Silver, the unseen benefits!

Silver, the unseen benefits!

February 6, 2016 Bartering I Am Liberty Saving Money Security Silver 0

Silver, the unseen benefits!
James Walton “I Am Liberty

Silver, the unseen benefitsIf you frequent any prepper website its likely you are inundated with information about buying gold and silver. Most adds can be as ostentatious as to tell you that “quickly before the dollar is devalued to 0” you must buy gold and silver. Then there is a quiver inside you. Fear begins to chip away at your common sense and you make poor decisions. If you have a desire to get into buying silver read this article to find out the benefits that go far beyond an economic collapse.

Early on I bought into this idea. I bought silver at $25 and I have bought silver at $13. There was a time when I felt pressured to purchase silver because I thought we wouldn’t be able to afford bread if I didn’t have an alternate means to pay for it. The wheel barrels of money type of thing had a hold of my consciousness. Pretty soon, however, something began to happen.

I started to fall in love with these gleaming pieces. These incredible designs and the weight and worth of the metal began to take me over like a spell. Soon it became less about price and more about design. I started seeking out certain pieces with my son and we enjoy going to different locations and buying silver.

Silver pieces that are brought out only on “special occasions” are a great way to inspire your children to begin counting. They are these beautiful, shiny things that kids want to touch, when they are permitted to. This is a great way to get children excited about counting and math that doesn’t involve flash cards or phone apps.

If you find a quality dealer they will have the ability to engrave coins as well. This gives you an incredible option for creating very important and nostalgic pieces for your collection. Just recently Silvertowne, one of my favorite dealers, has created a small case for silver coins that transforms that coin into a Christmas tree ornament. Awesome.

Of course beyond all of this warm and fuzzy that goes along with collecting, buying, hoarding, storing or stacking, there are also the benefits of owning a very real and tangible asset.
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