of plans these past couple weeks have influenced. This topics is as deep as the day is long. You can fall into the conspiracy and scare yourself to death or we can just talk about the one offs. I am game for either.

I am liberty 400x300 TerrorismOf course the I AM Liberty line we mustn’t cross is becoming frightened sheep among wolves. I feel that most all efforts we put into preparedness should also increase our quality of life. So how do we leverage these changes in our plans to both keep our family safe from terrorism and keep them happy as well? This is a very important topic on which will be a very important night on I AM Liberty. Do your best not to miss this episode as we will touch on some very important topics that could turn out to affect us more than we know.
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